Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Rules and the Plan

  • Do business. With everyone.
  • Make money.
  • Don't backstab each other's business. Normal healthy competition is fine.
  • Don't screw over the Hegemony's interests.

The Inner Circle
  • Nobody, and I mean nobody, finds out that Sith Lords are behind many of our top businesses. We keep this quiet IC, by whatever means necessary. Memory wipes are good. Discretion is better.
  • We go out of our way to be very good neighbours. Prioritize the Mandalorians and the Republic for our best deals. Make them want our business. Do not kill anyone near the Tion Hegemony, or inside it. Do not draw attention to the possibility of our existence. If you feel homicidal, put on a mask and go somewhere else for a weekend.
  • Eventually, in due time, once we've set up security in the form of trade relationships, we go Major as the best free trade hub around.
  • At that point, we do not attack everyone. We're in a good position to pacify what'll be left of New Order space by then, and we might even attempt a friendly business-related invasion or two apart from that. ('We think we can convince you that it's in your best interests to let us manage the perpetual liability that is Dromund Kaas,' for example.)
  • Only when the right moment comes, if ever, would we unveil our true colors. Until that time comes, patience and profit.

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