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Approved NPC The Rust Marauders

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"Beware the Cyborg..."

  • Intent: Submit the crew of an old character that serves as potential antagonists
  • Image Credit: Treasure Planet Screencap
  • Role: Antagonist Pirates
  • Permissions: /
  • Links: Daro Tarsi | Alcove of Ord
  • Unit Name: The Rust Marauders
  • Affiliation: Daro Tarsi, Alcove of Ord
  • Classification: Black Ops
  • Description: The Rust Marauders are by and large older gentlebeings. Sentients who could have retired a long time ago, but still roam the Galaxy. Once you are used to a world of hunting the lanes it's difficult to settle down. They are bad beings however. While they might look like your grandpa, don't think they won't leave you for dead or make sure you are dead, if it means just a slice more profit for them.
  • Unit Size: Small.
  • Unit Availability: Unique.
  • Unit Experience: Elite.
  • Equipment: Vibro-based weaponry, disruptors, the usual things an outlaw pirate might use while hijacking and blazing the hyperlanes.
  • Combat Function: Once upon a time they enjoyed shock and awe tactics, but as they grew older they realized the wisdom in more ... intelligent approaches. They have experienced slicers, engineers and outlaw techs on their team. Which is no surprise for anyone who knows Daro Tarsi. One of their favorite tactics is dropping an empty freighter with an automatic distress call next to a populated hyperlane. Load it up with Ion bombs and trigger it, just when the Good Samaritans come into view.
  • Highly experienced.
  • Diverse team with different skills.
  • Fierce reputation.
  • Deep connections for intel and the sort.
  • Older, not as durable anymore, requiring them to be more cautious.
  • Long careers mean animosity between some of them. Longer missions can devolve into squabbles at best, or sudden Fondorian stand-offs at worst.
  • Less great at ground-based operations. Easily winded and tired. Stairs? Why the kark isn't there an holo-lift around?!
Once upon a time a band of misfits met on Rishi.

They were all young, hungry, desperate for glory and power. All they needed was a direction for their adrenaline-laced dreams. Daro Tarsi, or the Cyborg as they affectionately (or intimidated) came to call him, was that direction. He offered them their first score. Their second. And led them along through bloodshed and prizes that were too many to count. Who could forget the Pillage of Spire Town? The Sacking of Meorn Farms? The Hijack of the Luxury Liner, the Dreamy Perl? As they grew older, more grizzled, some detached and settled down. Until only the core of them remained.

Old, hardened, always ready to take up arms if one of them had a new score in the pipeline.

From Plasma Phimo to Old Cyborg Tarsi, each and every one of them had bled for one another. There were problems... disagreements, but nothing too serious. Right? It wasn't like it was usual that their heists could devolve into an intra shouting match in the second act.

No, absolutely not.
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