Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Saber Guild of the Jet City Temple

[member="Valae Kitra"] - You know, I expected to be annoyed by a lot of bad practice. And it was there for me to see. But it didn't annoy me that much. I must be getting old and soft. There was noticeable grounding in some of their footwork and strikes, even it theatrics added a flair to them. As far as a theatrical brand of combat goes, they do very, very well. I could pick it apart from a historical fencing perspective, but that's not needed. Shame there isn't similar 'round here.
[member="Ijaat Akun"] I have a friend on facebook that is fairly heavy into LARP and boffer fighting... lately she has been posting intro classes to the saber forms in our area! I had no idea that people were that into it, but I guess I shouldn't be that surprised :)

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