Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Sand Devil


Atmospheric theme

Location: Mos Eisley
Time: 13:45 local time

Walking through the sandy streets of Mos Eisley a large Mandalorian, coated in red and white armour, stopped by a parked speeder. Activating his bounty puck, looking over the details of his target one more time. A mad Sith and rogue one at that had retreated into the desert and started to steal civilians from the village. Dead or alive. Reward: 35000 credits. Whoever in the village wanted this Sith gone, must have really had a hatred for the guy. Closing the puck down again, he pocketed it and swung on to the speeder and blasted out of Mos Eisley, swirling up sand all around him as he made his way towards the endless sea of the desert.

As he made his way through Tatooine's many barren canyons, it finally opened up to the massive and endless dunes of sand, stretching far and wide. After a couple of hours of driving through the neverending desert, Kragr finally made his way to the isolated village. Slowing down, he entered it, watching the villagers keeping an eye on the Kragr. Parking his speeder by the local bar and entered it, while removing his helmet showcasing his crazy bushy hair and beard. As he clipped the helmet to his belt, everyone was on edge, with the bartender holding his hand under the desk.

"What a sad state you lots are in" commented Kragr, looking to the bartender. "Don't try it old man, I'll blast your head off before you're able to pull that rifle of yours bartender" warned the red-haired Mandalorian. "I've taken the bounty on that pesky Sith, who has been terrorizing your little home" explained Kragr, which immediately made people relax just a bit more. "Talk to our Marshal, he's the one who put up the bounty," said the bartender. With a nod, Kragr left just as fast, as he entered.

Talking with the Marshal was fast and didn't take long. The Sith had taken resident up in the mountains not far from the village, outfitted a couple of caves into one big base and has been taking villagers. Before long, Kragr was driving through the dunes, heading for the looming mountain-chains in the distance.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Location: Tatooine Dunes

Mig looked out as he exited his ship, today one the Gred Fleet's stolen slaver YV-666s. It had been grafitied by the slaves it once held, much to the exiled Mandalorian's enjoyment. It wasn't Concord Dawn, but it was great. That wasn't why Mig was there though. A rogue Sith, and not the good kind. One that was stealing people from their village. In all honestly, he may've taken this job for less than 35,000, but he was ready to take this. But now he waited for someone to show up. It gave him a chance to focus though, and follow the Dark Side right to this Sith.

Soon, a Batha riding Tuskan came up, and Mig offered an entire barrel of water, plus supplies and guns, for he safety of his ship and permission to travel their lands. Once the deal was made, he'd bring out a speeder bike and be off. He'd head toward some mountains that gave off a cold feeling. Something he was more than familiar with. Too familiar with honestly. He'd make his heading, remembering why he was doing this.

He wanted to keep his family safe. Supplies coming. But... to do that he had to work bounties like many of his clan mates. Just like the old days. Mig was ready, feeling how strong this Sith was. Getting a sense of what he was about to face. Little did he know what was coming.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt


Location: Rogue Sith's mountain base
Time: 13:45 local time

Arriving at the base of the mountain, the rogue Sith wasn't exactly hiding the entrance of his base of operation, which meant there was probably more to it than expected. Drawing one of his RP-05A Ripper Pistols, Kragr made his way up the mountain path but didn't really get far, before droids with flamethrowers, started to pour out and lit up the path. Kragr's beskar'gram could tank a lot, but fire was still fire, no matter how much he would twist and turned it. Activating his jetpack with a short burst, launched him into the air and away from the 6 long lanes of fire, getting blasted at him and to make it worse, they were behind cover, making it harder to hit.

He thought about blowing the mountainside, just above the droids, but that would completely close off the entrance and just make the job even more work. Landing further down, he kneeled by a large boulder, as the droids started to fire their blasters at his, trying to make suppressing fire upon him. It didn't really work as the blaster shots just ricocheted when hitting his Beskar'gram.

"I guess, we're doing this, the hard way," said Kragr annoyed and started to return fire with his own two RP-05A Ripper Pistols, which would lit up the yellow-ish brown coloured rock that the mountains were made of.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Location: Rogue Sith's mountain base

Mig slowed the speeder, looking out at the mountains. This was definitely the place. It was cold, despite being in the middle of Tatooine. It was too qui.... Then blasters went off. Of course he wasn't the only one with the bounty. Now what crazy person wasn't careful enou.... It was another Mandalorian. Great.... This would be interesting, especially when Mig could barely recognize them. He quickly gripped the Trayc'kad, swapping it to blaster mod from his perch. The weapon wasn't the best at long range, but it would catch some attention.

He looked down. Of course he missed, but a droid did seem to notice him and started firing. "Osik!" He tucked back to the ground to hide as best he could. Two of them. Six droids. Ok.... Mig slowly closed his eyes..... No.... Not yet. The Mando would attempt to flank around, trying to go to the side. Maybe not the best strategy for him, but he wasn't sure he wanted to give the target any hints.

"Hey clankers!" Mig would then fire a couple more shots at them, ducking as best he could, though it wasn't great cover.


Location: Rogue Sith's mountain base
Time: 13:45 local time

As Kragr continued to trade blaster fire with the droids, he kneeled down with the boulder against his back, thinking what the best route to take for him, when suddenly the blaster fire stopped. Watching as the droids shoot at someone else was not something the ginger would expect. Nonetheless, he used the opportunity and popped up from his cover and fired multiple shots and finally ending them.

With both blasters still at the ready, Kragr swung around, aiming in the direction he saw the droids firepower hit last, "come on out, the droids are gone" commented Kragr, keeping his eyes open. He was ready at the triggers if whoever drew the droids' fire, tried to kill him. Well, not that the stranger would be able to do much to Kragr, it was still the thought that counted.

Kragr still stood a good 5 feets or so from where Mig Gred Mig Gred hid, however, Kragr did keep in mind that the droids couldn't possibly be the last and sometimes the man hated to be right. Right as Kragr looked over his shoulder, he saw a bright light, followed by a missile blasted from a rocket launcher. Friend or foe, visible or not to Kragr, the Red-haired Mandalorian swung over Mig's cover and got behind what little there was before the missile exploded where Kragr had been before.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig was surprised when the droid seem to fall. He sat there for a moment, hearing the voice call that the droids were gone. The lightly armored Mando started to get up before sensing something, and seeing the larger Mando jump over into his cover before and explosion rocked in front of them. He looked over, simply nodding to the Mandalorian as he peeked out enough for his left eye to see where the missile came from, using the cybernetic to zoom in.

"Su cuy'gar, Vod. Seems we were given the same target." Mig used his eye to zoom in, following the trail to where it would start. He tried to get a good look at them, but it was too far from him to shoot. He had options, but he wasn't sure if his new found ally had a better weapon for this. "I can see him, but I don't have anything that can fire accurately far enough." He looked at his hands before looking back, not sure who the fellow Mando was either way.

"Name's Mig by the way."

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt


Location: Rogue Sith's mountain base
Time: 13:45 local time

Su cuy'gar, Vod? Ah, at least it was a fellow Mandalorian, made things just a bit easier, given the current state of Mandalorian clans joining the union. <"bal at gar"> greeted Kragr back, before turning around, to peek up over the minimal protection. "I can get you close enough" stated the large Mandalorian, welding a much better protected Beskar'gram, covering him from head to toe. Zooming in on the location as well, he started to formulate a plan.

"I take it, you're here for the dar'jetii as well" commented Kragr, even though he knew the answer... 'cause, why else would another Mandalorian come out here. "Here's the plan, I get their attention, you shoot them" explained Kragr and before Mig had a chance to intervene or object over the plan, had Kragr already dashed away, running in an arc left of the droid's position. "And the name's Kragr Loc" called the large Mandalorian.

As expected, a missile was launched immediately at Kragr, forcing the large Mandalorian to activate his jet boosters in his boots, rocketing through the air, narrowly avoiding the missile and explosion. The thing is, Kragr could more or less easily tank with how tough his Beskar'gram is, however, the difference is that, if he gets hit, the droids might notice Mig's advancement towards them. Not to mention, it would still hurt like a motherfarkler.

Pulling both blasters, Kragr ensured he would keep the droid's attention, as he kept on dodging while returning fire upon the droids. While he didn't really hit anything, it worked like a charm, leaving multiple small craters from all the missile impacts.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig nodded, looking back out at where the droid was. Great. At least his new friend wasn't shooting him. What Mig was surprised to hear though was that his fellow Mandalorian was willing to distract the droid. Kragr then asked if they were after the same thing. The dar'jetii. Well... seemed like these two were just lucky right now. Mig looked back, thinking for a moment before answering, He knew exactly how to too.

"I'd call them demagolka from what I've heard, but yeah. They're who I'm here for." And then the man jumped out of cover. Great. The plan was already going. Was he karking crazy!? Mig got ready to run, hearing the man's name. Kragr Loc. Good to know. Now though the droid was focused on his new ally, and that gave Mig a chance to quickly run closer. He'd use some rocks to hide his movement, but if the droid wasn't occupied he would've been fried.

As Mig got closer, he knew how he'd deal with this, but what he didn't know was how another Mandalorian would react to this one weapon's trick. He closer his eye, finally getting close before flicking his wrist, swapping the weapon to it's sword mode. Then, with a quick hiss of energy a lightsaber's blade would be sent through the droid, leaving Mig took look too his ally before disengaging the blades. He looked around, being sure there wasn't another droid before calling out.

"I think we're clear."

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt


Location: Rogue Sith's mountain base
Time: 13:45 local time

The plan seemed to work as Mig took care of the two droids with ease, however, the way he took them out, finally made Kragr remember where he had seen Mig before. <"I know where I remember you from now. You're the one at the bonfire funeral on Myrkr"> said Kragr in mando'a, raising his hand a bit, holding it hip high as he pointed it at Mig. "Had recently events not happened Jetii to our people, I wouldn't have hesitated to shoot at you. But, today is your lucky day and I have no idea what I will find in there. So, today is your lucky day Jetii" ended kragr in basic and turned towards the mountain and headed for the small road up.

The large Mandalorian ascended the small rocky road up along the mountain and with both blasters drawn, he headed for the entrance hole, which would lead into the rogue Sith. Turning around the see if Mig decided to follow him, before looking back to the pitch-black cave, which he entered without a second thought, activating his helmet's night-vision mode.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig looked, smirking under his helmet before hearing Kragr, and turning. Osik.... It was him.... The smaller Mando took a step back, lifting his hands a little before speaking with the Concordian form of Mando'a. "Wow, Kragr. It's not the time for this." As Kragr continued though, Mig breathed a sigh of relief, but something about what his fellow Mando'ad said still ate at him. Mig shook his head, beginning to follow Kragr.

"I'm no Jetii by the way, I'm Mando'ad, like you. I also remember you not answer my question of Miraluka back then either." The last sentence had some sarcasm in it. He didn't expect an answer, or want him to say anything right away, just pointing things out. He sighed though as he followed, not willing to give up that easily. He was staying mostly quiet though, not sure if he should mention that it began to feel a bit colder or not. Mig kept his weapon pulled, ready just incase something happened.

As he eyed the cave, Mig turned on his thermal visor, and followed Kragr in. He shivered a little, looking at the Mandalorian before speaking up again, reaching out a little. "I know you probably don't care, but I can tell they're definitely here. I just hope we aren't too late...." Mig looked around, again, keeping his blade in a ready position. No, he couldn't send a laser bolt back at someone shooting them, or even deflect them like Jetii, but he'd be ready to stop an up close and person sneak attack.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt

Ignoring the first part, the large Mandalorian just shrugged at Mig's attempt to fire back, "I guess your question wasn't important enough to answer" replied Kragr and entered the cave. Despite his disliking of force users, Mig's ability to feel where their target were, did prove useful, though the large Mandalorian would never admit that to him.

Venturing deeper and deeper into the darkness, slowly losing the natural light from Tatooine's two suns, forcing the two individuals to completely rely on their helmets... or well, Mig had his Force to help him out. Staying completely silent, Kragr led them, using his helmet's scanning system to check for tracks on the ground. It came in useful when they arrived at a t-junction, with multiple footprints going both ways. The bounty hunting contact on the Sith provided a description of him, which Kragr used for scanning all the many footprints.

After a bit, the scanning gave Kragr a 75% match of the Sith, with a set of footprints, leading right, "this way" whispered Kragr and continued to follow the right path. Surprisingly, they didn't meet much of any opposition in terms of droids or other things the Sith could throw at them and for that, Kragr was more alerted, than when entering the cave. "I don't like this, too quiet and no droids or other nasties being thrown at us" commented Kragr in a whisper, in a way annoyed by the lack of fighting.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig just shook his head, staying silent as he followed. As they would continue through the darkness, the Force sensitive Mandalorian continued to feel the air cool. They were getting closer. He looked over to his begrudging hunting partner, following his direction before speaking up. "Fancy HUD." He didn't like this though. Why wouldn't the Sith have this place more guarded? There weren't more droids. No soldiers. No dead men. No one and nothing. He looked at Kragr as he questioned the lack of defenses.

"It's either over confidence or a trap. An attempt to put any intruder's mind at ease before finishing them off, or using them in some sort of alchemy experiment or ritual." The thought didn't help Mig's own concerns, especially when how accurate he could get was reaching its limit. He looked around, stopping for a second to close his eyes to focus.

"I think we're getting close though, so keep it on a swivel."

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
Things got more and more strange, as they advanced through the cave-system. Destroyed droids as well as dead bounty hunters, shot dead. "Looks like we're not the only ones who attempted this bounty" thought Kragr out loud, not really saying it to Mig. Lightsaber scars in the rocky corridors of the caven, looked very recent and it made Kragr very aware of his surroundings as his guess would be that they were closing in.

Voices started to get louder, as the light from an entrance in the left side of the wall further up the rocky hallway. As they got to the edge without showing themselves, Kragr raised a fist to signal a stop as the voices continued to talk, not knowing of Kragr and Mig. "Y-...You're beaten, Sith. I'm going to take you back to the Jedi, where they will judge you for your crimes" explained a voice, which sounded rather out of breath.

Now that was a surprise, for sure. Kragr did not expect a Jedi to take on bounties, but it being a Sith, it might be the reason. Looking to Mig to see if the man was ready, Kragr silently counted down on his hand, "3... 2... 1... go!" signed the large Mandalorian and with both blasters raised, he entered the vary large and outfitted cave.

However, it looked more like a forward base of operation, with how much gear, machines and... cloning station? The Sith was doing some sort of sick cloning thing, which only made Kragr more certain of killing the Sith. If Mig followed Kragr, the Jedi turned around, lightsaber ignited, with a badly wounded Sith in special force negating handcuffs.

"Bounty Hunters?!" Expressed the Jedi surprised, though more annoyed that the cold dark side of the force around him, kept him from sensing Kragr and Mig.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig looked around, silently nodding to Kragr as he commented on the fact that they weren't the only ones to try and catch this Sith. Something didn't feel quite right though. As they approached, passing more wrecked droids and scarred walls, Mig would finally get his answer. A Jedi was standing there, appearing to have already captured their query. Mig had his Trayc'kad ready for a fight, ready to fight this demagolka, but now he lowered the blade. Not exactly to an unready stance, but to one that was less aggressive.

Mig would then look at Kragr, trying to get an idea of what his current partner was thinking before looking at the Jedi. He sighed a little, speaking up.

"A jetii? Well you aren't the only one surprised with how much those people are paying for hunters to do the job." It was a bit blunt, but the Mandalorian felt it was needed. "The question is were are the people?"

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt

"Stay back. I'm under order of the Silver Jedi Concord and are to bring this Sith back for judging" explained the Jedi, holding his blade at the ready, but not in a threatening manner. Kragr ignored the Jedi's attempt to gain authority over the situation as Kragr was more interested in what Mig pointed out. Indeed, where were all the people? Looking to the Sith who, half beaten, half grining over the sudden change of situation.

Walking towards the Sith, but stopped when the Jedi raised his lightsaber, blocking Kragr from getting closer, "that's far enough bounty hunter" said the Jedi. "Get that glowstick out of my face Jetii" said Kragr, looking at the Jedi, tightening his grip around his blaster. The Jedi quickly realized that he was outmatched and outgunned with Mig also being there.

Lowing his blade, the Jedi let Kragr pass, who then took the last step towards the bound Sith and kneeled down. "Where are the people you took?" Asked Kragr, cutting straight to the chase. While the Sith didn't say anything, he just grinned devilishly and nodded at the cloning tubes, which was everything Kragr needed to know. "The missing people are dead and we won't find anyone alive... " pointed out Kragr, which was followed by the Sith's face get blown into pieces from Kragr's blaster.

"NO!" Screamed the Jedi, attacking Kragr.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig quickly held his hand up, though in a more calm manner.

"Easy jetii. We're on the same side here." Of course that didn't help. Kragr wasn't one to be... less aggressive from what he'd seen so far, and this Jedi was as jumpy as a Sorgan Frog. That Sith didn't help either. He saw the look in their eye, and under the helmet his eyes widened. Mig's fist clenched before seeing the Jedi straight up jump Kragr. Oh he'd had enough of this! Mig gripped both with the Force and quickly pulled the two apart.

"That's enough!" Mig then pulled off his helmet, eyeing the Jedi carefully. He wanted to remind him that Mandalorians weren't just armored suits.

"I can't believe I have to say this, but you're a jetii. Act like it!" Mig then looked at the Kragr, glaring. “And you could’ve at least waited for an actual answer, not just a look.” The Mandalorian sighed, thinking as he eyed the Jedi yet again. Maybe....

“Look, the dar’jetii’s gone, but maybe you can someone, anyone, now. At least give it a shot.”

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
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Everything happened so fast when he shot the Sith, but he had been prepared for the Jedi to attack him and had raised his wrist up to block any incoming attack. However, the attack never came as he and the Jedi was pulled apart, giving distance between each other by the force. In an instant, Kragr raised both blasters, one aimed at the Jedi, the other aimed at Mig. ("You do that again, and I'm going to put a bolt right between your eyes") threatened Kragr in Mando'a to Mig.

The Jedi on the other hand now realized that it was not much bounty hunters, but one of them had the force, placing him in an even more dangerous situation. After a quick internal deliberation, the Jedi lowered his lightsaber, giving Mig a glance and then looking back at Kragr. The Jedi didn't extinguish the blade but held it in a downward defensive position.

After a bit, Kragr lowered his blaster's aim at Mig and focused all his attention on the Jedi as he just wanted to make things clear between him and Mig. "I'm going to take this body and return it for the bounty. You can try and stop me Jetii, but are you willing to test your life on a dead Dar'Jetii?" Asked Kragr as he pointed with the blaster at the dead Sith with the gun that wasn't aimed at the Jedi.

It was evident that the gears in the Jedi's head grind and turned, trying to find a way to take the Sith body, without getting into a fight. Then the Jedi finally turned his head to Mig, showing a slimmer of hope in his eyes. "You have the force as well Bounty Hunter; you have to understand, it's best that I take the Sith and all his things back to the Jedi so that no one can misuse the Sith's body or belongings for anything! Think of the innocent!" Pleaded the Jedi.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig looked straight at the barrel, his eyes glaring at Kragr as he gave a stern look. He was way too use to this kind of stuff at this point. His gaze drifted to the Jedi. Mig slide his helmet back on, closing his eyes to try and focus on the Force. To search for anyone left there.... Anyone.... He sighed, taking a breath before hearing the situation. He eyed Kragr, then the Jedi. He'd end this now.

"Look. The bounty was posted by one of the cities he'd.... Hunt. I doubt they'll want him after proof. Just don't kill each other before we get there." And before either could argue Mig lifted the dead Sith with the Force, and slinging them over his shoulder. He then started walking down, not even waiting to hear if either of the two agreed. He was just done with it, and just wanted to get the job over.

"You two coming?"

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt
Kragr held his blaster aimed at Mig, but finally lowered it when he decided to leave with the Sith's body. Looking at the Jedi Kragr holstered his blaster and followed the Jetii out of the mountain. If the Jedi tried anything, Kragr trusted his beskar'gam to handle to first assault on him if the Jedi used his lightsaber.

However, the Jedi was smarter than he looked and just followed the two Mandalorians out in silence. When they were finally out and heading their way towards the city, Kragr noticed the Jedi did not give up his pursuit of getting the corpse of the Sith. The large Mandalorian guessed he could respect the Jedi for going through his mission, even though it doesn't go exactly he expected. Then again, he was a Jedi and Kragr didn't trust his kind and was not about to do that now.

Entering one of the cities that posted the bounty, they would find themselves in front of the office who handed out bounty contracts. Sitting on his speeder, Kragr looked at Mig, "let's get this over with" commented Kragr in Mando'a as while Mig had the force, he was still a Mandalorian, so Kragr at least respected Mig more than he did the Jedi. Besides, Kragr needed a bath, not to mention get out of this heat.

Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Mig looked back, smiling just a little as both the Kragr and the Jedi followed. His plan worked at least. He'd rather not have a Jedi and Mandalorian trying to kill each other over the same blasted objective. He looked around, finally entering the city as he looked at Kragr. He spoke in Mando'a, and would get a nod from Mig as he grabbed the Sith again, and got ready. He then eyed the Jedi, looking at him before speaking.

"Stay here Jetii. This... demagolka will be yours after we finish this." Mig had no idea if the Jedi understood the weight of what he called the Sith, but he could probably feel it anyway. He would lead the way into the Marshal's office, dropping the Sith before eying the man. He took a breath, keeping his helmet on before finally speaking up.

"We got him.... Couldn't get any information from them, but... it's not likely anyone missing was left. I couldn't sense anything either." He sighed sadly after saying that, knowing it wouldn't be what anyone wanted to hear, but considering how Kragr seemed a lot more... harsh, the Mandalorian figured it would be best to try and do most of the talking.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt

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