The sanguine surface of Er'Kit, punctuated here and there by swirling maelstroms of gray, white, and black cloud systems that indicated the presence of the planets' rare but vital rainstorms, filled the bridge of the Pers Pradeux with its reflected hues. Even at this great distance, the red world dominated the emptiness of the vast abyss, its curvature a seeming impossibility of color against the black. Castam Felian still marveled at the prospect of gazing downward upon the home of millions, all captured in his view, tethered to a planet most would never leave, their worlds of concerns and anxieties, generations worth of everythings compacted into a rusty patina cast upon the chromatic blacks and whites of the bridge of his ship.
A twinge of pain, so normal and yet so impossible to ignore, even now, after months of treatment in bacta tanks, flashed upward through tortuously scarred synapses from his leg into the base of the commander's brain, electrical signals broadcast by his body screaming in competition for his attention with those broadcast by his ship. A flash of white at the helm. Felian chose to attend the ship.
Steel blue eyes turned to face the communications officer, and the commander's greel wood cane clicked sharply against the polished sheen of the Plasteel bridge floor, so loud as if to compensate in frustration for the hardly audible scuffling of his laggard right foot. "Lieutenant Commander Tammu, Commander."
Venac Tammu's lisping Basic chirped through the audio channels from his position several hundred thousand kilometers to the Pers Pradeux's starboard aboard the Malady's End. His Imperial officer's hat sat awkwardly atop his green ridged skull, as the commanding officer of the Vandal-class corvette attached to Felian's patrol sparked into life on the hologram projector, and Felian found himself, as usual, unable to help but smell the Rodian's thick musk even across the vastness of space. Castam chewed nauseously, the memory of his last in-person encounter with his junior officer akin to scraping dung off his shoe.
<"Commandaw,"> Tammu began, wide black eyes made somehow more insect-like by the hologram's jittering blue tint. <"Awtemith indicateth the thip we awe twacking ith inbound, Thir.">
Felian's head twinged as it labored, protesting against last night's pulkay, to comprehend the Rodian's pitchy message. The Malady's End, alongside its sister ship the Old Bear to Felian's port, had been tasked with listening for the telltale signs of Felian's patrol's quarry. Now, it seemed, pirates proved yet again to be unable to leave well enough alone. Or, perhaps, the Rodian's musk was as impossible to resist for pirates as it was for the females of Tammu's species. Don't forget, he found himself quipping inwardly, they could be Rodian female pirates.
For days, Felian and his detachment had patrolled in the vicinity of the devastated Er'Kit, on the edges of every dominion in this sector of the galaxy, interdicting small time smugglers and maintaining the Imperator's law. The deployment had gone fairly successfully, with the fleet's tender ships kept busy returning impounded goods and prisoners to the Armada outpost on Er'Kit. A particular pirate, however, had evaded capture twice, now. Felian would not tolerate a third.
"Very well, Lieutenant Commander," he straightened himself, signalling to his crew to alert the other ships of the detachment and sound battle stations aboard Pers Pradeux. "If you see the opportunity, engage your interdictor fields and prevent her escape. Transmit projected hyperlane exit coordinates to the fleet and move to engagement positions. Felian out." The blue light of the holoprojector winked out of existence, and the red hues of the reflective sand dunes of Er'Kit again washed the bridge with rust. The familiar gentle push of Felian's organs into their cradling tissues at the back of his body told Felian's orders had been heeded. The Pers Pradeux turned toward and accelerated to sublight interdiction speeds, flanked by her fleet.
This time, the pirate would not escape.