Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Sands Beneath The Two Suns


Mos Eispley was full of movement. People of all shapes and sizes flowing in the streets to shops, cantinas, and space ports. In this sea of figures was a man in cloak, his hood shielding him from the twin suns as he made his way to the doorway of white hewn rock. Inside a brown hooded figure of small stature, his hood pointy and eyes glowing gold made gestures with his hands to a man standing above him with crossed arms.

Paul left the sales floor with all winding metal, droids, parts, and half a speeder. He went to the outback where three alcoves had various transports with assemblies and wiring exposed. The Jedi got down on his back beneath a tan speeder with three thrusters, he levitated a wrench to his hand and began to tighten a manifold. The Jawa came out back making gestures and speaking in his dialect, which Paul responded,
“I told him tomorrow, no sooner.”

The Jawa fussed as he responded in a fury. Paul stuck his head out from beneath the speeder on two joist blocks holding it in place.

“Tuwa.. tell him tomorrow. I have three more Speeders that need repairs, and they are good paying clients. You always say prioritize those who pay.”

The Jawa made sound, “wagahmga payday..”

The Jedi Sentinel smirked as his boss sulked, hating when he user his words against him. Tuwa walked off back to the sales floor, when Paul felt it, a great timgle down his spine, and chill in his bones. He rolled out from beneath the speeder and took a grease rag, wiping his very pale hands. He made his way to door frame and saw standing there was a figure in all black, a hood, and a cloth mask that obscured his nose to chin, his eyes crackling like flames which turned to look at him. Paul drew back,
“No.. not here.. I am One with The Force.. I will not escalate.. I will not war on prejudice.”

The Jedi Sentinel returned to the speeder and removed one of repulsorlift engines. It was badly damaged, he examiner it when Tuwa was suddenly there and a black boot was beside him. Tuwa was urging Paul to come forth, and it was in this moment that he was glad he was in work clothes. Mustering to his feet he came face to face with the Sith.

“Your work comes highly recommended..” said the Darksider.

Paul wiped his hand with another wrag.
“How can I help you?”

The Sith held out hologram of a Infiltrator class ship.
“My hyperdrive is malfunctioning. I have urgent business in the Empire. I am willing to pay handsomely if you would tend to it tonight.”

Tuwa was spouting in his excitemrnt the promisee sum. A small fortune.
Paul wiped the sweat from his brow and said, “I would need to look at it after hours.”

The Sith nodded,
“I understand, it is located in the Dune Sea. Will that be a problem? There are many Raiders there..”

Paul shook his head,
“No, I will be there before the two suns set.”

The Sith bowed his head and he turned to speak with Tuwa. Paul could not believe the baf luck, something Jedi did not believe in, that a Darksider would request his services. Refusing would raise suspicion, making an enemy of the Empire without the protection of The Galatic Alliance wqs not wise. Then again, there were many Dark Jedi and independent Sith Lords these days, and this could be one of them. As a Jedi it was Paul’s duty to investigate, the trick was not being discovered. He tried to mask his signature in the Force, a technique of Sentinels to appear dead in the Force. The succes depended on how powerful the Darksider was, some could never be fooled.

After the Sith left, Tuwa was rejoicing as he counted the downpayment the Dark One had left him. Paul sighed. His duty was to be a Watcher, a Guardian Protector, a Sentinel in secret. He did not even wear his laser swords, hiding them in his tool box. The problem was interacting with ant acolyte or lord of the dark had the potential to lead to discovery, and worse.. conflict that could draw more of them…

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