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Faction The Sands of Thyrsus [Thyrsian Precursor Expedition - Archaeologists/Adventurers/Explorers Welcome.]


Galactic Gazetteer: Astronavigational Telemetry.
Inner Rim // Six Sisters Sector // Thyrsus System.

Thyrsus, Capitol World of the Thyrsian Hierarchy, within the purview of the Silver Jedi Order.
The Sea of Thirst - Southern Planetary Hemisphere.

The Sands of Thyrsus were ever-shifting. Every grain, bleached dry by the Twinned Suns, found themselves stirred from their restful slumber with every stiff breeze or atmospheric storm, forming the windswept dunes that predominantly shrouded the planet’s core. Although deprived of all emotion and considered lifeless by many, these vast conclaves of granular detritus were often voracious. Alone, they were incapable of doing more than annoying a sapient creature with their uncanny ability to get anywhere and everywhere. Together, and in large numbers, the sands were capable of drinking entire civilizations whole - swallowing them up until their highest peaks, or nothing at all remained above the dunes.

In the earliest days of colonization, the first generation of trueborn Thyrsians found themselves continually battling the erstwhile nature of their newfound, and uncaring homeworld. They threw back the proverbial oceans that came to claim what pitiful settlements the first peoples erected atop rocky outcroppings or the various tectonic plates located near the planet’s surface. It was a conflict that would never end. Even into the present era, the sands would seek to take back whatever they instinctually believed was theirs. However, the Thyrsians were far better equipped in the current age to combat the mindless waves of granular hostility. Through the might of technology and their ever-expanding grasp on long-forgotten knowledge - they kept the sands at bay.

Whilst the sands were often greedy with their insatiable appetite, there were times that they provided insight into the inquisitive. The endless sea of bleached earth receded, revealing echoes of what once was, providing a glimpse into their culture from another era. Many secrets were reclaimed from such endeavours, and doubtlessly more languished beneath the surface - waiting for the sands to recede. However, this time around, something was different. The sands unearthed another site for the Thyrsian people to explore, but it wasn’t a reliquary of their ancestors - like they expected. Instead, it was something that they had never seen before. It was a massive structure that was still-partially buried beneath the sands, and was obviously alien in design.

Towering edifices of metallic stone peaked out of sandy mounds, which in turn were surrounded by the rotten remnants of petrified trees. These structures were believed to be nothing more than curiously situated plateaus, as the Thyrsian sensor arrays weren’t able to penetrate the enigmatic material. Yet, with the sandy depression revealing that such stories were nothing more than fiction - the Clans sallied forth and sought to unearth the newly revealed secrets that lay within these stone-like towers. It wasn’t long after that the site was declared neutral territory, causing several of the Thyrsian clans to race forth and dig up whatever they could find - in the hopes of exhuming something that would give them the edge they needed to reign supreme.

But, in their tumultuous rush to lay claim to the newly ordained excavation site - they came across an inactive security system, that after untold centuries, was roused from its slumber with neither malice nor contempt. It was an ancient automaton, forged from an unknown material and coated in a bronze-like substance, that seemingly acted following a preset listing of commands. It would defend the structure’s entrance from intrusion. Not long after the automaton’s activation, the excavation site went silent. Streams of data that once flowed freely were severed by means unknown. Before the lines of communication went silent, there was a loving couple that found themselves miles apart. One sought to divine the secrets of the structure, and hopefully strike it rich, whilst the other tried to secure the homefront against the coming electrical storm. Scant moments before the connection between these two beings was severed, there were gut-wrenching howls and shrieks - followed by an utterly alien noise that couldn’t be described.

Then, the feed went black.

The Thyrsian High Council caught wind of these strange events, and burdened forth by the cries of loved ones and colleagues, requested that the Sun Guard venture into the depths of the Sea of Thirst. They would be tasked with investigating this strange occurrence, and then - should the worst occur - pick up where these individuals left off. However, that was where the Sun Guard would run into some issues. They were Mercenaries, not archaeologists. Sure there were some amongst their number that had the relevant experience, but far from enough to call themselves experts on the subject.

So, an invitation went out - which was unusual for the highly elusive and fiercely independent peoples of Thyrsus. They sought various specialists to supplement their martial prowess and made the promise of a portion of whatever spoils - if there were any - that they found would be theirs to take. Naturally, should this structure prove to be a cultural reliquary, rife with ancient Thyrsian artifacts, nothing would be taken off-world. It was a factor that’d be enforced by a multitude of weapons that were available to the Sun Guard, most notably their exotic solarized weapons. Admittedly, none would relish the sensation of being rendered down to their constituent atoms and becoming one with the ever-shifting sands.

Nevertheless, this expedition would prove to be an exciting dive into the history of those who came before the Thyrsians and vanished long before the first pilfered colony ship crashed landed on the surface.

Who knew what secrets they’d collectively find?
Nimdok always tried to come fully prepared, but sometimes time didn't allow for it.

Sitting in the shuttle on the way to Thyrsus, he hunched over his datapad, squirming against the safety webbing holding him in place in an effort to find a comfortable reading position. A trove of files had fallen into his lap on short notice, dozens of documents detailing the initial expedition which had suddenly gone silent.

Now a second expedition was being prepared, though this one was clearly meant to function as a rescue mission first and an archaeological dig second. Nimdok had no problems with this; his mind was on other concerns. Namely, his lack of combat prowess meant he couldn't deal with the automatons that were said to have been awakened at the site.

Still, he had at least his wits about him. In many cases, he had found that intelligence was enough to allow one to survive in the most dangerous of situations.

The impromptu camp that had been set up for the investigators was bustling with activity. Speeders roared across the desert as many took off for the ruins ahead of the others, eager for excitement and adventure. Nimdok was more cautious. He looked around for someone who would be willing to give him a ride to the site, and perhaps provide some protection as well.


Galactic Gazetteer: Astronavigational Telemetry.
Inner Rim // Six Sisters Sector // Thyrsus System.

Thyrsus, Capitol World of the Thyrsian Hierarchy, within the purview of the Silver Jedi Order.
The Sea of Thirst - Southern Planetary Hemisphere.

“We’ve been over this before, Lord Amon,” the disembodied voice of a Thyrsian Chieftain stated, as the projected image flickered momentarily - before stabilizing.

His features were weathered, as one could expect from an entire lifetime spent living amongst the desert. Dark, hooded eyes - hewn from digitized sapphires stared out into the distance, seeming boring through the hulking armoured figure that stood before the Holographic projector. It was clear that they were disinterested with the Supreme Sun Guardian’s cause for alarm. They couldn’t care if they allowed potential infiltrators onto their homeworld, as they believed that the Vigil Oculi - or the planet itself - would take care of them, eventually.

It was often a point of contention whenever the Landsraad Conclave convened, so it didn’t surprise the Thyrsian Warlord that it was being brought up again. Khonsu couldn’t help himself and felt his eyes roll into the back of his head. Thankfully, the gesture went unseen, as his faceplate wasn’t retracted and artfully hid his gesture of annoyance.

“We pride ourselves on being fiercely independent,” the man continued. “There are times we must rely on the expertise of Outlanders to better understand who we are and our place in this chaotic galaxy.”

“It’s a sobering thought,” said the projection of another Clan Elder. “We’ve been under the Echani boot for so long, some of our people have forgotten who we truly are. Thus, the success of this expedition is extremely vital, and we can’t afford to lose any more of our people in pursuit of the past.”

Khonsu scoffed. “If this effort was as vital as you claim, then why didn’t you contact me and mine earlier? Surely our… expertise would have ensured the survival of the first expedition and wouldn’t have forced our hand to call in Outsiders.” The man sighed then. “Nevertheless, such lapses in judgement are in the past, and there is little we can do but move forward.”

Several heads bobbed in agreement, whilst others seemed like they were on the verge of wanting to cast blame - likely stating that the Sun Guard shouldn’t have waited to be brought in and that they should’ve come of their own volition. Thankfully, it seemed that rational minds took over and spoke first - denying those who sought to talk ill of their chance to spread their vitriol.

“You are absolutely correct, Lord Amon. We can only change the future through our actions in the present. Which leads me to my next topic of conversation.” Instead of the two men that spoke, this disembodied voice belonged to one of the few women that held the loft honour of sitting on the High Council.

Traditionally speaking, Thyrsus had once been a male-dominated society and was thus considered a patriarchy in many respects. Some claim it was because of the usually high birth-rate of men to that of the opposite sex, whilst others claimed the stereotype came from being unfairly compared to the matriarchy of Eshan. Whatever the truth, the Thyrsian society today was more akin to a meritocracy - where it based its judgements solely on the measure of one’s character, rather than their gender or where they were born. It was an idea that was exemplified by the Sun Guard during their enforced exile, and the Supreme Sun Guardian was continually pleased that the brutal occupation didn’t force his native culture to return to its benighted roots.

“A majority of the High Council believes that it would be in our collective interest if you and a portion of the ‘Myrmidons’ accompanied the second expedition into the structure. I understand that we initially hired the Sun Guard to act as protection - and as a way to deal with those automatons that the first team awoke.” She paused for a moment to take a sip of something from what seemed to be an ornate ceramic decanter. “However, with your Sun Guard at the head of this expedition, we expect things would move very quickly - especially if more of these automatons are inside.”

The Master of the Sun Guard nodded. “I would’ve taken a small team in with the expedition, whether or not you requested our presence. It’s the best way to stem the flow of artifacts off-world, and ensure any Thyrsian relics remain with our people.”

“Now, with that being said, I’m afraid that I must attend to my duties. We shall speak again when I return.”

He didn’t give them a chance to respond before the connection was severed. There were times that the Thyrsian Warlord regretted restoring the High Council to their rightful positions in the aftermath of the Crusade. It would’ve been so much easier to take on the mantle of leadership and strip the Clan Council of their power. Every decision he could’ve made wouldn’t have been questioned, and the Master of the Sun Guard would’ve been able to forge an Empire of his own amongst the stars. However, he would’ve been nothing more than an unwilling puppet dancing as someone else pulled his strings. It was fate, in Khonsu’s eyes, that was far worse than death.

With the conversation ended and the sapphire light from the device extinguished, Khonsu pocketed the device and turned about. When his eyes focused on the scene arrayed before him, the Thyrsian Warlord noted that several new speeders and notable individuals were joining their ever-growing encampment. There were dozens of prefabricated tarpaulin structures that were staked into the dunes that were flanked by several repulsorcraft vehicles converted into mobile aid stations - stabilized by additional anti-gravitic supports. Some of these speeders were even turned into command centres utilized by the gilded warriors of the Sun Guard, who sought to keep the encampment protected and connected continuously with the Planetary Defense Network - just in case things took a turn for the worse.

The presence of the Sun Guard was further reinforced by several Starfighters, Gunships, and Heavily-armed Walkers perched nearby or holding station far-above in the cloudless skies. Some could say it was overkill, but there was justification in the Supreme Sun Guardian’s motives. What would happen if more constructs awoke? They’d likely overrun any positions that the Thyrsians would’ve established, and eventually would’ve taken control over the entire planet in time. So, in taking extreme precaution and establishing a military presence near the recently revealed structure would limit the spread of an outbreak, if there was one, and hopefully, lead towards a cleansing… of sorts.

Khonsu took comfort in that.

With his concerns addressed, the Thyrsian Warlord moved towards the muster transpiring within the centre of the encampment. The new arrivals seemed to gather there. Doubtlessly, each of them were wondering what was going to happen, or who would be giving them a lift to the secured and distant site. Of those that assembled, there was a curious individual that stood out from the pack. His credentials were impressive - at least - what could be found of them. An Archaeologist with a mysterious past, who found themselves attached to several essential and incredible excavations in recent memory - which likely led the man to sign on with this endeavour.

The man would doubtlessly be an asset to this expedition. With such thoughts in mind, the Master of the Sun Guard dismissed the data that was displayed across his visor. It was then that the Thyrsian Warlord closed the distance between the two. As his war-boots carried him through the shifting sands, Khonsu blinked in rapid succession - which led to the faceplate of his battle helm parting to reveal his face beneath.

“Doctor Nimdok,” the Thyrsian said with a small smile. “Welcome to Thyrsus. I’m Khonsu Amon. I hope you don’t mind if we skip the pleasantries and proceed towards the structure. I’d rather see these automatons dealt with as soon as possible so we can proceed.”

As the Sun Guard turned, his path was blocked by the sudden appearance of an open-topped speeder piloted by an integrated astromech droid. It was like the repulsorcraft conveniently appeared on cue. Not wanting to question its arrival, Khonsu reached forward and pulled the handle to release the locking mechanism. When the panel slid back into its housing, the hulking, armoured figure stood aside and motioned his newfound companion to board.

The archaeologist's pointed ears weren't merely for show. As he stood in the crowded, noisy encampment, he was able to tune into a conversation taking place some feet away between a golden-armored male and several holographic figures possessing some degree of authority. The discussion revealed certain reservations about the mission ahead, most of which resulted from the ancient debate over whether or not offworlders should be permitted to participate in planetary expeditions.

Nimdok was familiar with such biases. Every culture hated to see their heritage toyed with by aliens whose motives and competence could never be fully certified. The archaeologist couldn’t help admiring this line of thinking, even if it often impeded his work. It was a sign that the people and their customs were a living, breathing thing, rather than a dead and lost civilization to be plundered and picked through by the curious and the greedy.

As the conversation came to a close and the golden warrior approached the crowds, Nimdok turned to face him, having shown no indication that he’d overheard the holograms’ dispute. He was not surprised to be singled out; given his impressive credentials, it was only natural.

“Happy to be here, Mr. Amon,” Nimdok replied with a slight bow. He always relished being greeted with dignity and respect rather than ill-mannered contempt or begrudging deference. “By all means, lead the way.”

Once both had boarded the speeder, Nimdok pulled out his datapad once more. This time, he pulled up his notes. He had several questions which he hoped Khonsu Amon would be able to answer.

Shouting over the roar of the speeder’s engines, he asked, “Is it true that the site itself was determined to be alien in design rather than Thyrsian? Or have its origins not yet been confirmed?”

LT-137 LT-137

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