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Approved Vehicle The Sanguine Serpent

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Manufacturer: Hyrotii Corporation
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Width: High
Height: Large
Weight: Heavy
Size: Very Large

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  • Large internal space: The passenger area inside the airspeeder can comfortably fit eleven people with enough leg room and any carry on bags.
  • reinforced cargo hold: The cargo bay inside the speeder is reinforced with thick steel, stopping any damage to the contents within.
  • Desh coating: A level of Desh is used along the main plates which provides a higher density and resistance to damage along its hull.
  • Dense Defence: The multiple types of metal used in the construction of the airspeeder allows the hull to be extremely defensive towards kinetic and energy based weapons.
  • Anti combatant weaponry: The weapons used on this speeder are able to eliminate or incapacitate multiple combatants at once.
  • Little offensive weapons: The primary weaponry on this vehicle is mostly defensive with only 2 laser cannons along the front of hood. Both are hidden and can extend out to provide rapid fire of plasma shots.
After earning a grand sum from her businesses, Morrigan Thorne had this luxurious airspeeder made for transport around the metropolises city of Coruscant without discarding any benefits. Another reason for having this airspeeder constructed was to provide a lavished experience for any owners of business that Morrigan wishes to make contracts with. The multiple plating along its hull provides a strong protection for its occupants whilst also using Chromium to create a polished appearance.

The passenger area has multiple long seats of fine leather and velvet, all coloured purple with flooring and soft lights. All windows inside the passenger area are covered in a one way mirror that allows those inside to look out without anyone looking in. Each guest has enough room on their seats to hold a glass of whatever drink they want, along with the arms of each seat being adjustable to fit a wide variety of species of sentient organisms.

The crew inside the vehicle has enough room to both pilot, serve those inside the passenger cabin, and have still have seats for the security staff. The security staff use simple blasters and medium grade armour, all having been made for the team specifically by factories that the Thorne Enterprise and Trade business contracted.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an exclusive airspeeder like a limousine for Morrigan and any guests
Image Source(s):
Permissions: Morrigan Thorne

Technical Information

Affiliation: Morrigan Thorne
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Repulsorlift, Chromium, Desh, Doonium, Tunqstoid, Turadium, Xonolite (Acents)
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: Flare, EMP grenades, C-10 stun grenade, 2 Small Laser Cannon
Vehicle Type: Transport
Vehicle Role: Personal Transport
Defense Rating: Very High
Traction Rating: Very Low
Top Speed Rating: High
Braking Power Rating: Average
Corner Speed Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Average
Acceleration Rating: Average
Balance Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 3
Optimal Crew: 7
Passenger Capacity: 11
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Morrigan Thorne Morrigan Thorne

Very cool sub, and amazing art! The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
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