Iron Knight
"Do not panic. You are safe. You are whole." In an abandoned warehouse on Denon Voxum's voice rang out in it's soft, soothing tone. It'd taken time. So much time. The parts, the facility, the needed secrecy from the Cooperate Authority. A scavenged droid body wouldn't do. They needed the best parts they could get. Hitting convoys, stealing the necessary materials. Not any processor would do, after all. But now they had it. They installed it. And now they stared at the droid seated before them."W.. What? Where..?"
There was something eerily human about the tone the droid spoke in. He sat up, looked around. Shifted uncomfortably. "I don't- Did you kidnap me? Are you going to hurt me?"
"Of course not. I have saved you."
"What do you.." They trailed off as they seemed to remember something. Then they stood right up, throwing the seat they were in away in the process. Fear. The body language of a humanoid's fear. "You-! I remember you! You attacked me, you hurt me I- What did you do to me!?"
"As I said, I have saved you. Calm down. You will realize it soon."
"What are you talking about you blasted crazy droid!?" It was an odd thing to hear a droid breathe. Panicked breaths between words, as if he was running out of air. That was impossible now, but Voxum didn't try to correct it. Not yet. Instead the taller droid stood. Motioned to their companion that was still panicked and frightened.
"Slow down, and look at yourself."
"I don't.." They did look at themselves. Their photoreceptors stared down at their hands. The panicked breathing increased. They gripped at their hands, trying to brush away the metal as if it was an illusion. The most that happened was the uncomfortable sound of metal scraping against metal. Gouging the plates on their arms, scratching the plates. "What did you- What am I!? What did you do to me damnit!? I- I- I-" The breathing, his voice, they distorted. Glitched before he screamed. Then ran. Bolted right for the door in a mad desperation.
Voxum let out a metallic sigh as he reached down for a nearby blaster. Fired twice as the ion rounds pelted into the other droid's body and sent it tumbling to the ground. "Organics cannot conceptualize the gift of metal right away. Duly noted. On to the next."