Velok Brokentusk
A simple fortuneteller
The old Sith Lord Velok, first of his name, created this ritual around thirty years ago. At the time, he was broadly responsible for the archives of the Sith Empire - which he and his colleague Dissero stole shortly thereafter. Velok the Elder tinkered with the ritual on and off for years. When a Jedi team killed him and bound his soul permanently, the ritual was lost.
Decades later, his great-grandson Velok the Youngest uncovered the scroll and promptly sold it to the Warlords of the Sith, along with four tiny slivers of the long-forgotten Great Crystal. He made roughly as much money as he'd extorted from various Jedi over the years. He'd have sold copies elsewhere, except it turned out that the first Velok had laid a curse on the scroll to prevent duplication by any means.
OOC/ If the Codex declines to approve this superweapon sub, I plan to proceed as though the scroll exists but the ritual doesn't work.
- Intent: A unique superweapon for deployment in Annihilations and Events.
- Image Credit: N/A
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Warlords of the Sith, Sith scroll, Sith magic, Centerpoint Station
- Media Name: Velok's Stormwall
- Format: Scroll
- Distribution: Unique
- Length: Short
- Description: This leather scroll can never be copied by any means. It contains a collaborative Sith ritual at superweapon scale, designed to curse and isolate a solar system - an arcane equivalent to Centerpoint Station's ability to interdict the Corellian system.
- Author: Velok the Elder
- Publisher: Self
- Reception: It's a ritual scroll that can doom an entire star system. You can imagine the feelings of the few Sith Lords who have read it.
- The ritual's requirements-
- Four Dark Masters, precisely positioned (in individual ships) at the points of a tetrahedron surrounding the target star system, roughly one light-year apart.
- Four fragments of the Great Crystal, a transcendently powerful entrapment artifact which Freedon Nadd destroyed five millennia ago on Korriban.
- Synchronized recitation of the ritual by all four Sith Lords as they view the scroll's only copy from afar through supernatural or technological means.
- The ritual's effects-
- A dark side hyperspace storm causes extreme hyperspace turbulence within the tetrahedron defined by the four precisely-positioned Sith Lords. For greater clarity, the interdicted area is a tetrahedron with sides roughly one light-year long. It can encompass a solar system or obstruct a hyperlane.
- Most vessels that attempt to enter, leave, or travel through hyperspace in that tetrahedron will suffer severe damage. This profound isolation can cause panic, shortages, unrest, and even starvation.
- The hyperspace storm is not visible in realspace and has no effect there.
- The hyperspace storm will endure for one month, and the ritual can be repeated.
- As a side effect, the hyperspace storm gives everyone in the system a vague whiff of the dark side; many interpret it as a chill or a feeling of unease.
- The ritual absolutely blocks transportation via Force Travel/Fold Space/Force teleportation/Force Storm.
- The ritual's weaknesses-
- Fundamentally, this dark side hyperspatial storm is an interdiction field. Interdiction countermeasures (e.g. the hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer) work as normal.
- If the four ships move out of alignment by even a few kilometers (e.g. if maneuvering when attacked) during the ritual, the ritual fails.
- If the four Sith Lords do not recite the ritual fully and reasonably in sync, the ritual fails.
- If any of the four Sith Lords gets their ur-Kittat grammar wrong, the ritual fails.
- If any one of the four Sith Lords faces Force Light or Force Harmony while performing the ritual, the ritual fails.
- If one of the four Great Crystal shards is destroyed during the ritual, the ritual fails.
- If Force Light destroys the scroll, the ritual fails.
- If the ritual fails, smaller hyperspatial storms coalesce around all four Sith Lords' ships, requiring a day or two of sublight travel before they can jump to hyperspace. This is obviously a Bad Thing if an attack is what caused the ritual to fail.
- The Jedi could theoretically carve out a very narrow tunnel through the hyperspace turbulence by working together to project Force Light around a ship.
- The ritual is probably the most exhausting thing any participant has ever done with the Force.
The old Sith Lord Velok, first of his name, created this ritual around thirty years ago. At the time, he was broadly responsible for the archives of the Sith Empire - which he and his colleague Dissero stole shortly thereafter. Velok the Elder tinkered with the ritual on and off for years. When a Jedi team killed him and bound his soul permanently, the ritual was lost.
Decades later, his great-grandson Velok the Youngest uncovered the scroll and promptly sold it to the Warlords of the Sith, along with four tiny slivers of the long-forgotten Great Crystal. He made roughly as much money as he'd extorted from various Jedi over the years. He'd have sold copies elsewhere, except it turned out that the first Velok had laid a curse on the scroll to prevent duplication by any means.
OOC/ If the Codex declines to approve this superweapon sub, I plan to proceed as though the scroll exists but the ritual doesn't work.
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