Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The secrets of the past

The crisp air of the garden/private office that T'zanith sat in sent short shivers of cold down his skin as he breathed in and out in meditation. Hovering around him were four sphere carved stones and the Holocron of Karness Muur. Making the objects orbit clockwise around him before turning them counter clockwise with a bare use of his concentration. What he was doing was in fact projecting himself around the palace, as if he had turned into some amorphous mass of force power to feel every living being, every moving object and the very wind caress the walls of the palace.

With this expanded awareness he began to hone in on those he knew better within the palace, first there was the assistant he resented a little, then the cultural "trainer" and lastly his lover [member="Saki lin"]. For her, he began to concentrate more as he began to bring his being more in as he tried to use her own force sensitivity to make her wish to visit him. He thought it was time he actually taught her something since their time with the one sith. She had the talent but just having talent and not training one bit was two entirely different things.
she had been in her own office area going over a few things, she hummed gently before suddenly she started to feel a need...she ignored till finally she stood up and started for her fiance [member="Darth Erebos"], she walked going past his assistant she opened his door gently and looked at him as she smiled and moved closer

i felt a odd need to come here"she said noting the holocron floating around as she sat down cross legged and waited for him to speak
"Oh? you did, did you. Whatever made that need appear in you, I wonder?" He said with an amused smirk as he made the spherical stones down in their places among the artworks around the office space. Then the holocron itself settled gently down between the two of them. "Tell me, Do you want to continue your training?" He then asked [member="Saki lin"] as he rolled his neck lightly around to get the kinks out of it.

The open ceiling gave the fresh mountain air access to the office and it's cold freshness danced tantalizingly around them and licked at their bare skin.
the force id have to guess which means i must follow"she said following the spheres with her eyes and gave a smile watching the holocron sit gently betwen them " yes...yes i want to continue my training...master

she closed her eye feeling the fresh air around her and inhaled
[member="Darth Erebos"]
she looked at him and bowed her head as she spoke"i want to advance my skills in force lightning, telekinesis, my saber dueling, and i have heard of tutamis...i wanna learn that as well" she looked to him as she spoke"
[member="Darth Erebos"]
He nodded to her. "All right to begin with let's start with force lightning. How good are you currently in it? Are you capable of force shock or lightning?" He asked as he held up his hand and gathering the force created an orb of force lightning for [member="Saki lin"] to see him create a force lightning grenade.
She looked to him as he created the orb, she awed at it before she straightened up as she looked at him* so far only force lightning as you taught me before...though a bit more powerful then last time *

[member="Darth Erebos"]
He thought a bit. "Hmm then I believe I should teach you sith barrage now." He said as he stood up and gestured for [member="Saki lin"] to follow him to the bookcase in his office that he opened with the force which lead them to a private and spacious training hall, some of the royal guards were even dueling in one end of the room. As he came to what seemed to be a force use directed firing range he raised his hand and force lighting emenated from underneath the target dummy. "That is force barrage, it's quite useful to surprise an enemy since it doesn't have to come from bellow them, it can also come from the walls as well. In short as long as there is a surface that can make a straight line to your target, this ability is omnidirectional."
She nodded* i can't wait to learn it * she said and got up to follow him to the book shelf and passed it once it opened up to them, she looked around the spacious training hall and off to the royal guards dueling all in a circle waiting for two to finish before facing off, they needed that for their job and it simply made her smile

She then stopped looking at the range as he lifted his hand and made lightning come from the ground, she awed at it and looked listening* amazing so it can be used to distract the nemy while you get in closer? But how exactly do you get the lightning to them? If I may guess having the lightning travel the ground or wall toll it reaches the target?
[member="Darth Erebos"]
"It can be done like that though I've usually used it to attack an enemy from an angle they weren't expecting it." He said as he waved his hand and made light blue and oddly gentle fire appear before them that would show what he meant as he explained. "To begin with you must focus your own force energy to the spot were you want the lightning to come from, I recommend starting with force shock as you practice it as it requires much less energy than full blown lightning. While focusing your energy there you create a tether between yourself and the spot you want it to come from and using the tether as you would utilize your arms to focus the power and hone it into the lightning that will come from the spot. I recommend practicing this skill until you can do it as effortlessly as you would normal force lightning before employing it in combat." He then finished explaining to [member="Saki lin"].
Ahhhhh I see very interesting * she said watching the fire appear as she made sure to make mental state notes as he explained on how to use it * seems simple enough, it's like using regular lightning in the air but instead it's using the ground to travel through till it hits a way to go back up* she said as she turned to a target and took a breath in, she focused the lightning through her arm lightly as to not use to much energy, she starTed to looked to a wall behind the target as she felt the lightning travel to it, soon it came out but oddly to soon and traveled under the target
[member="Darth Erebos"]
"You at least grasp the basic concept so now all you need is to fine tune it and practice. Take your time, be patient as you get how much power you need and how to manipulate it." He said with a patient tone as he watched what she did.

[member="Saki lin"]
She nodded as she smiled and focused again, she looked to the target again, she started building her power up as she focused it again and started leading it, she made it come out almost hitting the center but only enough to cause it to blacken

[member="Darth Erebos"]
Moving behind [member="Saki lin"] and placing his hands on her shoulders. "Take a moment, focus and breathe." He said as he made use of Curato salva to refreshed her while she trained.
She took a breath in and closed her eyes as she started focusing drawing the force to her, it was weaker then [member="Darth Erebos"] but was there as she practiced using that till she felt her energy come back* alright I'm good
"Good now remember while you have the advantage of training you can take your time to hone your focus into a needle point without anyone trying to harm you. If you feel confident we can move on to sparring to get you accustomed to using Sith Barrage while pressed for time." He said as he let go of her and took a step back.

[member="Saki lin"]
She turned as she smiled and popped her neck and rolled her shoulders

Haven't dueled you in several years kinda wanna see how that's changed I imagine a lot hahaha * she said and smiled again bouncing around a little* just not to hard ok?

[member="Darth Erebos"]

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