Kyber Salurra
Scrapyard Savant

TU Security Force Rankings & Commendations
The Naval Special Forces (NSF) is a fleet of the Security Force that is reserved for exemplary men and women throughout the Techno Union(PCs).
(Players in the NSF may freely take the ranks of Lieutenant and Commander, higher up positions must be earned.)
Player Character Ranks:
- Lieutenant: an officer who oversees the fighter squadrons and crewman of a single ship.
- Commander: an officer who commands a ship of Cruiser class and below.
- Captain: an officer who commands a ship of Heavy Cruiser class and above.
- Admiral: an officer responsible for commanding one of the TU's 5 main fleets
- Grand Admiral: the highest officer in the NSF that oversees all their operations. Reports directly to the Director of Security and only one person can hold this position at a time.
The Armed Special Forces (ASF) are a special Division of the Security Forces as a whole that is reserved for exemplary men and women throughout the Techno Union (PCs).
(Players in the ASF may freely take the ranks up to Captain, higher up positions must be earned.)
Player Character Ranks:
- Sergeant: an NCO with responsibility for a squad (4-8 soldiers)
- Lieutenant: an officer responsible for commanding a Platoon (2 or more squads
- Captain: an officer responsible for commanding a Company (2 or more platoons)
- Major: an officer responsible for commanding a Battalion (4 or more Companies)
- General: an officer responsible for commanding a Brigade (3 or more Batttalions
- Brigadier General: the highest officer in the ASF that oversees all their operations. Reports directly to the Director of Security and only one person can hold this position at a time.
The Starfighter Corps is a sub-section of the NSF devoted solely to the best of all the pilots the Techno Union has to offer. Those who hold rank in the Starfighter Corps can consider themselves among the best in the Galaxy.
(Players in the Starfighter Corps may freely take the ranks Pilot and Squad leader, higher up positions must be earned.)
Player Character Ranks:
- Pilot: flies a starfighter or landing craft.
- Squad Leader: commands a squadron (3-5 fighters)
- Flight Captain: commands a wing (typically four squadrons)
- Battle Commander: an officer responsible for all of the Starfighters embarked from a vessel in-combat.
Techno Union Awards
- Onyx Badge of Exemplary Service
- Bestowed by the Foreman and the Executive Councils 2/3rds vote upon those who have shown upmost dedication to the causes of the Techno Union and taken an active role in the defeat of its enemies, at great personal cost.
- Gold Badge of Superior Service
- Bestowed by the Foreman upon those who have shown dedication to the causes of the Techno Union and taken an active role in the defeat of its enemies.
- Cloth Badge of Outstanding Service
- Bestowed by the Executive Council upon those who have continually displayed phenomenal, outstanding devotion to the Techno Union and its cause.
- Stars of Devotion
- Bestowed by the Executive Board upon those who have been in active service, in any branch, for a profound period of time.
- Union Shield [VS1] [VS2]
- Bestowed by the Executive Board upon Viceroys, members of planetary committees, Directors, and Military Members who have gone above and beyond in their service to the Techno Union.
- Union Sword [US1] [US2] [US3] [US4] [US5]
- Bestowed by the Department of Security upon those who have tirelessly served the Techno Union in expanding its territory. Recipients must have contributed a minimum of ten posts in a dominion. Two dominions earns you the first rank, four dominions the second, six dominions the third, eight dominions the fourth, and ten dominions the final rank.
- Scientist’s Ring [SR1] [SR2] [SR3]
- Bestowed by the Department of Research upon individuals who have made remarkable contributions in any of the scientific fields and directly benefited the Techno Union as a result.