The Dark Comedy
“You must begin by gaining power over yourself; then another; then a group, an order, a world, a species, a group of species… finally, the galaxy itself.”
―Darth Plagueis
―Darth Plagueis
Astoach stood upright, watching from atop the frosted cockpit of a landed TPC, snow caking along its ice-lined joints and rendering it purposeless, half-buried in the snow after some mindless pilot forgot to ignite whatever external heating measure were present to defrost it. Yet, now here the Grand Protector stood, draped in black cloth and his poise was disturbingly still, granting him the tactful appearance of a stagnant silhouette or perhaps a living shadow. His hood was drawn taught, with that black mask, his Polyp, easing just beyond the brim to express his grim visage of death, his message, voiding away most of the civilian workers who toiled just meters away, digging away the snow to make way for whatever speeders would be responsible for transporting materials to the constructing Academy of Bogan.After the Grand Protector concluded his longing pause to inhale the sight, a soldier approached, cloaked in winterized attire tattered by the heavy work, dashed against air-whipped ice and frost. He offered Astoach a shaking salute, perhaps from the cold, or maybe from the fear, and shouted over the brief roar of wind, "Grand Protector, sir! Why are you making us dig away the snow if we can just fly over it?"
Astoach offered no response.