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Private The shadow on Naalol (Closed to new posters)

Lord Revna



The Shadow on Naalol
Location: Unknown
Time: -
Tag: Lord Igna Lord Igna

The unknown regions held many secrets, including those who wished to remain hidden... for now. It was no secret that the Sith had retreated deep into space to escape the hunt of the Jedi, to bide their time until one day they could return stronger and overthrow them for good, and this time was no different. Revna and her sister Igna had followed their master for many years, a figure so mysterious that even they did not know his true appearance, and learned the application of the dark side of the force under him; sharpening their skills, honing their arts, and carving out their own path.

Within a large hall, an imposing shrouded figure sat on a black metal throne, his presence alone seemed to suck the air out of the room as if one look was enough to dispose of any who roused his ire. In front of him knelt Revna and her twin sister Igna, awaiting the order that they had been summoned for. A voice as cold as ice broke the silence.
"You shall head to the planet of Naalol, on it you will find nothing but a backwater society. However, with proper leadership it can be forged into a position of production, with resources ample for extraction. All it requires is some.... changes." after a few moments of silence, the duo replied in unison. "It shall be done."


Location: Naalol - Capital City
Time: Midday - One month later
Tag: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Valery Noble Valery Noble Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Romi Jade Romi Jade Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

The midday sun shone on this backwater planet, it had not been long since she and her sister Igna had arrived, but the seeds of their activities had already begun to show. A month ago both of them had been dispatched here in hopes of carving out an era of new control and finally, it seemed that their actions had begun to show changes.

First came the re-organisation of the local government, using their sith training the minds of the planet's leader fell swiftly to the corruption and control of Revna's force powers; she was a puppet master pulling on the strings behind the scenes. The planet swiftly shifted into an industrial revolution, factories and mines began to dominate the surrounding regions as ores were extracted and production of unknown items began. Of course, with any revolution, there were voices that disapproved but they were silenced swiftly by her sister. It seemed like everything was progressing swiftly, and nothing stop them from achieving their goal.

Revna sat within the chambers which once held the planet's political representatives, now it was an empty shell of democracy long gone, as she twirled her hair slightly. Reaching to her holo communicator she opened it as it connected to the recipient in deep space. She bowed her head lightly as the cloaked figure appeared
"Master. The beginnings of our plan have been put in motion, the weapon will soon be completed." without a reply the call ended, clearly there was little that needed to be added.

It had not been smooth sailing, to say the least, recently a ship had been able to escape the tightly woven net that they had made, and worse yet it was a force-sensitive that had been able to remain hidden and undiscovered. Perhaps this was a sign things were going to begin to get messy. Any force-sensitive on the planet, child, adult or Jedi had been the first to fall when they arrived. It was unwise to allow a hidden threat to remain but it seemed that they had not been thorough enough. She left the great hall as she looked to find her sister deep within the bowels of the capitol building.

The sadist laughs of her sister was hard to ignore, she was a piece of work, but Revna was no different. The darkside of the force had changed them both from the little girls they used to be; neither were sane, Revna was just able to hold it together a little better.
"Igna, any news from your search? How was the force-sensitive able to remain hidden and escape? Who was aiding them?"

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The Shadow on Naalol
Location: Unknown
Time: -
Tag: Lord Revna

Igna had been sick of waiting, sick of biding her time, sick of training. Long had she been ready, long had she and her sister been waiting. Their master, a mysterious figure who took them in when they were young, and a master who to even this day was a mystery had insisted they wait, but no more. Finally, their master saw what Igna had known to be true for long, and finally, her hate was being directed towards their enemy. Igna, like many of her kind, held hate in her heart, and now it was unleashed.
"It shall be done.", words that Igna intended to keep. An order Igna would go above and beyond to deliver.


Location: Naalol - Capital City
Time: Midday - One month later
Tag: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Valery Noble Valery Noble Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Romi Jade Romi Jade Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

As soon they arrived on Naalol, Igna's work had begun. To ensure a swift re-organisation of the local government, and to be certain the locals did their bidding, first, the rot had to be removed. Using their abilities to sense force users, Igna hunted those in the capital that were sensitive to the force, one by one, children, women, and men alike. The city had to be purged if their plan was to succeed, and Igna took great pleasure in the deaths and killings.

Purging the force-sensitive would have been easy. Most of the population were unarmed, and even those that were posed little threat to Igna, par one, a Jedi. The very same Jedi was now strapped to her interrogation table, missing every single one of his limbs. His arm had been lost in the combat, while the rest had been lost in this very room - the last room Igna intended him to see. She needed answers.

In the heat of the battle with the Jedi, his Padawan, who he was protecting, was able to escape and had not been seen since. Igna was determined to find out where the Padawan was and was adamant that the Jedi must know - she had convinced herself that the Pawadan was still on the planet and that there was no chance they'd been able to escape. There was little hope reasoning with Igna, as unhinged would only be stating her mental state lightly.

Igna took pleasure in her work and she made no attempts to hide it. The screams of the Jedi brought her pleasure and her sadistic laughs would be heard echoing in the now-empty government chambers. Her integration room was makeshift, though it need not be anything fancy - those in the room soon crumbled and met their end nonetheless, but the Jedi was different. No matter how hard Igna pushed him physically or mentally, he would not break, he would not give up his Padawan, but how could he? He couldn't give up the location of his Padawan, it wasn't that Igna hadn't broken him, she had. He was broken far beyond repair, but he simply did not know - not that Igna could be convinced otherwise.

"Igna, any news from your search? How was the force-sensitive able to remain hidden and escape? Who was aiding them?" Igna would look to the new arrival, her sister "This one is strong, but I am stronger Sister. I am close to the answer, I can feel it in the force - the dark side guides me." she would reply, before continuing her work. She would begin to electrocute the man with force lightning, causing the Jedi to squeal in pain, crying out. "Who is aiding you, who is aiding your padawan?" she would command, before zapping the man again causing him to cry out in pain, calling out a name. Finally, she had a name.

A low humming, the humming of the sabre that ended it all in a single stroke filled the room. The Jedi opened his mouth as if to call out, but it was too late. The Jedi was in two halves, and her table was scarred with another slash that cut deep into its metal - without a doubt not the last.

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A Light Shining in Darkness
The Bezharl shot through hyperspace as the crew was convened in the conference room. The pilots were doing what they could on what information they had, so Wyatt turned to informing the Jedi of their transition. With Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin safe on Peace under guard and freezing, they would return to commence the trial in due course. For now, however, there was a more immediate concern.​
"Welcome, Jedi.", Wyatt offered as he brought up their information on the holoprojector.​
"As of 18 hours ago, we got a communication from a local enclave of a Sith duo purging padawans. The presiding Jedi, Bol'bol, has not been able to respond to our communications. Likely, he died in service of protecting his enclave."​
With a frown, he brought up the images of Bol'Bol, and smaller images of the Padawans who were yet missing.​
"Currently, the Sith are present on Naalol - and our goal is to go there, and end them. If they have any prisoners, we save them, if they have back up - we bring them down too. Local reports show a sudden change in planetary culture, politics, and industry - no doubt pushed by the Sith trying to find a new base of operations."​
A move of his finger, and the planet came into sight on the projector - along with a long line of information collected by Allyson. Statistics, important people, more information than they would ever need.​
"We will drop here, in the Capital City. Best we start where they are most likely at - and if we can break the Sith, we can free the planet of their influence with a bit of help. Any questions, any ideas on how we approach?"​
Cale didn't have anything to say, the light of a stimstick cast its glow over his weary features, which seemed to somehow have hardened, now filled with a purpose that had been absent before. He looked to Aleksandr Stirsea Aleksandr Stirsea , as if to wordlessly remind him to stay close. The boy had faced down Vulcanus without blinking, yes, but that had been a long time ago, and this time there would be no running. They were the hunters now.

There would be no questions from the Knight, he'd been out of the business a little too long to have any useful input. But he could swing a sword half-decently for a man with one arm, and that'd have to do.

Lord Revna



The Shadow on Naalol

Location: Naalol - Capital City
Time: Midday
Tag: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson Aleksandr Stirsea Aleksandr Stirsea Lord Igna Lord Igna

Revna remained silent as she watched her sister carry out her work, she herself was no stranger to the methods her sister employed, and had undertaken similar tasks herself. The escape of a Jedi Padawan was no small matter, after all, if he had made it off-world and back into the arms of the Galatic Alliance or Silver Jedi Concord trouble would be heading their way and soon.

"This one is strong, but I am stronger Sister. I am close to the answer, I can feel it in the force - the dark side guides me." Revna did not reply and simply nodded her head, allowing her sister's mind to remain focused.

Under her sister's torment, a name had been extracted, but at this point it seemed to matter little. There was still no news of the escaped Padawan and he had either field off-world, or gone into hiding no doubt after alerting his associates. It seemed inevitable company would arrive soon, and preparations needed to be made.

She watched on as the jedi was quickly dispatched under the strike of her sister's blade.
"Sister, a name is of little use to us now. We must make preparations to fight off whatever reinforcements the padawan is able to muster until our plans have been completed. The people of this city are already bound to my will, I shall attempt to force the Jedi away using the leaders of this place, but if that fails we will have no choice but to slaughter them."

Revna was an expert at manipulating the minds of vulnerable non force sensitives, she could even warp and twist those who were trained to resist such methods. This was why she had sent here in the first place, to bring the planet under their control without much need for violence.

"You should also make the necessary preparations, and I will alert you should anything unexpected happen." The twins were inseparable since birth, and during their training, this bond further deepened. With the force as their tool, their minds were like one, bonded together by an invisible connection; able to feel and sense each other over great distances without the need for words.

She swiftly turned and left the makeshift torture room her sister had constructed, as she began to put her plan into motion, making the preparations that were still required.



The Shadow on Naalol

Location: Naalol - Capital City
Time: Midday
Tag: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson Aleksandr Stirsea Aleksandr Stirsea Lord Revna

Igna turned to her sister, a sadistic smirk across her face as she deactivated her saber, causing the purple light that filled the dark room to extinguish. In the darkness, her piercing red eyes glowed, like the phosphorescent glow of a lightstick.
"Yes Sister, the name is of little use to us - for now." she replied to her sister, speaking in a calm and collected manner that was far from the unbalanced woman who tortured the Jedi but a moment before. Igna turned around and spoke towards the dark void of her interrogation chamber "Dispose of this.... thing. Its presence disgusts me.". A hooded figure stepped out from the darkest corner of the room, a figure that not even the Jedi on the table had been aware of. It replied in a deep, hollow, drone-like manner "It will be done.". Igna flicked her wrist in a dismissive manner towards the figure before turning to her sister.

"Preparations are already well underway sister. I'd expected, indeed hoped, that this Padawan would bring more towards us. I long for my saber to meet a worthy opponent - It's been underwhelmed thus far. Let them come, let them see, let them rot in this wasteland city. I'll not let our plans be compromised by the actions of a pitiful Padawan sister - leave the reinforcements to me.". Igna would nod to her sister before leaving to continue her preparations. The twins had a unique connection, an invisible bond between the two meant that even that which was unsaid was clear to them

Igna was an expert in lightsaber combat, having trained in her chosen form relentlessly from when she was first taken in by their master. Long had she waited to test her skills in combat and long had she been disappointed. Even the Jedi Bol'bol was little match to her skills, and she had toyed with him in battle to make it entertaining, given the lack of challenge.

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A Light Shining in Darkness
Shock and awe.​
The ship came out of hyperspace above the planet, all the while Wyatt considered their options. He rubbed at his chin, stroking the scruff in contemplation as he considered their tactical options - but eventually pressed the power button on the conference table and began to move to leave as he spoke.​
"Dropping in heavy is a good idea.", he said as he motioned the others to follow.​
"We don't know where they are, so instead we draw them to us - but let's drop multiple empty pods. If we can distribute the local forces chasing ghosts, the less we will have to deal with. So long as we show our essence in the Force - the Sith will be drawn to us. I can only hope they're arrogant - they may seek to prove themselves in direct combat, rather than sending armies to kill us."​
"Everyone ready? Anything left we need to discuss?"​
He pressed a button to the drop pod escape room, and glanced back to them as the pods began to warm up and initialize.​

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