Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Shape of Water


[member="Delila Castillon"]

Click, hum. Click, hum.

There was something reassuring about warming up the ship. Nice mechanical switches with a positive action that made stuff happen.

Click, beep.

Most of the time. That switch had never done that before. He flicked it back down and up again and was rewarded with a green light. He would check that later. Maybe. You couldn't spend life worrying about these things.

“Broke it yet?”

“No it's not broken Skreech.” The monkey lizard was relatively placid at the moment. He was curled on a chair and watching him move around the cockpit intently. Apparently not messing with switches in a ship had been drilled into him by Mirax. That made one thing he didn't cause trouble with.

“Not yet. Leaving Red DiddleHer?”

“No, Delilah is still coming.” Xin wasn't sure what Skreech thought about it. It had taken time for him to settle on the Dahlia so for now he seemed glad just to be back on it. And also to have a galley he could raid.

Xin had been concerned that he wasn't going to find anything for the monkey lizard to eat. That turned out not to be a significant issue as it turned out to be most things and especially fruit. What was an issue was keeping the small creature from tearing the kitchen to pieces. At first he had been too distraught to cause much trouble, but a few days after they had left he had started acting out.

Things were slightly more settled between them but Skreech still had a habit of swinging from the top cabinets and throwing cans of fruit at him. They were his favourite but he couldn't open them with his beak. It was an improvement because he typically threw them at Xin's feet and not his head.

Dells was just picking up some goods from the market on the way. She had explicit instructions to pick up a spare can opener.

Xin double checked the comms. There was still no message from the transport. The Fleet had confirmed they had left slightly late but should have been in the system by now, or within a few hours at most. He felt slightly guilty that he was thinking more about what he was starting to feel for Delilah than them. He had found out enough times that sticking his neck out to find trouble didn't go well for him.

“All looks good,” Xin said. He slapped his shoulder as he stepped away from the console and for once Skreech paid attention to the gesture and leapt up onto his shoulder. He didn't even bite his headtails this…


“Wriggle things!”

Xin sighed. He was starting to think beyond this job. Perhaps it would be a good idea to break off from routine. Maybe get some work in the Outer Rim. Or maybe something in the Core.
[member="Xin Boa"] | Outside Coronet City, Corellia

[SIZE=11pt]Canvas sails in the market square billowed in the late evening breeze. Despite the fact the sun was rapidly sinking on the Corellian skyline the market was as packed as before - lingering stragglers from the Harvest Week festival. She had quickly volunteered to head out on her own, leaving Xin and Skreech to handle prepping the ship and waiting for the Fleet to send communication back. Delila still didn’t quite understand the details of Xin’s latest job for the Fleet but she took any chance to peer into its odd society. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Shopping for a monkey-lizard had been one of her more interesting experiences as of late. Xin had said fruit but the redhead had brought out her comm, searching, and had settled on several bags of nerf jerky to go along with it. Proper caf grounds and creamer had been on her list of ‘essentials’ too, not overly confident that Xin had bought any for the Dahlia since she had flew the vessel around last. By the time she was toting around four large canvas bags of goods there was the wish she would have drug Xin out on the trip with her, if not only just to be muscle while she went on her mini-shopping spree. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Market was thankfully close to where the Dahlia had been docked, sitting pretty and gleaming in that deep red color she had the vessel painted in. Still made her chuckle that a stealth ship was painted such an odd and unusual color instead of plain silver durasteel. Boots clunked up the ramp, entering the vessel, blinking at the bright lights in the corridors. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Honey, I’m home.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]There was a bit of laughter accompanying her announcement, dragging their goods into the galley and hoisting them onto the counters for unloading. She hadn’t forgotten a new can opener, in fact she had bought two. Dells didn’t feel like prying open tin cans with a knife once Skreech claimed one of the tools for his own personal use. [/SIZE]
Xin didn't get the reference but he could read into her laughter just fine. He looked over the bags on the counter. So did Skreech. The monkey lizard leapt from his shoulder as he approached the galley and started sticking his beak into bags.

“I could have come and helped,” he said when he realised how much she had carried. A paw darted into a bag quicker than Xin's eyes could follow. Preempting him Xin pulled out a drawer and found a can opener. By the time he had done that Skreech had already leapt to the opposite counter and started gnawing on the corner of the can, creating a noise that made Xin's headtails coil up.

“Let me.” There was a brief battle of wills for the tin and the monkey lizard followed him to the sink as Xin drained it and emptied it into a bowl. Better that than having juices spread across the floor to make it sticky again.

Now he could plant a kiss on Delilah's cheek and return to the shopping. He had not kept much of secret how pleased he was to spend another few days together. Right now he was still following the path he had, in a way, set out back in that rickety wooden tower. Spend time, see if they enjoyed it. At some point he would start to consider that significant time cohabiting was a long step from what he had envisaged they might be.

For now, he just enjoyed being around her and didn't think too far ahead. Yet it always lingered how easily things could be taken away. Skreech knew that too. Perhaps Xin's eight year old self could sympathise with the sentient creature and that was why he was still subjecting himself to the monkey lizards erratic behaviour.

“Tub was still full,” Xin said as he picked the tin of caf from a bag. He didn't realise it went stale over time having always avoided the stuff.
[SIZE=11pt]“I got fresh too.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was an amusing sight to watch Xin and Skreech fight over the can of fruit. Delila suspected the little monkey-lizard wasn't quite used to the fresh variety considering it's time on vessels. Arms were crossed as the two continued on, Xin opening the tin for Skreech. It wasn't until the Nautolan came and kissed her on the cheek did she turn back to their task. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Skreech’s personal can opener was found and Delila took it out of the little paper package, passing it over. Dells suspected the monkey-lizard may already know how to use the simple device. Skreech already knew fruit came from cans, probably had the process down pat. Or at least a general idea. Xin could easily show the creature.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“It can get stale. I'll stick it in the refrigeration unit, extend the life a bit. We should have room.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Top was ripped off the Nerf jerky package and she set that down next to Skreech's can opener. If the monkey-lizard didn't take to the jerky she'd be happy to get rid of it via her own mouth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Everything almost ready to go here? Fleet reach out yet? It's got to be getting close, I rushed just in case.” [/SIZE]
“Hmm,” he went thoughtfully. “Got a message from de Fleet. We can go and pick up de shipment. But de Aggrabado and Nessus left dem on time. Should have been here by now but no word.”

The settlers were packed into the Nessus whilst the old Corellian frigate was acting as protection. The rest of the Fleet wasn't going to come any closer to the system itself.

Hyperspace was a tricky thing. Sometimes travel times didn't go as expected and using sensors and comms weren't always dependable.

It wasn't a significant concern for Xin but just a few hours ago he had been as carefree as he had been in recent memory and now something was gnawing at the back of his mind.

“We are all set,” he said as he packed a few more fresh items away. It was a nice change from vacuum sealed or frozen or rehydrated.

“He broke it!”

“Nothing is broken.”


“The third fuel injector is a little sticky on startup sometimes. Dat's all.” He couldn't roll his eyes but he shook his head slowly at Skreech.
[SIZE=11pt]“Sounds like Skreech has my best interests at heart. Yes, it does sound broken.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was only going to fuel the flames for the monkey-lizard but Delila didn't mind. Xin and Skreech were still in a bonding phase that seemed to [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]thrive on insults and arguing. If she looked at it at the right angle then Dells could say she was helping the bonding process.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Kiss was pressed to Xin's cheek, hand lingering on his chest for a moment. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Then let's get underway Captain Boa. Skreech and I can repair that broken fuel injector at our next port of call.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Redhead disappeared down the corridor to join them for take off. Xin was still having problems talking his way out of potential law enforcement boarding situations. If they knew she was on board,well...likely they would just get waved through.[/SIZE]
“Broken.” It was said in such a matter-of-fact tone than Xin almost had to laugh.

“She said I was captain.”

“Captain stupid face.”

“Even fah yuh dat was weak.”

Skreech didn't reply. Xin had the impression he was too busy fuelling himself with sugar to come up with something better. His heart wasn't in it really, he could still feel where she had placed that innocent kiss.

He left the monkey lizard to the bowel and the packet of foul smelling dried meat. Must have been animal food.

In the cockpit the comms chair was occupied by the thick blanket. Xin would have to get the scratches in the leather sorted.

“It might just need a clean, we can fly on de odda three if needed,” he said of the injector. The age difference didn't feature in his mind, but he did worry about what she thought of him. Even after all the times she had told him directly. She was far more accomplished from his point of view and he didn't want her to think he wasn't treating the ship properly. It had meant a very great deal to him.
“Both of your insults need work.”

Dells had snagged a piece of Nerf jerky meant for Skreech before leaving the galley with Xin. They wandered towards the cockpit in silence, mainly because she was busy chewing the dried meat.

It was clear the co-pilots chair was already earmarked for Skreech. Delila stopped short as Xin talked and chose the chair behind Skreech. The redhead leaned back in the seat, bone tired.

“Sounds fine. Seems like an easy fix in the next couple of days. Probably just gummed up, deposits most likely.”

It wasn't anything she couldn't fix. Delila was doing such work at ten years old and it tended to be like riding a bike. Eyes closed, trying to remind herself they should be in hyperspace soon. Minute they were safely away she was retiring for the night.

Eyes opened again and settled on Xin once more.

“So what's the estimated travel time?” Thought struck her and there was a slight pause. “Just curious, don't mean to interfere.”
A few moments ago he had been considering asking if she wanted to fly. The answer was fairly obvious from her half-liddrd eyes.

“Dat's not interfering,” he joked through a grin. “About two days most. Gonna get a fix on de fleet once we're away and run de nav-comp. It was strange that the Nessus and her escort weren't here yet. They really should have been. Perhaps just a minor break down - not unknown with the status of their ships. Still didn't expect silence.

“When we get dere it will be ah few hours to load up. Basically all de good de settlers feel are deirs. Stuff dey could not fit on de Nessus.”

It was an amazingly simple run. He just didn't want CorSec holding them up for a crate by crate inspection when they returned. Her eyes were closed again. She looked exhausted but in a contended kind of way.

Xin smiled as he turned back to the console. He reported it to dock control and the engines whirred to life. As soon as he was given the all clear repulsors turned the Dahlia weightless and she cleared the bay. It was a nice and smooth takeoff, the controls becoming familiar now.

Delilah looked as peaceful as she had that morning. They hadn't fallen asleep wrapped up together, but she had been draped across him peacefully sleeping by morning. The navcomp beeped away and then several lights went green. They had synced up with the main Fleet and had a course.

“De fleet will be different without half de Corellians,” he reflected. It had been a home for those whose home had been taken away from them. Xin had told himself he didn't really feel any loyalty to them, but that would have been like pretending he wasn't growing more attached to the tired redhead behind him.
[SIZE=11pt]Taking a back seat was fine by her - although some parts of taking a back seat apparently amused Xin, such as asking a timeframe. As far as she was concerned the Nautolan was acting Captain and essentially in charge. Didn't mean Delila wouldn't give input but at the same time she wouldn't get in the way. It was important to remind Xin that the Dahlia was under his watchful eye now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Two days travel, roughly half a day to load up and two days back. Not bad, you weren't lying when you said we are essentially moving services.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Biggest mistake thus far had been slowing down. If Dells hadn't sat then she wouldn't have been so exhausted. Any other time she would have had no choice but to power through even if someone else was onboard. There was an easy familiarity with Xin and the trust that he was more than capable.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Hands unbuckled herself from the harness now that they had cleared the atmosphere and had a course.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Different? There's an understatement. Illegal alcohol supply will drastically dwindle for one. Less drunken brawls. No loud and possibly annoying Corellian music. Greasy food.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Naturally she was listing off every stereotype available. There was a grin and she stood up, stretching slightly. Topics were quickly switched, voicing a thought that had occurred earlier at the Market.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Captains Quarters or guest?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Delila left the unspoken ‘ for me’ linger for a moment. It was one thing to be thrust together in the same room when one had to pay for it. Now there were options and Dells didn't want to assume.[/SIZE]
“Less striped trousers!” That was about all Xin had to add on the topic of Corellians; he hadn't been married to one for years. If he had noticed her attempt to avoid presumption he might have understood it. It went sailing over his head.

He had a bad feeling about the missing ships. He double checked the instruments as they turned towards the course heading.

“Captain’s,” he replied. “Had nuh thought about less alcohol.”

In truth it didn't matter to him that much as he was planning on finding work further afield. There was a temptation to start such a conversation but he thought it best to let her get some rest. Well deserved rest in his opinion.

The stars stretched out to infinity as he pushed the lever forwards.

“Will join you once we're away safe,” he said. The ship was pretty content on its own once they were in hyperspace. A human couldn't think fast enough to make course corrections and Xin was no hyperspatial engineer.
[SIZE=11pt]Clearly Xin had been hanging around Skreech too long if all he could come up with striped pants. Still it amused her and she couldn't keep a small smile off her face.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Alright.” [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] She leaned over from behind the Captains chair and kissed him on the cheek.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] “I'll see you soon.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Leaving the cockpit she went around the vessel flipping some of the lighting into more of a night mode. She never saw the point in keeping everything so bright in hyperspace. Dells went to flip the switch for the galley when she caught movement. Skreech was still rustling around - did Xin even feed this thing?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Nig[/SIZE]ht Skreech.”

[SIZE=11pt]Loop was made and she reached the Captains Quarters once more. Thin sweatpants were found, along with a very faded 'Eclipse Team’ special forces shirt. As she changed Dells swore she saw some sand shake free from her hair. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lights were turned off and despite trying to wait for Xin, she was asleep within minutes.[/SIZE]
It was over an hour before he came back to the cabin. Xin had kept a diligent, and tired, eye on the diagnostics as they had cruised through hyperspace. It wasn't a particularly lucrative job so he was running at a speed that would keep a reasonable fuel efficiency.

The captain's cabin was large by ship size, but perhaps a quarter of the floor space they had enjoyed in a hotel. In one corner was a desk and the bed was pushed to one wall to save space.

Delilah was splayed out under the covers towards the room. Rather than climb over her Xin decided to get undressed at the foot of the bed and crawl up from the bottom. It seemed like a very long time since they had first shared this bed. There wasn't much room to use to maneuver under the covers. Wasn't much between them when he was there either. It was cosy and he drifted off quickly.

Xin only woke briefly when he felt something small curling into a ball at the foot of the bed. Skreech was determined not to be seen doing that, but had done so maybe every other night. If he had to guess he would say the monkey lizard had been used to sleeping close to his old master. He would almost certainly be gone by morning.
[SIZE=11pt]Warm weight was pressed against her back as she woke, her mind slowly registering an arm around her waist as well. It was incredibly early for most sane sentient beings. Her internal alarm had went off - tended to happen when one had a military career. Getting up early was part of life. While on 'vacation’ she had merely rolled over and curled up to Xin, ignoring the need to get up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Vacation was over. Dells had work to do in addition to helping Xin with whatever was needed to be done around the Dahlia. Probably minimal since they were in hyperspace.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Quietly she slipped out of bed. Keen eyes caught the small monkey-lizard softly snoring at the end of the bed. Drifting over to the attached fresher, she emerged shortly later with a bath towel, lightly covering up Skreech with the makeshift blanket. There was a mental note to get the creature his own blanket next trip, space was cold after all.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Datapad in hand, Dells padded out to the galley, immediately putting caf on to brew. Then it was to peak in on the cockpit to make sure their systems were running smoothly - dropping out of hyperspace didn't happen often but she had seen it before. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Caf in hand, Delila settled in the lounge to get some work done before Xin woke. It felt comforting yet odd to be settling into a quasi-domestic routine with the Nautolan. If someone would have asked her months ago she would have laughed, yet here she was and with the promise to give Xin more time. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Old Delila would have called her a fool and idiot. She was aware the decision could be a mistake of epic proportions. However she was going to keep her word despite any lingering doubts and fears.[/SIZE]
As he woke Xin thought something was burning. As he shot upright he caught just a flash of Skreech’s green hair. The blanket had gone out the door with him and would vanish into one of the cubby holes the monkey lizard had found since coming aboard.

He realised it was actually the smell of that caf stuff being brewed. He had no idea how anyone could drink that stuff. It smelled of tree bark but perhaps cooked for a few weeks to make it even more bitter.

Xin realised he had left his clothes in an untidy pile at the foot of the bed. Rather than have a shower he decided to tidy away his laundry and get dressed. Sleeveless shirt as per usual and loose cargo pants with plenty of pockets for tools.

Finding the percolator in the galley he gave it a sniff and recoiled quickly. From the fridge he found down juice and nuna eggs he had cooled the week before.

“Been up long?” He asked as he found her with her nose in a terminal.
[SIZE=11pt]Eyes squinted behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses, blue light of her screen reflecting off the glass. She didn't quite hear Xin enter until he spoke, lost in her work. Eyes glanced up and she took her glasses off to answer, rubbing her eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Not sure, two cups of caf down… so perhaps a few hours? Did I wake you? Didn't mean to if I did.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Delila stretched slightly and yawned. Hands fell back into her lap, realizing she needed to change still for the day. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“So Captain Boa what's my task for the day?” Dells was used to doing something, anything productive. “ I'm fairly finished here so my talents can be used on the Dahlia now.”[/SIZE]
[member="Delila Castillon"]

“If yuh did, I forgot,” Xin replied as he took a seat. “It's gonna take a few hours to get to de injectors…” he drifted off in thought as his fork split an egg in half.

Glasses were rare in his people. They had issues with their vision, but long and short-sightedness were relatively uncommon.

“Let mi finish breakfast and we can both go down and start.” They had to come in through a crawl space towards the main lines. It wasn't difficult work but space was tight and there were a few components that took elbow grease and time to remove. He supposed she could probably dressed in that time. Xin rolled his shoulders back before popping half an egg in his mouth. He was still a little stiff even after a good rest.
[member="Xin Boa"]

[SIZE=11pt]“So we have a fun-filled day of playing grease monkey. My skills may be a little rusty but I'm excited to do something a but different.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Delila was excited for anything that would pass time in hyperspace. Last trip she had been stuck doing work on her datapad, stuck in a ship full of strangers. Prospect of digging around a ship interior was like going to an amusement park in comparison.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Eyes caught the roll of his shoulders, slight stiffness. It was clear Xin had been testing his range of motion. Teasing grin touched her face, unable to help herself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Still a little sore from yesterday? I'm going to have to get more careful with you. Don't need you breaking down so quickly. Maybe I can help you out later.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Personal effects collected, Delila would have to stop her teasing for a second and head down the hall to change. There would be more time to bust Xin's chops once they were in a confined space that would be difficult to escape.[/SIZE]
For Xin, just having another soul on board to talk to was a big boost over the last few trips. Brak has suggested he might help out on a trip or two but his skills were in high demand. Several other members of the Dragoons were not the kind of company he wanted to keep. It was more profitable and he was capable of running the ship alone. It could be boring though. Or difficult dealing with an anxious monkey lizard in mourning.

“A little,” he admitted with a wry grin. It was too early for him to think up something more witty. Instead he just finished his breakfast and briefly watched her slender calves as she padded back towards the room.

The first two bolts of the mesh floor had been lifted off with a hydro spanner when she reached the engine room. It wasn't really an engine room as much as a series of stations and access panels into the most easily accessible components and the hyperdrive. A lot of these small ships needed to be docked and opened from the outside for true access to the engines. It wasn't a destroyer, designed to run on its own for years with hundreds of crew members keeping it running.

“If yuh see something dart about down dere, don't jump. And hit a metal wall wid yuh head,” he advised. It sounded like the voice of experience. “Don't know how Skreech gets into de crawl spaces.”


Della had returned ready to work, pulling flame red hair into a ponytail as he spoke about the underbelly of the Dahlia.

“I'm more concerned you've been down here daily versus seeing creatures run about.”

Skeptical gaze flicked his way before taking in the tools laid out in the general area. It appeared all they would need so far, unless they ran into another unexpected problem.

“Skreech is smart. I bet he could handing us the tools or helping out. Don't discount the creature as nothing but a troll scaring you in the access shafts.”

Delila never pictured herself vouching for Skreech but here she was, speaking up for the monkey-lizard. Legs folded as Xin brought up the grate closest to her she sat on the metal edge, gathering tools. Boots dangled in, shoulders shifted and stretched as if mentally preparing.

“Ladies first.”

Hopping into the access hatch, Delila then went head first into the crawlspace towards the engine.


Xin laughed at the comment. He had to resist the urge to give a detailed schedule of maintenance that had been carried out on the ship. He knew she trusted him with it, but he was always slightly anxious to demonstrate that he had taken care of the ship.

Following behind her be slipped into the crawlspace with ease. His species were built with flexible joints that made them quote adept at swimming through tight crevices or maneuvering through tight corridors. The only barrier was that his shoulders were significantly broader than she was.

“If he feels like it, I am sure he is capable,” he replied. “Whether he is in de mood is anodda question.”

Xin clinked as he crawled with the tools jangling in his pockets. There was a panel in the crawlspace ahead of them that they would have to open to gain access to the third injector. After removing several other components safely.

“He bin more calm dis week, but it ah big change. As best I can understand his last owner raised him.”

Xin could still see the look of disbelief frozen in her expression as she dropped to her knees to the sound of Skreech's desperate wail.


“You still have to tell me that story.”

Squawk caught her off guard, hitting her head against the low ceiling. Delila has expected movement and had been prepared for that. Noise was an entirely different beast . Hand reached up and rubbed her head,mildly perturbed by having banged her head.

“Another side benefit of not having kids, I skipped the entire weird,loud noise thing. Apparently Skreech is seeing that I make up for that in one fell swoop.”

Tools were found to remove the panel, trying hard not to focus on the pain reverberating throughout her skull. Eyes glanced over to Xin, unable to resist a sarcastic comment.

“More calm this week huh?”


“Trust mi on dat one,” Xin sighed. He could hear claws on metal behind him. There was a flash of red as the monkey lizard skittered past him in the tube. “I'll tell yuh later.” The last thing he wanted to do was being up Mirax around Skreech first thing in the morning when he was starting to settle down.

He took up position on the opposite side of the panel and reached for his own hydrospanner.

“Come to help Skreech?”

The monkey lizard had used the mesh panels on either side of them for grip and hung from the wall between them. He was watching them work intently.

“Yes. Squidly breaks things.”

The answer caught him slightly be surprise. He had seen the lizard carry out jobs for Mirax to scout ahead of them, but he had such little insight into what their relationship had been. Skreech seemed to him to be less mature than a child in some respects, but far more aware in others.

Xin’s hydrospanner pulled free one of the bolts.

“Can yuh take dese back up and put dem in de the tin safe?” He asked. They could always get more bolts from the spares box. Skreech got in his way before he'd even finished the next one with the spanner and twisted it free once it was loose with his small, dexterous hands. Clearly he had done something like this before. His master had been a salvager.

“So de jobs yuh have on offer?” Xin asked.


It was hard to stifle the laughter of 'Squidly breaks things’ comment. It was only going to encourage Skreech but she didn't care. Despite her feelings for Xin it was still amusing to watch a back-and-forth.

Gaze took in the surroundings and as she was looking over a bundle if well separated electrical wires Xin asked his question. There was a long pause, panic rising up within her. Hand dropped from the electrical cords as she sought how to answer.

“Not sure what you're talking about.”

Playing stupid and deflection were her only hopes now.

“We getting closer to the injectors?”


“I wish,” xin replied. He finished sliding the panel underneath his own knee to expose the space below them. There was a shining chrome cylinder running perhaps four feet beneath them. It tapered off towards one end.

“Dat’s number three,” he said as he pointed towards it. The problem was obvious. Several other components, tubes and wires that had to be carefully disconnected and removed before they could access the panel near that tapered end. “Now getting to de junction box to start on dese wires is…” before he could stop Skreech had returned and darted into the opening. The agile little creature clambered down until he reached the fuel tube and scrambled over to the junction box.

“Quite...easy…” he trailed off. “Can you turn dat switch all de way around?” he asked Skreech.

His eyes turned back up towards Dells. “You know? De jobs you had on offer? On Corellia?”

Delila went and kneeled down in the to look closer at the injectors. Junction box lay in an awkward spot but it seemed their resident monkey-lizard was on it. It was more or less a proud moment for her, of course Skreech would prove her point of being able to work. Working tended to take her mind off things, perhaps same could be said for Skreech.

There were times Dells couldn't tell if Xin was clueless or didn't understand due to culture issues or was merely playing stupid. This was one of those times. Gaze remained fixed on the injector and Skreech's handiwork. Delila wanted to make sure he actually turned the switch off.

Besides, it was easier to continue to be vague if she wasn't looking at Xin.

“Wasn't really an offer more… well, it's not very important. Nothing to discuss.”


Inky black eyes turned up to look at her. They betrayed very little about what he was thinking right now. Her tone had been slightly sharp, but it was the discomfort he could sense that drew his attention.

Xin hadn't thought he was prying but it seemed it was a topic she didn't want to being up. That didn't overly concern him, it had just caught him slightly off guard in what had seemed quite an innocuous subject.

There was a loud click as Skreech turned to switch. That saved them nearly fifteen minutes of removing support arms to reach through. Xin gave a pull and wiggle and the connection block between the junction and the cables cab free. He folded them up and tucked them nearly to one side.

“Sure,” he replied in a fairly light tone. Xin rolled onto his side and managed to get a hydrospanner in under one of the support arms and shields they still needed to remove.

“Can yuh hold de socket on de top?” He asked Dells. “Come out de way Skreech.”

It was an awkward angle to reach but it was too heavy for Skreech to work. The bolt probably hadn't come off since the ship had been constructed.

“What would yuh like for lunch?” Xin asked, changing the subject.


There was a slight twinge of guilt as Xin finally dropped the subject. Delila would discuss what was happening with the offers but a small,cramped access shafts didn't seem the place. Dells was a woman firmly rooted in reality - obviously it would be something that would be approached before the end of the trip. She just preferred to have such a talk when she wasn't caught so off guard. The subject matter was enough to catch her off guard alone.

Passing up offers to spend more time with Xin. He had asked for time, she thought this would be an olive branch in that direction. Would the Nautolan see it the same though?

“Do we have we spray lubricant? Might come in handy.”

Hand was firmly on the socket, leaning body weight into the tool to keep it from moving. Xin was using sheer muscle to try to get the bolt to move and it would be a lie to say she didn't enjoy the way the muscles in his arm flexed.

“Also you can cook? You're going to make me...well us...lunch?”

Dells wavered between disbelief and sheer surprise. Most times she just rummaged together what her limited cooking skills would allow. Having Xin actually ask her sent her feelings from guilty to cloud nine. She would appreciate whatever Xin put in front of her due to his thoughtfulness alone.

“I don't know… no one has asked me that in awhile. A sandwich I guess?”


“Are yuh doubting mi ability to loosen dis?” Xin asked as he heaved. The bolt didn't give. “Cos I am too,” he huffed.

“Skreech, spray battle about dis big back next to de tools please?”

The monkey lizard chuckled at his failure and darted back down the tunnel.

Xin took a breather and gave the bolt gentle taps. He didn't know if that really helped but it was something he had seen Brak do. He was still unsure why the subject had to be changed from her employment but didn't want to pry. Perhaps this trip was her way of escaping the decision for a time and didn't want to dwell on it. That would make sense.

“I’ll make lunch,” he reaffirmed. “Ah, bread might be in de freezer. Remind me to get some out. I'll get some meat out for dinner too.”


“ You don't have to, I'll eat anything put in front of me really.”

Being picky wasn't a trait one could have in her previous line of work. Same for being marooned. Now they were on board resources - not that they were on a long haul trip.

Xin was tapping the bolt and she wasn't sure why. Perhaps some type of spacer trick she didn't know about. If it proved useful it was another piece of knowledge to tuck away for later use. Weight still rested on the socket as Skreech was scurrying around getting the spray can.

“So how did you learn to do this? Spacer University back on the Fleet?”


Xin opened his mouth to reply. Just the slight glint in eyes and twitch of the tip of a headtail gave away the mischief behind what he was going to say. Then Skreech scrambled back down the tunnel and he decided to save the comment.

“Thenk yuh,” he said as he took the bottle. He gave the bolt a good spray and wiped away the excess with a rag from a pocket.

“When yuh are just off from a dock it make sense to use de fresh food,” Xin said with a shrug. He didn’t think he was a good cook by any means, but he had a notion of what Dells’ standard was.

“And mostly have been on de move fah a long time. Am no mechanic either. Can do a bit of everything but nuh so well I guess,” he chuckled. “Brak can make anyting mechical sing!”

Muscles bunched up and with his leg well braced he gave a tug that started the bolt turning.


She gave a look of 'really,Xin’ at the glint of mischief that crossed his features. Skreech had saved her from the comment but the point had gotten through clearly either way. There was a small chuckle before Xin continued on about his mechanical skills.

“Not so well? I highly doubt that Captain but I'll let you have it for now.”

Socket threatened to move and she applied more pressure to allow Xin to try and remove the bolt. Like he said, probably hadn't been removed since the ship was built and it wasn't as if they had spacecraft quality power equipment on board. That stuff was expensive, even used.

“On the move for a long time huh? Whatcha want to do in the future? The same? Or something different? Don't say you don't know, everyone has at least some vague idea of what their future plans are.”


He didn’t even look slightly embarrassed at her comment, but that was something nautolans were able to hide well. You had to learn to read the patterns in their eyes and subtle movements of the headtails. Dells would probably learn over time if she stayed around him.

“Being in dat prison was de longest I had stayed in place since I was...eight,” Xin replied. But for a soft grunt he fell silent for a few seconds. A quarter of a turn and he changed position to start twisting the bolt more freely.

Skreech was watching but staying oddly silent. He was listening to the conversation.

“Well, mi future plans kind of got brought forward,” Xin replied with a chuckle. Running a ship had been what he was saving for. “At some point I probably want to settle in one place. My skills are mostly on a ship thought.”


“So young Xin has been running around for years then? No kid should have to go through that, I'm sorry.”

It was tough to picture little boy Xin running around lost and alone. Xin was incredibly smart so no doubt he learned quickly. Yet it wasn't something she would wish on even her worst enemy. The nugget of information proved useful though and explained a good bit of some actions.

“ Mostly on a ship? I don't know, you did a great job on the beach.”

Grin was tossed in his direction upon her teasing.

“Settling down someday? That's the idea for everyone I suppose. I've got a rough idea but who knows if it comes to light.”


“Miss de water on a ship!” He admitted. The grin at her comment remained as an almost wistful smile. It was because part of his mind had decided to revisit their time together on the ground. “Most ships don't have much. Recycled air can get a little dry.”

Xin backed up and found room to start moving parts out of their way without leaving them precariously balanced. The last thing they needed was to make more work by dropping something beyond arm's reach.

“Mi uncle looked after mi fah a while, but I did nuh stay long,” Xin replied. He hadn't so much fought in a rebellion as become mixed up with some kids who thought themselves freedom fighters. Not the worst people he had been mixed up with either.

“Maybe would get bored in one city. I don't know. Maybe relaxing. Which do you prefer?”


“Not sure. The idea of retiring and spending my days in a sleepy beach town have a massive appeal. At the same time…. Can I ever retire? I need something to drive me, a purpose of sorts. One typically doesn't find that in quiet little towns.”

Delila had the idea circulating in her mind for some time now. Her body couldn't keep up forever, not doing heavy combat work anyways. When the Dahlia came along she had drifted from place to place and found it therapeutic in a way. If she didn't like somewhere then it was nothing more than closing the ramp and moving on.

“So I imagine I would get bored too. Depends also if I'm alone or have someone tagging along. Typically a partner in crime makes the adventure more memorable.”

Eyes went back to Xin, realizing they were touching close to the employment offer subject once again. Delila had accidentally charted herself into those waters.

“Which is part of the reason I've decided not to take the offer on Corellia.”


Without being able to hear her thoughts, Xin found it slightly strange that she had steered back to the earlier question. He doubted it was deliberate.

“Could yuh run a security department for one of the big firms? Or maybe hire on a few and start your own?” He asked. She must have enough references to take one of the big jobs at the galactic security business that made huge profits in these times. Probably good pension plans to.

“I'd come on adventures wid yuh!” He offered, not really picking up on the fact that her thoughts might have returned to that offer on their first meeting. Circumstances were very different now, both for Xin in general and between them both.

“Yuh must be doing alright now to be thinking about retirement so young,” he joked as if it could shelter him from any kind of retort that working together would be a bad idea.


“Well….yes and no. The job I have currently has a good number of perks. Obviously I get the freedom to do around and make a bit of a schedule. I could continue it until I get fired. Realistically I'm very aware years of abuse on my body will catch up to me quickly. So I would like something in place before that happens.”

Socket loosened and Delila placed it in the tin to be put away for safe keeping. Panel was pushed up and she lifted it out of the way for now.

“More so if we continue this.” Delila motioned between them. “At some point we will have to come to an agreement on future goals.”

This was the conversation she didn't want to have. Especially not in such a small enclosed space. If someone got overly emotional it would end very badly. Both for the ship and for the actual person.

“Speaking without knowing your feelings or ideas, if us did continue then I wouldn't want to be in a position where I'm doing work on the ground and you're off in the 'verse. Doesn't make for a good relationship.”


Xin went through a couple of phases. Even a human could see that he turned quiet and thoughtful at first. He also hadn't expected the conversation to turn this way quite so quickly.

Cocking his head to one side his lips split into a smile. She had been thinking about him when it came to weighing up career options. That meant he mattered to her. Not a lot of people seemed to take him seriously, but she did. He wasn't certain he was good enough for her, but she seemed to.

He made a thoughtful noise and set his hydrospanner down somewhere safe.

“Yes,” he said to her, the smile having gone. “I do want us to continue. I think we do need to talk about it.” His hand came up and nervously fiddled with one of the binds on his headtails. “Nuh sure what de answer is, but we should talk.”

They had agreed to take it a step at a time and that was exactly what they were doing. But she raised a sensible point. If they were heading down divergent paths then there came a point when there weren't any more steps forward.


Eyebrows knit for a moment, watching his actions. Xin had gone from a quiet moment to looking nervous as he spoke. Where the nervous emotion came in for Xin she couldn't tell. Was it the subject matter or the answers?

“Actually I'm not sure of the answers myself. Do we need answers yet? You mentioned time, which I can give. However even you should feel something is changing between us Xin.”

Rhythm was being found. Both were allowing the other see a private side of both emotions and personality. Sex had turned into an intimate event instead of a frantic lust fueled coupling.

“I'm not expecting a definitive answer on our lives Xin. You would be a fool to jump in so quickly. You have more to lose in this than I do.”

“I just want you to consider what you want for yourself and if there is an 'us’ that too. We have time but it would be foolish to end up in two different locations at the end of this.”


Xin listened and nodded. He was aware that he could be too free with his tongue and end up mixing up what he meant. This was the kind of discussion where it would take them longer if he spoke too quickly instead of considering his words.

“Yuh are right,” he said. “I do, yuh know, feel dat it's changing between us. I don't want it to be weeks and weeks before we meet again now, let alone down de line.”

He wasn't quite sure what she meant about him having more to lose. During his life he had rarely settled in one place. Perhaps that was why he didn't see there being a large risk to investing more in their relationship.

“I guess I'm nuh so fixed on being in space or on de ground. Yuh can travel wid mi here as long as dere is work, or yuh could put in a gud word fah mi wid de royal family!”

“Imbecile is a good word,” Skreech finally decided to interject.


“Sometimes it may be weeks and weeks. I mean….if I have to do some on-ground training or personal protection then we’re going to be separated. Such is the nature of the career. It happens. Your dream was to fly around and be your own boss, don’t give up on that. I like the idea of us traveling around.”

There was a chuckle on her part when Skreech added his two cents into the conversation.She probably shouldn’t encourage the money-lizard, much like she shouldn’t encourage Brak and his ‘Squidly’ comments.

“I can feel the love between you two.As for the Royal House, don’t know them that well but if you like. There’s always freelance contracts to be had too - they do a lot of mining and exporting so ships are always in and out.”

Dells moved closer and slipped an arm around Xin, drawing herself closer in the small space. Quick kiss was placed on his cheek.


“I did nuh …” he had been going to protest that the request for a royal introduction had been tongue in cheek but he fell silent when she moved towards him. This was such a confined space that it could have felt quite intimate and private. That was, if Skreech had not been sat watching them.

Spelling it out was nice, but what he felt at such an innocuous gesture was the real proof. Xin let a grease-covered hand give a gentle squeeze to her waist. A tilt of his head brushed his headtails against her temple as she turned away.

There was this layer of sensibility on which they were building this, Xin thought to himself. Whilst they could both be quite guarded with their words these little conversation felt like moments where they appraised and checked their heading.

“I like dat idea too.”

Skreech found a loose cable that he found interesting. He seemed content enough that Dells had laughed at his joke. He was, however, listening. His little world had been flipped but at least he had a place here and he understood that the conversation affected that.

“I'm glad we ran into each other,” he said earnestly. Just a chance meeting that had changed a great deal. Perhaps sometimes the Universe wasn't trying to punish him.


Arm dropped from around Xin after a moment. Skreech had gone quiet once again after his amusing little comment, playing with a loose wire of some sort when her eyes finally found the creature. There was still a great deal of work to be done. Panels were removed now someone had to crouch down and remove a metal cover.

“I am too, well...more glad my slightly inebriated state offered a challenge. Didn’t think you were going to accept but apparently surprises happen every now and then.”

Delila crouched down, sliding forward to look at the metal housing now stopping them from their next step.She wasn’t going to make Xin do all the work. Wasn’t her nature and besides it got incredibly boring watching someone do all the grunt work. Moving to her knees the redhead slid forward to reach the housing, checking the socket size needed. She took a moment before sitting back and digging through the toolbox Xin had drug through the tiny access areas.

“Corellia was a surprise too, a nice once.” Socket was found, the piece attaching to her wrench. “Hand me that spray can Skreech? Unlike Xin, I’ve got no one to show off my muscles for down here.”


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