Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Siege of Commenor

Oppression! The Galactic Core is in
turmoil after the dastardly SITH
EMPIRE and the villainous FIRST
ORDER brought the last shining
bastion of light, the GALACTIC
ALLIANCE, to its knees.
Now, emboldened by their victory,
Sith Emperor Kaine Zambrano
launched a campaign of terror to
intimidate the COMMENOR
complying with his insidious
Not willing to bow to the Dark Side
of the Force, Queen Kay Arenais
has called on COMMENOR's allies
to make one last desperate stand
against the darkness...

Once again we, the Sith Empire, have been called upon to be the in-character end of another faction in the galaxy far, far away. This time, it is the Commenor Systems Alliance to which we fight. The titular Siege of Commenor will begin on Wednesday the 25th and will continue until a reasonable conclusion has been reached.

This is going to be a very friendly and amazing send-off to the CSA in a similar vein to Endgame, albeit not as large in scale or scope. The thread will be confined to a single planet, Commenor, and will primarily revolve around the Sith Empire's siege-like assault of the capital city, replete with artillery, walkers, trench warfare, and other tasty tidbits of sci-fi/fantasy war we all know and love.

The invasion channel in the official Discord chat will be repurposed for this new chapter in the Sith's story, so keep your eyes peeled and get excited for great storytelling with great writers.


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