Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Siege of Sump | EE Dominion of Sump



While the Eternal Empire scored a pyrrhic victory over the Horde of the Three Warlords on Sump, after the successful assassination of two Warlords during the battle, they could not prevent the Ologuren from establishing a foothold on one of the world’s major continents. In the months after the initial emergence, the sole surviving Warlord—Krizsnark Bonestompa—ascended to the form of a Tyrant Ologuren and transformed his horde into a great Warhost. With this newfound strength, the Ologuren began to expand across the continent of Nukar, forcing the Eternal Empire to evacuate multiple villages, while setting up defensive lines and blockades in the attempt to corral the threat and prevent the Ologuren from spreading across the planet. In this regard, the Eternal Empire has been successful, but with much of their military resources and manpower committed to the fight against the Brotherhood of the Maw, the forces stationed on Nukar were rendered incapable of offensive action, leading to a long battle of attrition as the defenders sought to hold out against the rampaging, growing, and evolving Ologuren Warhost.

Now, after many long months, the time has come to create a breakthrough.

Dubbed Operation Eternal Victory, the Eternal Empire has committed the weight of its military to a major offensive spearheaded by Field Marshal Reinhardt Ström. To this end, a multifaceted breakthrough operation involving all branches of the Eternal Armed Forces has been launched, with the primary objective being to dislodge and purge the Ologuren presence from Nukar.

For the Empire and for victory!


Objective I: The God of War
Built on top of what was previously the settlement of Nukun, the Greatfort of the Bonestompa Warhost is a massive construction, bristling with guns, warriors, industry, and yet more. With the offensive ramping up, taking and potentially, glassing the Greatfort has been marked as one of the central objectives. Unfortunately, many lines of battle-hardened, robust Ologuren warriors stand between the Eternal Empire and this objective. They have adopted their own form of primitive artillery and heavy cavalry in the form of Styrosag Artillery Beasts, massive Andronius War Boars ridden by the Ologuren themselves, and Rock Ripper Tanks. In addition, the Greatfort is hardened against bombardment by a massive shield generator and a reinforced construction, impressive by the standards of such a primitive species. To add onto this, Warhost has completed the construction of a sprawling network of underground tunnels, which they have used to funnel forces underground and to initiate flanking maneuvers on the advancing Eternal Empire forces.

It goes without saying that taking the Greatfort will likely be the most difficult, costly objective of the entire operation. Nevertheless, doing so will effectively decapitate the Ologuren war machine, forcing them into a permanent defensive and allowing the Eternal Empire to establish battlefield superiority.

Objective II: Statue Toppling
The Ologuren have constructed a series of towering War Totems across their territory. While these were initially disregarded as little more than superstition, extended analysis has revealed that these totems radiate power in the Force. They are speculated to provide the Ologuren Warhost a substantial boost in morale and ferocity akin to a form of Battle meditation, making an already motivated enemy virtually unflaggable. The largest of these totems is a massive, skyscraper-sized construction known as the Totem of Tenacity. It has been marked as a central objective for the operation, with the Wardens of the Shroud taking the lead in the assault to destroy it.

The Totem is protected by a substantial force of Ologuren Shamans and warriors. It is also shielded against bombardment. While the battle will be smaller than the siege on the Greatfort, the Shamans will prove to be a challenge demanding the best of the Eternal Empire’s warriors and Force Adepts to defeat.

Objective III: BYOO
There are many more ways to interact with Sump than are listed here. Not to mention, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!

Links and Reference:
Horde of the Three Warlords [Ologuren Horde on Sump] [Open to All]

  • Ologuren War Racer - Typically armed with a single 20mm rotary slugthrower and bladed wheels, Ologuren War Racers are lightly-armored fast attack vehicles that are known for their speed and acceleration!
  • Ologuren Battle Cycle - Typically Armed with a single or double heavy machine gun, flamethrower, or laser cannon these motorcycles are fast, agile machines ridden by daring pilots. They are a terror to infantry and a nuiscane to vehicles.
  • Ologuren Raptor XLT - Often used as troop transports, these trucks are armed with heavy machine guns, cannons, wheel blades, battering rams, and sometimes even missile launchers. They are among the most common vehicles used by the Ologuren and are considered to be a staple of their ground forces.
  • Rock Ripper Tank - Super-heavy tanks, Rock Rippers are lumbering vehicles armed with missile launchers, heavy main cannons, and rotary slugthrowers. These vehicles are almost twice the height of an adult rancor and weigh in the hundreds of tons, making them extremely tough, heavily-armored war machines.
  • Ologuren Attack Chopper - Loud, primitive flying machines, Ologuren Attack Choppers aren’t fast or well-armored, but they are dangerously agile and carry a stupid amount of firepower, in the form of missiles and slugthrower cannons. While weak against most starfighters and airspeeders, if left alone they can wreak havoc on ground forces.
  • Ologuren War Jet - The seemingly primitive design of this heavily-armed flight machine belies its extreme firepower. Typically equipped with six 20mm or 30mm rotary slugthrower cannons, these jets are known for their ability to put out a blistering amount of firepower and for being surprisingly fast. Underestimate them at your own peril!
  • Ologuren Super Bomber - Among the biggest of the Ologuren fighter designs, these machines bristle vehicle-grade slugthrower cannons and carry a dangerous payload of seismic charges and proton bombs. If left unopposed, a single craft can wreck entire tank or infantry formations on its own.
  • Styrosag Artillery Beasts
  • Andronius War Boars - Ridden by massive Greater Ologuren, these mounts are massive war beasts with thick hides and sharp tusks. With an experienced Ologuren rider on its back, their charge is a terrifying thing to behold!
  • Feel free to create more Ologuren units at your own leisure!

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to teach Force and try to help on Cartri.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Open
[ Daughter of the Sea ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

After the events in Tython, Eina didn't really leave Ession or the Netherworld. Her new condition was still a little strange. Actually, not even her own, but the fact that she has a little girl with Gei. And of course, her husband was the same as her. There wasn’t that much change for Eina, not much change compared to her old self. Her old abilities remained, she got quite a few new ones and became part of Ashla. Perhaps most importantly, it was no longer neutral, but really Lightsider, the incarnation of Light. She didn't need her husband to walk in the light, she still reflects his devotion too, this remained intact, but without even this, she was a Lightsider.

Perhaps the biggest change is that she has become a mother; even if not in a biological sense, since her little daughter was born like her. That is, from the fusion or merging of two souls. But the fact they were really a family; it is made her feel much fuller.

However, she felt even further away from the world of the living, from the Realspace. She thought about what she was doing on Tython; where she reached into the cycle of life at a level like never before. That is, in the case of Geiseric, she did so earlier when she saved her later husband’s life. But here, she created a life, two lives. She gave the girl at least nine months of life, a meaning of life so as not to throw it away, as her husband wanted her so much to live. Sure, she may not choose life, but Eina tried.

But it was the past, Eina was now here on the planet Sump as she asked her mother to meet a young man who needed guidance on the Force. Eina arrived from Netherworld at the agreed location near the capital, near a larger crystal formation.

She looked down from the ledge at the beautiful view; the pleasantly warm wind playing with her hair and the feathers of her wings. Eina took a deep breath and then sat down on the floor in a meditation pose with her back to the city. She closed her eyes, she would feel anyway when the young man arrived. She just had to wait…

//OOC: repost from the Isis dom, because we can start/continue the game here with Smee.//


Location: Sump
Objective: Stand Guard
Tags: Open

Rannux stood on the watch tower, as he watched the swamps of Sump below. He was currently stationed near the front lines of the fight against the Olguren, along with Ultranauts of the Imperial Army, and soldiers of the Exilium Authority. The Exilium Authority were there as support, while Sump was only a few systems away, Rannux still wanted to show the Authorities support of the Eternal Empire.

Mounted turrets stood up all over the outpost, watching every angle. They were gearing up for a strike against the Olguren, which made them a hot target for any wandering hosts of the ape like species. "Sevesu to Red Hawk, when are we getting our reinforcements?"

He waited for a response, as the silence of the comm seemed to stretch out. Eventually came a response. "Red Hawk to Sevesu, reinforcements are on route, ETA 20 minutes." Rannux sighed, it was longer then he'd prefer, but they'd have to hold out with their limited soldiers.

"Understood, Sevesu out." With that he climbed down the watch tower onto the wall of the encampment, 20 minutes, time he knew they didn't have. Just then, in the distance, he heard the distant cry of something, and then came the noise he was all too familiar with. The Olguren battle horn.

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Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: To recruit new members.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Roxsie Roxsie | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Open to Mercenaries and Black Sun members
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Will it be like when I interview the bounty hunters to see if they can join House Orchid? It was quite different, as House Orchid was my own company, not one of the most important cornerstones of the Empire. But now in any case, I did Arturo Braga Arturo Braga a favour that I came to one of the applicants who would like to join the Contractors’ Guild. Knowing myself, I also brought Tovald with me to this task. I know he behaves strangely with spiders, but as far as I’ve experienced, he’ll find harmony and a more common voice with humans than me. So it can be helpful.

The planet has been besieged several times by the Eternal Empire, so this was not the first time for them. For me, the most important thing was to be able to find a place for the meeting where there were no fights at all. I also sent these coordinates to the "target". I mean, to the young woman too. And finally, I arrived with Tovald to the supposedly safe suite where I had to meet the young woman.

This suite was in a safe hotel we rented for this meeting. So, it was actually more like an office and it was in the ad that it was perfect for meetings. I checked the place, it was good and safe, indeed; only after that I took off my helmet. Until that moment, it was hostile territory. But this way it is no longer safe. Now all he had to do was wait for the girl to arrive.

"How did you spend your recent time, Tovald?" I asked my partner until the guest arrived.

While I waited for the response and the person arriving, I poured myself a glass of water and then sat down in one of the chairs at the table.




Communication "verbal" <<technopathy>>

Objective: defeat the flanking breakout force

Loralora interceptor swoop
Gei Borugu Electro Spear
Light Saber (peony colour blade)
Laser Lance

90 x Nuetralizer Model 1 on modernised STAP platforms

20 x Nuetralizer Model 2 on modernised STAP platforms

Inside the fortress

The large muscular form of the speed lord Tuhghan stomped through the think acrid smoke that filled the hangar where he and his boys waited, revving their engines, drinking and generally psyching themselves up for the battle to come, it would be glorious, he grinned to himself, baring his yellow and steel tipped teeth at a passing mechanic who was even now adding more outrigger guns to one of the many armoured vehicle under his command. He had been given this task, no! This honour! By the warlord, push out, surround the filthy Imperials and break their pathetic seige. A mixture of blood and oil would stain the sands by the end of the day.

A klaxon went off as his second signalled that his own vehicle was ready, an unarmoured battleracer, the faster he could get out there, the faster he could get killing. His heavy vibrometeor hammer hung loosley over his shoulders as he walked, with its head sized striking ends handing from a chain almost the thickness of a human arm, he would kill many invaders with this. He sat in his bike and revved black smoke out of his engines as thearg hangar doors began to slowly open, serve techs poured out of the way for fear of getting crushed by the horde and eventually as one, dozens of smoke belching vehicles began racing out into the desert. They had long drive through a valley to get behind the Imperials, but the heavy bombardment on both sides and huge smoke screens put up by the fortress masked their egress.

On the other side of the war

Akemi and her forces streaked low across the desert, she rode on her faithful Loralora at the front point of the lead of three chevrons of perfectly formed up battle droids, all mounted on STAPs that she had only had built in the last few days, specifically for this mission. The whole force was networked within her UNITY collective consciousness allowing the individual components to move with the grace and coordination of a hive, banking together and changing attitude for obstacles almost like a wave. Akemi's simulations had predicted an over 79% chance that the Olguren would attempt to break out of the seige, and nownthe visual feed she had from her advanced scouts showed the tell talked smoke cloud of massed Olguren armour, with its speed indicating a large number of light vehicles.

Akemi had speed on her side and had taken her own force on a large circuitous route in intercept them on an open rocky plain to her liking, she was out flanking the out flankers, her maneuver would catch them as they were beginning to tighten to pass through some rocky outcrops, making it harder for them to maneuver and bring their guns to bare compared to her much light and nimble vehicles. Intelligence indicated there may be several larger specimens from the retinue of the warlord, but Akemi and her Sister Alessandra Io Alessandra Io were more than capable of balancing out that potential force multiplier.

Ahead of her, smoke darkened the sky and she knew she was close. Akemi reached out and spear extended to its full length, crackling with energy. She switched off the antifriction shield and wind began to whip at her long black hair and she tensed herself ready for the charge, but a strange melody started reaching out into her mind, it took her a few milliseconds to work out where it was coming from.

Here she was, charging into battle like some warrior of the plains, and her horsemen were all starting to sing show tunes! She rolled her eyes and smiled thinking about her mother Laertia Io Laertia Io .


Objective: To recruit new members.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine
Tags: Roxsie Roxsie | Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Open to Mercenaries and Black Sun members


Tovald had received Sil's message and was in Hyperspace before the message ended. It has been a while since the last mission, and a lot had happened, he went on a rescue mission, his long cats had kittens, and he found his missing socks. His luck is improving. He reached Sump in record time and was now on the surface of Sump, his permanent Spider Entourage had gathered around his feet, it was such a normal thing now that Tovald was desensitized to it, so it did not bother him anymore.

The Humidity was tolerable and his suit was well ventilated, he needed padding inside his helmet as the rubbing made his skin blister, it wasn't too bad but having no hair made it more likely. Despite this, he was never the one to complain because nothing gets better by being grumpy about your lot in life. It did not take long to link up with Sil inside the Hotel or OTL, as the letters had fallen off at some point, they got down to business, well they needed to catch up first which is nice. All work does not make a good partnership after all. No one talks to each other much anymore and it was a shame. The person they were meeting hasn't shown up yet, so it gave them time to well, catch up.

<"Well I have been busy, been working with the Rescue Service, visiting home, and tending to my cats, they had kittens recently."> He replied, not caring if it was interesting or not.

<"What about you, what have you been doing?">
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Politics and more politics.
Location: Aboard of Crimson Empress; orbit around Sump
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat and hat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tag: Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Closed
[ Rise of Evil ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Tython was a mingled success for the Eternal Empire. Although they played their full role and successfully protected the planet from what Solipsis and Maw wanted, Ingrid was not happy. For the Eternal Empire, the perfect success would have been if the Maw had won. Or at least if they destroy the three Nexus. The lack of this was very unfortunate. After Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood sensed Solipsis' death and ran away, even though she ran after him, they had no more opportunity to talk.

As soon as they stepped out of the covered valley providing security, They had to act as if they were enemies. Then, like everyone else, she had to retreat. It was not known whether the Maw would successfully destroy the planet or not. In the end, however, this did not happen. So, then there had to be some other way to neutralise the Nexus, something more peaceful. Something that is less conspicuous and is only noticed when it’s too late. Ingrid still thought drastic solutions didn’t pay off.

If there is a constant need to go to war, against everyone, there will be no resource and time left for the actual things. The Eternal Empire has always been more sophisticated than the Maw. With Zach, they could move faster if the man stopped quenching his bloodthirst and chaos and finally turned his attention to normal affairs. Instead of raging.

But that wasn't important now. The Empress was not waiting for her lover and ally today, but for someone else, Baron Ström, Overseer of the Armed Forces. She ordered her soldiers, if the man arrives, escort him to the office where the woman worked. It will be a fairly private conversation.

When the man arrived, the woman saluted him and then shook his hand after the formal greeting.

<"Take a seat, Lord Ström. We need to talk about important things."> she told him.



Location: Sump
Objective: Meet with his new teacher
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

A new day had arrived for Cartri on the surface of Sump, somewhere which was a far cry from Denon. Since his last meeting with Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim he had been asked to meet with a person the Red Witch knew well. He wasn't sure entirely what for, but it was probably a person he could speak to as a way of helping him control his "gift". It was no lie in saying it was still a problem, so he'd be more than happy to take all the advice he could get from a skilled force user.

For the few times he had met Ingrid, Cartri had grown trust in the empress. She had always been honest and clear with him, especially when it came to getting out of her place alive. After all, there was no reason for him not to considering she had yet to speak a single lie. And so, with nothing but himself, he went to the capital of Sump and made a short trek to the outside of the city where his contact was waiting for him near a crystal formation.

He wasn't sure what to expect from the woman named Eina, was she going to have the same stern yet honest attitude as Ingrid? or was she going to be the polar opposite? at the end of the day that didn't matter. All he was here for was to gain better knowledge and a potential teacher on how to control his power. Nothing more, nothing less. As he approached the location he soon began to see a figure in the distance, an unusual stature who appeared to have wings.

Cartri stopped for a few moments to peer at the woman from a distance, hesitant at first to approach. With a clear gulp, he slowly but surely came up behind the woman and stopped a few feet away from her. The boy didn't speak at first, only looking down at her strange form with one of intrigue. But that didn't last long when he bravely opened his mouth to speak.

"Uh... hello. I'm Cartri, Ingrid sent me here to meet with you?"
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Wearing: Liar's Flesh

Armed With: Double Agent (Blue Saberstaff)

Civil Defense Laser Disruptor

Objective: BYOO (Seek coordinates to Ankhanos)

Current host: The Arena (See Bio)

Earlier, Khemost.

City of Midas, Khemost Apartments

"Dreaaaaaaammmmmmmboat!" The Arena called out to her boyfriend, the Model 1 Nuetralizer known as Isacc as she entered her apartment carrying both data cards and nifty little upgrades for her lover as well as supplies for ritual magic to perform later in the evening. A Cultist in the form of a beautiful, curvy orange skinned Twi'lek in a skintight white catsuit, The Arena had been out shopping early from the House Io stores.

Everybody had heard what had happened to Rebecca Hahn by this point. The Cultists were being given an even wider berth than normal. Not that she minded. She got funny looks just walking down the street with her boyfriend.

"Sherbet!" Isacc called back, putting away her ritual knives. They had this apartment all to themselves. It was smaller than most. But it was private.

"You will never guess what they had on sale!" The Arena gushed pulling out what looked to be a little, crimson handbook.

Isacc saw the title and instantly went over to it.

"Guide to Meme-Lording, Anniversary Volume!" The Model 1 exclaimed. "I've been tearing through the Holonet looking for it!"

"That's not all..." she hissed coyly, going through the bags and pulling out a long black box.

"Tenloss was available on a two for one special on Class D Disruptors!" she said excitedly.

She drew close to the murderous Soldier Droid, wrapping on of Isacc's Skeletal hands around her waist.

"I'm going to take my time installing them on you..." she flirted, running a finger across his Cortosis Weave Durasteel Chassis.

"Then we'll go find someone to kill with them..."

"We're in luck on that too, Sherbet!" Isacc replied, squeezing her closer to him and making her giggle.

"What do you mean?" she wondered.

"Well, I have been doing some sleuthing and Bounty Hunting on the side, and there is a big fat killing spree all ready to go on Sump. But more than that... there's a Force Vault deep in the swamps.

The Arena visibly shuddered in anticipation.

"Then I guess..." she purred seductively, kissing his Skeleton jaw. "We can get started on upgrading you early..."

A few hours later...

While Isacc rested on his bed in low power mode, The Arena knelt in front of her bone strewn shrine to the Brain Demon, praying for guidance.

This truce the Cult had with House Io had caused a lot of changes in the Cult. She had been among the first to be swept up by it all.

Her flesh shuddered disgustingly as she prayed, mulling over what he told her. Isacc didn't normally disclose information like that. He wanted her to know something.

This was bigger than it seemed.

The position of the Cultists was precarious. One more powderkeg like that...

The Arena realized it was indeed vital to accompany Isacc there. The Amalgam had been punished with banishment from House Io territories until she rectified her sin.

The Arena realized she didn't wanna go down with Amy.

But to turn on Amy would be risking turning on the Brain Demon... wouldn't it?

But showing up to Sump as herself might tip off the locals, to say nothing of The Eternal Empire, that something major was going down.

There was no telling what was in that vault...


"So let me get this straight..." Isacc said as he piloted the Upsilon Class Shuttle through the Atmosphere. "You will actually think you are a totally different person when you go through this?"

"Essentially." The Arena explained, clad in the skin tight metallic silver catsuit that her False Persona preferred. "But if you need to talk just ask her to kindly abdicate a moment."

"Gotcha, Sherbet..."

The Arena concentrated, and her flesh warped and bubbled everywhere, involuntary metallic squeals erupting from her throat as her mind vanished into that of Lucretia, her face becoming that of an elderly but strongly chiseled visage of pale skin with a shock of platinum blonde hair.

Lucretia Lister opened her eyes, resting comfortably in her armor as the Shuttle landed. She rose, smiling pleasantly at her boyfriend.

"Well, gorgeous, are you following along or do you need an engraved invitation?" Lucretia asked coyly as she headed out of the shuttle.

Isacc pulled out his pump action shotgun and followed her.

Lucretia trudged through the swamps as if she owned them, and she began to note the slowly piling up mounds of dead and burned Olugaren on the trail. Some immense battle had taken place. Lucretia heard cries of pain and fear and grew instantly concerned, signalling Isacc to follow her.

"Over here!" Lucretia called out, heading over to wreckage of what looked to be a primitive looking tank. Her heart ached as she realized it was the sound of a crying little boy and immediately activated one end of her saberstaff, the blue blade flashing through the top of the tank hull.

Lucretia reached in and dragged the dirty, blood soaked boy out of the tank hull.

"There there....shhhhh..." Lucretia whispered as she held the clearly traumatized child.

"Just tell us what happened and we can start helping you from there..." she claimed to Isacc's amazement. He had dated her for years. She was never this nice to anyone unless she had to be...

Objective: To get recruited
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Phrik sword, Organic suit, stylized rebreather.
Ship: VEV Starthrust Series Fast Courier
Tags: Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Roxsie was appreciative to Zepher for forewarning her of the planets conditions, though she did believe her own research was sufficient. She had even had the forethought to bring a suit capable of operating as an "Organic Suit" that could be programmed for different needs. Though it seemed she might not really need it.

She had grown bored. She needed something to do, and a good way to make money of her own. And the Contractors Guild was a good way of doing that. It would provide money and action, and maybe a reputation. Roxsie believed this to be an excellent choice for her skills and nature. She landed the ship, putting on the suit, and stepping out to the hotel. She did keep her sword with her, however far they might be from the fight. In truth she didn't even want to bring the suit. Planet was perhaps humid but she could deal with that. She was more concerned that the toxins could get to the skin.

In spite of that, once she got inside the hotel. She set the suit to change to more normal clothes, for her at least. It wasn't exceedingly fast, but she had enough patience to wait for it to go back and forth on the way to and from the suite. Besides, she still kept her rebreather on anyway. "Time to find out if any of this is worth it." She said to herself knocking at the suite, "This is Roxsie V'Trechen. I'm here interview, I guess."

How else was I supposed to phrase that?
She thought.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: To recruit new members.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Roxsie Roxsie | Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a | Open to Mercenaries and Black Sun members
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The spiders; it was something I couldn’t get used to. I shuddered at their thought. What if one climbs under my armour? No, I didn't dare think about that. Tovald seemed to have had some pretty exciting and lengthy days lately. One thing is for sure, he wasn't bored. What did I do? That was a really good question…

"Just the usual and mostly boring things. As the management of the company, the management of the Guild. Mainly bureaucracy and filing. Unfortunately, with little action. And we were finally able to move into the planet that the Eternal Empress gave us. So now my company headquarters is even closer to this region."

So business matters; I became a Mandalorian to have more excitement and action, and then I don’t usually deal with anything other than business matters.

"Oh? Kittens? I think your days were more exciting than mine." I told him.

And soon the person we were waiting for arrived. When he arrived, I got up from my chair and stepped closer to her. I gave her my hand for a handshake; of course, I took off the glove part of my armour before I did this motion. I don't really think it's needed here. She looked very young; even younger than me. And this is not often the case.

"I'm Lynne Tal'kira and you're in the right place. Please come in, and take a seat. He is Tovald Kahmen''a, bounty hunter. So, I know you want to join the Contractors' Guild…" I asked/told her.

After that, I pointed to the chairs around the table.

"Well, why would you want to join?" I started with the most common, but perhaps the most irritating question.


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to teach Force and try to help on Cartri.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Open
[ Daughter of the Sea ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina's aura may have been special and strange to Cartri, as Eina was half as if she were Ingrid. This is theoretically impossible as Force signatures are different. But for the angel-winged woman, it was as if she had been half the Eternal Empress. However, there was also a huge difference. Eina was not neutral in the Force, but had a radiant, Light Side aura; due to the fact that there was a vergence in the Force and the incarnation of the Light Side.

When she heard Cartri's words, she turned around. She had red hair and blue eyes, as Ingrid had. Her features are very similar to those of the Eternal Empress. Although her eyes had a slightly different shade of colour, it was equally blue, not to mention that the colour of her hair was also red. Ingrid also looks quite young, maybe she looked like a young woman in her mid to late twenties, and that was true of Eina as well. However, it was clear that it was not about siblings but about a mother-daughter relationship.

And she confirmed this with her words moments later, even though her voice was the same as Ingrid's, only not so cold and distant, but kind and more direct.

"Yes, my mother said you were going to come. Cartri, right?" she asked him. "I feel insecurence in you. I know you're here because of your dormant abilities. Is it true?"

She looked at the young man questioningly, trying to see his aura, his soul, what she could see in it. Doubts, fears, anything through which she can get to know him better. For Eina, this was usually easy, as she was able to see it in reality and in the Force at the same time.




Communication "verbal" <<technopathy>>

Objective: defeat the flanking breakout force

Loralora interceptor swoop
Gei Borugu Electro Spear
Light Saber (peony colour blade)
Laser Lance

90 x Nuetralizer Model 1 on modernised STAP platforms

20 x Nuetralizer Model 2 on modernised STAP platforms

She could now make visual contact with the Olguren column and could see their heavy vehicles, sporadic and poorly aimed fire started towards her cavalry. <Chevron 1 form into wedge on my position, Chevrons 2 and three more into scresxent attack formation and begin encircling on contact.> light damage on as many vehicles as possible from the encirclement would begin to sew chaos and slow down the bulk of the enemy formation, while Akemi herself, accompanied by two dozen other riders punched into the heart of the enemy. One of the STAP riders was very close and she saw a flicker as his shield absorbed blaster fire.

As she approached, a group of motorcycles turned and charged towards her, their bravado pushing them forwards. She mentally activated her LoraLora's weapons before reaching out her arm and activating her Arc caster sending bolts of electricity burning through the air and slamming into the closest of the two bikes, the first was killed instantly and the second was thrown clear of his exploding bike only to be cut down by a controlled burst from one of her STAP riders.

<let them pass through, Chevron four, engage their riders as the exit the rear of my formation> she swung her electrospear in a wide arc and its tip lashed across the neck of another rider, sending him careening our of control. In seconds the two formations past through each other and Akemi only had the main enemy force in front of her. Smoke billowed in the air as the enemy gunned their engines for more combat speed and began spewing firepower in her direction.

She had lost a few nuetralizers on the approach but her formation held with her collective making tiny trajectory adjustments to compensate for gaps.

A large and heavy vehicle was just ahead of her and it had a multitude of small arms trying to gun down her soldiers, the Olguren were scary, these heavy vehicles made the flank charge very hazardous, but Akemi had a suprise for them. With a thought, two nano-missiles with anti-tank warheads fired forward from her swoop, as the distance closed it took only a few seconds for them to punch a hole in the side if the massive vehicle. It barely noticed the strike, a small gash in an otherwise massive armoured fortress, but the real attack came next. With a click and a whoosh a third missile streaked towards the same spot and into, a dull thud an whips of blue most were all that announced the release of its horrific payload, droids feared ion weaponry, so organics could fear nerve gas just the same.

By the time Akemi passed by and into the main melee, the huge vehicle was no longer firing and crashed along at full speed but driverless, waiting for the first obstacle that would end its journey. Akemi had only seconds to enjoy this victory before she was embroiled, blaster and smoke trails from missiles flashed in all directions and her STAP force moved from vehicle to vehicle in a running battle, using both their STAP weapons and their personal firearms to enact a heavy toll on the Olguren defenders. Unfortunately the attack was not all going her way and within the centre if the formation, she was beginning to lose more nuetralizers and several had dismounted into the larger olguren vehicles to fight on foot. She needed to find the leader and decapitate him. The show of strength would break the fighting spirit of this deadly foe.

The main advantage that the House Io forces now enjoyed was visibility, smoke and dust obscured the view in all directions but the droids could switch to alternative visual methods to try and compensate, their collective consciousness also allowed them to share information at an extremely efficient pace. Akemi felt a blaster bolt wing her arm and a spray of mercury blood splattered her face. She answered the attack by launching her spear at the opponent who was onthe gun deck of one of the vehicles. Its blade punched through his chest and pinned him to the wall. She used this as an opportunity the dismount and left onto the gun deck herself, drawing her peony bladed lightsaber and cutting down several assaulting olguren in short measure before retrieving her Spear. One of their communicators cracked onto like with a guttural tone, Akemi connected to the comm herself and cursed back in the monster's filthy language.

"come and get me....I dare you"

Alessandra Io Alessandra Io


Location: Sump
Objective: Meet with his new teacher
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Cartri stood silent as he looked at the strange figure before him. It was almost as if she was the Eternal Empress, not a direct copy but one that had many similarities. Her hair and face almost looked as if it was the Red Witch herself, but instead, it was a daughter of the empress that greatly resembled her appearance. She looked young, maybe in her mid twenties compared to Ingrid's never aging forties look. She may have looked like her but did she share the same stern attitude?

The teen found himself standing up a little bit straighter when she looked at him, trying to be as respectful as possible to those who could simply end his life in a heartbeat. Not that they would, but the warriors of the EE were powerful beyond his very means.

"Yes... that's me" he said cautiously, keeping his eyes on the woman just in case something strange happened. Nodding slowly to her next comment, agreeing to the presumption she asked "That's right, I've been trying to dive deeper into the "gift" I have and find a way to control it better. I fear I am still not in control of it" he said honestly back to her, a small frown appearing on his face from bad memories leaking back into his mind.

Ever since a young age, he had not grasped an understanding of how powerful he could be. Due to that, he was not prepared for how much terror and hurt he'd bring upon people, especially the people he loved most. When things got too stressful or frustrating the force almost seemed to take control of his body, making him into a different boy that begged to come out in his place. Cartri was deeply concerned the next time would be his last, when he was in that mode it was very hard to get back out again.

All he wanted was control, and peace in mind people around him would be safe.

"In ways, I've come here to know more about myself and what I'm truly capable of with the force. Control in my life is what I'm after..."
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Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to teach Force and try to help on Cartri.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Open
[ Daughter of the Sea ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"You don't have to be afraid of me, I'll never hurt you. I always try to avoid fighting here in Realspace and just heal others, their mental and physical injuries." she said kindly.

In the end, she smiled kindly. The whole radiance was really like that, kind, honest, warm. A strong Light side aura embraced her and radiated through the area. Probably even Cartri could feel it. She wasn’t like Ingrid, who was ice-cold, distant, and inaccessible. Eina was surrounded by a warm light that calmed the soul. Because of the angel wings, it might have been called empyrean, ethereal, but somehow more direct.

Eina nodded at the boy's words; she knew this phenomenon. A lot of Valkyrja was in a similar situation after they became Valkyrja. They also became those who had not been Force users or Force Sensitive before. They also had to learn this, as everything became Valkyrja Force Sensitive; the same was true of the members of Children of Ashla.

"Yes, I know what you mean. If I think about it well, can you find it difficult to control and restrain your tempers and emotions?" she asked him.

This was usually the biggest problem. Especially if someone didn’t want to get on the dark side. But she had to know a few things to be able to help.

"I need some information. Has anyone taught you before? If so, what have you been taught. And what skills do you have at the moment."

She needed to know what the boy knew, maybe what faulty things had been taught to him, as those might need to be corrected as well. But all this will be revealed soon.



Objective: To recruit new members.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine
Tags: Roxsie Roxsie Roxsie Roxsie | Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Open to Mercenaries and Black Sun members


Tovald felt pride in his cats, they are well looked after and they were in tip-top health, the kittens were too young to leave the nest, which was his sock drawer, they felt safe in a familiar place which means they can stay without risk. His ship-wide spider colony often leaves the cats be. But the cats do lick a helpless arachnid off the wall from time to time. The tiny Loong Cats found themselves in a silk blanket, unhurt by the spiders.

Speaking of, he noticed Sil's wary and unsettled body language, she didn't like all the spiders scuttling around. He gave her a very apologetic look, unfortunately, obscured by his helmet. None of the arachnids crawled towards her or up her leg. They stuck close to the Ubese.

The Ubese didn't blame her, he was a little unsettled and repulsed by them too, more so since the fight with the Bryn and Frank's mission to rescue survivors of an eldritch attack, but now he has accepted them and liked their company because being a prickly pear won't change the situation. Although he still hated the nocturnal cold sweats and palpitations. He could do without that.

<"The kittens are healthy and are too young to leave their mum. We, unfortunately, lost 6 kittens, they were born stillborn, so only 4 remain."> He replies, voice sombre. He hated seeing tragedy like this, but he knew it was natural and can be very cruel.

Tovald had little time to say much else as the recruit arrived, this was his first job at bringing new members into the Contractors' Guild. The spiders dispersed into the corners and under the filing cabinets. Out of sight but close enough to observe.

<"We have excellent job opportunities and excellent mobility of jobs."> He adds in, taking his own seat next to Sil.

O B J E C T I V E I: God of War
Tags: Akemi Io Akemi Io
Tapped into the comms, Lilanna was well aware of what the situation was on the battlefield, and that was why she was currently inbound. She had planned to fly over head, use her training to land and assist the ground forces, however she had underestimated the defenses of the opposition. Heavy weapon platforms coated the sky in their destructive display, as Lilanna was forced to weave in and out. An ace pilot could possible survive this without issue, but Lilanna was no ace pilot. Spinning her ship into a corkscrew, she flipped up and over, trying to turn back as a concusion missile was inbound for her, her Gala fighter was losing shields now, and the confines of the ship rattled like a can as it was pelleted, system failures began flashing across her screens, control stalled, and Lilanna scowled as she realized that Velvet Three was done for. The collision alarm blared, indicating to her that missile was nearly to her now, and with little else to keep her here, she ejected from it; in her own way.​
Lilanna closed her eyes, leaning forward, she focused, and felt herself become intangible. The armored Warden plummeted from the sky as she escaped her doomed vessel, and was now falling towards the world below. Eyes opened now, she flexed, straightening herself as she fell towards the ground face first, watching as it was rushing to meet her, yet she didn't panic. She tensed her muscles, focusing on the force once again, and warping it around her. As if controlled by puppet strings, her body righted itself, coming back to feet first now, as her cape fluttered in the air about her, the Warden gently landing on the ground, her black saber flashing into her hand as she gazed at an oncoming tank.​
Smirking, she extended her hand as she moved towards it, rewiring the tanks firing system, as the gunner would find the tank unable to fire. As he attempted to reboot the system, Lilanna was already atop the tank, intent on dismantling it, and moving on.​
She really liked that star fighter.​



Communication "verbal" <<technopathy>>

Objective: defeat the flanking breakout force

Loralora interceptor swoop
Gei Borugu Electro Spear
Light Saber (peony colour blade)
Laser Lance

90 x Nuetralizer Model 1 on modernised STAP platforms
(70/90 remain)

20 x Nuetralizer Model 2 on modernised STAP platforms
(11/20 remain)

The small nuetralizer continued her Rampage amongst the enemy vehicles. The large vehicle she had cleared of troops still sped along toward the seige forces, its driver unaware of the slaughter that had gone on behind him. As she summoned her Loralora back to her she shut her eyes and visualised the engine of the massive vehicle. The tendrils of her mechu deru reached inside it. Down below the engineers would be horrified as mutated and twister metal arms reached out of the throbbing machine. The first Olguren was cut in half instantly, but the second suffered a more grizzly fate. Metal barbs hooked into his flesh and dragged him, alive and screaming into the awaiting turbine. His death was punctuated by an explosion as the turbine was torn apart by having the armoured creature thrust into its hungry intake. Akemi grinned playfully and hopped onto her steed, heading for her next victim.

There was swearing in Olguren in the comm. "have you no MANNERS!" she teased the boss "strictly speaking you are swearing at a three year old so behave yourself or I will have to come and punish you. Oh, sorry, gotta go, I can see some more of your men I need to slaughter." she didnt disconnect the comm as she lept onto the back of an anti-air armed vehicle as its staccato of rounds sailed into the air at something? She momentarily looked up and say a fighter, Imperial design be shot down. That would never do. In a flash of Peony coloured plasma, she decapitated there gunned before smashing her fist into the firing console of the heavy weapon. She smiled as her personality overrode its controls and the gun lowered, taking aim at a nearby light truck and blowing it to smithereens. She walked off and left the newly requisitioned gun to pick its own targets. It was a child, it had limited intelligence let it have some fun for a moment.

"drivers, can we go over there please?" she politely asked in Olguren, pointing towards where she had predicted the Imperial fighter craft had crashed. It was up and to the front of the quickly shrinking convoy. She was losing her droids too quickly though, nearly 26.4% casualties already was not good. As she cut the throat of the disobedient driver, taking the wheel herself, she calculated a revised battle tactic taking into account her losses. She had about 15 more minutes before this convoy would become and issue for the seige force. She had to do this right. And she felt following the lead on the fallen Imperial was an excellent plan.

Her anti-air truck careened towards the tank that Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor had landed on, the now semi-sentient artillery piece on the rear flat bed blasting away with guilt free abandon at its precious allies.




Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 4 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades,6 Microdetonators, 1 Void-7 Seismic Charge
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi
Objective: II - Go Tower Tipping
Location: Big Face Tower
Tag: Open to Wardens

The trip to the large tower hadn't been fun. There were weird looking things swinging clubs and throwing sticks all over the place. Burping and force knew what else while seeming to move in uniform ways even without speaking what she guessed was an actual sentient word. When they fell, they just became what looked like spores, and she hadn't stopped to watch whatever that made.

And they didn't seem to ever stop.

Which made the girl question their methods of fighting. She hadn't spared it a thought longer than initial interest though as she walked along the perimeter of the shield. The servos of her braces creaking a bit more than usual as she stopped at a spot with a strange shimmer and frowned.

"Can put up a stinking shield but can't seem to figure out soap. Priorities are a strange thing." She sighed, pressing forward before watching her Droid companion Shiny Paws the Third poke their head through.

"Well come on. Someone's gotta do it. And I don't see any spooky boo's coming this way." She hadn't got more than the words out when the sound of something heavy moved through the air behind her. Her eyes wide, she stepped backwards and folded forward as the wolf droid propelled itself backwards.

In time for a crude bladed weapon to cleave the ground where she'd been standing.

Green eyes aglow, she cackled as she pulled the blade free from its sheath and watched the lumbering warrior turn with a snarl.

"Come on snake, let's rattle." She spat, watching the crude weapon rise into the air again as she engaged the repulsor system again and flung herself forward.

Location: Sump
Objective: Meet with his new teacher
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Cartri slowly nodded back and gave her a shy smile "Well uh... thanks for confirming that. I doubt after all Ingrid has done for me she'd send me to my death after all" he said back to her warmly, slightly relieved she seemed to be kind to him. He even felt her calm aura radiate through him, one that allowed him to see the light side radiate from her very body.

Cartri's smile soon faded into a thoughtful frown when she noted emotions like anger taking control. With hesitation, he nodded to the comment "Yea... I've had problems with that." Cartri said as he nervously moved a hand across his knuckles "When I get angry I turn into a different person altogether, someone who is different from myself. It gets to a point where I started hurting the people I loved most" the teen said before looking to the floor in shame.

When Cartri first tried to seek help for his gift he first went to a Jedi. She taught him a few things like meditation, but for one reason or another, it didn't seem to work that well. He only had very few lessons with her, and in the end, he didn't learn all that much.

"Altogether I didn't learn much at all from the Jedi other than a bit of meditation. Although, before we could do anything off I decided to stop due to the Jedi's commitments. I needed someone who could focus on me and who I could go to help me whenever I need it, instead of waiting weeks for them to return."

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