Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

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»Media Name "The Silent Bloom: A Guide to the Secret Language of Flowers" Format Holobook + Print Distribution Inter-Planetary – Found in select libraries, underworld information hubs, and archives of noble houses or espionage organizations. Length Long – A comprehensive guide detailing flower meanings, their uses in coded messages, and historical examples. Description A detailed reference work compiling the symbolic meanings of various flowers across different planetary cultures, used for covert messaging, political intrigue, and secret traditions. -
»Author Anonymous (Speculated to be a scholar or spy network historian) Publisher Star Bazaar: Emporium of Everything Reception Lauded among intelligence operatives, noble families, and underground resistance groups; largely unknown to the general populace. -
Plant/Fruit Narrative Significance Refined Symbolic Meaning Black Melon A vital source of water for Tusken Raiders and desert survival. Given to Boba Fett when he was accepted into the tribe. Often dismissed by outsiders, but essential for life. "I want you to survive." – A symbol of care, protection, and shared survival in a harsh world. Giving it means ensuring someone's well-being and endurance against adversity. Meiloorun Fruit A rare and highly sought-after fruit, referenced in Rebels as a delicacy. Sabine Wren searched for it, and Hera Syndulla risked trouble for a crate. "You are worth the effort." – A symbol of pursuit, rarity, and personal value. Giving it means someone is special enough to go on a quest for. Pallie A simple, common fruit sold in Tatooine's markets (The Phantom Menace). Anakin saw it in the marketplace when meeting Padmé. "A simple kindness." – Represents modesty, generosity, and warmth. A gift of a Pallie shows comfort in the ordinary, a small act of care. Shuura A soft and delicate fruit from Naboo. Anakin used the Force to make one float while flirting with Padmé in Attack of the Clones. "Sweet temptation." – Symbolizes flirtation, romantic curiosity, and playful affection. Giving one suggests attraction and the pull of destiny. Varos A fruit native to Mandalore, associated with the planet's past abundance before its devastation. "The legacy of home." – Represents cultural roots, longing, and resilience. A Varos fruit gift acknowledges a lost home or an unbreakable heritage. Brula Fruit A Dathomiri fruit used in potions and rituals. Its nectar can cause hallucinations or madness. "Beware what you seek." – Symbolizes mystery, power, and the risk of knowledge. Giving one is a warning about the price of desire. Hubba Gourd (Legends only) A common survival food on Tatooine, eaten by moisture farmers. Not luxurious, but dependable. "Sustain yourself." – Represents practicality, self-reliance, and endurance. A gift of a Hubba Gourd is a reminder to keep going, even when things are tough. Lambent (Legends only) A Yuuzhan Vong biocrystal attuned to its user, allowing Force-sensitive connections. "Understanding at a cost." – Represents forced connection, sacrifice, and insight. Given as a symbol of power that comes with consequences.
Flower Meaning ACACIA BLOSSOM Concealed Love; Beauty in Retirement; Chaste Love ACORN Symbol of Life and Immortality AMBROSIA Your Love is Reciprocated AMARYLLIS Pride; Pastoral Poetry ANEMONE Forsaken ARBUTUS Thee Only Do I Love ASTER Symbol of Love; Daintiness AZALEA Take Care of Yourself for Me; Temperance; Fragile Passion; Symbol of Womanhood BEGONIA Beware BELLS OF IRELAND Good Luck BITTERSWEET Truth BLUEBELL Humility BOUQUET OF WITHERED FLOWERS Rejected Love CACTUS Endurance CAMELLIA (General) Admiration; Perfection; Good Luck, Gift to a Man CAMELLIA (Pink) Longing for You CAMELLIA (Red) You're a Flame in My Heart CAMELLIA (White) You're Adorable CANDY TUFT Indifference CARNATION (General) Fascination; Divine Love CARNATION (Pink) I'll Never Forget You CARNATION (Purple) Capriciousness CARNATION (Red) My Heart Aches for You; Admiration CARNATION (Solid Colour) Yes CARNATION (Striped) No; Refusal; Sorry I Can't Be with You; Wish I Could Be with You CARNATION (White) Sweet and Lovely; Innocence; Pure Love; Woman's Good Luck Gift CARNATION (Yellow) You Have Disappointed Me; Rejection CATTAIL Peace; Prosperity CHRYSANTHEMUM (General) You're A Wonderful Friend; Cheerfulness and Rest CHRYSANTHEMUM (Red) I Love CHRYSANTHEMUM (White) Truth CHRYSANTHEMUM (Yellow) Slighted Love COREOPSIS Always Cheerful CROCUS Cheerfulness CYCLAMEN Resignation and Good-bye DAFFODIL Regard; Unrequited Love; You're the Only One; The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You DAISY Innocence; Loyal Love; I'll Never Tell; Purity DANDELION Faithfulness; Happiness DEAD LEAVES Sadness FERN Magic; Fascination; Confidence and Shelter FERN (Maidenhair) Secret Bond of Love FIR Time FLAX Domestic Symbol FORGET-ME-NOT True Love; Memories FORSYTHIA Anticipation GARDENIA You're Lovely; Secret Love GARLIC Courage; Strength GERANIUM Stupidity; Folly GLADIOLUS Give Me a Break . . . I'm Really Sincere; Flower of the Gladiators GLOXINIA Love at First Sight GRASS Submission HEATHER (Lavender) Admiration; Solitude HEATHER (White) Protection; Wishes will Come True HOLLY Defense; Domestic Happiness HYACINTH (General) Games and Sports; Rashness; Flower Dedicated to Apollo HYACINTH (Blue) Constancy HYACINTH (Purple) I Am Sorry; Please Forgive Me; Sorrow HYACINTH (Red or Pink) Play HYACINTH (White) Loveliness; I'll Pray for You HYACINTH (Yellow) Jealousy HYDRANGEA Thank You for Understanding; Frigidity; Heartlessness IRIS Fleur-de-Lis, Emblem of France; Your Friendship Means So Much to Me; Faith; Hope; Wisdom and Valour; My Compliments IVY Wedded Love; Fidelity; Friendship; Affection IVY (Sprig of White Tendrils) Anxious to Please; Affection JONQUIL Love Me; Affection Returned; Desire; Sympathy; Desire for Affection Returned LARKSPUR (Pink) Fickleness LILY (Calla) Beauty LILY (Day) Coquetry; Chinese Emblem for Mothers LILY (Eucharis) Maiden Charms LILY (Orange) Hatred LILY (Tiger) Wealth; Pride LILY (White) Virginity; Purity; Majesty; It's Heavenly to Be with You LILY (Yellow) I'm Walking on Air; False and Gay LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY Sweetness; Tears of the Virgin Mary; Return to Happiness; Humility; You've Made My Life Complete MAGNOLIA Nobility MARIGOLD Cruelty; Grief; Jealousy MISTLETOE Kiss me; Affection; To Surmount Difficulties; Sacred Plant of India; Magic Plant of the Druids MONKSHOOD Beware; A Deadly Foe is Near MOSS Maternal Love; Charity MYRTLE Love; Hebrew Emblem of Marriage NARCISSUS Egotism; Formality; Stay as Sweet as You Are NASTURTIUM Conquest; Victory in Battle NUTS Stupidity OLEANDER Caution ORANGE BLOSSOM Innocence; Eternal Love; Marriage and Fruitfulness ORANGE MOCK Deceit ORCHID Love; Beauty; Refinement; Beautiful Lady; Chinese Symbol for Many Children ORCHID (Cattleya) Mature Charm PALM LEAVES Victory and Success PEONY Shame; Gay Life; Happy Marriage PETUNIA Resentment; Anger; Your Presence Soothes Me PINE Hope; Pity POPPY (General) Eternal Sleep; Oblivion; Imagination POPPY (Red) Pleasure POPPY (White) Consolation POPPY (Yellow) Wealth; Success PRIMROSE I Can't Live Without You PRIMROSE (Evening) Inconstancy ROSE (Bridal) Happy Love ROSE (Christmas) Tranquilize My Anxiety; Anxiety ROSE (Coral) Desire ROSE (Damask) Persian Ambassador of Love ROSE (Dark Crimson) Mourning ROSE (Dark Pink) Thankfulness ROSE (Lavender) Enchantment ROSE LEAF You May Hope ROSE (Orange) Fascination ROSE (Pale Peach) Modesty ROSE (Pale Pink) Grace, Joy ROSE (Red) Love, Respect ROSE (Single Full Bloom) I Love You; I Still Love You ROSE (Tea) I'll Remember; Always ROSE (Thornless) Love at First Sight ROSE (White) Innocence and Secrecy ROSE (White and Red Together) Unity ROSE (White on Red Together) Flower Emblem of England ROSE (Yellow) Joy, Friendship ROSEBUD Beauty and Youth; A Heart Innocent of Love ROSEBUD (Moss) Confessions of Love ROSEBUD (Red) Pure and Lovely ROSEBUD (White) Girlhood ROSES (Bouquet of Full Bloom) Gratitude ROSES (Garland or Crown of) Reward of Merit; Crown Symbol of Superior Merit ROSES (Musk Cluster) Charming SMILAX Loveliness SNAPDRAGON Deception; Gracious Lady SPIDER FLOWER Elope with Me STEPHANOTIS Happiness in Marriage; Desire to Travel STOCK Bonds of Affection; Promptness; You'll Always Be Beautiful to Me SWEET PEA Good-bye; Departure; Blissful Pleasure; Thank You for a Lovely Time TULIP (General) Perfect Lover; Fame; Flower Emblem of Holland TULIP (Red) Believe Me; Declaration of Love TULIP (Variegated) Beautiful Eyes TULIP (Yellow) There's Sunshine in Your Smile VIOLET Modesty VIOLET (Blue) Watchfulness; Faithfulness; I'll Always Be True VIOLET (White) Let's Take a Chance on Happiness VISCARIA Will You Dance with Me? ZINNIA (Magenta) Lasting Affection ZINNIA (Mixed) Thinking (or in Memory) of an Absent Friend ZINNIA (Scarlet) Constancy ZINNIA (White) Goodness ZINNIA (Yellow) Daily Remembrance
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