Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Silver Legion (GA Political Party)

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
"Brothers and sisters of the Alliance, I stand before you humbled by the sacrifices of our brave soldiers and horrified at the treason of those who lead us!"
- Seph Nopells
Greetings, I have come to present you all with the new piece of political RP I have manifested.​
The future of the Galactic Alliance is uncertain. It has seen many major victories in recent times but as war dies down, it is surly to get the citizens of the allied planets thinking hard on their political situation. The Silver Legion is a far-right movement that seeks to take advantage of the uncertainty and fear of Galactic Alliance Citizens in order to put its leaders in power.​
But how do they do this?​
The answer is simple. The galaxy wants answers. Who is to truly blame for the tragic events that have befallen the Republic? Was it truly the bickering of senators and political figures? Or was it the fault of weak leadership who could not keep the senators in line?​
The Silver Legion answers these questions with a pointed finger and strong, hateful rhetoric specifically designed to appeal to thsoe within the Alliance who bare strong sentiment for the military and nationalist ideals.​
The political ideology adopted by the Silver Legion is pseudo Fascist ideal that was concoted by Seph himself. Combing the political beliefs of the Old Republic democracy with the warrior culture and pride of the Mandalorians, Seph has created what he called "Republican Mandilism". Taking inspiration from the Mandalorian Resal'nare Seph created his own six tenants that guide his new ideology.​
To Lead, One Must Serve
(In order to lead the Galactic Alliance, a person should have served in the military or high form of government administration. This excludes Jedi who served under the order and not the GA flag exclusivly.)​
To Serve, One Must Nationalize
(In Order to serve the Galactic Alliance society, one must prove that he has love for his people by becoming a full citizen and serving the GA exclusivly)​
To Prosper, One Must be Work
(This is a tenant of forced work. Those who do not work to help the state and people as a whole move forward should be subject to raised taxes and possibly jail time. It recognizes that the average worker helps the GA grow strong, though serving as a soldier is the greatest work of all.)​
To Work, One Must be Ethical
(This tenant is a veiled suggestion that one must follow the moral code of the Silver Legion to be a true Galactic Citizen. This includes the distrust of the Jedi [not force users in general] and a strong isolationsit stance on galactic affairs.)​
To be Ethical, One Must be Free
(This tenant demands that democracy must be preserved and is a direct stance against the current govenor system. However, when combiend with the other tenants, suggests that only military men and women who have joined the Silver Legion should be eligable to lead in this democracy.)​
To be Free, One Must Obey
(Freedom isn't free and the government is there to protect that freedom. If the citizenry wishes to keep their luxury and lifestyle, they must understand that some freedoms must be limited and they must obey the government mandate.)​
The current stances for the group would include​
1: The Silver Legion claims that the Galactic Alliance has stripped away the freedom of the people through the desolution of the senate and the implementation of Galactic Govenors. They equate this move to the original Galactic Empire and their system of moffs and, in response, have suggested that this system should be restored to a new form of senate in which planets join political parties who then represent them on a small council.​
2. The Silver Legion promotes isolationism and blame the Republic's fall on excessive trampling across Galactic Affairs. A strong military and a defensive stance will keep the government strong.​
3. They promote the disollution of the Defense Fleet in favor of a combined military, more akin to the Grand Army of the Republic. They believe that with the current GA set-up as more of a defensive orginization than an actual government promotes seperatism and division.​
4. They believe in the seperation of Church and State, barring Jedi from having political power.​
Final Notes:
I thought this would be an interesting idea to run past the forums and see what the response is. I enjoy a little internal RP and so I thought...well why not! :p
Feedback is both welcome and appreciated!​

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Veino Garn"]

Very similarly, yes, I thought it'd be interesting to RP something like this to counter the constant war RP on the site. Just a fun bit to do outside of the realm of battle and war and more battle.


@Seph Nopells



On a serious note, I see Bolvar sharing some of this views.
I does seem interesting, the currently system does seem to bear a striking resemblance to what happened in a new hope when the emperor dissolved the senate and gave the regional governors direct control over their territories.
For clarification's sake, I’m going to be poking a few holes in your proposition. Mostly because some of what you’ve written is already in place, and others are venturing into our Canon counterpart’s territory.

Firstly; The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances on Chaos as it is now has not - nor will ever have a Senate. It is in that respect we differ from our Canon counterpart. There are a plethora of reasons as to why such a decision was made, but the most prominent is how “well” it turned out in the past.

These Galactic Governors, as you call them, are the Leaders of their respective worlds; as every member of our beloved Federation is Sovereign (Unless they’re barren, inhospitable worlds.) Therefore, there is no need for a Senate, nor Moff’s to oversee entire Sectors from every level of government. Everything that occurs on the planetary scale is dealt with on a planetary scale.. While the only laws that the Alliance will ever place on its member systems would be related to basic sentient rights, the Government’s not interested in meddling with a Planet’s affairs, nor taking away their freedoms. So you’re welcome to claim that we dissolved the Senate, and that we’re forcing planets to conform to this utopian lifestyle all you like- but the facts are pretty clear in that respect

The Military is divided into two branches. Planetary Defense Forces, each funded by their respective worlds, and the Alliance Defense Force - A combined military made up of contributed assets from various member worlds. Which, thanks to some of our members, we’re boasting one of the largest military forces in the galaxy, despite the lack of PC representation, and even though it’s labeled as a Defense Force - it’s almost anything but.

If we were to move our Armed Forces toward a military structure like the Grand Army of the Republic (Which has your third point conflict with your fourth.), we’d be going against some of the key fundamentals that make us different from our corrupt/estranged cousins in the Republic. Jedi that aren’t able to understand or act appropriately in the field should not be placed in Command, that’s why - thanks to recent IC events - it’ll be clearly defined at what rank a Jedi can lead our armed forces into battle. - A little outdated but it’s on the list to be updated Soon™

With that said and done, something like this needs to be done right, which is why I’m going to be the devil’s advocate on this, and make sure that you’ll stick with this until the end. Whatever end that may be. With how fast the Federation has expanded, it’s only natural that some of the more skeptical/fringe worlds would adopt this “pseudo” fascist mindset as it’s unlikely they’ll know or understand how the Alliance’s radically open system of Government works.

[member="Seph Nopells "]​

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Astarii Saren"]

I sense some hostillity, come sit down and drink some caf with me. It'll make you feel better.

Also, considering this is pretty much the Republic's replacement and is currently gunning for Republic worlds like they owned them to begin with....I'd say that maybe the facts aren't so clear in that regard.

Also, your post makes a lot of assumptions.

Perhaps actually coming to RP with Seph would help the case and clear up some things. So far all I've gotten is a threatening letter that Seph wouldn't even know about, so I'm still waiting for some actual interaction.

That still exists I assume.
You'd be wrong in that regard. I'm blunt and have been stating facts about what our faction is and is capable of/has been doing, and am feeling the furthest thing from hostility when I write my replies. To that end, what assumptions am I making?

@Seph Nopells

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