Lord of Saijo

Planet Saijo
Palace of the Silver Rain
Darth Fury sat within his personal chambers atop the high peaks of what is known as the Palace of Silver Rain. It was a downpour this night with sleeks of rain glancing off the sharpened towers of the palace to fall carelessly to the mountains and rivers below. The academy, a highly renowned one, located on the planet of Saijo where many a great Sith once endured it's grueling trials and incessant masters. Fury himself had once been a student here and had braved the many trials from the Shales to the Rivergrounds and the high mountain peaks.
It all served to harden the man into the juggernaut he was today. His militant nature knew no bounds and he truly encompassed his namesake of Fury. But now his focus were on other matters.
Politics. Intrigue. Sorcery.
All things Fury had recently began to descend into. While his mastery of the dark side of the force was far from where he wished it to be, he would endeavor to strengthen it. He was no means a slouch but compared to some of the more established names within the Assembly he was certainly not their equal.
His black hair fell onto his face and shoulders as he studied the datapad given to him by a rather competent aide. It outlined his correspondence and plans on a upcoming mission to begin his new goal of mastering the dark arts. It was but a first step into a lifelong road of improvement that would never see any end, no matter how much of a master he might one day claim to be.
His chambers were a mixture between modern and archaic, goth but sleek. The dark tones and low lighting helped to temper his mood and allowed him to focus. His study held a grand desk at the end before ceiling to floor windows, opposite the entry. A comfortable seating area arranged between the desk and double doors allowed the comfort of two massive fireplaces flanking either sofa. It was here that he spent much of his time directing efforts between his various followers, vassals and contemporaries.
If only he knew what type of meeting awaited him this night he might have prepared a better response to such a grand guest. Especially once he learned of the offer to be made this dark night.