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Private The Silver Serpents



Planet Saijo
Palace of the Silver Rain

Darth Fury sat within his personal chambers atop the high peaks of what is known as the Palace of Silver Rain. It was a downpour this night with sleeks of rain glancing off the sharpened towers of the palace to fall carelessly to the mountains and rivers below. The academy, a highly renowned one, located on the planet of Saijo where many a great Sith once endured it's grueling trials and incessant masters. Fury himself had once been a student here and had braved the many trials from the Shales to the Rivergrounds and the high mountain peaks.
It all served to harden the man into the juggernaut he was today. His militant nature knew no bounds and he truly encompassed his namesake of Fury. But now his focus were on other matters.

Politics. Intrigue. Sorcery.

All things Fury had recently began to descend into. While his mastery of the dark side of the force was far from where he wished it to be, he would endeavor to strengthen it. He was no means a slouch but compared to some of the more established names within the Assembly he was certainly not their equal.

His black hair fell onto his face and shoulders as he studied the datapad given to him by a rather competent aide. It outlined his correspondence and plans on a upcoming mission to begin his new goal of mastering the dark arts. It was but a first step into a lifelong road of improvement that would never see any end, no matter how much of a master he might one day claim to be.
His chambers were a mixture between modern and archaic, goth but sleek. The dark tones and low lighting helped to temper his mood and allowed him to focus. His study held a grand desk at the end before ceiling to floor windows, opposite the entry. A comfortable seating area arranged between the desk and double doors allowed the comfort of two massive fireplaces flanking either sofa. It was here that he spent much of his time directing efforts between his various followers, vassals and contemporaries.

If only he knew what type of meeting awaited him this night he might have prepared a better response to such a grand guest. Especially once he learned of the offer to be made this dark night.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr



He breathed in the fresh mountain air, there was a weight to it, but too, a familiarity. The Palace of Silver Rain seemed to have not changed an inch since his last time at the Academy, years, and years ago, perhaps, that was not true in the objective sense, age weathered a place despite all effort otherwise, and that was only more so the case when confronted with the reality of attempting to house hundreds, all of which whose presence could act most destructive. Of course then too, there were simply the changes that were made as years went on, a larger library, another dueling area, more classrooms... still, the core, the beating heart of the Palace remained.

Really, what was most different was not difficult to establish.


Eyes stared at him with barely concealed awe, it was not every day that a Dark Councillor strode into their Academy with nought an announcement, simply gazing around the walls, masked as he was with the face of his great and famous ancestor, breathing it all in. This place, that may not have shaped him, for after all, his formative years had been spent within the walls of the Manse, or at least in the training under his Mistress.

But this place did still mean something to him, the place he had met Trayze, met Quintessa, met Sicarius, wherein he had truly lived by himself, beyond the remit, beyond the safety of his family's home. Though... he supposed, his foolhardy trip into the Caldera, when it had still been controlled by the Ashlan Crusade, had been his true first. This too, had been the place where he had won his true spurs, when he had rallied the students all those years ago into a war to defend what was theirs.

...If that had not been the

Alas, he was not only to remince. There was one change to the Palace, since that triumph all those years ago, that had brought Saijo and Terminus within the borders of the then burgeoning Sith Triumvirate, turned Eleventh Sith Empire. There now was a prominent ruler, that had taken the Academy for his base of operations.

An odd choice, but at the same time, had immediately formented some sense of... fondness, for this Darth Fury, that who though was a governor of the whole world, had chosen the Academy to be his home. It was what Malum would have done, if he had ever wished to rule this world.

Still, the name itself left much to be desired, hardly subtle.

Though, that was as much indicated by the Tsis'Kaar file on the one named Vask of House Volton, pretender King of Velmor, who was exiled from it once, only to retake it bloodily. What happened since, was a bit of an open question, no doubt some of his influence remained, even as last he had heard, Velmor had fallen under control of the Mo- Mandalorians.

Still, he was sure he would find the truth of the matter soon enough, turning masked gaze upon one of the students, the doe eyed child, though, Malum imagined he was not so much younger than him, freezing at the glance, "Inform Darth Fury, that a Dark Councillor would like a word." The student could not scurry off quicker, Malum gazed on with a small smile, it was good to be back.

...Even if he had purpose here beyond nostalgia, after all, he still required more Governors to join his Imperial Party, to join the Tsis'Kaar, for all which would come next.

And right now, his eyes, had fallen upon the Governor of Saijo.

Darth Fury Darth Fury
Mentioned: Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate





Planet Saijo
Palace of the Silver Rain

These incessant sycophants. The more reports and request he read from the higher strata of his new Governorship the more he wanted to be done with it. But alas, responsibility cares not for your plight.
Fury had taken control of this planet sometime ago and while his rule was becoming more stable by the end it was far from the iron hold he wished it to be. Or perhaps it was simply the lot of the nobility to constantly throw their confidence behind their perceived invulnerability regardless of who ruled them. That thought brought him back to his own upbringing all those years ago and he could only cringe at the younger him.

Times have changed though. He was no longer a young boy prince on the run from those who wished him ill. Fleeing everything he held dear and wanted for a life of dirt beneath the heels of unrelenting Sith masters. But those were lessons well learned. Where once he would have sneered at having to do anything but sit on his arse all day and enjoy the lavishness of his position, now he would wish for anything to drag him from this office.

How he so missed the battlefield. The sounds, the smells, the chao-

A knock at the door disturbed him from his thoughts.

"This had better be important."

They always thought it was.

A moment later, a student entered into his study accompanied by one of his aides. They looked like they had seen a ghost and barely escaped the encounter only to find another they dreaded to face. Poor thing looked on the verge of hyperventilating. How amusing.

"Si-, I mean ma-, no I mean my Lord. Shit fuck." Oh for force sake. "I was told t-to bring you news that a Dark Councilor is requesting your presence."

Fury could only raise a brow at this announcement. Why the hell would a Dark Councilor be requesting him at this moment? And why was a mere acolyte delivering this news and not one of his assistants who had the proper clearance to receive such...invitations.
He turned his gaze to the aide standing beside the panicking student.

"A meeting where and when? And who the hell is this?"

The Sith Lord gestured to the student while addressing his aide. He would not wish to keep such a personage from waiting and would need to depart Saijo as soo-

"My Lord, he is here. Darth Malum awaits in th-" Fury arose from his seat with all the energy prompted from his quickly hidden panic. "Get out! The both of you." Both of them tripped over each other trying to exit the room as gracefully as they could. "Not you!" The student once again almost fell on their ass trying to hasitily turn back around once addressed once more. "You're to bring the Dark Councilor here. And be fucking hasty."

The face of the student fell straight into anxiety as the command was issued. Now starting to sweat and no doubt looking worse for wear, the acolyte bowed and retreated from the room hating everything about this day they would remember for life.

"Right away, my lord!"

Down the halls the acolyte ran pass their fellows, panting all along the way.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr



Masked eyes stared at the tapestry in mild curiosity, he was unsure if it had been hung when he had attended. Perhaps it had, for after all, even as he thought himself a gentleman scholar, ever inquisitive of architecture and the arts, when he had attended the Palace, there had always been far more important matters for his attention to be drawn to...

...How infantile those concerns seemed now.

He chuckled tiredly to himself, yet, there was no humour in the sound, in the memories of the past he found little comfort, in the existence of the present there was little joy, and in the ponderance of the future... there remained a obscurious veil that hid what lay behind, an uncertainty that was common enough in all his efforts...

...But that hardly meant he enjoyed them.

He banished those thoughts away, at the sound of rushed footsteps, glancing away from the tapestry, as the hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention, the instinctive notion to defend oneself from any threat, whatever it was.

Only for him to relent, and tilt masked head in curiosity, as a student almost ran into him, skidding to a screeching halt that had him almost tripping over himself, his breath was heavy, and there was sweat by his brow, his chest heaving with the effort of his swiftness, as he was quick to offer thtree clumsy bows in recompense for single proper one.

"Your Eminence..." His words were caught in his throat with his breath, his eyes refusing to make marriage with his own, holding standfast to his feet, "Darth Fury has instructed me to guide you to his office, please would you follow me?"

Ah... this had been the one he had sent off earlier. He seemed worse for wear... though considering the mad sprint that had taken him here, that was hardly his fault... in his experience one did not run like that unless a fire was lit behind them.

Malum chuckled idly to himself, as he laid a hand upon the acolyte's shoulder.

Said acolyte flinching at the touch, no doubt expecting some sort of retribution.

"You have done well then, lead on." Malum offered, beginning to walk towards the direction that the student had emerged from, the student himself blinked rapidly in succession, no doubt confused... surprised... perhaps even shocked at what had just taken place.

Only to catch his breath, before bringing himself in front of the Dark Councillor, and silently, they took their march off to their destrination.

Darth Fury Darth Fury



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