Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sky Is Falling [Connor Harrison]

Talus, The Corellian System
The initial shock of Corellia's breakage was over. Refugee's had fled to Talus and the other planets in the System, while many staunch Corellians remained on part of the split world. And the ordinary people of Talus learned to suffer alongside them... Especially the students.

The University of Corellia was one of the best establishments of education around, probably the greatest in the Sector, and Thrask had been a student there. Had being the principal word there. With Brokellia's trauma came the downfall of the establishment, and now he found himself at a loss.

He had no experience working, he had always been in education, and he hadn't been anywhere close to finishing his degree. Now, thrust into the real world, he was struggling to keep afloat. His job was poor, it barely paid for his upkeep and any luxury items had long since been forgotten. Sure, his parents helped him out but there was still the embarrassment associated with reaching rock bottom.

It would be a steep journey to find a decent job at this rate, everyone wanted experience or education, and he had little of each to offer, he was falling beneath the waves.

But he didn't want it to remain this way. He may not have much job opportunity but that didn't mean his life had to be wasted. He could do something, not for himself but for the greater Galaxy. Perhaps he would go and aid the Corellians as they fixed up their home - what remained of it. He had heard tell of the Green Jedi's involvement, what he would give to meet a real life Jedi!

First, though, he had to save up. His ship was in tact but not stocked up, and who knew how much money it would cost for him to survive out in the Galaxy.

[member='Connor Harrison']

Connor Harrison

She had mentioned the planet before. Not its sister world, Tralus, but Talus itself. Corvus Raaf was missing, according to the Republic she was presumed dead. Connor had seen the pain this news had caused and it was hard enough holding it together on the cusp of him rekindling with his old friend. Now she was gone before he had the chance to say sorry?

This wasn’t right.

Connor stood at the top of the spaceport, reds and blues adorning his modified robes, and watched the spaceport below.

There were Force signatures, all well and good, but he didn’t care about any random one; he was here to find any trace of Corvus. He had so far found none, but wasn’t ready to stop looking yet. He had Tralus next, but he also had the duty as a Silver Sanctum Master to uphold and he couldn’t spend forever chasing someone who didn’t want to be found.

But this wasn’t just “someone”, this was his Corvy.

Blue eyes remained fixed on the bustling yet peaceful station below as he leant on his arms across the railing and watched, not rushing for anyone.

[member="Thrask Lorr"]
Thrask kicked a rock across the street toward the spaceport. His beloved ship was back at home, unable to fly. Well, he wasn't about to inform his parents that he'd spent the fuel money on other less important things and then forgotten to at least top it up a little. His parents would give him the money, that wasn't the issue, he just didn't want to disappoint them. They'd done so much for him already.

With a grumble he knocked the stone off course and onto the grass, before stuffing his hands in his pockets and striding up into the spaceport. Perhaps there would be someone willing to take him to Corellia. Then again, most people on Talus were avoiding the world, they saw it as cursed and evil. Thrask didn't blame them, but he also didn't agree with their sentiments. And anyway, he had friends back there, professors. His most fun and adventurous years lied on the now broken world.

But as he strode through the various hangars looking for a pilot that seemed not of this world, Thrask spotted something. An absolute beauty of a ship. He knew what it was by look alone, a Dynasty Class freighter. What he'd give to have been able to buy one of those! It wasn't the fastest ship in the Galaxy, in fact his own was probably faster, but it harkened back to the Golden Era of shipmaking, when treasures like the Millennium Falcon were around.

Well it was definitely not from Talus. He'd have known, otherwise. Stepping closer to the ship, the boy tilted his head to one side and admired her with a sigh. "You have one lucky Captain" he said, glancing around for some sign of a crew. But there were none to be found. Thrask had been raised with good morals, he never took what wasn't his... But his was a state of emergency. He had to get to Brokellia. He had to ensure everyone was okay. Everyone he cared about, aside from his parents, had been there when the world split.

Maybe he could get it to Corellia and back before the owner could notice it was missing? It wasn't even a jump through hyperspace! It was literally right next door.

No, Thrask... It isn't yours. Don't you dare. Maybe he could just have a peek inside then? He'd always wanted to see one of these ships up close. Glancing around, and with his conscience suddenly quiet, Thrask saw no one - no security, no crew - and so he took a few steps up the ramp and entered the ship.

A gasp escaped his lips. It was just as he had imagined, if not better.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Nothing. Not even a glimmer.

What a waste of time she was. THIS was. Everything was!

Connor slapped the metal rail with his palm and pushed off, running his hand along the cold surface as he walked along to the wide stairs that led two stories down to the ground floor. Side stepping a protocol droid helping tourists find their way, he slowed again towards the central fauna display.

A few more minutes…just maybe an hour…see if anything came by.

His wiped both hands over his face, not having slept for more than a couple of hours from the ride down from Voss. He wasn’t a fan of this place and there was no reason to be here, and evidently no reason to return.

Glancing to the side, his new ship was still there, out on the far landing strip that circled the port itself with a number of transports, commercial and public, on display from people here on business and pleasure. And he closed his eyes – he’d left the ramp down.

He turned away - he’d sweep the ship before leaving, and nobody would be able to steal it without a one-way trip to Voss and the waiting Ranger squadron on arrival.

Come on Corvy, surprise me!

[member="Thrask Lorr"]
Completely unaware of the Force User eyeing up the ship, with the intention of returning to it, Thrask strode through the halls, past several stunning rooms and down toward the engineering room. It was here he wanted to see the most, this section of the ship which caught his breath. His hands ran across the top of the consoles, careful not to actually touch anything that would affect the ship.

The ship hummed with life, despite the fact it was not active. He could sense every little mechanism within its core, traced the wires which could not be seen through durasteel plating with his eyes. He longed to see more.

He turned and followed the path back up to the main quarters. Thrask knew better than to nosy any further than he already had. Private quarters were out of bounds. Honestly, the entirety of the ship ought to have been.

This was entirely out of character for the teen.

Perhaps it was time to leave. He had pushed his luck already. So it was that Thrask made his way back toward the main door, his heart heavy. He still had to find a ride to Corellia, or risk telling his parents that his ship was without fuel.

Neither was appealing.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

He bit his tongue, mulling it over what to do – stay, or go. There was no use in staying. She wasn’t here. It was like looking for a Jawa in a Death Star. One final glance over the port, and Connor turned to walk to his ship.

Reaching the ramp up into the freighter, he stopped and turned around, feet half-way up.

One final look.


He tapped his hand on the side of the ship and continued up, turning and finally flipping the two switches and pulling the lever to raise the ramp up and seal the ship.

What a pointless waste of time that had been. For a few moments, he rested his arm on the cooling pipes coming from the walls and placed his head on them, eyes focused on nothing as he contemplated his loss, and where to go next.

[member="Thrask Lorr"]
Thrask was oblivious.

At least, to begin with.

But as he rounded the corner from the engineering room he heard the distinct sound of the ramp closing and footsteps against durasteel. Kriff. He was so done for!

His eyes scanned the hallway, falling upon a closed door. Ponderously biting his lip, he stepped forward and allowed it to open with a very subtle whoosh. Inside was a refresher; well, there were worse places he could be, and since it was just the shower section he hoped that whoever had come onboard had no need for it.

Alright, Morn, you can do this. Just wait for them to pass through the hallway, and then you can lower the ramp and leave...

What an idiot he was.

Only now he didn't hear footsteps, just breathing. Whoever had come onboard was close, very close, and didn't seem to be moving. Time stood still, and he could hear his heartbeat.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

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