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Intent: A special weapon handed out to elite assassins of the cartel
Development Thread: If necessary (appeared in this post)
Manufacturer: Sleheryon bowmaker.
Model: Sleheryon bow
Affiliation: Hutt Cartel
Modularity: Yes, different types of arrows may be used.
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: songsteel, crystals, misc bow materials
Classification: Bow
Size: Handheld
Length: 1 meter
Weight: 0.9 kg
Ammunition Type: Arrows
Ammunition Capacity: 1 arrow. Quiver can hold 10 arrows
Effective Range: Optimum 50 meters, maximal 200 meters.
Rate of Fire: Single action
Special Features: Can fire multiple types of arrows. Can extend two shorter laser extension from emitters, making it posible to parry lightsabers in close combat.
Description: The sleheryon bow is a strong bow, capable of firing arrows with an extreme power compared to more common bows. The bow was never mass-produced to its complexity concerning its most significant trait. Using a hidden button on the grip laser emitters using a similar technique as the jedi lightsaber are activated. The emitters extract two short laser beams capable of parrying lightsabers but are not a very effective offensive weapon. The grip of the bow is constructed so that the beams pass a few centimeters above it, leaving the bowmans hand untouched by it. The string is a plasmastring with a smll grip for firing.
The Cartel has noticed the increasing amount of jedi and sith meddling with their affairs and the Sleheryon bow is an attempt to counter this threat.
The sleheryon bow is the weapon of an assassin, silent and deadly. Although there are sniper rifles out there who would put the bows range and rate of fire to a shamel it is still used by skilled cartel assassins as a mark of their skill and recognition within the cartel. Is is said that finding a an arrow tip on ones bed means that the cartel has sent one of these assassins to the victim or a loved one of the same.
Arrows used by the sleheryon bow:
Normal arrows
Exploding tip - Range is halved but upon impact the arrow explodes.
Tracer tip - A small device attached to the tip of an arrow that is meant to fall off upon impact leaving only the tracer. The arrow is so light it flies without a sound and barely makes an impact. If hit upon an armor the wearer will not even notice it.
Distance arrows - the effective range of the arrow is doubled but the penetration value is very low making the arrow useless against even plastoid armors.
Zip line arrow - fires an arrow that can stick to surfaces, with an attached zip line, that can lift the shooter using the bow as a handle - range 50 meters.
Drill tip - made with penetration in mind this arrow is very effective against heavy armor. Effective range is halved.
While the bow is capable of firing multiple arrows the arrows are specially made for this bow. Hence ammunitaion is hard to retrieve on the fly.
Considering its special features with the laser emitters the bow is not easily handled. Extensive training is required before usage, or fingers may be lost.
Primary Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bow_(weapon)