Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Slicer and the Spy (Mouse)

After getting a random call from a girl. Maxi had been wandering around the plaza of the Imperial capital.

"So what exactly am I doing right now??" He asked the girl over his com unit. [member="Mouse"] was her name. At least that's what she told him.

He was rather clueless to the whole situation. Well whether or not he does this right he would get paid. Hopefully enough to fill up his ship and get some food.

The boy stood around and waited for her answer. He wore his usual wear. It was his hoodie and such. Other then that all he had in terms of equipment was an odd looking Vibro-Blade and a stun gun with some charges. In any case he really didn't want to get into any fighting. Well... That was all up to Mouse. She was probably watching him. Slicers do that right..? He will find out soon enough ... Hopefully.
Over the speaker she'd said {You're going to try and break into Imperial Records and find information on a courrpt agent in the system. How many times do I need to spell it out for you?}

On her own admittence [member="Maxi"] was not the usual sort that Mouse would approach for a mission like this. He was an Imperial agent turned Jedi, neither of which she liked to get involved with. Both had their own problems and the like she often felt were beyond her reach or out of her own personal jurisdiction. No point in sticking your nose everywhere if it meant someone would have a beef with you later on.

But with Maix it was a needed exepction. He had access to place she couldn't reach in-person, as well as skills that may or may not be helpeful during the mission itself. She'd contacted him only a few days ago, pleading her case for his help. Thankfully he'd agreed and that was where they were now. And indeed she was watching him from the number of security cameras around the buldings and stores nearby.
"Sorry, sorry. I get it now." He took a breath and stretched as he approached the records building. If he remembered correctly his I.D should still work and he should still be able to get in. The only thing was getting the logs.

As he walked over to the guards outside, he showed his I.D. Even if the I.D doesn't pass [member="Mouse"] would be able to hack the terminal right? Maxi loved the idea of being able to do whatever you'd like inside of the network. He was a fanboy of the whole ordeal in a way.

He was thinking much too hard about this. This was one big thing about him. He would get caught up in things in his mind. He had to wait anyways. He just drifted.
The I.D. had worked, as Mouse knew it would, and the guards allowed [member="Maxi"] to enter without any real hassle. Once she was in she said {Good. Now you need to take the lift to the 35th floor. From there you're going to have to go two doors down. And try to keep comm between us to a minimum. You don't want people looking at you oddly if you're talking to yourself the whole time.} After that she sat back in he chair from her hidden base and sipped down some coffee, hoping that he wouldn't mess anything up on his way to where she was directing him.
"Sure thing." He whispered into the coms unit to @Mouse. Just as she instructed he simply entered the elevator and attempted to enter the 35th floor of the building. He stretched and looked to the camera in the elevator and smiled. Was she watching?

That was one of the questions that was in his head. He was still fan-boying in his head and enjoyed this. This was probably one of the easiest infiltration's he has ever done. This time there was no escort and no blasters to his back which was great. The elevator had been empty but he didn't want to try to speak due to the camera most likely having a mic. They couldn't simply have such a heavily guarded place without some good tech inside.

He just took a breath as the doors opened and two guards came inside at floor 25. He had ten more floors to go so he just played it cool and relaxed. "What floor are you guys headed?" He asked while standing next to the control panel.

"30th..." The strict sounding guard had said.

"Alright." He said while pushing the button with his knuckle. No fingerprints, no problem.

He continued going up the floors from there.
During her time waiting for [member="Maxi"] to get off the elevator Mouse was using her hacking skills to check the other security networks of the bulding. Thankfully there weren't too many gaurds on patrol at this hour, given how early into the morning it was, but there was more concentration on the floor that she needed to send Maxi to. Hopefully, as she began to work on it, the right garrbled info and a fake command sent by their head officer would keep them off Maxi's position long enough until he was done. That was what Mouse kept herself busy with while looking back now-and-then to see if Maxi had reached the floor yet.
He simply made it to the floor after a close encounter with the two guards that had left to floor 30. He made a slight sigh of relief as he exited the elevator.

He whispered into the com "So, where to now..?" He said trying to keep a low profile in what he could feel is a highly guarded area.

This was the only part of the infiltration that he wasn't briefed for. He actually never been this far. He might have been higher after some assignments but that never really mattered. What would be a bad part of this would be if someone he knows sees him. It wouldn't be very bad but, it may break his cover and he may be taken in.

{Two doors down you'll find yourself in a service hall. From there you'll be on your own. There aren't any cameras there. You'll just have to make it down to the end without being caught. Once you're at the other side they'll be another secruity access point. Just try to use the same info you used to get in here before. Take the lift all the way down and you'll be in records. Good luck.}

With all of that said Mouse leaned back and sighed as she continued to watch [member="Maxi"] for as long as she could. She realized she was putting him in potential danger but both of them knew the risks when agreeing to work together on this. The only downside was that she knew he was trusting her despite never seeing her and needing to take her word on everything. Any wrong slip up and it would be her fault regardless. In fact one such instance was when Maix would eventually reach the hall only to be stopped by a chiss girl.

"Can I help you?" she asked, looking oddly at him.
Once [member="Mouse"] was done explaining he quietly went down the hall. Of course as he was getting to the hall he was met by the chiss girl who asked who he was. She even gave him an odd look.

"Oh, hello there miss. I'm just here to look at my file from my work here at the Empire." He smiled warmly towards the stranger. He was extremely calm for what may happen. In any case if he remembered correctly his files should be close on his floor as well so this would be far fetched.

In any case how hard is it to look at your own file when you where a spy for the Imperials anyways?
After heaing his reasoning the chiss woman said "Fine. It's right back there." pointing behind her. As [member="Maxi"] left she did give him an odd look before moving on herself.

Having heard the small converstion Mouse asked {You didn't know her, did you? One thing we can't risk is you being identified by anyone who might end up reporting you to however the turncaot agent is. Otherwise you might not live long enough to reap the benefits. Now just follow what I told you do to.}
He nodded to the girl and kept walking "Thank you very much." He continued through the hall.

After hearing [member="Mouse"] speak over the coms he said "Yeah, in all honesty I'm little afraid of seeing someone who notices me. Luckily she was probably new. Also, my life in general has this problem. Don't worry though. Even if they torture me I won't tell them who sent me. I'd rather die."

As he continued down the hall he began to move quietly. He wanted to see if there where any guards on the rest of the way to the elevator. They where so close to victory. This should be all done in no time.
{Not that they'd be able to find me anyways.} Mouse commented when he'd mention not telling who sent him.

Still that sort of talk surprised her. Mouse didn't expect this kind of loyalty from [member="Maxi"] especially when they'd never truly met. Everytime she spoke to him it was through other means, not face-to-face. For him to seem that devoted to her, or perhaps just the mission itself, showed what sort of person she was. She had to give credit where it was due, and Maxi was one of those sorts of people you could actually trusted it seemed.

Once he was in the records room Mouse said {Start looking into anything and everything that might seem out of place. Money suddenly coming in from somewhere. Any sort of reports moved around. We need to know who's been altering with your Imperal information and selling it off to whoever.}
He chuckled at her first comment. It was true after all.

When it came to the mission however. He was always laid back like that but, at the same time he used to always take commands from someone he never sees. [member="Mouse"] was no different in that retrospect. In any case once he stood in the records hall he took a deep breath. "Alright, just give me a moment to focus and I will have the file in no time. Would you like any specific name?"

At this point the empire needed some kind of thorn in their side. He remembered being spoken about torture and the crazy things they would do to prisoners. He was lucky enough to not see it personally but he had seen the videos. They weren't pretty. He wouldn't know if they continued it but he wouldn't doubt it.

This was beyond the point but, its what went through his mind before entering the room. Now all he had to do was wait for Mouse to tell him any names and he would search. They had to be quick. Never know when a guard might come by.
{I really don't know.} she began. {It could be anyone. But from what I've seen from the info I have it definitly an agent. Start checking thier files. And, again, if there's anything out of the ordinary let me know. I can't see anything from here at this point.} She gave him a few minutes to go through the files to wait to see if he'd found anything. While waiting something pinged in her mind, making her ask {Hang on. Did you say that girl you ran into was new? How new?}

Just before he was going to look he heard her comment. He shrugged "Well I don't know. I haven't been here in awhile. She might have come to get her file or, she might work here. They always did need filers. In any case Imma start looking."

He took his breath and felt his connection with the force. He attempted to use Force Sight to catch anything different. He actually found something. He turned around and pulled out the file that had stuck out more then the rest, it was as if it had been recently viewed or used. "I found something. It was recently pulled out by someone." He began to flip through it . "Umm [member="Mouse"] ... I'm not sure if I'm seeing this right but I think there are files missing... Oh wait." He pulled out the file next to it and looked "It was moved. Whomever was doing this did not know what they where doing."

He kept reading through on the files. Just as he remembered the imperials where still torturing innocent people whom they have taken captive.
Considering all this information Mouse leaned back in her chair while Maxi kept searching. When he'd mentioned something being moved she asked {Do you know where exactly?} Afterwards, when he gave his answer she gave a low hum before saying {Maybe they did know what they were doing. For all we know this could be some sort of frame work to make sure someone else takes the fall if they were discovered. Covering thier tracks by putting someone else's in their place.}

"Well this first file is a bunch of shipment logs. One of them was moved into this second file which is someone's personal file. The guy is the director of arms for the imperials..." He kept reading " [member="Mouse"] , the shipments in his folder are all for slugshots and heavy blasters. They are all made out to him as well. There is a lot of stuff here. Wow, this guy even transferred credits to him from one of the shipments. About five-to-six million credits. You think this is him?" He asked Mouse over the communicator.

He began to have an ear out if anyone was coming. This was starting to get dire. If this is the guy then there is a problem. Either that or this would be another file with some transfers.
A deep sinking feeling hit Mouse in the gut at the idea that the one behind everything was the director of arms. That was pretty big, and if he was dirty it meant that this entire operation could've been huge too. She needed a moment to think on this while [member="Maxi"] asked if she thought it was him or not.

{The evidence looks pretty damning. But I don't know. Why would the director willingly give up secrets to the raiders? He's already got to be making tons of money as it is. Check the clerance files. Make sure it was made under his name. In fact, give me the directors name while your at it. I'll run it through and see what comes up.}
"Its made out to Vizier Mandala, the director of arms for the empire. You think he was given an offer he couldn't refuse. Y'know, like a higher rank or, maybe he found out what the Imperials where really doing." He kept going through the papers. There was only so many.

" He's been at this for awhile but, of course there had to be some kind of bribery to keep this so far under the radar. This thing is huge. If you'd like I could make my way to the hangar. One of the dates here said one of the shipments are coming in soon. The next hour or two most likely." It was all up to [member="Mouse"] in this situation. He wouldn't mind the trip but, she was the one calling the shots. He simply looked around towards the other files to make sure he didn't miss anything important. This seemed to be the biggest thing here.
the minute he said the name Mouse began to look into Vizier Mandala's files. Hacking her way through into Imperail Networks and devling into the most secure of files, bypassing easily with her own technical skills, she was able to find some of her personal data feeds and servers. However, when she came to the section involving finacial transactions and accounts she was suprised to find a heavily built firewall. She said nothing to [member="Maxi"] about it but started running a program she though, with enough time, would be able to break in.

{Yeah. Go check in the hanger. Let me know what you find.} she told him while watching and waiting.

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