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Approved NPC The Smiling Man

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  • [SIZE=12pt]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Create an antagonist for Thrandis to deal with numerous times throughout his life, however short it may or may not be[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt] Role:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12pt]IC : Serial Killer, Cult Leader[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]OOC: Nemesis to Thrandis, and anyone really[/SIZE]

[*][SIZE=12pt]Links: [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Unknown[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Force Sensitivity:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] No[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Human[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Appearance: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]At around 5’11, the Smiling Man has an athletic build, appearing to be in good shape. What skin is visible is ghostly pale, his nails are dark with some sort of filth, and his mouth seemingly forced into an unnaturally wide smile showing his yellowing teeth as well as his gums. He always wears the same black garb, a mix of leather, dark cloth, and battered metal. In addition the cowl which covers all of his face has a metal ‘crown’ which is a metal piece which wraps around his head covering his eyes, runs down the side of his head and is secured around his chin, and a ‘horn’ sticking up over either side.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Unknown. The Smiling Man, The One Who Smiled, and The Grinning Demon seem to be popular names.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Loyalties: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Himself seemingly, something else entirely in truth.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Wealth:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Unknown, unimportant, anything he needs he steals from others after killing them.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Notable Possessions:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] None.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Skills:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The Smiling Man at some point must’ve received extensive combat training, as he is incredibly lethal in close quarters with a selection of knives. He also is dangerously intelligent and cunning, seemingly accounting for almost any situation, being quite knowledgeable in the anatomy of nearly ever species (which he uses to know how to inflict the most pain), and seems to have extensive knowledge of many academic fields such as psychology. He is evidently bright in scientific and possibly arcane fields, seemingly creating many of his monstrous followers himself from the broken individuals who came into his presence. However his body is in a state of disrepair beneath the surface, as poisons, toxins, and the like, while not lethal to him, leave him incredibly debilitated and make him an easy target. His brilliance also breeds arrogance, which can easily be used to bait him into making a mistake.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] The Smiling Man on some level, is an incredibly disturbed and indescribably traumatized individual, but whatever trauma was endured to make him into what he is, drove him utterly insane and sadistic beyond all reason. He thrives off of the pain and fear of others, and seems to be in a constant state of giddy ecstasy, at least as long as he is sowing death. The torture, murder, and seemingly erratic behavior all serve a purpose however, though whatever it is eludes anyone but him. Extremely intelligent, every move, no matter how insane or cruel, is carried out according to a well thought out plan, with contingencies seemingly in mind for every scenario. Also, he appears to be a capable leader, using some unknown truth to drive his underlings to follow him.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Weapon of Choice: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]A host of blades, ranging from medical scalpels to a vibrosword.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Combat Function: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]While skilled in seemingly all forms of combat, The One Who Smiled fights primarily in extreme close quarters, picking apart foes piece by piece as painfully as he can.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Some stories shouldn’t be told, and The Smiling Man’s tale seems to be one none have dared utter. So far as those who are unfortunate to know of the enigma are concerned, he did not exist until he emerged from the lowest levels of Coruscant, his compliment of rabid, seemingly mutated or otherwise altered acolytes at his heels, and nearly overnight he carved out a place for himself and gathered a devoted following.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But of course he existed before that, everyone has a past after all. It seems likely he was some sort of soldier or a member of any of the galaxy’s Force User orders, the efficiency in combat implicates some sort of intensive training, but the source is unknown. His vast knowledge, in addition to displaying his intellect, suggest lots of very expensive schooling, but perhaps he learned some other way. How he learned to fight, kill, and terrorize aren’t what people care to know though. They want to know how he came to be. But one cannot know one without the other.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Somewhere once upon a time he was a child, with many brothers and a father who he loved very much, but they’re gone now. All gone. Something between then, whenever then was, and now inflicted so much pain, that it turned him into the monster he now is. Something drug him to the darkest depths of Coruscant and his mind, did things to him, and then and only did then he ascend out of the depths, where those who know of him’s memory begins.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Will anyone ever know what he is? Who he is? What pulls his strings? Probably not, but isn’t it fun to speculate? Brings a smile to your face, the fun of it all.[/SIZE]
[member="Thrandis Jorin"]

Still reading through it, but one thing that should be noted- Codex Submissions are primarily OOC information. That means that things that are IC a secret, should be detailed in here.

For instance, force sensitive, etc, that needs to be disclosed here properly.
[member="Thrandis Jorin"]

For the most part those edits look good. The only thing I have right now is that you describe the man as being proficient in every form of combat, but don't attach any weaknesses to him.

I am aware this submission is mostly made to serve as an antagonist for your own character, hence I am willing to give some leeway in terms of strengths because it isn't geared towards angling him at other writers. But I still need some weaknesses here that people could conceivably exploit when fighting him. I also want you tone down the strength a bit.

Just pin point a few things he's really good at, instead of a blanket statement.
I changed it so his combat skill was only highlighted as close quarters, leaving ranged options as viable counters, and I also mentioned that while poison and such would not kill him it leaves him at an incredible disadvantage. Does this work or would you prefer I added more explicit weaknesses? [member="Jairus Starvald"]
[member="Thrandis Jorin"]

Usually I'd request some more things to balance it out a bit more, but like I mentioned before- this submission is geared towards giving you some NPC opposition and that intent means you can have some more leeway than if this was meant to fight against other writers.

So that's fine.

I am gonna need you to add in his species though. Again, it's completely okay if ICly people aren't aware of these sort of details, but for the OOC it's important to make these kind of notes. If it helps, you can make a distinction in your submission where IC/OOC knowledge diverge.
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