Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic City, Senate District
500 Republica

The woman stood silently on the private skydock, her golden-yellow hues falling upon the Senate District, still scarred from the recent attempted Invasion of Coruscant. A soft drizzle began to fall, the natural grey haze of the clouds above settling over the damaged city as though the planet itself was morning the deep wounds that it was slowly nursing; though it was unlikely that they would be tended to just yet, not until it was certain that the planet was clear from any further threat. Her attention slowly settled on the vast crater that now dominated the Senate District where the Senate Rotunda had once claimed for itself before its destruction. The mere fact that such a vessel had managed to be hidden beneath the planet by one that had previously shown allegiance to the Galactic Alliance was unsettling; the mere fact that it had been created so secretly and with ease required an investigation as to how such a feat was accomplished.

All of these unsettling events that brought more questions than answers could easily be pushed to the side for a moment in the wake of a greater picture. It was, arguably, a member of the Senate that had managed to enact such a plan in secret, and it was that same Senate that had proven a thorn in her side, an annoyance, from the moment she sought to aid the Galactic Alliance and took to protecting the people. However, she had noted that there were a few that she could work with, perhaps even form further bonds with that would be beneficial to both parties involved. The inroads that had already been built between the Supreme Commander and the Chancellor were fruitful, and she respected the woman who managed to wrangle the discordant voices into a cohesive whole long enough to accomplish any task, even if it was merely getting those dissenting voices to agree to something as simple as a new color scheme for the now destroyed entry hall of the Senate Rotunda.

However, there was an individual that she wished to speak with more than any other individual proven an annoyance; a Senator that, even though throwing her to the flames, still had the sense to stand at the crucible and ensure she was consumed by those that sought power without any effort or desire to be present and active in the role. It had been the Senator of Aegis that put forward Amelia's name to the chagrin of the collective representatives of the Alliance, and it was this individual that above all others, Amelia owed in some manner, for setting her on the current path. While others sought to decry the appointment, claiming that any other than Amelia was preferred, yet not putting forth a name, it had been the Senator of Aegis that remained resolute in the choice that saw those voices silenced, at least for a moment. Thinking back on that moment brought a slight smirk to the woman's lips as she peered out over the largely and heavily damaged district that she called home, silently waiting for her guest to arrive.

skin, bone, and arrogance


Though she wasn't to know it, Natasi was taking in the same view as the Supreme Commander as her ship, the Allegro-class Stealth Transport Corvette banked through the atmosphere. The view of the ruined city set her teeth on edge, and she reminded herself that she would shatter her teeth by clenching her jaw if she weren't careful. If Dyrn were there he would have done something to distract her. He had been there as the Senate building crumbled around them, had dived out the escape hatch after a lurch had sent Natasi tumbling out. It wasn't a post-traumatic stress reaction that he would be distracting her from, but rather cold fury.

How could this happen?

It had been the very first thought Natasi had formed even as she plummeted toward the city, once she could see what had caused the tremors and quakes that had caused them to evacuate from the Senate, even more dominant in her mind than the automatic response her body took to wrestle the repulsor pack onto her back.

More infuriatingly, the question had not been answered. The Chancellor was nowhere to be seen, the Senate seemed to be sitting on its hands on Fondor, and the SIA was rehabilitating itself in private under new leadership, the solution to this hideous equation being Natasi Fortan's resignation letter, with its formal letterheading and strongly-worded denunciation of Senate leadership, sitting unsigned in her desk drawer. Natasi watched the view change as they approached the skydock.

Waiting to leave. Waiting to stay. Waiting for a change that she doubted would ever come.

It was serendipity that Natasi had never met Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn , a trick of two exceedingly busy schedules brought on by two wars. She had been involved in Defense Committee discussions on the Supreme Commander's nomination and had championed the woman's movement into the role. Von Sorenn's strategic capabilities were belied by her relatively junior rank, and though other officers no doubt felt they had been passed over, Natasi had no doubt that the choice had been the correct one. So she had been pleased to accept the Supreme Commander's invitation for a long overdue meeting.

Natasi was dressed simply, in a pair of black trousers and tailored navy blouse, her dark hair tied back into an efficient, if severe, bun. The ship docked and Natasi was shown into von Sorenn's presence. She strode across the space, arriving near Amelia with hand outstretched for a handshake. "Supreme Commander," Natasi said genially. "How do you do?" Her eyes darted between the woman opposite and the view beyond the viewport. It was a comfort, she supposed, that Natasi wasn't the only one hung up on the gaping hole in the Senate District. Good. "I'm so pleased our schedules finally aligned enough to make it possible to meet face-to-face."


Golden-yellow hues fell upon the crater for a moment more, the tails of her coat softly fluttering and flicking about in the slight breeze of air that pushed past as the craft came to settle upon its momentary perch. Slowly her attention shifted away from the destruction that lay upon the surface of the Senate District as she turned that attention towards the individual that had arrived. Amelia stood silently, looking down upon the Senator, though not in any sense of displeasure or disgust, rather, she merely towered over the woman. Though relatively short for her species, she was still taller than most individuals that she came across. Her hand slipped free from the pocket of her coat, a rather casual attire for such a meeting; however, the formalities could easily be forgiven and forgotten under the current circumstance of the meeting and state of the Alliance.


Amelia's voice seemed to have a strange, softly melodic tone as it danced upon the soft breeze that once more pushed past, the long tresses of her silver hair shifting slightly as it cascaded over her shoulders and down her back like a waterfall. Her hand reached out, gently grasping the Senator's as though she were being mindful to not unintentionally cause harm to the woman that now stood opposite. A soft sigh slipped from her lips as she carefully brought her hand back, slipping it once more into her pocket as she felt a soft ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds and landing upon her cheek, a slight burn appearing as she took a step back into the covered hallway.

"I find myself having trouble sleeping. However, I have a feeling that perhaps you are faring worse."

Stepping to the side, her left hand slipped free of her pocket as she motioned towards the small set of stairs that led into the sizeable sitting room of the penthouse. The lights had been dimmed, some shut off entirely, though the ambient light was more than enough to keep many of the displays and furnishings illuminated to prevent an accidental collision. The bulk of the cases held moments of history, pieces of her past, and the life that she had led before reaching this point.

"Likewise, I've been wanting to speak with the woman who had thrown me to the wolves as it were. Perhaps though a drink is in order before. Seventy-seven, if you would."

Amelia offered a slight smile, the edge of her mouth tugging just enough to reveal a slight hint of a fang as a young woman stepped forward and offered the Senator a bow before making their way towards a large bookcase that dominated the far wall. A simple motion of her hand revealed a loose book, and, once pulled upon, the case shifted to reveal a hidden collection of crystalline decanters of various shapes and sizes each filled with a myriad of drinks from across the Galaxy.

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Natasi tried not to let her eyes linger too long on the Supreme Commander's cheek. Instead, she met the Supreme Commander's gaze forthrightly . She offered an empathetic half-smile. "Since Coruscant, I have found myself... unsettled," she confirmed Amelia's observations. "Our victory -- yours, more than mine, I think -- was truly a blessing, but it was a close-fought thing. And the events of the day revealed much about the Alliance that does not sit well with me."

Natasi followed von Sorenn up the stairs and into the living space. "This is a beautiful place," she observed before the conversation turned once more back to business. This time, Natasi's smile was slightly sardonic. "I did wonder..." she began, then shifting tack, the Senator said: "As far as I'm concerned, interceding events have more than vindicated my view that you were not only the correct choice for the job, but the only choice. It's more than rank or years in service; it's... temperament," Natasi said, her voice slightly hesitant, as if the word didn't quite fit well. "A certain je ne sais quois, as the Coruscanti might say."

Natasi clasped her hands behind her back, returning Seventy-seven's gracious bow with one of her own. "Whatever you suggest will do nicely, I'm sure," Natasi said airily as she allowed her gaze to wander across the displays of history and personal ephemera, equal parts curiosity and appreciation.

"I apologize if you felt -- press-ganged into service, as it were," Natasi told Amelia, the humor gone from her voice., leaving only sincerity. "The Chancellor's office sought sponsorship and I was impressed by your record, and I hadn't considered that you might not wish for the additional responsibility -- rather, the additional scrutiny." The jackals in the Senate had certainly made a spectacle of the confirmation. "Many of my colleagues love to hear themselves speak, often when that speech is nonsensical. You and I know it -- they know it, too, of course -- but that doesn't make it any more palatable. I am sorry, truly, for the way you were treated. No one who serves their country by placing themselves in the heat of battle should be repaid in that manner."


Amelia took a moment to think as ascended the few steps out of the conversation pit dominating the entry of the living space. Leaning against an equally impressive and ornate desk, she offered a slight smile before looking toward the various decanters that lined the revealed liquor cabinet, her hand resting against her chin before her fingertips brushed softly against the small burn. Her lips parted as she brought her hand back down, tucking it once more into her pocket as she spoke, her voice ringing out softly.

"Seventy-seven, perhaps the Blossom Wine circa 874 would be appropriate. We should have a few bottles left that we managed to save before Naboo was sacked by the Unmaker. I'll have my usual, my dear."

The woman shifted her attention back towards her guest whilst her companion moved to collect the appropriate vessels and drinks from their resting place in the cabinet. Listening intently, it was clear that the Senator was equally annoyed, or at the least, vexed by the situation that had unfolded during the Invasion of the planet and the Dark Empire's attempt at claiming the Galactic Capital for their own. It was a troubling revelation that such a craft had been constructed beneath the Senate Rotunda and with such secrecy that its existence was not known until it lurched up from the depths of the Undercity.

"There is no need to apologize."

Amelia said as her thoughts were pulled back into the present, her attention once more falling upon Natasi as she carefully accepted the crystalline flute from Seventy-Seven, a strange dark red ichor clinging to the interior of the vessel. She waited for a moment until her guest was provided her crystalline flute filled with Blossom Wine before raising her glass, though remained silently. Taking a slight sip, the dark red ichor slipped down her throat, the iron taste bringing a soft smile to her lips as the small burn on her cheek began to heal until it was as though it had never happened.

"Truth be told, I had, for a time, been lost following the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Ascendancy that sought to step into the vacuum that it left behind. I found myself listless, and it was in the company of the Sith Order, the very entity that we fight against now, that provided me the direction I needed."

Pushing herself up from the desk, she stepped forward, taking another small sip of the strange ichor in her glass as she closed the distance between herself and Natasi. A soft smile still upon her lips, though having grown slightly, to reveal more of her fangs as she mused about how she had come to be where she was now.

"If I had not been pushed to serve and protect the people, I would have remained on Jutrand and embraced my selfish tendencies. Rather, I chose to be of service to this Alliance. A few Senators pounding their chests and letting out their hot air to make themselves look good, ensure favors for their friends, or lining their pockets with Credits was hardly going to cause me to walk away."

skin, bone, and arrogance


"Thank you," Natasi murmured to Seventy-seven as she accepted the glass. Her dark eyes followed the woman's form for a few moments before switching back to her hostess.

Natasi favored the Supreme Commander with a look that conveyed her interest. The truth was that Natasi felt a great deal more than interest, but she thought that sympathy might be a little too much for these two women who were meeting for the first time -- particularly for a woman of military discipline. It might be taken the wrong way. But the truth was, from what she was describing, Amelia von Sorenn's story was Natasi Fortan's story with a few nouns replaced. Natasi had died for the First Order, which had repaid her sacrifice by dissolving into disfunction and warlording factionalism. She returned, and the First Order resuscitated with her, only to collapse again, and for the same reasons, when Natasi was trapped in the Netherworld.

Natasi knew better than most what it was to see one's life's work crumble, and to be dissatisfied with that which filled the void. To find meaning in service. And most definitely, to have one's motives questioned based on one's past.

"At the risk of oversharing," Natasi began, her voice somewhat wry in an effort not to let her own emotions come through. "I know a little about that experience. I find that those who find meaning and purpose in service to something greater more trustworthy with the levers of power than those who see it as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement or, worse, self-enrichment." She examined the contents of her glass for a moment, gave it a gentle swirl and subtly inhaled the scent. Blossom wine certainly lived up to its name, delighting Natasi's senses with a subtle floral fragrance.

Natasi took a sip, eyebrows lifting in pleasant surprise, and she made an involuntary noise of appreciation. "Oh my -- that's delicious," she said with a tight smile. "I don't think I've ever had Blossom Wine before. Certainly not one of this quality. Thank you for sharing it with me." She swirled again, smiling faintly at the floral notes. She was reminded of Ă–etrago, of the days and nights she had spent there with her now-husband Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav . But she did not allow herself to dwell on the fond memories; there was still work to be done.

"I'm interested in your thoughts as to how we move forward," Natasi said to Amelia. "As you know I sit on the Defense Committee and whatever you need I will champion. That's no guarantee of getting it through the gridlock of the Senate and the morass that is the Chancellor's office, but I will do everything I can, of course."


That small smile remained, posed upon her lips as she took another sip of the dark ichor that filled her crystalline glass. Her kind had been blessed, or cursed depending on one's viewpoint, with longevity, and even now she still wondered about those that she had come across in her long years. Seventy-seven, the faithful companion, she was one of the last vestiges of the Confederacy of Independent Systems that Amelia held onto even as it seemed that many other links had been severed. Amelia knew that a few of her old companions and allies were now well-established in the very Sith Order that she stood against. Pulling herself from musing upon the past and once more bringing her focus to the present, her lips parted as she finally spoke, that sly smile still curling at the edges of her lips.

"My species is long-lived, though many would doubt my age despite my appearance. In those times it has allowed me to collect some rarities and artifacts, though I found collecting spirits and liquors to be just as equally enjoyable, even if I'm not able to enjoy them myself beyond a few sips."

Amelia took another sip of her drink before placing the crystalline vessel down on the table, her hand once more slipping into her pocket as her attention shifted away for a moment towards another ornate display case. Her golden-yellow hues fell upon the ancient crown that stood prominently at the center before her attention was once more pulled back towards Natasi. How would they move forward? It was a reasonable enough question, though it was difficult to answer and filled with pitfalls. It seemed that no matter what step was taken to move forward, it was always hindered or they were forced to take just as many, if not more, steps back.

A soft sigh slipped from her lips as she listened, nodding silently as the key problem of the Alliance was brought to the forefront of the conversation. To have a friend so closely linked to the Defense Committee would be a boon, however, it was those voices that sought to demand action and in equal measure prevent action that was the problem. The Federal Assembly seemed nothing more than an echo chamber for those who enjoyed hearing themselves talk and pound their chest without taking any real action or steps forward.

"I appreciate your candor in this matter regarding the Senate and how often bills seem to be held back or die on the floor unless there is some manner of influence or credits to be had. However..."

Amelia slowly spun on her back heel, now facing Natasi fully as she stepped forward and took a seat in the conversation pit, her hand brushing against an ornate Songsteel Tome before she leaned back in her seat, slipping one leg over the other as her hands came together in her lap. That sly smile remained, nearly a smirk, it seemed to reveal that she was thinking of something, a plan... Of all those that she had met in her short time in the Galactic Alliance, it was this woman who seemed to also stand above the others and could see what the Alliance could be if only it were given the chance to act without restraint.

"What if we were to take a different path, one that didn't require the approval of the Federal Assembly that now cowers on Fondor. A means that could take action without being restrained by the very voices that demanded such..."

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Natasi's eyes followed the glancing path of her hostess', drifting to the intricately carved item -- to Natasi's eyes, part mask, part crown -- in a secure display case. Heavy lies the crown, she thought dryly, before once again meeting the Supreme Commander's gaze. There was something about her eyes, something that made Natasi feel like she was being weighed and measured more than simply looked at. Seen through, maybe. Natasi Fortan was used to being opaque, so to feel laid bare made her feel uneasy, somehow. Not threatened, exactly; quite the contrary, she felt reasonably safe in the Supreme Commander's company.

She matched von Sorenn's movements, moving to take a seat opposite her in the sunken conversation area. Her eyes fell to the book that von Sorenn's hand brushed. Neither woman was in a position to know it, but they were more similar than they would first think. Natasi herself was alive in this very moment because of a similar plan to the Solania Initiative. Project Aeternum had been a plan to ensure the ideological purity of the First Order's founding, before its descent into squabbling factionalism, that had cloned both Natasi and Sieger Ren -- unbeknownst to her at the time -- and had allowed her to be resurrected after the First Order's collapse.

"If we were to take such a path," Natasi began slowly, looking into her glass as if to study its contents. "I think we would need to be very... cautious. To the uninformed, such a path might look like a power grab." Natasi looked up at Amelia again, her dark eyes wide but somehow knowing. "Some of my colleagues view me as a wolf in sheep's clothing already, or -- to mix a metaphor, if you'll indulge me, they insist that a leopard cannot change its spots. Scratch a democrat, find a fascist -- you are, no doubt, familiar with the idea." Natasi paused a moment, her head canting to one side, and she looked away briefly.

"That being said," she went on after a few silent moments, "The Alliance, for all its flaws, is the single greatest force for freedom and justice in this galaxy. It is in need of serious reform, but a corpse cannot be rehabilitated. It must survive if it is to be rescued." Natasi's pulse quickened, and she swallowed thickly, eyebrows furrowing, and she locked her gaze to von Sorenn's once more, unflinching.

"What do you have in mind, Supreme Commander?"


Amelia's smile softened for a moment as her attention remained somewhat intimately upon her guest. She, better than most, understood very well the implications of such action, and, she knew very well the mistrust that others in the Alliance had for the two women currently sitting in the room together. Leaning forward, her smile slowly grew once more as she permitted her elbow to rest against her knee, her hand carefully curling into a fist as her chin came to rest upon her knuckles. A hint of her fangs revealed for a moment before her lips parted, the woman showing that she was pleased that her guest shared a similar history in how they were seen by others.

"I understand very well Senator. I called the Confederacy of Independent Systems my home for many years, and I watched as it was undone from within and without. I watched as all that we had built and hard-fought won over those years were ravaged and destroyed to the pleasure and delight of others. It leaves me to wonder just how your colleagues in the Senate would react if they knew, that for a short time, I had called Jutrand, the Capital of the Sith Order, home?"

The woman slowly leaned back, her attention remaining still upon Natasi before she carefully folded her hands into her lap once more. The words she had spoken were true and difficult to ignore in their simplicity. This path, if taken, could easily be seen by others as a means to grab power; caution and discretion in this endeavor would be the better part of valor. Amelia's ears perked up for a moment when she heard Natasi's pulse quicken, forcing the woman to push back her more, base desires as she took a moment to retrieve the glass that she had left on the table.

With the item in hand, she took a sip of the sanguine ichor before once more taking her seat in the conversational pit opposite her guest. Golden-yellow hues peered over the rim of the glass as she took another sip before slowly setting the crystalline vessel down on the table near the large tome that sat between the two. Settling once more as she leaned back in her seat, she would motion slowly to the tome, encouraging the woman to take a moment to peruse the contents.

"As you said, reform is needed. We cannot merely treat a corpse of its symptoms and hope that it rises once more. We can, however, ensure that the body is given time to heal itself internally by protecting it from external threats. Few have seen the contents of this tome, that is by design."

Amelia leaned forward, her hand coming to rest on the tome for a moment before she carefully pushed it towards Natasi. It was clear, Amelia, was doing something that she'd not done in what must have been decades. She was taking a chance and showing trust in an individual. Trust that Natasi was of a like mind that was willing to do what was necessary to ensure that the Galactic Alliance continued to exist, and if it were to collapse; was willing to aid in the birth from the ashes of a new entity.

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Natasi's eyebrow arched, but she remained silent as von Sorenn detailed her experience with the Confederacy and later, her time spent on the capital world of the Sith Order. But her gaze softened slightly and she tilted her head forward slightly as if to acknowledge that the optics might be concerning for her colleagues. It didn't bother Natasi, particularly, mainly because the state of play in this galaxy changed so quickly, so aggressively, that it didn't often leave one the luxury of choice.

Moments later, the Supreme Commander was pushing a tome toward her -- weighty, by her estimation, in significance as well as mass. She looked uncertainly up at Amelia, but the message she was getting was that she ought to open it. "If you're sure," Natasi said cautiously, then carefully set her drink aside on the table and leaned forward, scooting to the edge of the sofa. She pulled the book toward her and, with one more glance at her hostess to ensure she was not misreading the signal, she carefully pulled the cover open and directed her gaze to its contents.

Natasi was silent as she scanned the pages briefly, occasionally glancing up at von Sorenn, who seemed remarkably calm. For her part, Natasi's heart race was elevated, and she felt an odd combination of flush while feeling an icy stone in the pit of her stomach. Her fingers were delicate and careful on the pages, pausing occasionally as she absorbed some piece of information or came to grips with the implications thereof. After a few minutes of bare silence -- Natasi, obviously, was only so far into it, but the thrust had become clear -- she put a hand to her forehead. It was an unusual move for her, to show some kind of reaction to something, when her public persona was identified with glacial stoicism.

"Supreme Commander," Natasi began, but her voice faltered for a moment. She once more looked to von Sorenn, her eyebrows knitting together in concern. "This -- this -- with the knowledge of the Chancellor and the Director of the Strategic Intelligence Agency would be considered a serious overreach by the Defense Forces. Without their knowledge, it borders on -- " Natasi broke off and stood, taking a few brisk paces away from the table as if to put distance between herself and something dangerous. She didn't want to say it out loud, to breathe life into something that she couldn't take back.

Yet, the word hung between the two women as clearly as if she had carved the letters in granite. Treason.

"And yet..." Natasi gave a bone-weary sigh. "I cannot deny the necessity. I have many questions, Supreme Commander, if you are willing to entertain them. The first of which being -- who else knows about this?" She nodded toward the book, then returned to her position, sitting uneasily on the sofa opposite Amelia.


Amelia slowly leaned back in her seat once more as she shifted her position, her left arm slipping along the backrest of the conversation pit as she recrossed her legs so that the right was resting against the left. Her free hand carefully collected the crystalline drinking vessel from the table as she took a slow sip, allowing the woman the moments needed to peer into the tome that was set before her. Amelia watched closely, though said nothing, allowing the air to remain still until the time was right, a soft smile growing across her lips as she watched Natasi become more engrossed with the material that had been placed before her.

Slowly bringing her glass to her lips once more, she took a sip of the sanguine ichor, savoring its taste as she closed her eyes for a moment. Her ears perked up when she heard the woman's movements, her eyes snapping open at the moment that Natasi spoke and removed herself from her seated position. With a sly smile upon her lips, she lightly ran her finger along the edge of the glass, a slow and eerie melodic tome slipping into existence as she remained calm and collected.

Amelia knew the word that Natasi wanted to use and it only caused her smile to grow into a sly grin as she brought her glass back to her lips. Sipping from the drinking vessel once more, she slowly lowered the object as her golden-yellow hues focused on the woman, a Senator that she respected, one of few that would have such an honor from the Supreme Commander.

"The Book itself is the only of its kind, the knowledge kept near to myself. Of those in this room, you are one of only four individuals that know of its existence. Myself, Seventy-Seven, and now, you... I would, however, keep the final name to myself for their protection."

Amelia slowly stood up, moving gracefully as she made her way back towards the large cabinet of drinks. Setting her glass down, her attention slipped over the collection of ornate pitchers and carafes that lined the wall before falling upon one that held a strange blue ichor. Lifting it gently from where it sat, she collected a new, empty glass before pouring the blue ichor into the waiting goblet. Looking over her shoulder, she allowed a few moments to pass, allowing the woman time to further contemplate and come to terms with what had been created.

"You, better than most, know the necessity of such a plan. That, while the Alliance is strong, death comes for all things, and much like those that came before. The Outer Planets Alliance, the Commenor Systems Alliance, The Sith Empire, even the Confederacy of Independent Systems; the Alliance will take its final breath. The question, however, remains. Do we merely allow it to happen, or do we ensure that if it cannot be truly brought back, that something else can rise in its place that will serve the people?"

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Natasi's racing pulse did not relent.

The choice she was being presented with was so fundamental as to be existential. It was a question she had grappled with -- for the First Order, for its second iteration, and for her own life. The wisdom and utility of artificially prolonging the life of something that had come to its end -- indeed, of resurrecting it -- was a question for gods, as far as Natasi was concerned, except that she was fairly certain they did not exist. And whether it was good or correct to do it... well, she had divergent views on the subject, at odds even with herself at times. The First Order had been a net good in her view; it had taken a galactic backwater and turned it into the capital of a galactic superpower. It had civilized wild worlds, harnessed the resources and population for the good of all.

If it hadn't been for the First Order, she reasoned, what would have become of the galaxy during the Omega Crisis? Who else would have had the nerve to plunge into the breach, to fire the first shots at the Omega menace?

Yet... the war it had fought against the Galactic Alliance of old had been a beautiful, terrible thing. Countless millions dead, a waste of resources so catastrophic that it had robbed the First Order of its stability. The war had drained the First Order and made it vulnerable to what came after. And she had put plans in place to keep it going when the worst happened. But to what end? Had it made a glorious resurgence? Not especially. It rose to prominence once more, briefly, but then collapsed again when Natasi was dragged back into the Netherworld, and all that materiel, all those people, had been left to the tender mercies of people unworthy of the name.

Even Natasi herself had been resurrected from death. Her new life had allowed her to meet, fall in love with, and marry Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav . She had never been so happy, but she sometimes wondered at the wisdom of pulling the dead back into life. Had she done her beloved any good turn by being in his life? Might he have found happiness in a simpler path, a more wholesome existence?

She realized that she had been in a silently thoughtful reverie for some time, her eyebrows furrowing, eyes cutting this way and that as she sorted through her feelings on the matter, and it was surely not to watch Natasi agonize that the Supreme Commander had invited her here. "I... rather think it depends," Natasi said carefully. "If the Alliance collapses because of corruption, because of bureaucratic infighting, then I don't know that it's worth it to preserve it. Taking your point, though -- yes, I think we should take steps. But how do you propose to incorporate only that which is good and healthy while also ensuring that you have a broad and diverse pool of talent and thought? There is such a thing as too much consensus, yes?"

Natasi continued to peruse the book, eyes narrowing inquisitively.


Amelia kept her attention forward, focused on the ornate pitcher in her hands as she carefully topped off the glass at her side. Carefully returning the pitcher to the case, she cradled the glass in her right hand before slowly turning to face Natasi, her left hand slipping into her jacket pocket again as she brought the glass to her lips. Golden-yellow hues remained focused on the woman, watching as her mind wrestled with the implications and the dilemma that was put forth before her and held within the tome. Taking a step forward, she allowed the moments to slip by, watching the woman, though taking no direct action to influence her or pull her from her thoughts until she was ready.

Holding the glass in her hand, she smiled softly when she watched Natasi slip from her thoughts, her eyebrows furrowing. It was true, she had not brought the woman here intending to cause her to agonize over a decision or an ideal. Rather, she had chosen her because of their past, because of their similarities. Any individual who had been strong enough to make the decisions she had, was an individual that Amelia wanted at her side in such an endeavor.

Nodding quietly, she slowly walked towards one of the display cases, taking a moment to analyze the strange red crystalline formation before she turned her attention back to her guest. Her response was measured, as was expected of an individual of her caliber and skill in such matters; the respect for Natasi grew within Amelia as she brought the glass to her lips and took another sip of the strange blue ichor.

"I agree. If the Alliance falters and crumbles due to bureaucratic infighting and is picked apart by corporations, then to preserve it would merely be excising cancer and transplanting it into a new host."

Amelia stepped forward, closing the distance between the two, though remaining a respectful length. The question that followed was one that she was expecting, waiting for even. How could they ensure that only the healthy tissue be saved from the withering cadaver of the Alliance? How could they ensure that the parts that were currently eating at the body did not merely transplant to the new life?

"The Senate has shown me that too many voices create discord. However, to divest power into a singular individual would ultimately corrupt, and create nothing more than another Dictatorship. That Natasi is why the Tome calls for the creation of the Grey Hand. A council of individuals united in a singular goal, a singular purpose, all acting for the good of a singular thing."

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"The Grey Hand?" Natasi echoed flatly. "That's not a bit... suggestive?"

Why was it always something like that? Grey Hand. Shadow Council. The Directorate. The Executive.

Project Aeternum, Natasi reminded herself ruefully. Project Renascence. She was, as ever, equally susceptible. A wry smile crossed her lips as she tucked that back into its box and turned her attention to the matter at hand once more. "That, aside there is a question of..." she began, then with a quiet exhale, she lifted her hand to tuck her chestnut hair behind one ear, the other hand instinctively touching a bracelet at the first hand's wrist. A talisman of sorts, apparently, for she tended to touch it often -- not for adjusting, but mostly just to confirm to herself that it was there. Not especially highly valuable, but certainly it was highly prized.

"The question of," Natasi restarted. "Whether a form of representative democracy is preserved when the people's representatives, by and large, are removed from the process. I guess it is not possible to know whether the draw, the appeal, to the citizens on our member worlds is more their ostensible voice in the Federal Assembly, or more their overarching protection by the Galaxy's superpower. Not a binary choice, exactly, and there are other factors... a common market, a coherent legal framework for settling disputes, but -- I digress. I'm moving away from the point."

She continued to leaf carefully through the ornate tome, eyes occasionally flickering up to the Supreme Commander. A beat passed between them, and Natasi took a steadying breath. "The Alliance is a democracy of sorts, however removed it is from the purest form. How does this plan account for that?" She twisted her fingers together in an anxious tangle, leaving the tome open to the page she had last skimmed. "Or does it?"


Amelia chuckled lightly, perhaps it was a bit suggestive and that she had allowed herself to fall into the pitfalls that come with naming conventions of such matters. She couldn't argue against the reaction that the name caused, merely make a mental note and continue forward. Taking another sip from her glass, she cradled the object in her hand, admiring the blue ichor within as her golden-yellow hues remained fixated on Natasi. She was glad to have the measured and calculating voice of the Senator, both wary and in agreement equally in measure, it was refreshing. She was, truth be told, one of the few Senators whose voice she thought held any modicum of sense or sensibility.

Amelia nodded quietly, listening to the question as life was breathed into its form. It was a reasonable concern, one that would likely raise an eyebrow or two if others had gotten their hands on the tome. By and large, the Alliance was built on some form of Democracy, some overarching and unifying agreement that gave a voice to the people through their representatives, and this tome seemingly did away with such. Amelia carefully slipped down into her seat once more, slipping her left leg over the right as she settled, however, she leaned forward, rather than leaning back as she lightly placed the crystalline glass on the table.

"This Tome, the contents, the majority of which are meant to serve as guidelines. Names and ideas, specific regions, all can be changed to fit a Galaxy that seems to change almost at every instant."

She settled back into her seat, pressing her back against the firm cushions of the conversation pit, her hand coming to rest against her knee as she kept her focus on Natasi. Watching the woman intently, Amelia smiled softly before continuing.

"Currently, simply put, no plan was developed to account for that aspect. However, one can always be created, some form of Democracy can be adopted and placed in the hands of the people. Of course, there are still other forms, other less easily paralyzed forms of Government that may be considered to prevent the gridlock that the Federal Assembly so often finds itself."

skin, bone, and arrogance


Natasi felt her jaw tighten at the Supreme Commander's answer, her back going rigid.

"So this -- Grey Hand -- isn't so much about preserving the ideals of the Galactic Alliance as preserving a... vaguely beneficial system of government that will attempt to minimize the influence of the Alliance's enemies. The enemies of freedom and justice writ large, in short, Sith -- and, I suppose, Imperials. Present company excluded, one hopes," she said, a note of self-deprecation in her voice.

The Senator seemed to sense the tension in her back and forced herself to relax a little as she considered things.

"I'm torn," Natasi finally said, looking over at Amelia once more. "This feels dangerous." She indicated the book. "The idea that it is for -- you, and whoever else makes up this Grey Hand -- to decide how we order ourselves..." She hesitated, her gaze turning thoughtful, as if looking at something far away. "And yet, if not you, then who? Someone must. A collapse without order, without guidance, without a plan for reform is a death sentence for millions."

Her eyebrows knit together. "Would you believe I am genuinely at a loss here, Supreme Commander?"


Amelia smiled softly, her golden-yellow hues focused upon the Senator, watching the inner turmoil that swelled within the woman. Her words, clear, yet muddled, showed both interest in what had been written whilst also approaching it cautiously as one might an unfamiliar situation. Amelia understood what she was proposing, what she had written, yet, she also knew that something had to be done. They could not merely hope that the Galactic Alliance would continue its existence in the current manner; Coruscant... they had gotten lucky in defending the planet.

Bringing her hand up slowly, her palm facing Natasi as though she were attempting to calm the woman. Her eyes slipped closed as she thought of the words spoken and those feelings unsaid that lurked just below the surface. Slowly slipping her eyes open, she leaned forward ever so slightly, her attention fully upon the woman.

"This Grey Hand.. at this moment, would be to act in the best interest of the Alliance. It would be to provide the Alliance with a mechanism that can act where the Federal Assembly would block the Jedi or the Defense Force in red tape and hope the situation resolves itself. We cannot continue to float along, buoyed by the calls for action only to then be prevented from such action."

Amelia brought her hand down slowly, resting it against her knee as she took in a deep breath. Nodding quietly, she understood what had been presented, and she could, as unbelievable as it might seem, accept that the Senator was at a loss. What she brought forward was no small task to accept.

"To those that do not look to the future, seeking only to increase their wealth and influence, this is dangerous. I do not seek the power to control the fate of millions, I do not want to be crowned Monarch or Autocrat of whatever state may rise after the Alliance. I merely seek to ensure that the Millions... the Billions, under our care are not answered with the sound of silence when they cry out for help."

skin, bone, and arrogance


Natasi could see the wisdom in the plan, could sense the sincerity in the woman opposite, and yet she had all but placed down a weapon between them. A weapon that could be used by those of good intention for defense or to strike against their enemies. Or, a weapon that could be used by those with ill intent to kill the Galactic Alliance and plunder it for profit and their own power.

That's all it was. A weapon. A tool.

Natasi wished, briefly, to go back to a time when she didn't know about the Grey Hand. But that was childish, and anyway, Natasi Fortan had never been the type to duck the hard things, the tough questions.

"All right," she said slowly, looking down at the book again for a moment before meeting von Sorenn's eye once more. "Now... tell me where I fit into all of this. What do you need from me?"


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