Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Spice Flows

[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Subject 39"]


SIN was a lovely business, an establishment that could only be called the Gomorrah of the Galaxy. It wasn't anything to look at on the outside, not really. There was a bright flashing sight, a neon pink that seemed to sweep the streets with illumination. It read only a single word, "SIN". Simple, effective, and only those who were curious enough to ask would ever find out what it meant. Other then that the building was simple, four walls, spanning story upon story and expanding into the city of Rishi as though it had always been there.

It was the inside that people sought.

SIN spanned for hundreds of square meters, stretching out within it's warehouse like building. There were four bars, a massive dance floor, lights, and of course music. No windows presented themselves within SIN, and the booming noise of electronic music seemed to beat at the eardrums almost constantly. The sound was delightful to some, nauseating to others. To Subject 37, it was simply a chorus of glee.

He sat quietly within the back of the club, hidden away from the dance within the section that was meant for only he and his.

Hardly ever anyone came back here, and those who did found themselves entangled in a web.

Now something new was coming, an opportunity for those involved and a blessing for those allowed its knowledge. Thirty Seven sat quietly on the Sofa, waiting, watching. A section of the door in front of him had been removed, their guest having to take the back way to actually fit into the club.
The massive building was very much to the hutts liking. He slithered forth through the back door but soon found himself in the massive complex. Not unlike his own home n many senses. He grinned and placed a cigar at the corner of his mouth as he proceeded forward, his rather colorful entourage making sure his way was paved over the dance floor and to the back rooms of the facility.

Sempra had kept his eyes on Rishi for some time now, waiting for an opportunity. It had presented itself as word spread about SIN being interested in expanding or perhaps changing on its merchandice.

With the music being left as a numb beat the hutt made his way into the back corridors, towering over most they passed until finally arriving to the end station and the office of [member="Subject 37"]

Sempra crouched his head as he entered and once inside he rose to his full length and rolled his shoulders. He glared around the room with large and cold reptilian eyes before settling on his host.
It was time for introductions.

[member="Subject 39"]
[member="Subject 37"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

“My love.”

The clink of a ball of ice against a glass would be slightly extended towards the Subject by his beloved. A slick layer of condensation beaded the surface of the glass of ice. The beat of the music of the club was a hip gyrating beat, resonating through the floors and the walls that surrounded them. A wide panel of holographic screens would shift various holocamera scenes every three seconds, basking a small sphere of illumination in the dim lit room.

Bright white hair was stark against tanned skin, slicked back into a twisted high topknot that bared the delicate curve of Subject Thirty-Nine’s tattooed neck. Long dangling earrings lightly twinkled under the light, while feline eyes glittered in a narrowing at one particular screen.

Where was he?

“Nothing yet.” she said, in reference towards the absence of their ‘guest’. A half cock of her hip to the right would bring that full curve within eye level of her beloved, the muted silver gown flowing over her skin like liquid mercury. The spicy aroma of cigarillo smoke tickled her nose, its scent familiar to her as Thirty-Seven’s own.

This was an opportunity for them. Just the beginning. And they would both make the most of it.

It was then that a specific item on the holoscreens caught her attention. The Barabel bouncers would confirm it later.

"He's here, sweetie." she would turn to glance over her shoulder at her beloved. Sempra's entrance would follow shortly, but it was Subject Thirty-Seven who would take point.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] | [member="Subject 39"]

His smile didn't waver, his face remaining the same joyful expression as it had been. He didn't bother getting up, didn't bother standing. They were criminals, nothing more. This was not a meeting between high born nobles, not a meeting of high society, this was a meeting to pull together and arrangement between to criminals. That was how thirty seven saw it, how he thought about it.

"Welcome." There was a warmth to his tone, joy perhaps. "We've been looking forward to your visit."

That was certainly the truth.

This was an opportunity that wouldn't come twice, one that their business in particular would benefit from. Rishi was in essence the very last step before a maze. It was where people came to get lost, where people didn't want to think, didn't want to look back. It was a planet of the lost, a planet meant for exploration.

A planet perfect for Spice.
Sempra placed his fingers, decorated with heavy jewelry on the top of his belly. The room held no furniture adapted for hutts. But that was alright, he was used to dealing with non-hutts and despite the lack of attention he was used to he knew how to separate pleasure from business and pride from practicalities.

"The owner of SIN, I presume." he murmured with a deep resonating voice.

His right finger then waved forward a slave carrying a bottle made from crystal.

"Wine, spiced." he continued to explain it. "I sell these bottles for hefty sums, but this one is yours for free. I hear humans in particular enjoy this mix." he smiled as the slave knelt before [member="Subject 37"] on the sofa and offered the bottle.

The hutt kept an eye on the host but then also noticed the silent beauty in the croner. A body guard perhaps, or the real manager... either way he offered a nod to [member="Subject 39"] so that nothing was ruled out.

"It seem like you have a fine operation running here mr..." he raised his forehead and watched the host questioningly.
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Subject 37"]

"Thawne." Thirty-Nine answered for her beloved. "Mister Thawne."

"I'm Talia." she would introduce herself.

Thirty-Nine amble over to the Hutt with a winning smile, "You are most kind, Sempra." her coo would wash over the duo as she extended her hand to take the bottle of spiced wine from the slave. Her fingers went curling round the bottle, taking the heavy weight in hand.

"Care for a drink?" she would off the Hutt, before the subtle glance to Thirty-Seven would signal for him to continue. They had this interesting dynamic, she and he. Both were equal in each others eyes, but each would lead based on the situation required.
[member="Subject 39"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

Thirty Seven did not enjoy spice, or rather, he did not enjoy the thought of it. As a child both he and thirty nine had been experimented on, drugs, scalpels, all of those things seemed rather distasteful to him in the end. He never really considered the idea of enjoying spice on his own time, never really thought much about it at all in fact. He knew what he wanted, and what he wanted was entirely natural.

Eyes flickered towards his partner for a moment, then back towards the Hutt.

"I thank you, Sempra." His tone was formal, almost kind. "We've only recently opened, but one could say we've truly become the spice of Rishi."

The pun made him smirk, as terrible as it was. "How can we help you?"

While his love would play the host, Thirty Seven would be the business man. It had worked well for them in the past, had earned them more than a few bonuses in fact.
The hutt hummmed for a bit as he digested the words gor a while. His large sluggish body calling for tiny vibrations on occasion offering some life into what otherwise to many appeared to be nothing but layers of tissue.

"Please," he then replied to [member="Subject 37"] "Wine or rum if you have it..." he smiled at her.

Then he turned his focus back to to [member="Subject 39"]

"I am simply here to offer my merchandice to your fine establishment." he rumbled as he sliwly waved his short arms in circles.

"The SIN can indeed be the place to be called the spice of Richu. And I want to be the one helpung you to reach that point."

"It is simole, I produce. I manage transportation. You sell." he finished and pointed at them with a finger wheighed down by heavy jewelry.
[member="Subject 37"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

“Of course, Sempra.” Talia, or Thirty-Nine would flash a winning smile, her hip rolling gait taking her to a seat. A small press of her finger towards a small comm would transmit the following.

“Bring some Tedonian wine.” to Ameta, an olive hued Nautolan female who had joined their little growing family. A talented woman with her hands and with her many concoctions at the bar. A slight thump would follow as she set the spiced wine down a nearby counter.

Off in the distance, the music within the club would pick up again. Several stands where the gyrating bodies of dancers would beg attention from the patrons, credits flashing in the hand as liquor flowed freely to encourage the hedonistic pleasures.

Her right leg would cross over her left, a slight up and down sway at the proposition. So SIN was to be a distributor only? Green eyes would subtly flick over towards Thirty-Seven.

And how much would be our cut?
[member="Subject 39"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

"I see." Thirty Seven said as he glanced towards his love, his eyes lingering for half a moment before looking back towards Sempra.

Spice would be lucrative.

That was really the only thought that came to him in that moment. Money was a good thing, always a good thing. SIN was growing on it's own, simply by word of mouth they had increased their numbers threefold. Most people already brought spice or some sort of other illicit material into the club and Thirty Seven and his love did nothing to stop them. They painted this place as the Gomorrah of the galaxy, the place where anything goes and everything is permitted.

Lovely really.

"And what would be our cut?" He said with a small smile on his face. "I can only assume it would be less than yours."
With a slight chuckle Sempra retracted his tall stance into a more puddly looking shape. He was relaxing.

"Naturally I will need to cover my expenses, they will be far greater then yours. But rest assured, my spice comes directly from the mines of Kessel. Refined and tested in some of the finest laboratories you will find for this purpose. It will not be long before your range of customers will double, perhaps even threefolt itself merely because you will be the sole distributor if my spice on this world."
Sempra leaned, glittering chains around his broad neck rattling.

"You will buy my spice at a distributor price, and then set your own price as it will be your market. That is how we will stay friends." he gleered dryly.

[member="Subject 39"] [member="Subject 37"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Subject 37"]

There was a tentative knock on the door, then after three seconds, the door slid open. There stood the olive skinned beauty, Ameta, holding a tray of Tedonian wine, two full glasses of ice water, and one empty glass for the wine itself. Since Thirty-Seven already had his own glass of water, one of the ones the Twi'lek brought would be for Sempra the Hutt himself along with the glass of wine he requested.

Green eyes would carefully follow Ameta, taking in her every movement. She was after all, a representation of SIN in her entirety, and as such, an extension of 'Talia' and 'Slev Thawne'.

A provocative smile would twist upon Talia's lips then, "Spice direct from the Kessel mines." her brows rose in interest and she gave another sway of her bare leg. "A lucrative product for any distributor..."
[member="Subject 39"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

The Hutt was right. Wholesale would be best. There would be no cutting of costs, no risk of them splitting in anger. It was the wiser way of doing things. Of course the Spice would still have to be controlled, transported, and eventually guarded here at SIN, but they could take care of that. Thirty Seven reached up and tapped the side of his face.

"How much can you deliver?" That was an important question.

SIN, for a nightclub was rather massive.

The entire building covered a huge square footage, and that square footage was almost entirely taken up day and night. Part of the reason for that was that within SIN, there was no such thing as day or night. There were no windows, no ceilings lights, nothing that would allow the sun to peek through. Within SIN, it was always a party, and it was nearly always full.
The sound that escaped the hutt as the wine was served could only be compared with the spinning of a cat, albeit a very large and rather hairless one.

He picked up the cup gently and sniffed the wine as if he was an expert. In fact, Sempras taste of fine food and drinks were legendary among his own species. After 300 years of tasting all sorts of fine dishes things grew boring and for non hutts sometimes what he now ate was found repulsive.

Wine however, seemed to stick to his taste still. After all, the fine fluid came in many different forms and quality, never truly staying the same as years passed by.

"A good choice ms Talia, Tedonian wine carries a dry taste that suits reptilian taste buds." he winked at the servant leaving and held the cup in his partly open palm.

"As for the product, I have brought a sample." he continued and sipped the wine using his free hand to wave forward a grumpy looking weequay warrior carrying a small pouch. It was placed on a nearby table and the weequay backed away to join the group of sempras entourage at the entrance of the room.

"I aim to cover 80% of your establishments need. In time as your customer demands it, it will be 100%. With this deal my friends, you will bebe the sole distributor on this planet of my product. Rest assured that my laboratories have the capacity for this and more, should you require it."

Sempra smacked his lip letting his long tounge taste the droplets of wine clinging to the underside of his huge mouth.

[member="Subject 37"] [member="Subject 39"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Subject 37"]

"My pleasure," Talia would coo in seeming gratitude for the compliment. A quick nod towards the table where the spice product lay would direct the Nautolan to fetch it. While Talia would focus on reviewing the spice, Slev would continue the details on the matter. Business was business, but they both had their preferences.

The Nautolan would give a smile over to Sempra the Hutt, coming to a halt by the table where the slave had sat the bag down. With a small bow, she would take it in her hand, returning to Talia's side a few moments later.

Grading quality of spice was a rather tricky thing. There were many different versions, some more powerful, others enough for that basic high that would require more product for the same result.
[member="Subject 39"]

Those were some big numbers, very big. The idea was ambitious, big, and perhaps even a little preposterous, but then again it wouldn't hurt at all. That was quite the bit of product, and if Sempra could really supply it it would mean a massive boost in income for SIN itself. Instead of having people bring in the Spice, they would provide it.

The profits would be astronomical.

"Fitting." Thirty Seven said in a small nod as he showed his approval. His lips thinned for a moment as Sempra mentioned a sample, his eyes glittering over to Thirty Nine for half a second before settling back onto the Hutt. Neither he nor his partner partook in mind altering drugs of any sort, no alcohol and certainly no spice. A personal choice that they both happily endured, one that kept them sharp and quick of wit. He smiled at the Hutt, then motioned for one of the waitresses nearby.

"Nemi." He addressed the buxom blonde. "Won't you be so the kind?"

The Waitress nodded, slowly approaching the table.
Sempra recognized a human addict without even trying. These two were clean, a trait sometimes found in dealers that had seen to much of the down side of the product. It was unusual but Sempra respected their choice. His own species had a supreme resistance against these poisons and had little issues with them, but over the years he still prefered to dulling of senses on times. Life was often to boring to enjoy it without whatever pleasures it sometimes offered.
Then again, a humans life span promoted to seize the moment as a more urgen matter. One could argue that spice provided the countereffect to that.
Well, he had heard the argument albeit not trule understood it.

"Excellent," he spun and siped more from the wine, enjoying its taste to the fullest.

"Then we have a deal and as soon as your..." the hutt pointed toward the slaves being asked to test the product "... your quality managers have approved the product - I will make the necessary arrangements." he raised a toast, questiongly at [member="Subject 39"] and [member="Subject 37"]
[member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Subject 37"]

Nemi was quite the eager little thing. Always willing to go the extra mile to do as Talia and Slev pleased. Taking the pouch of product, delicate lines were set, and a quick intake ensured proper quality tasting.

There was no denying the dilatation in her eyes and the slight flush of her skin thereafter. The owners of SIN would be quite pleased.

"Of course, Sempra." Talia would agree with a smooth upward curve of her lips, giving a sway of her leg as she took another sip of her glass of water.

As it was, this would work well for them. They now had an accord.
[member="Subject 39"] | [member="Sempra the Hutt"]

While his love finished the discussion, Thirty Seven watched Nemi.

Spice was an interesting product. From Doctor Nira's notes he knew that some of the previous iterations of himself and Thirty Nine had been fed spice, had even had it infused within their cognitive function. The idea of it...was it was unwelcome. Mind alerting drugs did not appeal to him because of that. He knew his own thoughts, he knew what he wanted and what he liked, he did not need a drug to tell him otherwise. His lips thinned for a moment as the girls cheeks bloomed bright red.

He kept on observing her.

She seemed to half fall over before catching herself, staring off into space and reaching for something.

Thirty Seven simply seemed to shake his head in response. Silly girl.

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