Classification: Tank Droid
Weight: 150kilogram
Height:10.3 Meters
Length: 9.7 Meters
Movement: The Spider moves on six massive legs allowing it to traverse most terrain rather quickly.
Armaments: The Spider is outfitted with a mass of weapon all hidden below its thick armor plating. When these weapons “pop” up the Spider becomes more vulnerable as opponents are able to target the inside of the droid.
-24 Cuncussion Missiles
-1 Composite Beam laser(The pincers in the front)
-2 light turbolaser turrets
Misc. Equipment: The Spider along with its myriad of weapons and standard sensors and such also comes equipped with a very special defense. The Spider is able to “lock” itself down. When doing this it retracts all of its weapons and loses any semblance of offensive capabilities as well as all ability to move. However this locking down immediately causes the Spider to broadcast a 15x15 meter sphere Ray shield over it, and the immediate area. This shield is massively powerful and can withstand even direct turbo-laser fire, though only for a few minutes.
History: The Spider was built as a purpose droid, that purpose was to serve as heavy support for flying and ground units during the invasion. This heavier type of droid is perfectly suited to fight even heavy vehicles such as the AT-AT and AT-ST.