Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Spinner's Wheel [Shmi Labooda]

Late Evening .. Fiandeira Monastary
Master [member="Shmi Labooda"]
Only once before had Coci visited Monastery, and it had not changed. A planet of beauty, rich in lush life and jungles, mountains and rivers and still held the charm of serenity and history. It is also the home of the crystal valley a place well renown for it's dangers as well as mystery, and beautiful beyond most in the galaxy. The people of this fair planet enjoy life in peace, and although they now have threats moving toward their 'door', Coci hoped it would remain untouched. She knew this was not likely however.

Coci had left Voss and the Silver Jedi for a short leave of absence. It is a journey she has to take alone, not only for herself but most importantly then even this, for [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and their son, Théo, as well as for the Silver Order.

It is a strange feeling she has, never has she been as calm as now, having come to the realisation that this issue needed to be addressed had centered her more. Coci has always been emotional, and because of this she had developed a method to control the emotions, not necessarily a healthy method, but it worked, Coci would bottle them away, trap emotions deep never to be recalled. This is her strength, the ability to control, but now in this strange paradox, they had resurfaced and she felt better for it. Maybe it is Thurion's influence. Ever since they have been together Coci has learned to feel emotions without fear. She has learned to face them head on, the good and the bad. Oh how she loves her Thurion, that wonderful empowering emotion she will never check but rather set it free to strengthen her, this is a belief they both share and eternity simply is not long enough to love him.

Her speeder had been left at the base of the mountain, and only with a backpack full of her personal items had she traveled with. The ascention to Fiandeira Monastary home of the Unseen Tapestry, did not take long. The simple thatched buildings beckoned her welcome with warm yellow light from the windows, the monks knew of her coming and awaited her at the main gate as she arrived as night began to claim the forest.

After she had been shown to her quarters, elegant with simplicity, she ventured to the eating hall on their request for her to join them for sup. Wearing her Silver Jedi robes, Coci fixed the last pleat in place and secured her black belt, no saber clipped to it tonight, not in a monastary does one need a weapon. She left her quarters and walked the wooden boardwalks around to the dinner hall.

It is warm inside, the smell of the meal inviting and she found her place at one of the long tables. She waited for the monks to begin.
Seemed like she had been traveling more often nowadays. There was always more knowledge to be collected, and she preferred the more exotic and creative entries. What she was truly working on was her personal journal. She was keeping detailed entires of her experiences all over. She had recently become even more interested in other cultures and religious sects. She wanted to compare and contrast them from her owns beliefs. A mission only the strong could withstand, as there were so many sects.

She wanted to learn more about Monastary. The Order of the Sacred Circle was located here. She was entirely sure whether they still remained intact but it was worth the journey, besides the Force had been calling to her. She was subtly being guided there, and for reasons she was entirely sure about.

It wasn't long before she arrived on planet, and it was too long after that that she had been following a path that would lead her to the Fiandeira Monastary. For what it was worth she wasn't entirely sure what she would find here, with the aura the thatched buildings gave off it only provided an illusion; possibly. Who knows how she would be received. Though she had only one fear, and this wasn't it. She began to walk up the stairway that led her to the main gate. Yellow light lit her face every other step as she slid in and out of darkness. The monks were welcoming seeing as she was a Jedi, she had entirely forgot she kept her lightsaber attached. Meeting them she gave up her weapons...the feel was anywhere near threatening.

The motioned for her to follow the others along the wooden pathways. It seemed they were preparing for some sort of event. Already? Well it was kind of late. Hmm

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Master [member="Shmi Labooda"]​
Black eyes searching around the room, not for anything in particular but curiosity cannot be removed from her nature. Nor does she want it to be, Coci watched as some of the Monks came from the kitchen with large bowls of food and placed them in the centre of each long table, several ladles rested against the sides of the bowls in readiness to serve, small bowls filled with hard crusted breads lightly coated with white flour sat positioned for everyone to reach. Wine in long bottles, red of hue and cheeses, this will be the fare this evening for the sup. But still they waited as if expecting someone ...

This gave Coci time for reflection, why had she choosen this place visit again, the last time was a more social thing which had to be cut short. Maybe it was because of that that this journey had not be completed that drew her here again. But no there is more to it, for force had brought her here, that much was certain but not the purpose or had the purpose been for her to look within in solitude. Solitude did not last long as the presence of another became clear through the force. A powerful person is about to join them, and Coci wondered if the Monks had awaited the arrival of this force user.

There is unrest here, but not because of the new comer, in fact the Monks seemed please for both their arrivals, no ill intent from them at all or the person about to grace the room. What is this unrest the Monks feel? time will reveal this, she was certain of it.
Jericho walked along the path that laid before him. He put his sabers remaining clipped to his side, swinging side to side, as he continued to walk. The warrior had just finished another mission naught a few days ago, his white robes had burned holes from blasters and smelled of a mixture of krayt dragon and rancor slobber. Alone their saliva was smelly but combined, it even made Jericho wince; meaning it was just that awful. The man's armor battered, broken and in need of repair. But what was exactly his destination? To his closest friend, solitude, and where was that on this planet? The monastery.

Jericho wandered the land for a long time, the majority of his life he wandered this beautiful galaxy, seeking chaos that he could attempt to calm. That is what he believed his purpose in his life was. But once in a while, he questioned if that was his real purpose. Jericho was beginning to enjoy the fights, the battlefield was starting to become the closest thing to home he had. It was where he strived, where he knew he belonged, because that is where he could be the best he could be. It was truly the only thing he knew, and he knew it well. He was a failure as a teacher, he had padawans turn to the sith and other die due to his inability to protect. He pulled the newest saber that he had gained from his belt and clenched it tightly such trinkets are seen as one of the most powerful weapons in the galaxy and yet they are only as powerful as the wielder.

His mind wandering to another thought, clipping it back on his belt.

When the fighting finally ended, when the chaos ceased, when people were finally able to live their lives out in peace, where would he fit into that. Where does he fit into that picture? At this point all Jericho knew was violence, to stop the fighting by fighting back, destroy the chaos with his own blade. Where then, does a man like him fit into this paradise? Jericho walked by the side of a river, he stopped walking and went to the river, kneeling down and looking into it. He saw himself, a man bred to kill, and nothing more. Jericho shrugged it off, and wet his face with a handful of water, trying to get his mind of his worries and doubts.

"There are two things I know for sure. That I shall carve a path through this chaos, and that I shall follow this road until it ends."

When he finally reached his It like he instantly cleared his mind, the moment to took his first step into the monastery, the force echoed around him like sonar and he felt calm and at peace. His clouded mind became much more at ease even his heavy steps became light as a feather as he entered deeper into the peaceful area. He made his way to the a room the monks made for him as he often visited places like this to calm himself for the days of battle to come. His aura was felt as he neared and as he was familiar with the monk they understood he enjoyed his privacy and left him alone until he came out to meditate with them.

He removed his robes and armor quietly and hung them up, he put on the traditional monk garbs with a fresh white jedi robes to cover the rest of his scarred body, Out of respect for the monks the warrior took off his mask and placed it with his armor. His face as clean compared to the rest of his body with only one scar on his left eye and permanently blood shot from the blow. The man was intimidating enough without the having to stare into his bloodshot eye.

After doing so, he walked out quietly to the main room, the monks bowed to him and he the same to them showing a mutual respect. Upon entering he felt two signatures both strong but one vaguely familiar. Glanced over to the one with the familiar force user and saw the it was....[member="Coci Heavenshield"]? He rarely saw anyone from the order here let alone the master of the order. Though he didn't really question why, this was a place of peace and quiet after all. He let out a sigh and went to go meditate but one of the monks insisted that he join them and the other force-users for food and wine. As a guest and friend, he could not decline.

He went over and bowed to the two masters and took a seat quietly with the monks.

[member="Shmi Labooda"]

(I hope this was adequate if you need me to change anything let me know.)
[member="Jericho"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]​
Monks don't live by the clock as most do in the galaxy, nor do Jedi. This late hour to most would seem strange to be supping but afterward the Monks would continue their tireless work. Respite and repose would come when needed. Coci had noticed those that had entered the dinning hall, one she had never met, but clearly a Jedi, the other, Jericho, she had. Although she did not know him well.

Here in this place of solace rank and title is removed, in the days she will spend here, she will simply be known as Coci and so too the rest will be addressed by their given names. She bowed in return to Jericho as well as offer her regards to the other master. There would be an element of surprise etched on her face to their presence, not expected and it made her curious. Especially, since she senses the unrest within the monks.

Mostly in silence the dinning proceeded, very little talk allowed or wanted it seemed and in a way it is quite refreshing and gave one time to think as one fueled the body as well as the mind. There is little by way of distraction to ones thoughts, no decorations in the room to remove focus and have the mind wander. As time passed and the sup came to an end, the Monks stood and returned to their respective duties. Except for one, their leader.

"Welcome to Fiandeira Monastary, I hope you find your quarters adequate", he bow a head of long brown hair. "We are always happy to receive guests to our humble halls, please ask me for anything you might require as you stay with us". He moved closer so the three masters could hear him well. "Tomorrow, if it convenient to you all, I have something to show you, that might be of interest to you, but for now please make yourselves at home". Again he bowed and left them.

Coci's attention now returned to Jericho and the other master. "Jericho it is good to see you". Considering the isolated location of the monastary it truly was a surprise to see them both.
Jericho sat in silence as they all ate, wanting nothing more than to leave to his meditation, in situations like this he wanted to eat and leave at the proper time. He has never been one to speak more than he has to, so needless to say he wasn't a very social person. As they all left to attend their duties the leader of the monastery stayed to speak with the three masters. Jericho would be lying to himself it he said that he wasn't the slightest bit curious of what the monk had in mind. So he nodded in agreement and bowed his head in respect to the man. As he was about to take his leave [member="Coci Heavenshield"] spoke to him. The warrior face her and bowed his head to her, "Lady Heavenshield." He started off to her. "It warms the heart to see you so healthy."
There was a woman, sitting down within the dinning hall. She wondered curiously as the Chalactans mind began to fill with thoughts. Curious...she was softly shoved further into the room. It seemed they really wanted to show their hospitality. She was guided to her seat just slightly behind the woman, enough for them to talk if needed. She said no words in the beginning as everyone was still gathering.

But, they weren't the only ones strong in the Force to arrive. A man, battle hardened, entered the room as well. Hmm, the amount of Force users gathered seemed to be a hint to something. There was a reason, three strong wielders of the Force gathered in a place such as this...made her twice the more curious.

She nodded her head to the man when he approached them. She sat upright, with a proper posture. It was instilled in her from prolong study of the eight Fold path. A monk gathered them up, and spoke to them at the same time. Stay a night? Well that wasn't completely over her head...she didn't mind at all.

The other two knew one another, so maybe they came here with the same intentions? "Greetings to you both, my name is Shmi."

[member="Jericho"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Jericho"]​
This is curious. The elder monk parting with information of a different nature, it is curious that although Coci's arrival here was due to her own wanting it seemed that the force had played a hand in this choice, and this made more clear with the arrival of Jericho and the woman called Shmi. Three powerful force users, summon here via the force or had the monk had a hand in it? Coci could not sense any force connection in the monk, but many have the ability to be able to hide it. Her face would show these thoughts over it but she pushed them aside for the moment, so to address the others.

"Jericho", she bowed with a smile, "I am healthy thank you and it is good to see you in the same state of health". Turning to the woman she did not know, "I am Coci Heavenshield of the Silver Jedi". she began, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Shmi".

"I have come to Monastery and this monastary for meditation, shall I assume the same for you both? but it seems there is another purpose to our visit", she turned to look after the monk as he left them behind a closed door. Coci is not ready to retire to her quarters just yet but would take a walk around the wooden platforms under the night sky.
He nodded to both of the other masters, showing his sign of respect for the two but as a man of few words, his presence with them would be short. "Yes, lady [member="Coci Heavenshield"]. I come here often to rest and meditate as well to learn." He stood and took a bow. "As such I will take my leave for now. If you would both excuse me, I will do what I came here for until I am summoned. Lady [member="Shmi Labooda"]." He said taking his leave. Though Coci's words were true, the monks seemed on edged for some reason, even the leader seemed unlike himself. The warrior could tell by their slightest movements something was off but knew not whether or not it was good or bad. He took a moment to feel the force but felt no disturbance of yet. Either way, he would keep his guard up while he rested and meditated.
[member="Jericho"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]​
A slight chill ran through her body, as if a cold breeze entered the room and her bones. Coci shook it off and pulled her robes tighter around her. She bid goodnight to both the Jedi Masters and had decided to take a walk in the night air, but strange how the night air seemed warmer than the monastery. Finding her way along the wooden pathways, Coci took some time once more to simply look at the buildings, in a way they reminded her of Midvinter. The carpentry of the monks beautiful and precise, the joins in the wood even and flawless, it was most difficult to see the line in the join. The soft glow of the yellow light still sent their invitation to come but she would not heed it for now.

Her mind returned to events to be considered in this time here, to the time in the lab where she discovered the clone of herself. The image of it still fresh in her mind, the Sith marks on her face, the naked body laying in the life preserving liquid and yet the body still to be animated. Not alive but ... she killed it.

The ethical debate began in her head, had she had the right to take the life of the clone? But does anyone have that right regardless of their crimes or life choices? Yes if they threaten the lives of others, and that clone had been designed to do just that. Coci had in killing her clone, prevented much pain and suffering. And where was the ethical right in clone her in the first place, not that the Sith would have ever asked permission. She smiled at the idea. But she knew she would probably never have peace on this issue, it would be an event in her life that would plague her forever.

As the internal debate continued, Coci had wondered deeper into the forest, not really aware she had gone so far. There is no danger immediate and she stopped to rest. Find a log she sat down and took in a deep breath of crisp night air and closed her eyes to enjoy the sounds of the night creatures.

From the shadows a man stood watching her, his force signature cloaked and she had not sensed his presence. Powerful he is to have done so considering her abilities in the force to do so. But finally the man appeared before her, "You stray to far from the monastery, Master Heavenshield". It was the elder monk.

Coci's eyes flashed open and she found herself looking into his face only a meter from her. Her sense went on high alert and she knew he was force attuned. "I knew that you and the others were coming to visit us, I had seen it". He sat down next to her.

"There is something here in the monastery I wish for you and the other masters to view. We call it, the Unseen Tapestry. We have it shrouded for a purpose as those that view it see, things. I would like you to take a look at it, to see what if there is any danger within it weave".

Coci stood and turned to the elder monk, "This is most curious. And I shall speak to Jericho and Shmi to see what we might do. But before we do, you will need to tell us everything about this tapestry and about your visions".

The elder monk and herself, made for the monastery once more, the elder has summon a novice to fetch the two masters and bring them to the lower level.
Jericho sat quietly in the monastery gardens munching on a piece of rice, enjoying the peace that this place gave him, and set the remaining half on his lap while he floating elegantly. Jericho closed his eyes to immerse himself in his own memories as he did to train himself; shield himself for anyone to try to use them against him in battle. He learned that many if they would not hurt him physically would try to destroy him mentally and that was the last way he wanted to go. A memory came to him of when he assisted in the watch of a small city when he was younger and inexperienced where a time he let faces speak more than actions.

Jericho stood and watched, as the fight began. One of his men; Shen, made to draw his sword. He probably meant to stop this girl who was slaughtering the local troopers. Jericho held out a arm across his chest to stop the man. They did not know the situation, so he wasn't willing to jump in and end up on the wrong side. Besides as a principle he didn't hurt women, armed or not. Unless they were sith of course. Then again he had never met a women quite like this one...their was a vicious streak in her that reminded him of some one else he knew...But could not put a name or another face to it than hers. Yet that person was considered to be the most dangerous person he knew.

Soon their was only one man left alive, a poor fool who seemed to be close to wetting himself in fear. As well he might it looked like he was going to die. Unless Jericho decided to be a hero and save him...sadly he didn't look at himself a hero, he was a more practical man. He would fight if attacked not to save random strangers. The guards had been imbeciles, he wasn't going to stick his own neck out to help them. "If your planning to kill him, you best get on with it. He isnt worth bragging about or too, just make it quick. In a place like this guards will eventually notice and come to rescue their friends." His observed his tone made it clear that he didn't care either way.


Before he could completely reflect on that memory he could feel a slight disturbance in the force followed by a young man disrupted his thoughts. "Master....You have been summoned by the elder." The young man said. Jericho slightly turned his and looked over to the young man his eyes for a moment darkened and angered before changing back to it's calmed hazel look. Jericho nodded in thanks to the young man before standing up and making way to where he was called. "Is there something you need?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

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