Valiens Nantaris
Head Admin
We've all approved stuff we've regretted. Stuff which wasn't overpowered, stuff which wasn't offensive...just...not right.7. All submissions need to conform to the general idea of Star Wars. No Gundam Wings, no Transformers.
There are a couple of members who have turned this into an artform, and we've let it go because it's usually not worth the effort to stamp on.
From now though, I would like a more vigorous enforcement of Rule 7, quoted at the top.
If something is blatantly going against the spirit of this site and Star Wars, seek advice from an RPJ or the Codex/Factory admin. You are more than welcome to deny submissions on concept or request substantial edits.
This is a Star Wars board, and it will continue to be. From this point forward let's keep it that way. We're not going to retroactively deny things, but we will look at new things closer.
If you have any questions, please ask. If you have specific examples, please show us.