The Heir

There was a breeze in the air, one that wafted through hair and brushed against one's skin with a weight that one stood at attention. All married beneath the rays of sunlight, bearing down from clear, if still cloudy, skies above. There was little threat of rain, which was part paramount of the reason that he had gathered them all outside this fine day. The first chills of winter were felt, but winter had not yet come, even as the leaves of the trees above them whistled their end, their leaves having turned a brilliant orange, their death knolls sounding.
There was bias in his view he supposed, after all, he did rule Alvaria, and held a connection to it that went far beyond that of simple rule. Sat upon the chair, the long table laid out before them, filled high with plates of finger food, sandwiches, skewers, and rolls, while chalices were filled high to the brim with wine, juices, and water. Sat upon the chair, he could not help but wonder if those of his blood sat here once, gazing upon the end of fall, to the embrace of the snows, feeling the coldness of the wind whip against their face, with only joy, that it was not the unending beating of the heat to cause sweat upon their brow.
There was bias in his view no doubt, there was a history to the courtyard gardens that he had gathered them all today, for Alvaria held a beauty that was felt by few but felt ever keenly by him, a serenity, a calm, a familiarity that was nigh impossible to find anywhere else. Alvaria might not have been his first home, after all, he was born on Jutrand, and spent most of his life there, after all they said when he was but a boy, Dromund Kaas had been his home...
...But he did not remember Kaas, and Jutrand... the polluted skies that concealed the entire galaxy.
Where here, if he gazed to the moon, he would actually see it, dream of its magnificence, as its lupine influence lulled him into a sweet sleep...
...If only his mind was not so broken, that sleep so often was stolen away from him. His bed, lying empty, as his heart fell to twisting daggers, and... simple tragedy.
But there was little time for those thoughts now, awakening himself from his thoughts to the chatter of private conversation, he rose from his commanding seat, he was armoured, yet, his pose relaxed. Ready for war, but his blade still sheathed. The masked man sent a signal to all those gathered here, to the purpose of their gathering, gazing upon all their masked faces, he knew each and one well, or at least well enough, but for this moment, as was the way of the Tsis'Kaar, they could not be sure.
None could be sure.
Certainty was the enemy of shadows.
"I thank you all for gathering here today, I have spoken to each of you privately at various times about the problems that plague us, and I believe, today, we shall make firm headway on what it is we need to accomplish for the Order," His gaze fell towards the droid, and the masked face of his blood, "Helix Solutions and MarrTech shall be fundamental in our efforts, it is thus my opinion as is the way of the Assembly, that the companies gain seats upon the Assembly, I imagine none of our fellow Governors here shall disagree?" He spoke, red eyes glancing at those assembled, their defeat in the last vote had stung... but it mattered little if he could turn it to their advantage.
...If he could bring more seats onside, and indeed, in this instance, make seats.
"But beyond that, these companies, along with the resources gathered here from our respective and Tsis'Kaar worlds, must go to the construction of the Third, a Legion that shall not operate as the ruthless sword of the first, or the brutal hammer of the Second, but as as silent vicious dagger, we shall require new classes of warships to accomplish that task, it is to pursue this matter, that is most fundamental." For a fleet of technologically advanced constructs, might give them the edge, against the overwhelming number of hulls and guns of their enemy, an enemy that still relied on vessels that were approaching decades of age and design, it might be exactly what they needed.
That... and the Mors Vistra.
An annoyance by his brow reminded him of the latest humiliation, as to the opposite end of the table sat another, one which certainly did not belong to their cadre, "And, as a show of faith to our glorious Emperor, I would like to introduce you all to Allyson Locke, she shall serve as the... representative of His Imperial Majesty at this meeting, and within the Tsis'Kaar, I expect you shall all to show her proper treatment, and that His Imperial Majesty shall be reassured that we have nought but loyalest intention for our Empire."
He offered forth his glass in her direction before he took his seat, a reminder too, to those particularly boisterous amongst them, that they were in the presence of... that kind of company.
And so the meeting would begin.