Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Springtime of Nations


Alvaria was beautiful.

There was a breeze in the air, one that wafted through hair and brushed against one's skin with a weight that one stood at attention. All married beneath the rays of sunlight, bearing down from clear, if still cloudy, skies above. There was little threat of rain, which was part paramount of the reason that he had gathered them all outside this fine day. The first chills of winter were felt, but winter had not yet come, even as the leaves of the trees above them whistled their end, their leaves having turned a brilliant orange, their death knolls sounding.

There was bias in his view he supposed, after all, he did rule Alvaria, and held a connection to it that went far beyond that of simple rule. Sat upon the chair, the long table laid out before them, filled high with plates of finger food, sandwiches, skewers, and rolls, while chalices were filled high to the brim with wine, juices, and water. Sat upon the chair, he could not help but wonder if those of his blood sat here once, gazing upon the end of fall, to the embrace of the snows, feeling the coldness of the wind whip against their face, with only joy, that it was not the unending beating of the heat to cause sweat upon their brow.

There was bias in his view no doubt, there was a history to the courtyard gardens that he had gathered them all today, for Alvaria held a beauty that was felt by few but felt ever keenly by him, a serenity, a calm, a familiarity that was nigh impossible to find anywhere else. Alvaria might not have been his first home, after all, he was born on Jutrand, and spent most of his life there, after all they said when he was but a boy, Dromund Kaas had been his home...

...But he did not remember Kaas, and Jutrand... the polluted skies that concealed the entire galaxy.

Where here, if he gazed to the moon, he would actually see it, dream of its magnificence, as its lupine influence lulled him into a sweet sleep...

...If only his mind was not so broken, that sleep so often was stolen away from him. His bed, lying empty, as his heart fell to twisting daggers, and... simple tragedy.

But there was little time for those thoughts now, awakening himself from his thoughts to the chatter of private conversation, he rose from his commanding seat, he was armoured, yet, his pose relaxed. Ready for war, but his blade still sheathed. The masked man sent a signal to all those gathered here, to the purpose of their gathering, gazing upon all their masked faces, he knew each and one well, or at least well enough, but for this moment, as was the way of the Tsis'Kaar, they could not be sure.

None could be sure.

Certainty was the enemy of shadows.

"I thank you all for gathering here today, I have spoken to each of you privately at various times about the problems that plague us, and I believe, today, we shall make firm headway on what it is we need to accomplish for the Order," His gaze fell towards the droid, and the masked face of his blood, "Helix Solutions and MarrTech shall be fundamental in our efforts, it is thus my opinion as is the way of the Assembly, that the companies gain seats upon the Assembly, I imagine none of our fellow Governors here shall disagree?" He spoke, red eyes glancing at those assembled, their defeat in the last vote had stung... but it mattered little if he could turn it to their advantage.

...If he could bring more seats onside, and indeed, in this instance, make seats.

"But beyond that, these companies, along with the resources gathered here from our respective and Tsis'Kaar worlds, must go to the construction of the Third, a Legion that shall not operate as the ruthless sword of the first, or the brutal hammer of the Second, but as as silent vicious dagger, we shall require new classes of warships to accomplish that task, it is to pursue this matter, that is most fundamental." For a fleet of technologically advanced constructs, might give them the edge, against the overwhelming number of hulls and guns of their enemy, an enemy that still relied on vessels that were approaching decades of age and design, it might be exactly what they needed.

That... and the Mors Vistra.

An annoyance by his brow reminded him of the latest humiliation, as to the opposite end of the table sat another, one which certainly did not belong to their cadre, "And, as a show of faith to our glorious Emperor, I would like to introduce you all to Allyson Locke, she shall serve as the... representative of His Imperial Majesty at this meeting, and within the Tsis'Kaar, I expect you shall all to show her proper treatment, and that His Imperial Majesty shall be reassured that we have nought but loyalest intention for our Empire."

He offered forth his glass in her direction before he took his seat, a reminder too, to those particularly boisterous amongst them, that they were in the presence of... that kind of company.

And so the meeting would begin.

Reicher Vax Reicher Vax Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Darth Fury Darth Fury Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Serina Calis Serina Calis



Mariah's investment into technology had gone well thus far, while her company itself had produced relatively few new inventions. Especially recently, bringing back her old ones under a formal name. As well as her work to aid in the amphibious routes the House of Marr could now exact with more ease had proven fruitfull. And she did intend to work on more new designs, eventually. Though she'd discovered that the droid counterpart was likely going to always out-manufacture her. It would be better to focus on specialized technologies, or those relating to the force.

It was obviously this business combined with her family name, that had gotten her any attention at all. She had grown immensely in knowledge, but never took the front seat in any real battle. Opting to remain, in essence, a noble sith. Aiding by money and knowledge in technology and the force, not as a powerhouse. Though she was working on solutions for that route too.

So she also dressed her part, in a dark red and black dress, with a waist of gold. One of her twin lightsabers, the Initiation, at her hip. Her necklace worn. But unlike how she used to be. She opted not to carry her blaster or assortment of offensive and defensive tech around. Not on her anyway. White-6, known as Arana, was available not too far away for her to be summoned with her equipment if need be. Either for the need of violence, or simply convenience.

Finally, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr spoke. The boy had gained so much power and influence, it was truly impressive. It was also, now that she had become a member of House Marr, amusing how terrified she'd been at the initial meeting. Back when she was as mortal as everyone else. She smiled in response to his reference of Mariah and Helix's businesses.

His next lines were effort though, new warships. That would be a challenge for her. She rarely put effort into things that large, the Thranta Motherships were by far the biggest things she'd ever put herself to build. She did, however, already have some ideas. But they weren't really for ships. Not exactly. Those too however would likely not fit the needs he was aiming for. On the upper side of size, he may have to lean more on Helix she considered. But time would tell.

There was another, she looked over as he pointed out Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , she gave the woman a polite smile and nod of her head before returning to Malum. "On the issue of warships, I don't specialize that well in the larger types. The motherships I designed were good I think, but they are in essence a generalist amphibian carrier ship. I can often handle smaller types such as fighters, or likely gunships. Besides that my company is still working it's way up, so creating true warships such as star destroyers is still a venture. Helix Solutions may be better suited for the large scale vessels. Though I should be capable of producing custom designs."



mariahs-necklace (worn)
Initiation (lightsaber)
Prophet of Bogan


There was nothing harsh at all about the day, no great looming clouds, a sun that could barely be considered scorching, a breeze that didn't chill the bones, it was all so reprehensibly simple. There was no threat from the environment nor any possibility of one given the conditions, to the extent that they had even all gathered outside of all places for a meeting. It was far too idyllic today on Alvaria, to the point of making His skin crawl.

How did people live like this?

Darth Strosius fished a flask out of His robes and made only the slightest attempt to hide it as He poured a dark crimson liquid that tinged the air with a slight metallic scent into His recently emptied glass, the straw stuck down in it swirling with the addition of the new beverage. Normally He was content drinking whatever was offered at these sorts of things but the headache from the peaceful conditions of the day was already starting to set in and He needed something to take the edge off.

It was slightly comical seeing the masked man sipping from His wine glass through a straw, the implement slotting in through the bottom of His mask without any need for removal of the visage. A skill that He had evidently perfected given how quickly He drained the glass of its contents. Again. Malum's address did provide a nice distraction from the weather at least, even if His grip on the glass did cause a slight crack when the other Sith mentioned their apparent guest.

What was the point of having these little gatherings if they had agents of the corpse around to listen? He had traveled all the way from outside Sith space for nothing but a glorified picnic it seemed. This meeting could have been a holocall.

Stuffing down His irritation and resisting the urge to stare daggers, mostly due to debating who to stare at between the host and the new guest, He refocused Himself as one of the other guests spoke up regarding the topic of warships. At least they could get the simple affairs taken care of He supposed. "The Shikkar-class Corvettes will be of little issue for my Sanguine Defense Works to produce, as well as any warship from the Inquisition's catalogue." He paused to take one final sip from His glass before setting it aside.

"Once the Kissai have reached full production they can help bulk out the starfighter compliments as well. The only concern I have is regarding output." Darth Strosius idly gestured towards the mostly clear sky. "My shipyards are few and minor, if you want an armada worthy of a Legion then we will need access to proper shipyards and those are only found on a handful of worlds in Sith space. Seswenna would be the perfect world to provide for everything a Third Legion would need. And would give plenty of room for research and development of new vessels as well."

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Reicher Vax Reicher Vax / Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr / Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway / Darth Fury Darth Fury / Allyson Locke Allyson Locke / Serina Calis Serina Calis / Commodore Helix Commodore Helix



Springtime of Nations

Equipment: Robes, Armor, Lightsaber

Darth Fury sat awkwardly at the table. He wore his robes to this meeting and his helmet from his armor with the hood over. He wasn't sure why they were all concealing themselves if they planned to work together in the future but he would never question the choice of anonymity.

The planet itself was beautiful. The weather was perfect and the scenery almost classified this place as a resort world.

He hated it.

It was obvious he had tension within himself as his hands were placed on the end of the table, red eyes behind his mask searching each and every person in attendance. This was a rare sight outside of the Assembly or a battlefield. So he would enjoy it's intentions. Though he was ever so excited to talk shop about their own ventures and how they planned to build this 'Third Legion'. Something that greatly interested him.

As Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr made the opening address, Fury switched his gaze to look down the table and at the head of it. His words definitely did not bring any worry from Fury. He and other Governors were already in the process of getting more of them among their number. A few extra seats would only benefit everyone involved. Especially when he negotiated for a share of said companies as the price of his vote. But that was for another time.

His cold and calculating gaze, still hidden behind his helmet, locked onto Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and judged her presence. No doubt the Emperor had concerns for their lot and wished to get reports first hand rather than through hearsay. That was concerning in of itself. Fury intended to task some of his agents with finding out just how concerned their leadership was. Though he was a recent inductee he did not want to get blindsided by power moves between the Dark Council and the Emperor. Still, he would watch his words carefully with that one present.

As two people he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet spoke, Fury no doubt was eager to offer up his own holdings in assistance. The more companies of his fellow Tsis'kaar operating on his world only improved his standing and monetary gain. And his planets. The more the merrier.

Waiting until they had finished making their opening comments, he followed suit.

"I do believe I can aid in those efforts. My planets industrial capacity is only waiting to be realized and I have already personally invested in the construction of many shipyards built and to be built in orbit. If there are any here with the resources to offer, I would no doubt be grateful in hastily moving the project along." Fury looked around the table as he spoke, making indirect eye contact through his helmet with his distorted voice masking everything about him. "Once it's full potential is realized, I would welcome a production list from any of you. That includes establishing offices for any of your companies or any other structures that may be required."

It all made sense. Though Fury abstained from speaking on how much said agreements would benefit himself he no doubt knew that was only obvious.

They were Sith after all.


His blue form shimmered into existance.

Whilst not able to be present in person, the Tsis'Kaar's newest Sith Knight had still attended the meeting none the less by using hologram technology. He was tied up with other matters across the galaxy, yet he knew his presence would be expected by Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . So Darth Latens presence at the meeting would be as a blue hologram in the corner. Not ideal, but it worked.

"No-one is doubting how much Helix Solutions and MarrTech support the duties of the Tsis'Kaar" he acknowleged, having only caught half of the conversation. He had decided that he hadn't been late, he was intead fashionably making an entrance.

"Their votes on the assembly would indeed serve to further the Tsis'Kaar agenda through the reach of the Imperial Party" the Sith Knight admitted, his voice masked by his helm. "Certainly, no-one can deny that Commodore Helix Commodore Helix earned his right to sit on the assembly after his heroics on Woostri"

Latens smiled under his helm. Commodore Helix Commodore Helix had visited Jutrand alongside the grandson of Empyrean and had been offered any reward within the Empire for his services and had opted for a "well done". It was a choice that was very human from the droid.

"The reach of the Tsis'Kaar expands further than just the Imperial Party however" he noted. "Lord Malum suggests his intentions to build up the Third Legion, commanded at the behest of the Tsis'Kaar" he spoke softly, pausing briefly.

"Unfortunately, I have nothing to offer in relation to building ships. I leave that speciality to my peers around the table" he gestured softly to the table. "I may be able to offer bodies however, a commanding officer for these fleets that we seek to build"

His eyes finally cast to Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and he said little in relation to her.

They would have their own conversation.

Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway
Darth Fury Darth Fury
Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Commodore Helix Commodore Helix
Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Serina Calis Serina Calis

The holo-image of Reicher Vax flickered into existence, a spectral blue silhouette seated in the same poised, disciplined posture as if he were physically present among them. His presence in these gatherings was not uncommon, but today, there was something different about his tone—measured, firm, and assured. The assembled Sith Lords and corporate magnates of the Tsis'Kaar had spoken of ambitions, of warships, and of industry, but now it was time to make those words into something tangible. And as ever, Reicher was a man of results.

"Darth Malum. Esteemed Lords and Ladies, the esteemed Allyson Locke, representing our Emperor's interests." his crimson gaze swept across the table through the shimmering interface, nodding with the respect expected of him. "You have spoken of building the Third Legion, not as a blunt instrument of war, but as a sharpened blade, poised to strike in the places where our enemies are most vulnerable. I have listened, as I always do. And so, it is my pleasure to inform you that the necessary infrastructure has been put in place on Polis Massa."

He let the words settle for a moment before continuing, his voice carrying an unshakable certainty.

"The planetoid itself was already suited for this task—stable, secure, strategically positioned beyond the primary hyperspace lanes yet close enough to our logistical arteries. I have arranged for a large and stable workforce, vetted and conditioned, prepared to begin construction of the shipyards at your discretion. These are not the aimless rabble you find on industrial worlds—this is a workforce trained in orbital construction, drawn from the most efficient labor pools available within and outside the Empire's borders."

He leaned forward slightly, fingers steepled before him.

"The financial element, as I suspect some of you may be wondering, is already secured. I have acquired significant investment from the Trade Federation, far beyond what was initially projected. Their interest in our success is considerable, though their reasons remain their own. Regardless, the credits flow freely, and we should use them while we have the chance."

He let that statement hang in the air, understanding that Sith minds were already calculating.

"A shipyard unlike any other in our domain. One that does not simply maintain our fleets, but creates them. One capable of rapidly developing and producing the specialized warships necessary for the Third Legion. If our enemies rely on old designs and outdated tactics, then we will rewrite the doctrine of naval warfare."

His gaze swept across the gathering once more, locking onto Darth Malum.

"You called this meeting to discuss a path forward. I am here to tell you that the foundation has already been laid. What remains is your decision: Will we begin construction?"

His hands unclasped, resting lightly on the table before him. He had spoken his piece, and now, he watched the Sith Lords of the Tsis'Kaar as they contemplated the weight of what had just been handed to them. A free investment, a ready workforce, and an infrastructure already prepared—this was not merely an opportunity. It was an inevitability waiting for their command.

Last edited:

//: Death Eater's Meeting //:
Hearing the introduction, Allyson realized she was late and was trying her best to sneak in. Her boots barely made a sound against the cold, polished floor, but they still made enough sound that the group of masked figures suddenly paid her attention. She winced. This was never a good sign. Her instinct told her to retreat, but she was already there. Instead, Allyson continued to walk, trying to figure out what the whole mask deal was.

Slowly finding her seat, she slipped in and stared back at the masks. Had she missed the memo? Was this group one of those groups? Was this a cult? Allyson covered her mouth as her brow furrowed in confusion. Why did they keep saying her name? The reason for the chaos was that people were constantly looking at her and nodding.

Maybe she was to be sacrificed to their weird Sith god?

Allyson clamped down on her wandering thoughts. She wasn't going to let them go any further. Nope. Not today, brain. Not today. Awkwardly, she raised her hand with a little wave and remained silent. Hopefully, this meeting was quick and easy, and she could escape before they started getting weird.

The need to blend in started to take hold. A hand reached into her pocket and rummaged through it to find exactly what she needed: a fake mustache. Slowly, Allyson sunk into her seat peeled the backing off and pressed the cheap, scratchy thing onto her upper lip. Allyson then crossed her arms and pretended like she completely fit in.

Silence washed over the group; people shifted in their seats, and somewhere in the back, someone coughed.

This was fine. She was blending in.

Everything. Was. Fine.

The Springtime of Nations.
Location: Alvaria
Objective: Survive the meeting.
Allies: Reicher Vax Reicher Vax
Opposing Force: ???
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Darth Fury Darth Fury Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

"Reicher can deal in the practical, I am busy playing a deeper game."

Serina had remained silent through most of the meeting, her presence more of a shadow than a true participant. She sat toward the far end of the table, her posture poised but relaxed, listening rather than speaking. The discussion of warships, shipyards, and funding intrigued her—power always did—but these were matters that concerned the Sith more than her. She was not Sith. Not truly.

Her fingers rested lightly on the polished surface before her, gloved hands tracing the edge of a chalice she had yet to sip from. The wine inside was untouched. It was more a prop than anything else, something to occupy her hands as she observed.

The others had their roles to play—the architects of war, the merchants of death, the masked manipulators of the Tsis'Kaar. But Serina? She existed in the liminal space between them, neither entirely within nor apart. She was a whisper in the Force, a presence felt but not always seen, a melody drifting through the darkness rather than the hammering drums of conquest.

And then she arrived.

Allyson Locke.

Serina's attention snapped toward the woman the moment she entered, her crimson gaze, hidden behind her mask, locking onto the newcomer with a precision that was both unsettling and inquisitive. This woman—clearly unmasked and exposed—had an air about her that made Serina's lips curl behind the smooth veneer of her own faceless disguise.

Allyson fidgeted. Hesitated. Scrutinized the masks.

And then, in an act that defied all sense of reason, she pulled out a fake mustache and pressed it to her lip.

Serina blinked once.

Then twice.

Her fingers, delicately placed on her goblet, tightened, resisting the urge to shatter the fragile thing between them.

Across the table, she could sense the ripple of unease from the other Sith. A cough. A shift in chairs. The weight of a hundred unspoken thoughts.

A single, slow exhale escaped Serina's lips as she leaned forward, just enough to close the space between them. Then, in a voice smooth as silk and edged with an almost teasing whisper, she spoke.

"I do not believe that will be enough to fool them, dear."

The words barely left her lips, hushed and intimate, as if meant solely for Allyson's ears. Serina's tone carried an unmistakable lilt of amusement, a sultry hum that danced between genuine intrigue and quiet mockery.

Slowly, her fingers lifted from the chalice, ghosting through the air as if tracing the lines of the ridiculous mustache Allyson had donned.

"Though, I must admit... I admire your boldness."

She leaned back, her posture languid, composed. Beneath the mask, she smiled, unseen yet undeniably present in the way she carried herself.

"Tell me, are you always this... resourceful?"

Her voice was softer now, playful, but beneath the flirtation was a sharp edge of curiosity. Who was this woman? Why was she here? And more importantly... did she know how utterly out of place she looked?

Serina already felt like an outsider amongst the Sith. But Allyson? Allyson was something else entirely.

And Serina was fascinated.


Commodore Helix

Disintegrations done dirt cheap.

Helix had never been fond of meetings. He was a creature of action, more than happy to lead from the front lines. He wished he were there right now.

He stared disdainfully out at the world, having shifted his molecular structure to resemble, in about every way that mattered, a robed humanoid figure. His chest rose and fell with artificial breath, and he'd even gone so far as to form a heart within himself, should any be able to sense such a thing. He'd taken apart enough humanoids to know them inside and out. Such was the control he now had over his own form. Should he wish it, he could be as much flesh and blood as any here.

Equally, he had control over the forms of others. He had rewritten the genomes of several lifeforms, strand by strand, built his own species or reforged others into shapes more pleasing to him. He was now considering reshaping Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr into something with less fondness for pomp and circumstance, right here in front of everyone. Perhaps some sort of fish. Helix liked fish, as they seldom made noise.

He was surprised when Malum skipped the formalities and got down to brass tacks. He wasn't sure how he felt about having a seat on the council, but it hardly mattered now. It was the natural consequence of becoming so vital to the Tsis'kaar's efforts. He'd dug himself in like a Droch, and now could hardly be removed easily. He had to go where his host went, for better or worse. If it were deemed necessary, he'd go along with it.

He shifted his attention to the others present. He had known Darth Strosius Darth Strosius (or at least, he was decently sure it was Strosius) long enough to almost smell the irritation wafting from the vampiric Sith in waves. It wasn't hard to guess why, either. Malum, for reasons known only to himself, had invited a stooge of the Worm here. He didn't know this woman, but then, he didn't know most of the wider Order half as well as he'd like. Allyson Locke Allyson Locke displayed a surprisingly cavalier attitude in such grim and melodramatic company, and he decided he liked her. Someone may as well do away with the unnecessary ceremony.

Perhaps this was an attempt to convince the Emperor that Malum wasn't at all planning anything bad for his health. Helix knew Empyrean wouldn't be fooled for an instant, no matter how much they sanitized their speech. He wondered how long it would be before Strosius confronted Malum about Zachariah's little revelation on Woostri.

It wasn't difficult for Helix to tell the difference between them with (he felt) reasonably confidence, just as he was sure they knew it was him. No matter how perfect his disguise, he was still a thing of voidstone, unable to be affected nor sensed by the Force. It wouldn't take a genius to deduce who he was, but Malum did love the pageantry.

He listened to who he assumed was Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway , speaking about his "heroics" at Woostri. Perhaps they were, or perhaps their enemies had simply been incompetent. Strosius and himself had made their own entrance with as little finesse as a hurricane. It was a simpler thing than he was given credit for, but now, the Order knew he had been instrumental in their victory. He was on the radar, and that was worth more than any material reward that he could take. The thought tickled his towering ego more than he would have ever admitted out loud.

"Ships will not be a problem." He intoned, his voice a serpentine organic tenor rather than the chainsaw snarl that it normally was. "Helix Solutions can provide, but it will take time." He had the advantage of needing no shipyards. Everything he had had been constructed in the void, mostly of pillaged materials. He wasn't fond of making port for long, or of having any home base his enemies could strike. His fleets were fully nomadic, an advantage that was probably the only reason he still had a fleet. Pinning him down was near-impossible. Still, ships took longer to build that way, and there was no getting around that.

He was leery of taking the Trade Federation's money as Reicher Vax Reicher Vax suggested. They weren't to be trusted, no matter how benevolent their goals seemed. He far preferred to simply steal what he needed, and he had interacted enough with the modern-day Federation to know that they had changed little since he knew them originally. Still, he bit his newly-formed tongue and said nothing. That thread could be snipped later.

He noted one of the masked figures schmoozing the newcomer. That, he guessed, would be Serina Calis Serina Calis , though there were others likely to kiss up to new faces. He gave the maybe-Serina a quiet nod, despite himself. He'd come to respect the woman's deviousness, a deviousness remarkable in its intensity even amongst present company.

For now, there was little to do but sit, listen, and see how things played out. He had no doubt that there was a method to Malum's madness, as always. Some would argue that there was a madness to his method...

//: Serina Calis Serina Calis //:
//: Death Eater's Meeting //:
Allyson had been through a lot in her time—wars, betrayals, life-and-death situations where a single misstep meant the end. But nothing, absolutely nothing, had prepared her for the absurdity of sitting in a room full of Sith while a barely-grown shadow of a girl tried to flirt with her like this was some schoolyard game. She took a slow, deliberate breath through her nose, the fake mustache still proudly affixed to her upper lip. If the child next to her thought she was going to pull a fast one, she had another thing coming.

Tilting her head slightly, smirking as her eyes looked over the featureless mask. "Resourceful? Sure, let’s go with that," she said, voice dry. Her hazel eyes flicked toward Serina, scanning her with the same weight of scrutiny she was being given. "Though I gotta say, for someone trying to act all mysterious and aloof, you sure do talk like a kid playing dress-up at a war council."

She let the words hang there for a moment, watching, waiting for any shift in Serina’s perfectly poised exterior. Sith or not, she wasn’t fooling Allyson. She had spent years dealing with people who assumed they were more dangerous than they actually were. Serina bled that same energy—like, testing the waters, and figuring out how much she could push before getting burned. Allyson shifted in her seat, leaning back in her chair with ease while one boot hooking around the leg of the table as she made herself comfortable. "But hey, I get it. Gotta be tough, sitting at the big kids' table, trying to find ways to entertain yourself while the adults talk about things you don’t really understand yet." Her smirk widened just a fraction. "I respect the effort, though. It’s cute."

She reached up, adjusting the fake mustache nonchalantly, making a show of stroking it like some great tactician deep in thought. "Maybe next time, you can bring a disguise too," she mused. "Something to make you look a little older. I hear beards work wonders for credibility."

The moment stretched between them, thick with the push-and-pull of unspoken challenges. Allyson could feel the silent glances being exchanged around the room, the tension threading through like a wire pulled just a little too tight. Some of the Sith were annoyed, some entertained, but none dared to interrupt.

She finally let her hand drop, fingers idly fumbling in her lap. "So," she drawled, "we're done playing, or do you wanna keep trying to impress me, kid?"

The Springtime of Nations.
Location: Alvaria
Objective: Survive the meeting.
Allies: Reicher Vax Reicher Vax
Opposing Force: ???
Tags: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

"Reicher can deal in the practical, I am busy playing a deeper game."

Serina did not flinch. She did not recoil. She did not even shift under the weight of Allyson's words, the subtle condescension, the dry humor laced with something sharper. No, Serina had spent her entire life measured, underestimated, dismissed. It hurt her deeply, always bringing some form of gut wrenching feeling to the stomach.

She had stood before a GOD who thought her nothing but a trembling girl and had defied them. That experience taught her the power of being underestimated, she may of been deeply hurt by such comments, but on Manaan she had learned to control that, to channel that anger into power.

No. Her ego demanded her to play her part perfectly, her ego demanded her to be underestimated now.

Because she knew in time, it would be fed to bloat in the corruption of all.

So why would she falter before a woman wearing a cheap fake mustache?

No, this was not insult. This was opportunity.

She could prove today that she could finally surpass
Darth Malak in one thing, anger management. She still needed to attend the courses, otherwise Dominic and Reicher would be less than thrilled, but Serina had always been a self-made kind of woman.

A slow, languid chuckle escaped her lips—warm, silken, edged with something sweet.

"Oh, dear," she sighed, voice light, almost affectionate, as though Allyson had just said something endearingly foolish. "That was a lot of words just to tell me how much you've been watching me."

She lifted her hand, fingers trailing in the air as if dancing on unseen currents, entirely unbothered by the scrutiny, by the attempt to rattle her.

"You must forgive me," she continued, voice honeyed and low, deliberately playing into the joke, into the persona Allyson had already decided for her. "I'm still learning how to play with the big kids, after all. It's so terribly hard to keep up."

Serina leaned in, ever so slightly, as if sharing something just for Allyson, the edges of her voice teasingly conspiratorial.

"Would you teach me?"

The words were innocent, but the way she said them was anything but. There was a knowing humor, an undercurrent of mockery, but all wrapped in a veil of playfulness. If Allyson wanted to see a child, then Serina would be adorable. She would be harmless. She would be entertaining.

And then, when it suited her, she would remind her just how wrong she was.

It would be all the more delicious for her ego.

Her gloved fingers tapped lightly against the table, a slow, rhythmic sound. "But, oh, you're so right about the beards. Maybe next time I'll wear one. Maybe even a fake mustache to match yours." Her head tilted, her mask unreadable save for the faint glow of red lines that traced its surface. "You're setting such a strong example, after all. How could I not follow?"

There was laughter in her voice now, warm, genuine, but with just the right edge of impish delight.

Then, as if realizing something, she gave a small, dramatic sigh. "Oh, but I suppose you're far too busy for that, aren't you?" She lifted a hand to her chin, mirroring Allyson's ridiculous mustache-stroking gesture, as though lost in deep contemplation. "All those important, grown-up things to worry about."

A pause. Then, in the sweetest, most saccharine voice imaginable—

"Like sneaking into Sith meetings and gluing cheap facial hair to your face."

She giggled, actually giggled, as though the entire situation was just the most precious thing in the galaxy.

"Tell me, dearest, is this a usual tactic of yours? It's rather charming, I must admit. I wonder if the Emperor will be as delighted by it as I am."

Her fingers tapped again, a quiet, deliberate reminder that she wasn't just here to play. That the moment she chose to stop entertaining, the game would end.

Serina would always let them underestimate her.

Because secrecy is power.

Because weakness is a lie.

Because when the time came, they would never see her coming.

But for now?

She would play.

So she let her voice soften, playful and coy, a teasing, knowing hum at the back of her throat.

"Now, tell me, oh great mustached one…" She tilted her head, hands folding neatly in her lap. "Are we done pretending you don't find me absolutely delightful?"



There was a fond smile beneath the mask, unbeknownst to all those who had been gathered here, for as the mask currently faced the hologrammed form of Reicher Vax, out from the corner of his sight, his vision was considering the other end of the table. First, he had stared in simple... bewilderment, as the woman that had twice attempted to kill him, had reached into her side to draw forth a pasted moustache onto their face, only then, for the smile to come upon his features, as such an act, as bewildering as it had been.

Had done exactly what he should have expected it to.

Caught the eye of perhaps the most perfume-spoken individual he had ever met... apart from, maybe himself.

Serina Callis.

There had been design in most of his actions, even if the design most often played homage to that great adage of old, that the plans of great men so often failed in the face of their enemies, yet, rare enough at times, those plans did bear fruit that came to fruition, if he had it his way, Allyson Locke would be far, far away from this place, yet, he could hardly control it now.

And in the same measure, he would wish Lady Callis far, far away from this place too, the one who was playing a game that even he was uncertain of its end purpose, her relation with Reicher had brought his curiosity, her words had brought his attention, but his interest... his trust... that was not quick to be given to anyone.

He thought it an especially inspired measure, placing them side by side, allowing themselves to fall into their own foils, as the rest of them, undertook matters of true importance.

He turned his mask towards his cousin, his amulet burning hot in constant reminder of their blood's closeness, it had been MarrTech's amphibious craft first and foremost that had them score victory in the shallows of Woostri, which had brought the Order's attention squarely upon the up-and-coming company, that shared the name of their illustrious and grand ancestor, it would do it well to begin its expansion.

Perhaps finally tap into the line of credit that had been so long ago granted by the Galactic Mining Guild.

"Do not concern yourself with the manufacturing capabilities, the Order retains the shipyards of Susevfi, Sluis Van, Eriadu, along with many other Forge Worlds, we might not have any of the Forge worlds under our direct control, a matter that should change," He spoke, voice turning upon those gathered before them that had not yet taken upon governorship, "But until then, we have a right to use the shipyards, especially in regards to the Third Legion, create your designs, make them befitting the Third, and construction can begin forthrightly."

His focus turned next to his co-apprentice, it felt that there was still a distance between them, a distance born of a blade thrust in most intimately, yet, still, the fact that he was at this table at all, sipping what seemed to smell most suspiciously of copper, was at the very least welcoming progress.

"The Shikkars and Arbites have proved incredibly useful to us, there is little doubt of that, but one could argue their age is showing, some have said they seemed underpowered even when launched, and considering what opponents we face, we require every advantage we can muster," The question of who exactly those enemies were, was left sinfully open, still he nodded his head at the progress of the Kissai, another question of it would be that starfighter that would foment the heart of their starfighter squadrons, "Of that much we are in agreement, Seswenna finds itself upon the border of the burgeoning Naboo state, it requires a shield that is audacious in its defence, and unrelenting in his counterattack, and it would seem that you lack a world to rule, one to represent in the Assembly, perhaps you might take upon the task of securing us a Forge World?" There was a hint of challenge in his voice, yet, that hint was drawn forth with a japingness that filled all with an uneasy calm, these warriors, these brothers, that had once fought each other to the bitterest ends... it was odd to find them simply discussing at a table.

The rising voice of a helmed warrior, the newest of their cadre drew Malum's attention away from the Sangnir, towards that of Fury, Saijo, as ever proved to be the world that continued to give,
"The Tsis'Kaar shall provide what resources and funds are required, bring your shipyards to operation, and begin production... though to a great degree, it shall be the subject of what is to be constructed that I have gathered you all here to question." The most troubling of realisations, that had dawned all the way back during the Ouroboros Crisis, that the Tsis'Kaar could not operate in the business of the scraps of their enemies, not in the way they waged war.

The shimmering form of his apprentice drew a slight smile upon his face, he echoed much of what had been spoken already, acting the role of the apprentice, even as a knight, for in many regards a knight still was an apprentice, and one humble enough to continue learning, rather than being entirely self-assured in their power would go far.

"The Third Legion shall require Legates, those with experience, skill, and loyalty, such is not in question, I have several candidates already in mind, those of which that I do not imagine any of you would protest, those of which sit in this very room," His masked visage turned towards all of them, the black visor hiding ruby red eyes, considering each, weighing their hearts within his hands, before the vision snapped back to his apprentice, "How are matters on Woostri, is there any sign of an Alliance counterattack?" He had given Darth Latens leave some time ago to make Woostri his, it was not the world that he would have suggested for Zachariah, but a world that he desired was a world that he would govern best of all, and protect like nothing else.

And then, of course, there was no denying he required one to watch their most important border.

Finally, then, it was time to address Reicher, red eyes, and a haunting visage turning to consider one of his most key allies, the blue shimmer of the hologram, as much with Darth Latens, a symbolic show of how far-flung the shadow of the Tsis'Kaar stretched. Reicher spoke eloquently, Reicher spoke lengthily, Reicher spoke passionately, there was a kinship of oratory between them, that which power held by the tongues of leaders to bring under their commands a full malice of utterly destructive intent.

He was silent as he spoke, giving him the floor, and with every word, more and more renewed confidence grew within strumming heartstrings.

He found himself standing, reminded of that time ever so recently, yet feeling still an age ago, when he had clasped his hands with this man,
"You have conducted yourself far beyond my wildest expectations, my Lieutenant Vax," Malum allowed his favour to sing in the air, a deep pause that fluttered out to touch all those gathered, "I understand the unease which many of you might feel at the prospect of the Trade Federation of Planets, trust me, it is hardly an unease I do not share, but... their motives are known, credits and profits, both of which we can provide, while of course, if they become our foe, it would be a simple enough matter to leak their activities to the Alliance," A hanging threat which he was more than willing to deploy, Malum turned his head upwards, off to the empty sky which gleamed in a rich blue, that later in the quotidian night would strum in darkness embedded with the greatest of lights.

He loved that sky, had stared at it more times than he could count, and found hope within it, that he had lost in almost every other part of his life, as he gave forth all his effort into his dream... their dream.

Would he give this up too?

"Construction... construction..." He pondered to himself, "It would seem then that Polis Massa, Saijo, and Alvaria shall soon endeavour themselves to bring forth the engines of war," He turned his gaze upon Helix, their current most substantial engine of destruction, though at this moment, one could hardly think of him anything more than another human masked and hidden, "Begin construction, my Lieutenant Vax, but what I pose to all of you now, of MarrTech, of Helix Solutions, Sanguine Defence Works, Alvaria, Saijo, Woostri, and Polis Massa, shall be the construction of a fleet and army that which this galaxy has never seen before," He raised his arm, whipping itself through the air in the pointed call to each and every one of them, "We proclaim ourselves as correct, as right, but have we shown it? Have we proved our supremacy?" His arm fell, as his voice lowered, "To fight, to war, in a way superior to all our peers, to all our rivals, and our foes, that is our burden, to build a force that will shatter the Alliance, and bring the Sith to every corner of the galaxy," He smiled beneath the mask, as beneath the visor, rubies burned with the intensity of dying stars, "Our foes have greater resources than us, greater number, and have played this game for thousands of years, but for all the ambition that I see in you all, shall it falter in the face of what opposition we face? Of what opposition we will face?" The fire burned in his throat, crackled in his voice as if he was belching smoke, "We Tsis'Kaar have one advantage most paramount above all others, we stand united in the face of impossible giants, we do not falter, we do not flee in the midst of an unrelenting, and unmoving foe, power is often best concentrated at a singular point for best effect," The smile was audible now in his voice, "And the power of the Tsis'Kaar is nothing if not concentrated."

He allowed himself to fall upon his seat, yet, the energy brimmed within him like lightning coiled and ready to fire, fingers strumming along the armrests, as he gazed upon those gathered, those of which would be the instruments of an orchestra that would sing with the power to cause the galaxy to weep.

"I call upon all of us then to together formulate uniform classes of warship for the Tsis'Kaar, stretching from the lowly starfighter, to a retrofit of the Mors Vistra, designs that shall lay implicit within them the new, sharp, and swift way in which we will wage war."

Reicher Vax Reicher Vax Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Mariah of House Marr Mariah of House Marr Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Darth Fury Darth Fury Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Serina Calis Serina Calis



Latens cast his eyes around the table.

Malum spoke, yet Zachariah was distracted doing something else out of view of his hologram. He was a busy man these days, his attention couldn't entirely be in one place all of the time. It was only when Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr mentioned the planet Woostri he refocused.

"Forgive me, but I am currently away from the planet which I have opted to call home" he acknowleged softly. "I had a single Jedi return and attempt to cause trouble, and he was defeated with ease" he boasted somewhat, thinking about his duel with Caden Evesa Caden Evesa .

"He currently serves as bait for the students of Korriban" he commented with a smirk under his helmet. "Unlikely to trouble us again, once they're done". Zachariah paused for a moment. "I'm mindful that Woostri sits on the front line between Alliance and Sith space, thus once my governorship is confirmed with the support of Lord Fury and Reicher Vax, I intend to hire the services of your own cousin to bring security to my world"

Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar would have his uses, of that he was certain.

"I beg the Alliance to attempt to counter attack. Next time, I do not expect that the Sith will be so gentle with them"

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