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Private The Star Lounge - Private Meeting 2

The Star Lounge - Private Area, Upstairs

(Parla Pui Piano, Slow)



Upon speaking with the Zeltron bartender, you are escorted upstairs into the Star Lounge’s intimate dining area. Numerous booths & tables provide private seating and a quiet escape from the music below; the ambience is dim, pleasant, and inviting.

Red velvet, dark wood, and brass accents offer a high-class feel to your visit. A glimpse over the railing provides a view to the bar, patrons, and the stage below, but by some stroke of genius design, the music’s volume is significantly less than downstairs.

You are led into the back of the building and through a private door into a section of private booths; each concealed by a red velvet curtain which offers privacy for occupants. Some of the booths offer the same view downstairs, while others are spacious boxes of brickwork and art. The Zeltron bartender, who introduced himself as “Phaelix”, directs you to a single occupied booth in this private wing…

The lone occupant is a beautifully mysterious woman dressed in a sleek, form-fitting black dress and corset, knee-high boots, and sporting a fashionable wide-brimmed black hat which conceals her face in shadow. Numerous tattoos are barely visible through the lacy garment, and centered upon her breastbone is a purple stone set on a silver chain; glittering faintly with a vibrant purple light.

Smoke curls from a cigarra clutched between black-gloved fingers, and a glass of bourbon rests beside her, dappled with moisture. The woman radiates a quiet sense of calm and self-confidence, glancing up from a holo-pad in front of her to regard the newcomer with a pleasant, but reserved smile.

The Donna of The Family has made herself available to discuss all manner of Underworld Business. Respect & Courtesy will be returned in-kind. Members of the Criminal Underworld & the curious are invited to interact - but be warned, any deal struck is binding. The Family does not look kindly on those who do not live up to their word.

Note: Private Threads are open to the first reply. A response will ensure removal from the Public Thread, so-as to render the meeting Closed.
Khallesh could at least appreciate the music being muted this far from its source. She abhorred their music just as much as their language. It sullied her tongue every time she spoke it.

As an exile who had been working amongst their kind, that was now almost every day.

The Yuuzhan Vong maneuvered her considerable bulk into the booth. Phaelix passed her the note from Nadir.

Compared to the woman opposite her, Khallesh was all harsh angles rather than soft curves. She had been a Yuuzhan Vong warrior through the great war between the One Sith, Hrosha Gul and the Galactic Republic. She had defeated jedi masters with her bare hands.

With her people scattered, she was left begging for jobs from humankind.

"I am looking for work."

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Khallesh Khallesh

The Donna took a moment to look this woman up and down... taking in the unusual sight before her in an instant. With a casual open hand, she indicated a a seat in the booth opposite her - smoke curling from the cigarra clutched between two fingers.

"Please, have a seat."

From beneath her wide-brimmed lacy black hat & veil, Ivory's penetrating violet eyes watched carefully as the metallic-skinned creature slid into the booth. The being carried herself with all the directness and grace of an out-of-control capital ship. Ivory had no fear of anything... but this woman was something she wasn't quite sure about. As she reached out, secretly, through The Force, the being seated opposite her simply... didn't... exist...


"We are always looking for private contractors... individuals with unique skill-sets. May I ask your name, and why you come to me?"
"I am Khallesh Val." she replied confidently.

People seemed to expect a second name. For her, it was a clan that barely existed any more. She had stopped pausing before providing its name. She sat down and placed her hands on the table. It was only polite to have her hands on show such that it was obvious she was unarmed.

"I have been working for Nadir with my...unique skill set," Khallesh frowned at the turn of phrase. It did not quite directly translate for her, but she felt she had the gist of it. "I am looking for employment."

Khallesh had never feared death. She knew that she was in this alien world because she had refused to die with her clan, but that had been more of a stubborn refusal than acting out of fear. Her life had been orderly, ritualistic and with everything bound to their religion. It was nothing like the world of the heretics. She wasn't afraid, but the conversation made her uneasy. It led to her falling back on her known ways.

"Who is your...head of security? I will kill them and prove my worth."
"Who is your...head of security? I will kill them and prove my worth."

The Donna couldn't help but grin toothily at the statement. The comment truly surprised and amused her - she was familiar with similar trials by combat, but such was not The Family's way.

"You honor me, Khallesh Val, but my Family does not kill it's own... Unless absolutely necessary."

She observed the woman's stature and demeanor silently for a moment; evaluating.

"What skills can you offer?" She asked, already formulating a plan. A test. If the being before her was as dangerous as she seemed, her skills would be truly useful.
"No, of course," Khallesh replied. She balled her hands into fists before laying them flat on the table again.

The hint of a threat in Ivory's tone about disposing of the odd employee was entirely lost on Khallesh.

"I kill Jedi and I kill Sith. I can kill most things. I was a Commander of the Legion Yun'Do during the great war."

It was a war that they had won, shattering the galactic Republic. Then the Sith had fractured, turned on themselves and then turned on the Yuuzhan Vong.
Khallesh Khallesh

The Donna noticed the momentary balling of fists, eyebrows moving upward a centimeter; curious, she thought. The Family made it a point to invest in money & time into those that proved themselves.

A being capable of killing Force-Users could be quite the boon... If, of course, they were capable of discretion.

"Would you consider yourself a leader, or better a weapon pointed in the direction of your enemy?" She asked; a loaded question, indeed.

"And, would you rather create a scene... Or are you capable of stealth and precision? I require beings with your skills, but only if they are better used as scalpals to excise flesh rather than used as an orbital bombardment - if you understand my meaning."
Khallesh furrowed her brow at the string of questions. She was not used to being questioned on her abilities, not in this way. Where she came from a leader led and the below them followed and proved themselves worthy in glorious combat.

The only question a leader received from those below them was in challenge by combat if they were not seen as fit for their role.

"I do not follow," she said bluntly. "I have led small forces on the field of battle. Before that I worked with an elite squad of Hunters infiltrating enemy positions. I do not have a preference for which orders I am given."

The Hunters were elite squads from the warrior cast. Using the rare Cloaks of Nuun to blend into the environment they had plague the Galactic Republic by getting behind their lines and annihilating command structures and artillery positions.

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