Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Stars Look Very Different Today

Jora Vao

It wasn't an unheard situation in which a derelict vessel was found floating in the vast expanse of the Galaxy. Some dated hundreds, or even thousands of years ago. This particular one was eight-hundred-and-seventy-five years old. A former Separatist Dreadnought that had been cleaved into three. Each piece separated by thousands of kilometres of space as over the years they had drifted apart. For the particular scavenger, this was a gold mine. Deep within the bowels of the ship were two Jedi, Master and Padawan, placed in animated sleep. The Master had perished over time but the youthful Padawan still had hope, if only someone could find him. . .
The radar of the ship Parmi was on had signalled a small dot of interest not too far from where they had been located. The ship pulled to a halt beside a dilapidated portion of what appeared to be an ancient dreadnought. Something wanted to be found on that ship. Parmi could feel herself being pulled onto the torn chuck of metal to find whatever was in there. The clanking of metal sounded as the ship Parmi was on connected with the old separatist ship. Parmi prepared herself for what she might find on board. None of the volunteers had ever seen such a ship and there were sure to be no survivors; especially after eight-hundred years. Still, there was something tugging at the corner of Parmi’s mind. The familiar hissing sound of the airlock opening broke Parmi’s train of thought as her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit corridor ahead.
The interior of the ship showed the level of desertion applied after such a long time. In the immediate hallways there were no intelligent signs of life. Glimpses of light shone over signs of a panic that had long since not been touched. The something that had drawn Parmi onto the ship was now beckoning her toward a single room. A dull thud was the only audible sound as Parmi slowly crossed the floor to the two cryotubes on the far wall, using her robes to wipe the dust from the closest glass wall. Parmi recognised the robes of an old Jedi Master. She checked the vital signs on the tube and with a moment of sadness, saw that there were none. She paused, allowing herself a moment to thank the Master for his services to The Force, even if he had lived many lifetimes before hers. Before the Togruta cleaned the front of the last active cyrotube, she froze; acknowledging that she was about to find out what had brought her onto this ship. With a deep sigh, Parmi brought her robe up and wiped the dust off the glass front. She saw a blue skinned Twi’lek, frozen in an animated sleep. Her eyes fell down to the end of his Lekku, it was pierced with a braid; the trademark of a Padawan. Parmi did not know the situation that had caused them both to be frozen so many years ago but knew that she had to wake the Twi’lek Padawan. With the press of a few buttons and a sharp hiss, the Cyrotube shot to life. Parmi stepped back, taking a cautious stance. She prepared herself to meet the ancient Padawan.

Jora Vao

Thump-thump. My mind tried to comprehend the sound, a footstep maybe? Thump-thump. I couldn't move my body but I heard it again. The only thing I had heard in decades countless. I lay in animated sleep but my mind had never truly been at rest, not in the spiritual sense. My physical domain was frozen but I still dreamt. Drifting through the vast inky ocean of my imagination. From this endless sea I heard it once more, thump-thump. There came no more noise. I was alone again. I began to wonder if I would always be alone in this fantasy. Tap-tap-tap-tap, once more noise returned to my senses. Or whatever senses I was detecting it from. I couldn't say, I was in such a state delusion of what was and what wasn't. Nothing was real to me anymore.

I felt it, the harsh touch of ice-cold air. Oxygen returned to my lungs as I involuntarily gasped. I was sucked away from my dreams, eyes fluttering open. I swept my gaze across the dim room, illuminated only by what power was left on the ship, which had been little for some time. Emergency systems had kicked long ago, with radiation from a nearby sun providing a renewable albeit small source of energy. I curled my hand around the hatch of the cryogenic tube, pushing it open. A cloud of frosty air entered the room, mixing with the little warmth that had been contained. My foot unsteadily trod out of the tube and onto the metallic floors. Thump-thump. Emotions and thoughts flooded my mind. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. "I-, where am I?" I asked the Togruta gently, "How many days was I out?" I raised my hand to my forehead, a futile attempt to curb my racing mind. "Does the Jedi know of the betrayal of the Clones?" I glanced up to meet her eyes, "We need to tell them before more lives are lost." I stepped forward, miscalculating the frigidness of my muscles after the extensive time in frozen sleep. I stumbled and fell to a knee.
The Twi'lek awoke with a startle and immediately Parmi felt that the Padawan posed no threat. The blue-skinned stranger spoke with confusion, asking what his location was and how many days he had been out. Parmi answered, "We're in the Chol Nebula." Parmi could not be sure of the number of days he had spent in animated sleep but she was sure of their location. "I can't be certain of how long you were out," she said. The Twi'lek spoke of a betrayal enacted by clones. Parmi could only assume that the connection between the ancient dreadnought and the mention of clones could only relate to The Clone Wars and The Great Jedi Purge. A wave of sympathy rushed over Parmi as she realised that she would have to break the news of this defeat to the Jedi. She spoke, "The Clone Wars were eight hundred years ago." The stranger fell to his knee with a look of exhaustion. She rushed to his side, aiding him to stand once more. She hooked a robed arm around his shoulders. She glanced at the other cryotube, acknowledging the Master hadn't made it. Parmi informed Jora with words laced with empathy, "I'm sorry. I lost a master, too."

Jora Vao

As warm and comforting arms drew around my shoulders, words sieged my mind, "The Clone Wars were eight hundred years ago." My eyes widened in horror as realisation dawned on me. Every single person I had ever known, was dead. Sudden conviction stormed my thoughts, asking questions that I was determined to answer. Had they lived long lives? Did the Jedi know of the betrayal of the Clones? Right now, this could not concern me. I had higher priorities. I began to shove aside these thoughts, standing back onto my feet.

My eyes followed the Togruta's as I glanced to my Master cryogenically frozen. The squat Chadra-Fan resembled a bat-like species. "I'm sorry. I lost a master, too," she said in an attempt to comfort me. I stepped forward, pulling the hatch and releasing the cold air out. His lightsaber sat at his waist, I reached out and curled my fingers around an ornament and pinched it tight. I twisted and yanked it free, the skull of a small rodent. I quickly placed it within the folds of my robes before closing the hatch once more.

"I," words escaped me, "I have long known of his death. I... I felt it. I just knew." I glanced to Parmi, hoping to find in her eyes that she knew what he conveyed. A Master and Padawan had a strong spiritual connection, and it was a heavy blow when one passed on. Even if they were not present and had not heard the news, they would know. I had known for some time, countless ages as I drifted within limbo. Words echoed in my mind, long forgotten and locked away by the passages of time. In his waning moments, he had said to me, "I will not always be there to teach you, but know this, the Force will always be your ally." And for the next eight hundred years, there was silence.

Until now. I turned towards the woman, introducing myself, "I'm Padawan Jora Vao." I left out the rest, she seemed to know more about what was happening than me. I was still relatively in shock, unsure if she was lying to me or not. Yet my stomach told me otherwise, or was that my connection to the Force? I couldn't recall, it had been so long. I would need to readjust spiritually. I couldn't help but look over her form, admiring her appearance. The Twi'leks and Togruta shared a familiarity among their species. Lekku and Montrals, similar but very different. I asked, "We should leave. I wish not to spend anymore time on this ship." I began to walk towards a large bulkhead, turning towards her, "So where's the horse you came in on?" A common analogy among spacers that mean't transport or ship.
The Twi'lek Padawan spoke of feeling his masters death, "I have long known of his death. I... I felt it. I just knew".
Parmi had been familiar with this. Although, the way in which a master died affected how their Padawan sensed their death. For Parmi, her master's death has been a mere whisper through the force. There had been no defining impact to tell of his fate. Hasjo had accepted his destiny. The Togruta felt only a shiver run it's way down her spine as notification. Jora scanned Parmi's face as he communicated his gut instincts to her. Parmi mustered a simple nod and meek smile. Padawan's adopt many of their master's behaviours. For Parmi, it was to speak only when it proved necessary. No words were truly able to heal one's pain of losing their master. Silence proved her understanding.
The Padawan had regained his composure. Parmi stepped back, allowing herself to take in the appearance of the blue skinned stranger. He wore the Padawan plait through his Lekku. The Padawans shared a similarity in appearance. The Twi'Lek Lekku and Togruta Montrals served different purposes but not were all that dissimilar. Parmi felt that she could trust this stranger as she glanced over his traditional Padawan robes. The materials with which they were constructed had not changed much in the extensive time that Jora had been asleep. The one Jedi trait that had remained the same hung at his hip. Parmi eyed it with familiarity. An overwhelming sense of comfort coursed its way through her limbs. She trusted her instincts and relaxed her stance.
The Padawan spoke an introduction. As was customary in Jedi practice, Jora proclaimed his position before his name, "I'm Padawan Jora Vao." Parmi declared, "I'm Padawan Parmi. Pleased to meet you." Parmi watched as Jora shifted his weight, suddenly appearing uncomfortable. The Twi'lek gave reasoning to his sudden discomfort, "We should leave. I wish not to spend anymore time on this ship". As Jora voiced his wish, Parmi acknowledged it with a nod. The room the cyrotubes occupied had become colder and Parmi had come to share his desire to leave. They started towards the airlock, the only sound the thumping of their feet against the cold metal of the expired dreadnought. Joras words broke through the silence, "So where's the horse you came in on?" So, it seemed that the new Jedi recruit actually had a sense of humour. Parmi smiled, sensing that Jora would be a breath of fresh air. Parmi overtook Jora and started to lead the way, "The ship and crew I came here with are just docked into the airlock. We're travelling back to Voss, I hope you're up to tag along.The company would be more than welcome."
The other members of the crew who had joined the scavenging mission had already climbed back onto the ship. The airlock door had been left open for the Padawans to rejoin the crew. Parmi stepped on to the familiar hardware floor of her crews ship, urging Jora to follow her. The Twi'lek stood beside The Togruta. The metal doors closed with a slow hiss.

Jora Vao

I allowed the Togruta to lead the way. I couldn't quite remember the hallways and corridors I had once trod through. Even before the ship had become derelict, it was largely devoid of life. Occupied by thousands upon thousands of activated droids, all now malfunctioned or deactivated after losing signal with the main core. My eyes crept after her as I tried to keep up my pace. Parmi spoke, "The ship and crew I came here with are just docked into the airlock. We're travelling back to Voss, I hope you're up to tag along. The company would be more than welcome."

The planet was familiar to the ears but I couldn't quite recall why. I had a feeling this was because it was close to Felucia but had to ask to confirm to be sure. I quickened my pace to walk beside Parmi, glancing over. I spoke, "Voss, that's in the Outer Rim Territories, right? Allied Tion sector." I drew a fictitious line across my chin in thought, "I remember now. Voss had some significance in the Republic's campaign to reclaim the Outer Rim Territories." I cut away my eye contact.

I thought about what she had said about having lost a master. I had a feeling it was a touchy subject but there was little else for me to do right now. I asked, "What happened to your Master? I hope you do not mind me asking." I ducked my head as I moved through the small circular opening of the airlock and into the connector tube that tied dreadnaught to freighter. I glanced around the ship briefly, looking for any signs of where the cockpit may be. Back onto the matter of Voss, I asked, "What is so important of Voss for us to travel there and not Coruscant? I am sure I could more easily be reconnected to the galaxy if we travel to the capital."
Jora soke of the location of their destination, "Voss, that's in the Outer Rim Territories, right? Allied Tion sector." Parmi felt only indifference towards what surrounded Voss. She voiced this to her Twi'lek companion, "I care not for the location of Voss. The significance in our destination is that the Silver Jedi Temple resides there." She searched his face for emotion, hoping hurt had not been one of them. Had Parmi spoken to Jora rudely? She hadn't interacted with many since the passing of her master. He only spoke out of necessity. Hasjo's factual way of communicating was a habit his Padawan had adopted. Jora pulled Parmi's train of thought back to the present moment, "I remember now. Voss had some significance in the Republic's campaign to reclaim the Outer Rim Territories." The Togruta gave in to the history lesson. She hadn't learnt much of the Clone Wars, especially not a first hand account. Jora's knowledge may have been minimal due to his Padawan rank. Parmi could not resist the temptation to find out how much Jora had experienced. She began with a broad question. The Padawan found it intriguing but did not wish to pry too much, "Tell me about the Clone Wars."

The jovial tone to the space was gone. A serious note now stood in its place. Jora's impending question had been the reason for this shift, "What happened to your Master? I hope you do not mind me asking." Parmi shifted her weight from one leg to another as she ascertained whether she was strong enough to discuss Hasjo. She had thought of her Master innumerable times since his passing. At his funeral she had spoken with hesitance. Her initial unwillingness to address the crowd due to the unfamiliar faces presented. However, the longer she talked for, the more confidence found it's way into her voice. Parmi drew a deep breath and prepared herself, "My Masters name was Hasjo Hallu. He was a Jedi Master of the Silver Jedi Temple. He was murdered." Parmi realised how out of touch Jora had been when he asked of the long conquered Coruscant, "What is so important of Voss for us to travel there and not Coruscant? I am sure I could more easily be reconnected to the galaxy if we travel to the capital."
"Sorry to be the one to tell you this. Coruscant has fallen to The Sith. I took refuge on Voss with my master, along with a few other survivors. Most of the others have been routed with some resistance on few planets."

Jora Vao

"I care not for the location of Voss. The significance in our destination is that the Silver Jedi Temple resides there."
"Silver Jedi? They're a sect of the Jedi Order on Coruscant from my understanding. I didn't know they had a temple on Voss."
"Tell me about the Clone Wars."
"There's much to tell, but I wasn't a major player in the war. As a Padawan I was designated as Jedi Commander of the 182nd Clone Legion. I was deployed to Felucia. We lost contact with the Republic for a month. My Legion was decimated but my Master and I were discovered by the 501st still alive. We stayed with them for some time until they turned on me. Little else I can tell you. Many Jedi died defending good people."
"My Masters name was Hasjo Hallu. He was a Jedi Master of the Silver Jedi Temple. He was murdered."
"Murdered?" I asked quietly to myself. Curious. I wondered if the murderer had been arrested.
"Sorry to be the one to tell you this. Coruscant has fallen to The Sith. I took refuge on Voss with my master, along with a few other survivors. Most of the others have been routed with some resistance on few planets."
"Coruscant has fallen.." I said in disbelief. My head began to swim with a mixture of emotions. I had been raised in the Temple. It was my home. Jedi were taught not to rely on worldly or material possessions but the Temple regardless mean't a great deal to me. The ship lurched forward as it entered hyperspace. I sat there for a few minutes, pondering this new information. I suddenly found myself lacking purpose. Before I was placed in sleep, my mission had been to return to Coruscant and warn the Jedi. Now, such a threat was long since passed. I had yet to delve into questions of whether the Jedi were warned in time. I looked to Parmi as he made it to the dorms, "Your Masters killer. Do they know who he is?"

Jora Vao

Chapter 2. . .


Voss - Silver Jedi Temple - Archives
Two Hours Past Midnight
Three Days Later...

I sat before a holographic display. Studying in small doses all the happenings of the past. That which had occurred during my slumber. At first I was shocked, then I had mourned for two days and one night. Yet no river of tears could change the fates of my fellows. Their murderers would go unpunished for all eternity, and naught could be done by me. A fire burned in the pit of my stomach, and throughout the night Parmi and I hatched a plan. I couldn't avenge my fellow Jedi, but we could avenge her Master.

The night prior we had hatched a plan. We would await till after midnight, when most had all but fallen asleep at the Temple. We would walk through the archives, performing a 'late-night study' before waiting for the library to be empty. Then, we would take the holocron with Parmi's encryption access key and be off. We managed to talk to a rogue named Lysle Rigger, the man was about to leave the planet. He said that there was nothing left here for him when Master Hallu had died, but agreed to wait and give us a ride off-planet if we made away with his holocron.

Utilising the holocron, Parmi and I would learn the secrets of her Master's past and learn from the gatekeeper whilst we scoured the galaxy, following in his previous footsteps and uncover his murderer. Then, and only then, would we shine light upon the decrepit creature who had slain the man. We would bring justice. It was an off-the-records investigation, not sanctioned by the Silver Jedi. I was curious if any Jedi would try and stop us, or if they would let us simply walk out with the holocron if they had caught us in the act. Either way, I awaited the arrival of Parmi before we would make our Holocron Heist.
Parmi began to pack what few belongings she had. She did not need to take any more clothing than what she was wearing. A Jedi's robes were simple and that is what Parmi needed for this rogue mission. She had very few mementos of her Master, Hasjo. He was a man of few possessions. That is, of course, aside from his extensive collection of exotic weapons. Hasjo had favoured one weapon above all, his Lightsaber pike. He had treasured it because he had crafted it himself from the rare metal Cortosis. If a Lightsaber's plasma came in contact with the element, it would short circuit the weapon and the plasma would deactivate. Parmi's mentor may not have been very in touch with the force but he sure knew his weapons. All of Hasjo's possessions had been sealed in the archives as artefacts. This is where Jora's plan came into play. Parmi packed the last of her items into a small rucksack, she would need no more than the robes she wore and her lightsaber.

Parmi and Jora were to meet before they entered the archives. Disguising their true intent as a late night study. Parmi set off through the dark, abandoned hallways of the Silver Jedi Temple. Almost everybody would be sleeping, making the temple feel like a ghost town at this time of night. The Togruta found no trouble before approaching her Twi'lek accomplice awaiting her in front of the doors to the archive. It was time to steal Hasjo Hallu's holocrone.

[member="[member="Jora Vao"]"]

Jora Vao

The sound of footsteps greeted me. Thump-thump, thump-thump. I swiped my hand across the holographic display, switching the device offline. I padded my way back to the behemoth arches that greeted Jedi into the archives. It was there I found Parmi, her bags packed for their hasty escape. We would not see each other until we were aboard Mr. Rigger's freighter. I moved my lips and began to speak, "I'll go for the holocron. You know where the Pike is, find it and take it. Once you have it, make your way outside the temple and east for five minutes. Lysle will be waiting with his ship there." I gave her a curt nod of my head before departing from her presence.

Where she would turn left, I turned right. The archives was split into various categories, and holocrons being one of the more harder ones to get too. It was a restricted section but one that I could bypass. I moved quickly down the corridor, encompassed on both sides by ancient tomes and datacrons. At the far end of the hallway was a single door with a pin-code encrypted locking system. Approaching the entryway I began to focus, feeling out for the mechanisms that worked within. I raised my hand and sudden sparks shot forth, bursting in a perfect stream of electrical currents towards the pin pad. A click was heard and the door opened for me.

I was greeted by a small sight of very few holocrons. I knew what to look for, a luminescent light green cube. I scanned the room and spied in the far corner the object of my desire. I raised my hand, encasing the cube with telekinetic energy. The holocron shot forth from it's pedestal and landed softly in the flat of my palm. I was quick to hide it within the folds of my robes, knowing that at any moment I could be caught. I fled from the room out the way I had come, my careful, slow steps were now swept away by a quick jog.
Parmi arrived at the gargantuan entrance to the archives. The Togruta greeted the Twi'lek with a simple nod of her head. Jora had been the mastermind of this plan, so she let him speak first, "I'll go for the holocron. You know where the Pike is, find it and take it. Once you have it, make your way outside the temple and east for five minutes. Lysle will be waiting with his ship there." Parmi had known what she was here for before her arrival. She hadn't believed they were truly going to do it. She knew they going to but standing in front of the archives, discussing their true intent, made the truth of it hit Parmi hard. The Padawan would have to riffle through the remainder of her master's belongings. She had prepared herself for that and was ready to take her master's pike with her. Hasjo would have wanted Parmi to have it. She found comfort in that thought.
Parmi replied to Jora's instructions before turning to leave, "good luck, I'll see you at the ship."

Parmi began her journey. She hadn't studied the path to the room that Hasjo's possessions had been stored. Parmi trusted that Hasjo would lead her there. On instinct, she began turning down corridors, feeling her mentor guide her towards his belongings. The hallways of the archives were abandoned at this time, save for the few that were not resting. She felt herself drawing nearer to her destination. Parmi paused and took a deep breath. The Togruta wondered whether Hasjo would approve of this. Parmi knew her mentor would allow her to take his pike, even believe it to be hers now. After all, she was his padawan, though their time together had been brief. Parmi found enough comfort within that thought to continue towards his pedestal. There was not much occupying the table bar his weapons. The sight of the arid robes folded on the table took a moment to process. She had not expected the robes to be among his items. Aside from his life support suit, that had always been his identifier for Parmi. The Togruta's eyes scanned the table searching for her desired item. The silver and gold hilt of his pike caught her attention. She grabbed for it, wishing not to spend any more time reminiscing. Parmi stuffed the pike into her rucksack. The Togruta started out of the room, quickening her pace. The escape was what mattered. Parmi went out the way she came in, once again using her instincts to navigate the dimly lit hallways. Parmi left the archives and spied Jora across the courtyard.

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