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Approved Tech The Storage Unit [Personal Model]

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Taji Nelson




  • Manufacturer: Taji Nelson
  • Affiliation: Taji Nelson
  • Model: TN-1 Storage Unit
  • Modularity: Yes, Materials can be changed. Additional components can be added as well.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Leather, Emitters, Battery Pack.


  • Allows storage of items.


  • Storage


  • The bag itself is not made for any form of combat whatsoever. Thus, damaging it could render it inoperable.
  • Damage to the bag loses the items inside permanently.
  • Failure to Recharge the Bag loses the items inside permanently.
  • Can only store up to 30 items in it.
  • Can only store up to the mass / height / weight of 2 Humans.
  • Will self destruct if stolen, also losing everything inside it permanently.
  • Can only hold a charge for 3 days.
  • Trying to store more in it will cause it to explode.


A bag of holding inspired by the many similar devices on the Market that were unobtainable for various reasons. Deciding he needed one of the devices for a multitude of reasons, Taji built his own thing so he could put it to use. This is carried by him nearly all the time actually because he knows he could need it. This was also made by him as a prototype so that he could test how it functions to see if he wants to sell the designs to any company in order to get himself money.

It recharges with Solar Energy, or being plugged in. What would be considered 30 items for it would be 30 Clips of bullets for example.
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The Last Son
Taji Nelson

Your image, and image source are both broken. You will likely need to find a new image.

I am not sure why you have the Null Quantum Field generator linked, when it does not pertain to the submission. It was used for Hyperdrives.

Weapon Detection Cloaking
What part of this submission gives you the ability to do so? How is it hidden within this bag to not be detected?

Failure to Recharge the Bag loses the items inside permanently.
Can you provide more context to this? No where else in the submission does it mention needing to recharge. For what reason? How do you recharge it? How long can it hold a charge?

Can only store up to 30 items in it.
What would be considered 30 Items? 30 Individual bullets?

Can only store up to the mass / height / weight of 2 Humans.
Are there any adverse reactions to trying to shove more than the limitations into this bag?
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