Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Story Had To End Somewhere?

Hello SWRP, this has been a long time coming and tho I'm not one who believes in goodbyes I feel I owe a few people the courtesy of not just disappearing, for some time now my attention on the site has been waning and that's no ones fault I've just grown bored of the setting, and for someone who didn't really like the setting outside the original trilogy I'm surprised I survived this long.

I'd like to thank everyone for the time they took to role-play with me, and engage in the wider community. I'd like to thank the staffs for creating the environment, the players for bringing it to life.

I am stepping down as faction leader, and I'm of the mind of disbanding the faction too. I won't do that however and I'll leave it up to the people, if someone would like to fulfil the role as leader or executioner take that up with the staff you have my blessings as long as you handle it in a civil manner.

Maybe I'll return one day, maybe I won't. But thank you for the time I had.


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