[SIZE=10pt]Bounty hunters, were a thing that Tacer had heard much about. Hell, he was one for ten years of his life. Somehow he always imagined he would stay in that profession, killing or capturing for credits. Sometimes the bounty wasn’t even for a person, sometimes it was just mercenary work. Protecting a location, escorting a person, or locating an item. That was what was so fun about the bounty hunting life, you never knew what you’d do on a job, you just knew you were getting paid to do it. Hell, one time Tacer was hired to be a model for a painter, it was something about capturing the grittiness of the galaxy. You see, that’s why Tacer choose the life of a bounty hunter, not an assassin. Assassins had contracts, bounty hunters had bounties. Contracts were for people, bounties were for anything.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Tacer walked into the room, taking in its interior. It was dark and ambient. It had a round holographic table in the middle of the room. Next to it stood a bounty hunter. Tacer had been ordered to be here by his leading commander, Avery Regailis. The man that stood next to the table was Renn Garrick, a recent and possibly temporary addition to the Protectorate.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Tacer approached the man, extending his hand, “Captain Tacer of the second arrival squadron, at your service. I was told to met Renn Garrick here to discuss plans for the invasion of Core Imperial Confederation space.”[/SIZE]
[member="Renn Garrick"]