Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Strolls Of Naboo

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
You can walk and walk for miles. What does this get you? You can lay on grass, but it only makes you relaxed. You're never safe but when you are, you're probably on Naboo. Oka's father used to tell him -Oka boy, you're never safe. Even when being on pastures of green heavens.- Oka didn't understand it at the time but he does now. Although he knows its true, he loves taking strolls on Naboo. He brings his droid B7-Y2 along occasionally. The satisfaction of relaxation is overwhelming.
Tiland paused on the hilltop, looking out over the plains. They were peaceful here. Safe. No Dark Side within the vicinity to try to lure him from his rigidity, promising power and freedom, promising to make him whomever he wished to be. The cost? His soul. Everything he had ever worked for. The respect of those he once knew, but now had joined the Force. It would cost him his mind, corrupting the knowledge stored within, meant for healing and life, into implements of torture and pain, elevating himself above others as some sort of god to rule over others. He had no desire for that. It was everything wrong with his species and why, even now, he avoided Anzat and his kind as best he could.

He paused. There was someone up ahead. Young human, by the looks of him, and somewhat Force sensitive. Hunger jabbed at him, and he opened himself up to the Force, letting it ease the urgings and pain, driving the need away. He should go. He shouldn't even be here. Too many sentients dwelled here. Too tempting.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Zane Hara

The Energy Vampire crouched on a tree branch high upon a tree in the lush greens of Naboo.

His need to feed on something was not getting to him, he had recently fed ona civilian in a alley not to long ago.

He watched a man and his Droid strolling along like nothing was wrong.

Zane watched as a man stood on a hill watching the man with a droid.

Zane's sword "The Hell's Demon" sat on his back.

"UUgh why is there alway people when I want quiet. " he said softly.

He sat there, hopefully nobody noticed him.

[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
The force, it was closing in on him. Oka felt stronger and stronger force approaching. He turned his head to see a distant figure on a hilltop. Why should he care? Nothing evil should even show, but don't let your guard down Oka said to himself. Oka tried this knew force thing called telepathy. He didn't learn it, the force gave him such power when his friend died. He took a chance at either being killed or being greeted. "I sense great force in you, mind coming over and greeting me?" He asked wondering if it worked.

Oka sensed something in the trees. Unfortunately, senses are only good for saving your azz(best misspelling ever). He didn't bother to look, it'd interfere with peace.

[member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Zane Hara"]
I sense great force in you, mind coming over and greeting me?

Tiland winced, and cringed. So loud. All these Jedi using their Force telepathy never realizing how it felt to be telepathic and to hear it. Like someone was shouting directly in your ear, as loud as a starship engine. They needed to learn to control their volume. He sent a message in reply as he began slowly making his way towards the figure.

No need to be so loud. I can already hear your thoughts if I wish without you shouting them in my mind.

Then he paused. There was something familiar about. Not unlike him, though much younger. Granted, that was easy enough to do. Most beings were younger than him, except for those of a few species. Lonely. Hated. He seemed to shrink a little, and tried to catch the beings thoughts. Something about wanting quiet. That he could understand easily enough. He felt it also. It was such a burden to carry, and he suspected it was why he limped. It certainly wasn't a physical injury. He would have healed from it long ago. But so be it. He limped onwards, leaning on his staff and stopped before the boy.

"What was it you wished for me to come to you for?"

[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Zane Hara"]

Zane Hara

Zane smiled when the two figures drew closer to each other.

He silently leaped off the tree onto the soft grassland.

He walked silently towards the two his sword hanging off his back.

"Strange..." Zane said softly, he walked closer but stopped ten yards (thirty feet) away from the men.

He crouched in the grass, it wasn't enough to cover him but he still did.

[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"Pardon, I can't control telepathic powers. I tell the thoughts and it does the rest." Oka said smiling. He knew this person came for peace most likely. "Peaceful isn't it? I suspected you had the Jedi way so I asked for your presence." He said when the person came closer and closer. Naboo sure puts smiles onmany opeoples faces.

[member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Zane Hara"]
Tiland shrugged, rubbing at his temple. "Just think as you normally do next time. It is less painful." Peaceful? He turned, pivoting on the walking stick to take it and shook his head. "No. Nowhere I ever am is peaceful. I corrupt it." He slipped down and sat cross-legged on the grass, letting the blades drift across his face, and he closed his eyes. "The Jedi way is a way I greatly admire and wish I could fulfill, but I can not. I can only stretch my nature so far."

He opened his eyes and turned to look at [member="Zane Hara"]. "Why are you in the grass attempting to hide? I can hear your thoughts and sense your presence."

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Zane Hara

"Attempting to hide...I don't, im simply resting." Zane said.

Zane got up.

"I am Zane...from the Hara Family..." the vampire said.

[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]
Now, I was strolling around on Naboo, minding my own business. Imagine my surprise when a fething ninja jumps from a tree into the grass in front of me... And two Jedi. The Jedi, I could probably ignore, but who the hell was this weird jumping kid?

"Hey, you mind not jumping onto the ground right in front of me? It's real annoying."

[member="Zane Hara"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Oka Osaa"]
Nomad was hanging from trees. He was trying to build his stamina when he heard some noise.

He dropped from the tree and landed, on his back. He got up and walked to the commotion, trying to walk off the pain.

He found a cluster of people. Recognising two of them he remained in the shadows, watching and listening.

[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Zane Hara"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
He began to see other people coming for peace, well that's what he expected. Oka gave his sabers to B7 when no one was looking. "Well, my father said you're never safe. Its true, you walk into bars people wanna kill you. You go to Coruscant, you get mugged." He didn't like talking about that stuff but what else could he do. "Corruption can be controlled. Have you tried meditating? Shall we try now?" He asked trying to get his focus off Zane Hara.

[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Zane Hara"]
[member="Nomad Crimson"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

Zane Hara

Zane slowly rose noticing the others arriving.

Zane looked at the angry man.

"My...deepest apologies, I sometimes just don't see where I am going." Zane said in a creepy tone.

The energy vampire smiled under the bandages.

He looked at [member="Oka Osaa"].

Then to Cross.

[member="Cross Ikon"]

[member="Nomad Crimson"]
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

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