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Approved Starship The Sundancer

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Primary Source: X | X


  • Manufacturer: Adder & [member="Kurt Meyer"]

  • Model: The Sundancer

  • Affiliation: Adder

  • Production: Unique

  • Material: Fiberplast, Agrinium, Phrik, Starship components

  • Classification: Starfighter

  • Length: 8 m

  • Width: 4 m

  • Height: 2 m

  • Armament: Very Low

    2x Ion cannons

Defenses: Average

  • Deflector shields

  • Light ion shields

Maneuverability Rating: Extreme

Speed Rating: Extreme

Hyperdrive Class: 1.0


  • Actual agilest ship in the galaxy: Few – if any – starfighters in existence would be able to match the Sundancer maneuver for maneuver. It’s incredibly responsive in skilled hands, allowing the pilot to change direction at a whim. Thanks to the phrik reinforcements, the Sundancer can withstand even the enormous forces that act on the vessel under the excessive speeds at which it operates.

  • Jumpy: The uniquely specialized hyperdrive technology packed into the Sundancer allows it to perform microjumps and other precarious hyperspace maneuvers that would tear lesser ships apart, or at the very least forcibly revert them to realspace.

  • Delicate flower: Though the ship has a robust physical build, many of the internals rely on sophisticated electronics and fine-tuned technology. A good hit with an ion cannon will disable the more advanced systems, thus robbing the fighter of its special capabilities.

  • Outgunned: The Sundancer isn’t designed to take down anything other than fellow starfighters, and even then its only weapons are two meager ion cannons. No missiles. No torpedoes. No turbolasers. You better run, better run, outrun my gun...

  • Hot stuff: The overheating problem inherited from the original Meyer drive becomes all the more pronounced in the experimental engineering hybrid of the Sundancer. Due to the 'charged' jumps held by the VT-HC, it doesn't occur as often, but when it does, the cooldown period needs to be significantly longer thanks to the increased number of components packed into it.* This is of course extremely dangerous in combat and other critical situations – circumstances in which the fighter pilot finds herself with unhealthy frequency.
The Sundancer is a labor of love and experience. Unlike its predecessor, it wasn’t born out of need or desire to take the fight to the First Order enemies head-on. Though the pilot is still an active and passionate member of the [redacted] and [redacted], she’s in a better place as a person. The Phantom Limb came together at a time where her life was tumultuous and uncertain; when she’d look too deep in the bottle every other day; when she didn’t quite know what to do with herself, or how.

With that period now well behind her, the Sundancer reflects the changes in her creator. Adder has poured uncounted hours into the craft (and the crafting thereof), dissecting the factory parts she’d ordered to cobble the vessel together. Its hypertransit package is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art amalgamate of different technologies, which are in turn connected to the navigation systems, and those are themselves fine-tuned to work with her astromech arm down to a T.

Adder had gone through engineering hell to bring the project together, and it’s unlikely she would have managed without the inspired help of Kurt Meyer, a local student she’d recruited from Kal-U. His insightful suggestions about hyperdrive and ion engine integration eventually led them to success – even more importantly, they freed up much needed space in the small fighter that allows the specialized drive a bit more breathing space. Much needed, given the tasks the pilot has in mind for this fine piece of technology.

The end result is something magnificent – a work of art that would make even the most obdurate engineer tear up.

*Roll dice after use in combat situations, 1d6 – if it's higher than 4, the drive requires a cooldown of seven (7) IC posts.


Well-Known Member
Adder said:
Defenses: Average Deflector shields Ion shields Phrik hull
I think the "Average" defense rating here is understating things. A Phrik hull is by no means "Average".

  • Phrik was a metallic compound that was nearly indestructible. (Source)

Given that you will need to bump up this rating, having two other ratings at extreme will be too high. I would recommend examining the properties of the vessel and re-assigning ratings more consistent with the materials being used. In this case, Defenses should likely be the highest of your ratings. Not only for its extreme durability, but also for its ability to disperse electricity - Considering that, I would like to see something reflecting Ion Resistance in the Strengths.

Adder said:
Delicate flower: Though the ship has a robust physical build, many of the internals rely on sophisticated electronics and fine-tuned technology. A good hit with an ion cannon will disable the more advanced systems, thus robbing the fighter of its special capabilities.
Additionally, this weakness doesn't coincide with the usage of a Phrik hull, particularly effective at dissipating electricity (or ion weaponry).

Adder said:
Meyer drive spliced with AE-HD1 Specter-class Hypertransit System [Purchase]

What is the purpose and effect of splicing these two drives? What benefits or cons does this create?

[SIZE=11pt][member="Rolf Amsel"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The starfighter was built with a certain amount of phrik in order to allow it to withstand the extreme shearing forces that occur during the extreme maneuvers it's able to perform.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]It's present at structurally critical points as a form of reinforcement. It is not, however, present everywhere or to such a degree that it would warrant any significant increase in either durability or dispersion of electricity.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]I will edit the submission to reflect that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The spliced drives inherit the characteristics of their parent submissions. I've added the specific weakness from the Meyer drive that gets worse into the submission proper – the perks are already described under Strengths.[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
Adder said:
Structural Phrik reinforcement against physical forces during extreme maneuvers
My understanding is that this is a fighter designed for maximum speed and maneuverability in space. Given that in space there are limited resistance/physical forces, why would Phrik be used (An extremely durable and resistant material) other than as a defensive/armor measure? Aside from the above stated reasons, are there any other systems protected by this Phrik?

Adder said:
Ion shields

Adder said:
Delicate flower: Though the ship has a robust physical build, many of the internals rely on sophisticated electronics and fine-tuned technology. A good hit with an ion cannon will disable the more advanced systems, thus robbing the fighter of its special capabilities.
Without Ion shielding, just about any electrical system is subject to ion charge. If you change this to "Light" ion shields, that should be sufficient to match the ratings and weakness.

Rolf Amsel said:
My understanding is that this is a fighter designed for maximum speed and maneuverability in space. Given that in space there are limited resistance/physical forces, why would Phrik be used (An extremely durable and resistant material) other than as a defensive/armor measure?
The fighter would still experience tremendous stress from making maneuvers at high speeds. Changing direction rapidly, decelerating, etc. Since it's also a fighter which can operate in atmo, the phrik reinforcements become all the more critical to maintaining its integrity.

Rolf Amsel said:
Aside from the above stated reasons, are there any other systems protected by this Phrik?
No; it's meant as reinforcement against physical forces, not attacks.

Rolf Amsel said:
If you change this to "Light" ion shields, that should be sufficient to match the ratings and weakness.
Edits made.
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