Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The super duo, street fighting (Whoever is interested)

Neriah Aurore

Neriah together with his brother [member="Lazarus Aurore"] were once again in a tight spot. They were not exactly the same in the way of thinking. Neriah's eyes looking straight into the eyes of Lazarus, who had to fight in the cage next to him. Those adults that dared to try such things only to get some money had made a great mistake. They were on the street and currently the both of them were fighting in a ring against both a guy which was around the age of 15. That was compared to them a 5 year age difference.

The Arena was cold and dark, since it was nearly midnight. The cage was sealed while both of them were placed with their back against each other, "Lazarus...These people truly are not kind at all, huh?" He told him with a kind voice while smiling. The streets were dark, while very bright lights were placed on a height so the whole arena would be seen. Neriah asked it once more, "Can't we try to solve it different? I do not need the money...How about I now leave and you get the money" But the human criminal who lead this fighting arena was only enjoying this view, Two Echani's who were still alive and ready to fight.

Neriah noticed by the boy his face who was clearly here for a way longer time that the boy was up for the fighting. Neriah shook his head and stepped forward, he inhaled deeply and exhaled. His posture lowers as he bend his back forward, "I am sorry in advance, Lazarus...Good luck.." He said showing a small smile.

A sign was given for the fights to start and Neriah was stepping forward, running straight towards the boy who was fighting him. A great explosive first step as he came close, The older boy said, "This" *boom* A fist extended straight against the boy his cheek. The boy did not show a lot of pain but, at that moment Neriah only wanted to get out and did not like to fight. He looked in the meanwhile over towards his brother to see how he was doing.

Lazarus Aurore

Lazarus looked straight towards his brother, a smile appearing on his face, extremely excited to beat the hell out of the opponent that he would be fighting against, “Ooh! Don't whine Neriah! These two are weaklings compared to us! Remember we are brothers, you have my blood.” Lazarus stepping forward after that looking over towards his opponent, “Hmm... Can't we switch opponents, this one is weak.” He said full off himself taunting the actual human teenage thug.

He looked straight against him and assumed the same position as his twin brother his eyes looking straight into the eyes of his opponent as he heard the first contact being made, “Idiot..”, He whispered before running forward as the other guy also ran forward. A fist coming in quicker, than he had expected, “This guy.” He said before slamming his fist into the fist of the older guy. “Don't ever dare to do that to me, you weakling.” He instantly came in and turned his hips as he came with a low kick, BOOM The guy fell onto the ground and the keys he noticed. He started to grab the keys and opened the cage. He walked out of it looking straight into the eyes of the criminal. “Dare to do something...and I will make sure you die...Old man.” Lazarus said before opening also the cage of Neriah.

The criminal did not seem to like it, but they were only but children, he would kidnap two weaker once anyway pretty soon.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra watched the two, taping her chin as she listened to those that were watching. Betting on the adults over the Echani twines that fought their opponents. One cocky, the other respectful, she was very curious into the two of them and even more when she saw [member="Neriah Aurore"] and his speed and then [member="Lazarus Aurore"] and his strength. Things were certainly interesting as Lazarus finished of his opponent with a low kick and then his brother sent fist after fist before his own opponent fell to the ground defeated. But with the match over people began to clear out, everyone but the older man started to clear out, that guy staring at the loses, knowing that there would be some very unhappy beters after that. Alexandra watched and waited for what came next.

Neriah Aurore

Neriah started to laugh and attempt to pound the fist of his brother Lazarus. His eyes looked straight into the eyes of him. He looked straight at the criminal, “You are a bad person, mister!”, he awaited for a moment allowing his brother to speak. “We are the Echani twins...We are one and won't ever lose!” He said before smiling and if anyone force sensitive would look at the fist of the twins a bright force connection could be seen.

He wanted to leave after that as he said, “Let's go Lazarus...We got to find her.”

He was not yet suspecting a thing of a force sensitive actually looking at them, that's why he lost without any suspicious

Lazarus Aurore

Lazarus was laughing together with his brother and pounded the fist. The force bond between the both of them was great. “Ugh, Neriah stop being so polite.” He shook his head before looking into the eyes of the criminal, “We might be young, but you are nothing but an idiot.” After that at the exact same moment he told together with Neriah, “We are the Echani twins... We are one and won't ever lose!” His eyes looking extremely serious while Neriah looked only happy.

He looked at the people that were leaving and started to taunt the others who were leaving, “All of you were pathetic, betting on age...We can even take the likes of you all one... We will beat anyone..”

He looks over towards his brother and said, “Yea sure, lets go”, before he left his eyes were looking straight into the eyes of the woman who was seeming to observe them, unlike his brother he already found out, that they were being spied on.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra spent not a single moment's pause, dropping down to the floor at which [member="Lazarus Aurore"], [member="Neriah Aurore"], and the man were in. Though instead of confronting the twins her feet brought her across the ground to the man as she tapped him on the shoulder and spoke to him for a few seconds, those of sharp eyes would see a black liquid to flow from her arm onto his shoulder out of his eyesight. "Hey, you need to go and rethink your life, your last chance." He laughed in her face and pushed her back, though Alex did nothing to stop the push as he spoke. "Go and kark yourself woman, its my job and its not my fault those brats failed me and won."

Alexandra shrugged and the dark liquid vanished into the clothing of the man, though nothing happened past that. With the disappearence of that she turned and walked towards the twins, smiling lightly as she spoke to them. "Hello, you two were impressive, might i have a conversation with your two?"

Neriah Aurore

Neriah looked over at the woman that stopped him and his brother. His eyes scanned over the woman her entire body from bottom to the top of her body. He smiled kindly, “Why thank you!Sure, ma'am~ What's on your mind?” He spoke with a very kind voice showing the kind body language.

Lazarus Aurore

Lazarus stepped in front of his brother as he looked over towards the woman, “Yea, I know we are awesome but, we won't give any autographs...What do you want? Why would you speak with us without wanting something of us.” He spoke making moving gestures wanting the woman to actually leave.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Because i have a interest in the two of you, its not often that two of your age are so skilled that is why i am interested. I wanted to ask you if you would give me the honor of having a quick sparring match with you two, both of you at once, that should make things all the more interesting." She pulled down her hood as her hair shown now, Jet black instead of its natural silver, though she reached up and the jet black liquid came out of her hair, the same kind that had disappeared on the man. "Excuse me, just making sure that its fair, the thing you just saw is a friend of mine, we have a mutualistic relationship of a sort." She waited for their response before she would get into a stance for battle of any sort. [member="Lazarus Aurore"] [member="Neriah Aurore"]

Neriah Aurore

"You have an interest in us? Why would you? We only just won a fight. The galaxy is full of fighting." He told calm while looking over towards the woman smiling calmly, "But a sparring match, I would be okay with. If you are at least Lazarus." He looked over towards the woman and her hair color was changing, what was this strange madness? What was that strange liquid. He was pretty unsure off, "What...the..." His eyes widening, "She can't"

He looked over towards his brother and nodded, He went into his battle stance as his right fist pounded on his brothers left fist, "We are one." They whispered before looking serious towards [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] "First..." He called out, as Neriah took control. He stepped in front of his brother and they ran in a line, "Let's go, Lazarus!" His eyes focusing on the woman's stomach He stepped forward if he got close enough and would attempt to slam his weak fist into her stomach, though the style they had was different. His entire body was straight whispering very soft, "Switch'

Lazarus Aurore

“Stop your blabering, Neriah...The woman wants to fight us. If she really wants to lose then lets give her the lost” He said before looking at the woman, “Her hair...” He shook his head and thought, “This is strange...What is that liquid?” He kept quiet but he seemed to be angered by a sort of deceivel being brought upon the both of them, “Echani...or Arkanian..” He said before shaking his head, “No matter... We will beat you up and show that we are the strongest duo.”

His fighting pose was the exact mirror from Neriah. His fist against his brothers fist while looking at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] , “Second..” He said instantly giving an explosive step behind Neriah, running as quickly as he could without any kind of starting sign. “Right back at you, Neriah.” The moment that he noticed the punch of his brother he jumped up, taking a step on his brothers back before a sidekick was appearing from the right side with the right leg of Lazarus. His kick went straight for the head of Alexandra.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra smiled and answered their confusion before they attacked. " I am Echani, my friend though is not." She motioned to the liquid that remained in her robes. As they took their pose she removed her cloak and robe, revealing a pair of trousers and a cloth shirt that had remained obscured before, as was a slight bulge in her stomach signalling to her pregnancy. That didnt slow her or mess her up in the least though as she took her own stance, her body's placement suggeesting her own knowledge into hand to hand combat, though it was a mix between the Echani style and something Krest had taught her about Iridonian and Zabrak fighting techniques.

As the punch came for her stomach she knew it would have been a great moment for the second, but what had come was unexpected, preoccupied with the first punch which she blocked she expected the next strike to come from her right. But it didnt, instead she watched as he came over his brother, forcing her to attempt to dodge but not fast enough as the kick landing on her cheek and sent her to the ground. She didnt remain there and was on her feet in a moment, rubbing her jaw and spitting out blood before grinning. 'Smart... very smart...' rang clear in her mind as she reassumed her stance and waited.

[member="Lazarus Aurore"] [member="Neriah Aurore"]

Neriah Aurore

The first attack had seemed to be a great success. The power that the duo were showing was even seeming to trick an adult with ease. Neriah saw the blood and showed a concerned face the moment when he was having some distance between them, "Are you all right ma'am? Are you sure you do not want to call it quits for now and maybe in the future battle us?" He asked her pretty kindly smiling for a short moment of time as his guard was slowly going down.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She shook her head and rubbed her cheek for a moment before smiling softly to him, as if they had never even touched her in the least. Her voice equally held no hatred or hurt for him, infact it sounded very little of pain included though it was there. "Its ok, ive taken worse hits than that, let us continue, now that i know what to expect." She dropped into her ready stance and bowed her head to them, before planting her feet and preparing to watch them both closely. [member="Neriah Aurore"] [member="Lazarus Aurore"]

Neriah Aurore

Neriah noticed that the woman would want to continue on the sparring session. He smiled back to her, “Uhm, okay.” He looked at her and he nodded, “Very well..Lazarus...Are you ready..Clone double tornado.” He told his brother hoping that he was ready to use this kind of technique.

He was not sure if his brother would be up for it speed wise but the power would surely be behind it.

Neriah started to run straight towards the woman, but it seemed when Lazarus would run after him, he started to accelurate and pass Neriah. The moment that happens, Neriah would get in front of his brother as they kept on going circles around each other, till they came close enough.

Neriah jumped up and instantly extends his hands over towards his brother Lazarus.

Lazarus Aurore

Lazarus looked at his brother, “Come on, don't be such a wimp...She can hold herself together, we haven't broken a single bone of her yet.” He told as seemed a bit irritated but when he heard about the technique, “You are an absolute lunatic...I like it!” He said showing a bright devious kind of smile as he started run forward in a straight line

As he passed his brother, he noticed his brother passing him again doing it quickly over and over again, would have only been for confusion. The real attack was something completely different. The moment his brother jumped mid-air. He grabbed onto his hand and started to sweep- his brother's entire body holding it tightly as his brothers body would be used as a weapon.

When enough speed was made, he would let loose, “Tornado!!!” He exclaimed, running after his brother hoping he would have enough time before the actual attack would try to be dodged or anything.

The moment his brother would be stopped or anything, he would jump onto his brother's stomach, but mid-air. He screamed and fell onto his back on the ground.

Both the boys would be holding the very same spot on their stomach. This was their weakness in the bond they have. They shared each others pain. “Fuck...why did you not tell you were still..hurt there.”

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra blinked and looked at the two for a bit a half second as she went over and knelt down next to the two, just speaking though. "Are you two ok, i don't mean to pry but i can help if there's some injury that you guys need help with, i have some friends and some training myself in healing." She smiled softly as she knelt there, though she did not touch them in the least in case they took it as a threat to touch them. [member="Lazarus Aurore"] [member="Neriah Aurore"]

Neriah Aurore

Neriah slowly stood up. He looked over towards his brother and the woman, "I am alright.." With the way of his clothes, nothing about injuries could be seen and he wanted to be sure nobody would actually give a damn about it.

Lazarus was not going to sit by and wait, "Don't me laugh, I feel the pain you have.. I can feel it always! Ever since you blocked that bat with your body you have felt that pain." He heard about the services the woman would give and he shook his head, "We do not need anyone's help. Pain will make us only stronger" Which made the dark side somewhat speak, "We will become both only stronger by it."

Neriah said, "I am alright now...Let's continue on the fight.. Miss you may have the first attack." He told the woman as he stood now in a boxer type of fighting stance covering his chest with both his forearms

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra nodded and stepped forward as she struck out with a jab at her opponents right arm, moving to keep both him and his brother in view in case he decided that he was done cringing on the ground. Should he not have struck back in the time that she changed position or struck she would smile and moved in closer before moving to his left and aiming a blow right at his head while her right fist struck out at his side should it be exposed, putting extra force behind it with a bit of Force Augmentation, smiling at him while she did this and wondering if he would notice the change in the flow of the force.

[member="Neriah Aurore"] [member="Lazarus Aurore"]

Neriah Aurore

The action was once again starting. The drop of sweat, that was slowly falling from his forehead. Neriah had noticed that the jab was coming his way as he had wanted to dodge it but, by the force Augmentation that was channeled into the attack it was harder for him to actually dodge. The speed and the moment of impact were quicker and shortened. He was not able to see the force. He did feel something, but he saw nothing.

[member="Lazarus Aurore"]

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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