Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Swarm

This is an in theory minor faction. Somewhere for alien villainy to occur!

I realise we've had comparable species and threats in cannon, or even on the board.

So the question is more, how the best way to go about this is? To develop one parasite species or more, seems the easiest way. Something viral, then something bigger than that for larger creatures, or would one virus with plenty of dev be sufficient, adapting itself to its host?

Obviously I know the idea needs work, these are feelers to see what you think would be required. I am thinking a new world sub will be the source to keep it simple.
[member="Natalya Selanne"]
I suspect a parasitic hive mind might do it, but I can see some pretty serious downsides to it as well.

The obvious way to have a 'swarm' is to do them in the traditional Zerg/Tyranid/Xenomorph way of having a big living fleet of the beasties.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I can certainly start with that. Would a virus be an acceptable way of spreading itself? So to form smaller collective hiveminds gradually? Or would we need spores or some such.

To take its evolution the opposite way up, adapting to that world. Rather than the usual large invasion by the beasties to make that world into their own. Which is what I hope gives it some uniqueness. Starting off as a smaller organism and then working up the food chain? I realise this rips off orks but hopefully makes it different enough to any ork that it makes it unique!

They can still I suppose have the large push now and again, if I can build a reason as to why that would happen, maybe when the local fauna has become aware enough of itself to begin to communicate with the larger mind. Devils in the details as they say to keep it unique, and give it some of its own flavor.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Okay scratch viruses. Want to keep things as easy as poss.

That leaves us with bacteria, parasites small enough to effect insects, fungus spores, small insects themselves, or seeds to create plant life.

Tiny insects and seeds for plant life would make interesting candidates: As naturally things are going to want to eat those plants growing or even those seeds. So slowly over time the fauna is changed by the plant life they are eating, which spreads and they help spread, subtly at first. Insects could make for a slowly creeping plague too, but are obviously more noticeable and harder to deliver.

For barren or dead worlds, I guess the hive would want to avoid barren worlds, because they wouldn't offer much material for it, and if they really needed a barren world they could move their collective butts there the old fashioned way or sling something big at it.

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