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Approved Tech The Swords of Khashyun (Catharian Hegemony and select customers)

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Azel Moran



  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy

  • Alchemized in the standard manner of a high-end Sith sword.
  • Custom Kaggath enchantment.

  • The standard abilities of a Sith sword (lightsaber resistant, deflects blasterfire, can ground lightning, very sharp).
  • Increases the owner's power in the Force every time they win a kaggath ritual. Effect is permanent, so long as they keep the sword nearby.

  • Force Light can harm or potentially destroy the sword.
  • Quite heavy, cumbersome design. Best suited to large and strong users.
  • Strong presence in the Dark Side, very difficult to conceal.
  • Difficult to use at close range without properly protected half-swording or similar techniques.
  • Ysalamiri and void stone will dampen the sword's abilities, though not its durability.

Azel Moran rediscovered the legendary Sword of Khashyun and decided to make it again, but better. The original weapon had been split in two, radically reducing its structural integrity and handling characteristics no matter what alchemical latches bound the pieces together. The weapon was also reputed to be cursed to instigate betrayal - not an ideal quality. And last but not least, the sword had terrible balance as anything but a Dowutin-scale two-edged cleaver.

Fortunately, Moran knew some folks who had a use for weapons like that, sans curse. He forged a few exact replicas for the Catharian Hegemony, notorious for their use of power armor. For a loyal servant of the Hegemony, the Swords of Khashyun aren't big cumbersome things. They're proportionate weapons capable of shearing through enemy armor without dulling or breaking - and symbols of the Hegemony's indomitable will.

Last but not least, Moran put his own spin on the original curse. Every time a blade's owner wins a traditional Sith kaggath challenge, their power in the Force will increase somewhat, so long as they keep the sword nearby.
How do you envision the Kaggath based enchantment working? Would the wielder need to link the relevant threads in order to claim the increase in power, or is it just an assumed thing?

What sort of increase? Amount of power? Potency? Like a Force Nexus?

Azel Moran

Azel Moran

How do you envision the Kaggath based enchantment working? Would the wielder need to link the relevant threads in order to claim the increase in power, or is it just an assumed thing?

What sort of increase? Amount of power? Potency? Like a Force Nexus?

Azel Moran

It's just a story element. Win kaggath, get stronger in the Force as long as you keep the sword close by.
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