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Approved Tech The Synaptic Amplifier

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Manufacturer: Romi Jade
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: N/A
Size: Very Large
She Left Behind A Legacy

Force Ruptures in the World Between Worlds

The Synaptic Amplifier

General Information
  • Technology
  • Unique
  • Amplify the telepathic and cognitive abilities of Force users
  • Detect and interact with individuals across the galaxy
  • Truth Discernment

"The Synaptic Amplifier is a bridge between the mind and the vastness of the galaxy. With the Crown, it lets us see and feel every thought, every presence, even those that exist outside the Force. It's a tool of immense power, meant for those with the strength and clarity to handle it. It's not just about amplification, but about connection and understanding on a scale we've never seen before."​
― Jedi Master Romi Jade​
The Synaptic Amplifier is a colossal, advanced Force-sensitive device designed to amplify the telepathic and cognitive abilities of Force users. This intricate, spiderlike, Kirby-esque system integrates ancient artifacts with cutting-edge technology, enabling its user to detect and interact with individuals across the galaxy on an unprecedented scale.​
  • Manufacturer: Romi Jade Romi Jade
  • Affiliation: Romi Jade Romi Jade | Or anyone that has located it and is trained/skilled to use it.
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Cortosis Alloy: Used for shielding and structural integrity to protect against lightsaber strikes and other energy weapons.
  • Quantum Crystal Arrays: Essential for focusing and amplifying Force energy and neural signals.
  • Durasteel: For the main frame and support structures, providing durability and strength
  • Electrum: Used in the wiring and interfaces to enhance conductivity and energy flow.
  • Kyber Crystal Matrix: Integrated into the device for their natural affinity with the Force, aiding in the amplification process.
  • Arkanian Microcircuits: Advanced circuitry for processing vast amounts of data and providing real-time feedback.
  • Biofiber Cables: To connect the Crown of Verity to the main system, allowing for seamless transmission of neural signals.
  • Laminanium: Self-healing material used in critical components to ensure the machine remains operational even after damage.
  • Photon Resonance Chambers: For generating the three-dimensional holographic images and mind scans.
  • Thermal Gel: Used for temperature regulation to prevent overheating during prolonged use.
  • Diatium Power Cells: High-capacity energy sources to power the complex machinery and maintain stability.
  • Neuronic Transducers: Devices that convert neural signals into data the machine can interpret and amplify.
  • Holoprojector Arrays: For displaying detailed tactical and strategic information in real-time.
  • Insulating Ceramics: To shield sensitive components from electromagnetic interference.
  • Hyperconductive Polymers: To ensure efficient energy transfer throughout the system.
  • Photon-Induced Luminophores: Materials for creating the glowing aesthetic of the device.
  • Vibro-Buffer Coils: To dampen mechanical vibrations and maintain system stability during use.
  • Force-Attuned Interfaces: Custom interfaces that respond to the user's Force sensitivity for intuitive control.
  • Encephalic sensors*: Encephalic sensors are advanced devices that interact with the brain's electrical activity. They can detect and amplify neural signals, providing real-time feedback and stimulation to enhance cognitive functions. Just like in the Psimitar, these sensors help the wielder maintain focus and boost their psionic powers by aligning with their brain waves.


1. Force Amplification: The Synaptic Amplifier significantly enhances the user's telepathic powers. When connected to the Crown of Verity (specifically the one Romi re-calibrated), it strengthens the user's brainwaves, enabling them to project their intentions and commands over vast distances, perfect for telepathy, Battle Meditation, and Melds.​
2. Neural Signal Detection and Amplification: Encephalic sensors embedded in the inward-sloping walls interact with the brain's electrical activity, detecting and amplifying neural signals. These sensors provide real-time feedback and stimulation, enhancing cognitive functions and speeding up the user's neuronal activity, making their brain work extremely quickly.​
3. Galactic Scale Detection: The Synaptic Amplifier can detect both Force-sensitive and non-Force-sensitive individuals across the galaxy. It scans for unique brainwave patterns and Force sensitivity. It can also identify those absent or outside of the Force, presenting these as disturbances or ruptures within the Force.​
4. Real-Time Tactical Information: A giant holoscreen on the wall near the central platform displays detailed tactical information, including the location and status of the user's minions, troops, and allies. The holoscreen also provides strategic data about enemy movements and other critical events across the galaxy.​
5. Three-Dimensional Mind Scans: While in use, the Synaptic Amplifier projects three-dimensional images of the individuals being scanned. These holograms allow the user to interact with and analyze their targets' thoughts, emotions, and intentions in real-time.​
Detecting Force-Sensitive and Non-Force-Sensitive Individuals: The Synaptic Amplifier's encephalic sensors are attuned to the neural activity and brainwave patterns that indicate Force sensitivity. By amplifying these signals, the device can locate individuals across vast distances. It is equally adept at identifying non-Force-sensitive individuals by analyzing unique neural signatures distinct from those of Force users.​
Identifying Absence or Outsiders in the Force: One of the Synaptic Amplifier's most remarkable capabilities is detecting individuals who are absent or outside of the Force. These entities disrupt the natural flow of the Force, creating disturbances or ruptures that the device can pick up. These ruptures are visualized as irregular, fluctuating voids within the Force, appearing as dark, turbulent areas amidst the otherwise flowing energy patterns. These voids indicate the presence of beings or phenomena that either negate or exist independently of the Force.​
Mechanics of Detection: The device uses a combination of Force-imbued technology and advanced encephalic sensors. The sensors detect the brain's electrical activity and translate it into a readable format for the user. The Crown of Verity enhances the user's perception, allowing them to interpret these signals on a galactic scale. When detecting absences or outsiders in the Force, the device amplifies the perturbations in the Force's natural flow, making these anomalies stand out clearly to the user.​


1. Unmatched Telepathic Range: The Synaptic Amplifier's ability to amplify the user's telepathic powers enables communication and influence over vast distances, surpassing the limitations of standard telepathic abilities.​
2. Comprehensive Detection: Unlike typical Force-sensitive devices, the Synaptic Amplifier can detect non-Force-sensitive individuals and those who are absent or outside of the Force, providing a comprehensive surveillance capability. The visualization of ruptures or voids in the Force allows the user to pinpoint disruptions and potential threats that exist beyond traditional Force senses.​
3. Cognitive Enhancement: The encephalic sensors enhance the user's cognitive functions, making them sharper and more effective in using their powers. The device's ability to speed up neuronal activity significantly boosts the user's mental processing speed.​
4. Strategic Advantage: With real-time tactical information and three-dimensional mind scans, the user can make informed decisions, coordinate large-scale operations, and anticipate enemy movements with unprecedented precision.​


1. Age Detection Limitation: The Synaptic Amplifier is more effective at detecting and locating individuals around or after puberty, limiting its utility for identifying younger Force-sensitive individuals.​
2. User Dependency and Experience: The Synaptic Amplifier's effectiveness is heavily dependent on the user's strength in the Force and their mental resilience. Only experienced mentalists with a high aptitude can use it effectively. Non-mentalists or those with nascent abilities would be overwhelmed by it without well-trained, disciplined minds.​
3. Mental and Physical Strain: The immense amplification of powers can be mentally and physically exhausting. Users unprepared for the sheer enormity of this increased psychic input can be quickly and easily overwhelmed, resulting in insanity, coma, permanent brain damage, or even death. Prolonged use of the Synaptic Amplifier can lead to severe fatigue and potential neurological damage.​
4. Energy Demands: The Synaptic Amplifier requires additional input of energy from the user, particularly in terms of Force energy. There is no consistent way of recovering or recycling spent Force energies, putting substantial physical and spiritual demands on the user with constant use.​
5. Detectability and Vulnerability: The machine emits energy that can be honed in on by those with a highly tuned Force sense, making stealth difficult in certain situations. Skilled adversaries can also learn to shield their minds through technology or other means to avoid detection.​
6. Force Negation and Ectoplasm Limitation: Force negation items or zones, such as Ysalamiri or Voidstone, would nullify the Synaptic Amplifier's abilities. Additionally, it cannot be used to detect disembodied ectoplasm, such as ghosts etc.​
7. Crown of Verity Dependency: The Synaptic Amplifier requires integration with the Crown of Verity to operate. Without this crucial artifact, the device cannot function, making it essential to have the crown for the system to work.​
8. Single-Target Scanning Limitation: The Synaptic Amplifier can only focus on scanning one individual or planet at a time. Switching targets requires the user's full attention and can't be done simultaneously. Additionally, when scanning planetary systems, the device must jump adjacently to switch to another world in real-time, limiting its ability to monitor multiple distant locations simultaneously.​

1. Spherical Room: The Synaptic Amplifier is housed in a massive dome-like room with inward-sloping walls. The room's design is not only visually striking but also functional, with the walls lined with encephalic sensors that detect and amplify neural signals.​
2. Elevated Walkway and Central Platform: A 15-foot elevated walkway leads to a circular platform at the center of the room. This platform hosts the main operating system of
the Synaptic Amplifier, resembling a desk-like machine structure covered in a network of machines and wires.​
3. Integration with the Crown of Verity: Central to the platform is the integration point for the Crown of Verity, an ancient artifact created by Jedi Master Romi Jade. The crown, when worn by the user, is connected to the Synaptic Amplifier through an array of wires and interfaces that channel and magnify the user's mental and Force abilities.​
4. Spiderlike, Kirby-esque System: The Synaptic Amplifier's core machinery is a complex, spiderlike network of devices and wires that extend from the central platform. This system not only integrates with the Crown of Verity but also transmits amplified extrasensory data throughout the device.​
The Synaptic Amplifier is a marvel of Force-sensitive technology, blending ancient wisdom with modern advancements. It was conceived by Jedi Master Romi Jade, a renowned Jedi scholar and Force-sensitive engineer. Master Jade, inspired by the Sith Meditation Sphere and the powerful Crown of Verity she created, sought to develop a device that could enhance her telepathic abilities and the abilities of the Crown further.​
The project took several decades, involving collaborations with the best minds in the galaxy, including both Jedi and non-Force-sensitive engineers. The Crown of Verity, a potent Force detector and amplifier, was the centerpiece of this development. It was initially used as a standalone artifact before being integrated into the larger Synaptic Amplifier system.​


Out Of Character Info

Intent: 2024 Force Rupture Contest
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Romi Jade | House of Jade | Clan Askani
Modular: No
Material: N/A (See below)
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