Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Tale of the Ticon Yards. (Red Ravens)

[member="Grimm"] [member="Ice"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Location: Dragon Palace casino, Antecedent.

Colap leaned back in his seat, pouring another four finger glass of whiskey and running an errant hand through his messy hair. The room was dimly lit, with an explosion of neon colors. A small minibar adorned the center and at the edges were some tables and chairs. The place spoke luxury, as high as it gets.

Smoke wafted from the tip of his cigar and he squinted through the haze.

Recent events with the Sith, Republic, and other factions were on his mind today. He had summoned a meeting to make some contracts. Contracts that would make Antecedent the seat of great power. He needed help to install a mighty shipyard in orbit, so that they might start pumping out a fleet, and personal ships for sale....

"Hey colap, I think you're guests have arrived," the doorman chattered.

Colap slammed his cup back, letting the roiling fire liquid burst through his lips and down into his belly.

"Alright send them in!"

He slammed the glass down and gripped three more.


Then he poured three more drinks...
Ice had shown up after receiving a communique from his old friend Colap. Something about contracts and ships. Considering Ice had already broken into shipbuilding, he was naturally curious. His own operation was still small, so the opportunity to gain new contracts and grow the business was an enticing one. He was also curious as to what scale this new shipyard proposal was going to be on. Ice himself so far could only build ships up to heavy cruiser class. Anything bigger was beyond the capabilities of the shipard he had purchased from Mandal Hypernautics.

Colap's man escorted them to where Colap was waiting. A smirk flashed across his face as he saw the man pouring drink. "Well that's a good way to start a business meeting." He said with a playful tone. "Trying to get us all liquored up so the deals will swing heavily in your favor eh Colap?" Ice had a wide smile by now and it was clear by his tone that he was joking and meant it only in jest. Walking up he gave the man a light pat on the back. "So what we drinking tonight my friend?"

Noticing how many glasses were on the table in front of him, he also inquired, "And who all we expecting? This starting to look like it will be quite the undertaking indeed."

[member="Colap Ticon"]

Colap smiled at the man. Ice was shrewd and smart. They had run plenty of missions together and he had a good reputation among the Ravens. He leaned forwards in his chair, sliding Ice a glass from across the table and winking roguishly.

"No not liqoured up to swing the deal in my favor, it's in our favors!"

Colap stubbed his cigar out in the crystal ashtray, grinding the endor leaf to a pulp and snagged another one from the pack in his sleeve, waving both hands animatedly.

"See I intend this to be a joint venture. I'm bringing in a fellow who pledged resources to us in return for some Isotope-5, which I have a plentiful supply of. The intent is to make ourselves a massive shipyard that both our companies can use. The crown jewel number two if you will."


Active Member
A figure came through the doors, he had been working on other projects. Involving the Red Ravens, but another business venture involved the same group. He still didn't know too much of them, but at least there money was good. Currently a middle man in the conflicts of the universe, his profits came from the wars and smaller groups that wanted to protect themselves. When he approached the room that contained his second employer, he knew the lay out of this casino after taking a week stay to relax.

"Elo, you must be Mr. Copal....and friend?" He said the moment that he walked into the room.

He noticed that the man had poured drinks....what was up with all these men and drinking? It didn't matter right now, the young man in from of them was one called to supply resources for a cause. In exchange for some nice product for future exploits, but Alex was here to create partnerships.

"How rude of me, the name is Alex Starcrest. It's nice to meet you all." Stating with a devilish smile.

[member="Colap Ticon"]
[member="Ice"] [member="Grimm"]

"Ah welcome to the Royal Dragon!"

Colap shoved another glass across the table towards the vacant seat towards his left. He winked at Ice and nodded to Alex.

"This is my associate Ice. He works Shadow Tech Industries, you may have heard of them?"

Colap let another puff of smoke escape his lips, revelling in the spicy scent.

"Before we get down to business, either of you care for a smoke?"
Seeing the new arrival whom admittedly, Ice did not know, he gave the man a curious glance. He had always liked Colap. They had always worked and fought well together. The new face though left Ice only slightly apprehensive. He had no problem working with new contacts of course. He simply preferred working with those he knew. Raising his glass to the two men in the room, he said, "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Starcrest." Taking a sip of the fine whiskey, a familiar smile spread out across his face. "A fine choice Colap, as always."

When offered the chance for a smoke though, he held up his hand and shook his head lightly. "No thanks, I'm perfectly fine with my drink. But don't let me stop either of you." Ice said while swirling the contents in the cup. "And I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions while you smoke, I'm just very curious. So what is this I hear now about a massive shipyard? What exactly are we calling massive?" He asked, because pictures of the Kuat shipyard that encircled its home planet began to float in his head. He knew they wouldn't be undertaking anything THAT massive. But still, a project even a quarter of that size would be a huge undertaking.

[member="Colap Ticon"] | [member="Grimm"]

Colap smiled and continued to puff away at his cigar, opening up his datapad and plugging it into a holoprojector nearby. The image of large shipyard, semi-circling half of the northern pole of antecedent sprang to life.

"I've been brainstorming for some time now. I need something that can build hundreds of ships per month. We need more ships, ships are power in the galaxy. Given that we have solid mines on most of our planets resources is the easy part. The hard part is making the resources into vessels."

Colap cliked in closer on the image.

"We need easily almost an entire fleet right now."


Active Member
Alex had looked to the man named Mr. Ice, he also owned his own company. Yet, he wasn't to keen on the name and what it did for a living. Either way he would be inviting to new faces, after all this was a business meeting. It was something that was mutal ground for everyone in this room, taking his drink he would take a sip. Trying to fight down the whiskey, he still wasn't use to the refine taste of these drinks.

"Likewise Mr. Ice. I'm fine, maybe another time for a smoke." He said with a smile on his face.

He payed close attention to Colap, he wanted to create a massive shipyard. Which meant the ability to produce ships at a fast rate for his cause, it was a mighty order but he was glad that it meant more business for him.

"That can be easily managed, it will take time. I can lend some of my shipbuilders to assist with the project, until you have enough skilled techs to do the job. Yet, an entire fleet? Why so sudden with needing a fleet?" He asked curious of what he had for intentions.

[member="Colap Ticon"]

[member="Grimm"] [member="Ice"]

"First rule in the criminal underworld, never ask questions you don't need to know. Unless you wanna lose a hand or your head."

Colaps eyes flashed briefly, a dangerous look taking over his visage. It didn't matter what they needed a larger fleet for it just mattered they needed a fleet. He drank another sip of the whiskey and leaned back once again.

"So you pledge all your techs to us, and we give you two tonnes of Isotope-5. Ice what can you bring?"

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