[member="Lady Kay"]
Freanne had just left a meeting at Bothawui, she was heading know to the republic capital. She was traveling in uniform and had with her just her sidearm and a briefcase, in the briefcase was a warrant for [member="Cloudburner"] arrest as well any member of 405th republic rangers, who where at Mos Esiley that day. The warrant had been issued by [member="Lucien Cordel"], and it was her job and pleasure to hand it to the republic. Why her, well that was a simple, she was in charge of local garrison, the desert rats. Officially a light infantry and recon company, though they also have proved to be some best shot's in the galaxy. Also two of the victims of this attack where friends of hers, and she wanted to see this through to the end for them. Also in the briefcase was a copy of all the evidence she had on him, including unedited footage of the cctv in the bar. Good quality too which did surprise them initially, the bar owner used it for a bit of blackmail they found out later. Though that did not warrant a death sentence, and neither did anyone else actions that she could see. To her it was an open and shut case, they fired the shot's and she had to bury thirty two people.
It was wet day as her shuttle began to landed, though the pilot put the ship down gently enough. Then again she normally travelled in steel coffins, aka drop pods, they where called that due to the amount shot out of the skies as they came to planet to attack. Them things did scare her, though this was not time for battle, this was time to get justice. As she dismounted from the shuttle she was met by a security detail of republic troops, and the sergeant held out his arm, and told her Your sidearm please. His voice was stern but respectful, after all they where both soldiers at the end of the day. Well she was, she was not so sure about the republics men anymore, not after what happened in the cantina. She undid her holster and complied, with the mans request, and hand him her sidearm, handle first. He then smiled a little, and said Follow me. Shown though a maze corridors, till she came to an office. She was let into it, and shown a seat, the security stayed put, she had to wait for the republic reprehensive to hand the brief case over to.
Freanne had just left a meeting at Bothawui, she was heading know to the republic capital. She was traveling in uniform and had with her just her sidearm and a briefcase, in the briefcase was a warrant for [member="Cloudburner"] arrest as well any member of 405th republic rangers, who where at Mos Esiley that day. The warrant had been issued by [member="Lucien Cordel"], and it was her job and pleasure to hand it to the republic. Why her, well that was a simple, she was in charge of local garrison, the desert rats. Officially a light infantry and recon company, though they also have proved to be some best shot's in the galaxy. Also two of the victims of this attack where friends of hers, and she wanted to see this through to the end for them. Also in the briefcase was a copy of all the evidence she had on him, including unedited footage of the cctv in the bar. Good quality too which did surprise them initially, the bar owner used it for a bit of blackmail they found out later. Though that did not warrant a death sentence, and neither did anyone else actions that she could see. To her it was an open and shut case, they fired the shot's and she had to bury thirty two people.
It was wet day as her shuttle began to landed, though the pilot put the ship down gently enough. Then again she normally travelled in steel coffins, aka drop pods, they where called that due to the amount shot out of the skies as they came to planet to attack. Them things did scare her, though this was not time for battle, this was time to get justice. As she dismounted from the shuttle she was met by a security detail of republic troops, and the sergeant held out his arm, and told her Your sidearm please. His voice was stern but respectful, after all they where both soldiers at the end of the day. Well she was, she was not so sure about the republics men anymore, not after what happened in the cantina. She undid her holster and complied, with the mans request, and hand him her sidearm, handle first. He then smiled a little, and said Follow me. Shown though a maze corridors, till she came to an office. She was let into it, and shown a seat, the security stayed put, she had to wait for the republic reprehensive to hand the brief case over to.