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Approved Location The Temple of Assimilation

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  • Intent: To create a technologically advanced Sith temple on Jutrand that serves as a repository of knowledge and a hub for Sith students, fulfilling the vision of Darth Assimilus for a new era of Sith learning and power.
  • Image Credit: Playground AI
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: The Sith Order, Jutrand Academy Students
  • Links: N/A


  • Structure Name: The Temple of Assimilation
  • Classification: Sith Temple and Research Facility
  • Location: Jutrand, Sadow District
  • Affiliation: Darth Assimilus, Sith Order, Jutrand Academy
  • Accessibility:
    • The Temple of Assimilation is located within the urban sprawl of Jutrand, making it relatively easy to find for those who know where to look. While the temple is not hidden, it is heavily guarded, with advanced security systems in place to ensure that only authorized individuals can enter. The temple is accessible to members of the Sith Order and students from the Jutrand Academy only. Entry points are controlled by biometric scanners, and the temple is surrounded by a perimeter of automated defenses, ensuring that while the temple is more open, it remains well-protected against any potential threats.
  • Description:
    • The Temple of Assimilation is a marvel of technological prowess combined with ancient Sith architecture. It stands as a symbol of Darth Assimilus' disdain for traditional Sith practices, with its sleek, cybernetic-enhanced structures and vast archives of knowledge. The temple's walls pulse with dark side energy, amplified by the holocrons that have been absorbed and digitized into its mainframe. The atmosphere within is charged with an eerie blend of technology and the dark side, creating an environment that is both intimidating and awe-inspiring.


  • The Great Library:
    • The heart of the temple, this library houses both physical and digital archives of Sith knowledge. Thousands of holocrons have been carefully absorbed and uploaded, creating an extensive database of dark side lore, Sith alchemy, and ancient rituals. The library is a labyrinth of data, where students and scholars can access information through advanced terminals or traditional tomes. The greatest advantage of the archives is its ability to allow Sith and Jutrand Academy students to upload and download the experiences of others through cybernetic enhancements. Enabling the lowest of the Sith to have direct access to the memories of Sith Lords, Knights and other acolytes. This process grants the users to direct new experiences to learn from(Memories), to see how others experience and conceptualize the force but leaves the implementation to the individuals own desire. Likewise the reverse can be accomplished by user uploading their own memories into the temple archives. [This does not download or upload force abilities, but rather the direct experience and knowledge of them from a hive of users. The thoughts, touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing of that specific moment associated around its use.]
  • Alchemical Laboratories:
    • Fully equipped with the latest technology, these labs are where students and Sith Lords alike can experiment with Sith alchemy. The labs are designed to facilitate the creation of powerful artifacts, potions, and other dark side creations. The technology within allows for precision and innovation, pushing the boundaries of Sith science.
  • Combat Training Rooms:
    • Designed for both melee and ranged combat, these training rooms are equipped with holographic opponents, live combat droids, and various weapons. The rooms are customizable, allowing students to train under different conditions and against varying levels of difficulty.
  • Hospital Wing:
    • Operated entirely by medical droids, the hospital wing is where injured students and Sith Lords can receive advanced medical care. The wing is equipped with the latest in cybernetic enhancements and medical technology, allowing for rapid recovery and the integration of cybernetic parts. It is also where those who undergo cybernetic enhancements are monitored and maintained.
  • Cyberneticist Wing:
    • This wing is dedicated to the enhancement of the body and mind through cybernetics. Students are encouraged to embrace technology, with neural netwroks being implanted into those who accept upgrades. This enhancement enables students and others to use knowledge cartridges common to the Temple archives. These cartridges provide direct access to Darth Assimilus' knowledge of Sith sciences and dark side abilities and various other Sith holocrons uploaded. The wing is a blend of surgical suites and data labs, where the line between organic and machine is blurred.
  • Cantina Wing:
    • Unusual for a Sith temple, the Cantina Wing serves as a social hub within the Temple of Assimilation. This area is designed to encourage interaction and camaraderie among students and Sith alike. The cantina offers a wide variety of refreshments, from exotic drinks to nourishing meals, all tailored to the preferences of its inhabitants. The ambiance is a blend of dim lighting, dark tones, and subtle holographic displays that create an atmosphere both relaxing and charged with the dark side. The Cantina Wing also features private alcoves for more discreet conversations, making it a place where alliances can be formed, strategies discussed, and rivalries played out. It stands as a reminder that even in a temple devoted to technology and advancement, there is still a place for the social dynamics that drive the Sith


  • Security Rating: Maximum
    • Defenses:
      • Ray-shielded corridors and entry points.
      • Patrols of techno-beasts patrolling the interior and exterior of the temple.
      • Automated turrets and defense systems integrated into the structure.
      • Biometric and Force-sensitive security systems that only allow authorized individuals to enter.
      • Redundant power systems to ensure all defenses remain operational under any circumstances.


Darth Assimilus' vision for the Temple of Assimilation began when he discovered the ruins of an ancient One Sith structure known as "The Temple of Pain." This temple, once a place of immense suffering and dark side rituals, inspired Assimilus to create something even more profound—a technological marvel that would reflect the new ways of the Sith and completely reject the old. Intrigued by the Temple of Pain's history, Assimilus saw the potential to take what was once a monument to agony and transform it into a hub of knowledge and power. He was particularly inspired by his method of learning, which involved downloading vast amounts of direct and indirect experiences through his cybernetic enhancements. This practice allowed him to bypass the slow, traditional methods of Sith training and acquire knowledge at a pace unheard of in Sith history.

Assimilus envisioned a new generation of Sith who could benefit from the same accelerated learning process. To this end, he devised a plan to equip students with advanced cybernetics, enabling them to download, upload and integrate knowledge directly into their minds. Only those who opted to become cyborgs and implemented neural networks would gain access to the temple's vast archives, ensuring that the most dedicated and technologically advanced Sith would lead the order into a new era.

The construction of the Temple of Assimilation was a monumental task, guided by Assimilus' mastery of Mechu-Deru, the dark side art of controlling machines. Through this ability, Assimilus personally oversaw every aspect of the temple's design, ensuring that it would serve as a hub of activity, where the physical and digital worlds would merge seamlessly. The temple's architecture was a fusion of ancient Sith aesthetics and cutting-edge technology, with every corridor and chamber designed to facilitate the rapid advancement of Sith knowledge and power. The Temple of Assimilation now stands as a beacon of the future, a place where tradition is cast aside in favor of progress. It symbolizes Darth Assimilus' belief that the Sith must evolve, embracing technology and rejecting the limitations of the past to achieve true dominance in the galaxy.
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