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Approved NPC The Ten Thousand Fists

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Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
  • Intent: To create a violent band of pirates that roam the spacelanes that any faction can use to fight against, but specifically the Mandalorian Exiles
  • ​Image Credit: Wallpaper Site; Presumably the image is owned by Disturbed
  • Role: Old Gen'Dai Pirate/Raider Group
  • Links:
    Scour Escapes
  • Diego Kal'Torin
  • Valyr

  • Group Name: The Ten Thousand Fists
  • Classification: Pirate Group
  • Headquarters: Tortuga Station
  • Loyalties: None
  • Group Sigil: Link
  • Description: The Ten Thousand Fists began as a roaming band of Philosophers, much to the stereotype of Gen'Dai. However, as they aged they became increasingly violent in obtaining their supplies, eventually over thousands of years leading to straight piracy, and ultimately cold blooded murder for the sake of murder. With thousands of years of experience between them, their leader, Scour is a powerful Dark Jedi Master that leads them throughout the spacelanes via hyperspace lanes and through realspace, ripping ships out of their hyperspace jumps and attacking their ships before killing or selling off the crew and passengers. They are wanted in every system, including the Sith Empire as they have no loyalty to any one faction. They find, they kill, and they live that way forever.
  • Hierarchy: The Ten Thousand Fists are led by the Dark Jedi Master Scour. Other than that, they have long come to the realization that sometimes someone else has a better idea and treat each other as general equals.
  • Membership: There is no way to join the Ten Thousand Fists unless you are a Gen'dai that can kill one of their members. All current members are original members of the roaming Gen'dai philosopher group of the same name that began several thousand years ago.
  • Dogma/Doctrines: Kill as you like. Take what you like. Live as you like.
  • Curios: They do not have any special items.
  • Goals: Live until the end of days, free to kill who they want, when they want.
Scour - Leader - Dark Jedi Master
Latch - Dark Jedi - Second in "Command", also flotilla medic and specialist in Gen'Dai physiology
Several Hundred "Fists" - Members of the Ten Thousand Fists

The Ten Thousand Fists began life as many Gen'Dai do on their homeworld. They all had different backgrounds, some were tailors, some were part of the modest defense force of the Gen'Dai homeworld, some were teachers and educators. They came from all walks of life but all came together after several hundred years under the charismatic leadership of a small few. They left their homeworld at some point during the Clone Wars and traveled as roaming philosophers, on a quest for ultimate knowledge. At some point during their journeys they traveled through the Maw. The being kept behind the wall of black holes and collapsing stars tainted their minds during their travels, quickening the madness that takes many Gen'dai. They became incredibly violent and became a small menace for fringe factions that made their life in the Unknown Regions, Wild Space, and the Outer Rim. At some point the governments were forced to unite in order to take down the band of pirates.

Thousands of years later, they have been reduced to far fewer ships, but it is obvious that even a coordinated strike from the Outer Rim colonies was enough to burn the menace from the stars. At some point Scour took his name and took charge of the pirates. During the Gulag Plague their activity around what would become Omega Protectorate space increased. On the tail end of the plague, Gilamar Skirata, his wife, and young daughter were in the area with Gilamar and his wife on a job hunting a Rodian mercenary who had crossed the wrong Hutt clan. The Ten Thousand Fists found them and the Rodian mid battle and killed the Rodian before boarding the Skirata's ship. Scour killed Gilamar's wife and nearly killed Gilamar, kidnapping his daughter. They eventually sold Kadala Skirata into slavery and went on their way.

After becoming Mand'alor, Gilamar pumped personal resources into the Ori'ramikade, and even started a secret group, aptly named Cuy'val Darr, or, "those who no longer exist". The group was tasked with finding Scour and his Ten Thousand Fists. After months of searching they were found. Led by Diego Kal'Torrin and Gilamar Skirata the Ten Thousand Fists faced off against a small Task Force of Mandalorian Ships. While the operation was a net loss with sevearl ships and dozens of Mandalorian deaths, Scour was captured and imprisoned on Mykyr. For years after that Gil struggled to find a way to keep the Dark Jedi Master Gen'Dai imprisoned. He would eventually find his answer in Valyr and its Void Sector. However, as fate would have it a Civil War would have Gilamar also imprisoned in the Void Sector alongside Scour. Scour made his life miserable, leaving him near death dozens of times.

After a combined raid by the Mandalorian Exiles and the Resistance Gilamar was freed, but so was Scour. Free to leave the planet in the confusion he rejoined the Ten Thousand Fists, retook his place as their leader and continued to raid, preferring now to raid Mandalorian shipments and forever prove to be a thorn in the side of Mandalorian exiles across the Galaxy.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Very scary pirate group- tbh I wouldn't want to run into them myself.

before having their way with the crews and passengers.
Surely this sub stands as the dastardly villains they are without this particular implication. Remove that line please.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Thank you!

The only other issue I see with this is an un-subbed Master level NPC. It's up to you, but I'm going to need you to either sub Scorn separately, so we can get the balance right and know what he can do, or tone him down to not a Master (none of the other flavor needs to change). Whichever one works better for you.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Okay, so here are the options-

2. There is a cap of three active or pending submissions permitted in each of the sub forums in the Codex or Factory per Writer.
(so three total between codex and factory is a non-issue)

You can sub him and I can move this to Pre-Codex and then add him in to the sub and have it moved back. Or you can remove the mention of him as a Master in the sub as it stands and request a sub modification later.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Over all, looks good!

Can I have you add a link to the Gen'Dai, so folks can easily click and see their capabilities?

Also, do they have a particular armor that they wear (based on the wookiee article)? Or just something generic?

This is potentially a really powerful group, but I also know you made them as an NPC enemy foil for the Exiles primarily. Once I get the info above I'll stamp this.
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