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Approved NPC The Tenacious Three

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  • Intent: To submit the old crew Jackson used to run with.
  • Image Credit: [x]
  • Role: Bounty Hunters
  • Links: Gand, IG-88, Devaronian.
  • Availability: Unique.
  • Deployment: Limited.
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
Hunters: They have been in the game for decades now and are very experienced at what they do.
Connections: All those years bounty hunting has left them with a wide array of contacts to tap. They need a ship? Hideout? Illegal weapon mod? More likely than not they can get their hands on it within the day.

Numbered: The squad consists of three sentients (4 counting Jack) they aren't exactly taking on entire armies on their own.
Specialized: They aren't taking a fortress on their own, you don't want them at the frontlines of your army. Sabotage, infiltration, honest firefight? Sure, but outside of the scope of bounty hunting they can barely pull their weight.

Lungborn: [THE GAND ONLY] Born with lungs they need specialized breathing equipment to breathe outside of Gand. (or worlds with similar atmosphere)
Findsman: [THE GAND ONLY] A member of the Findsmen society. Freakishly good at tracking and hunting with their force philosophy directly attached to it. Can be considered a Knight

ION: [THE DROID ONLY] They have some ion buffers, but direct heavy ion fire is still going to ruin their day.
Eternal: [THE DROID ONLY] As long as they got some oil, spare parts and don't get sand in their gears, it is wholly possible for them to keep on running forever.

Addict: [THE DEVIL ONLY] Addicted to sulfur and needs it to remain functional.
Devil: [THE DEVIL ONLY] Has a large resistance to toxins and sulfur inhalation increases their speed and strength.


The Tenacious Three (formerly known as the Ferocious Four) are a band of bounty hunters currently active in the Outer Rim.

It consists of three members (formerly four). From the very beginning of their career they shed their real names in favor of monikers that quickly describes the essence of their caricature and attitude. It began as a joke and a precaution, because in a business like this it didn't do well to have an easily traced name that could lead back to their loved ones. But the longer they went on, the more they found themselves in their role.

The Gand is the hunter, he talks little an' gets their tracking done.
The Droid is the talker, he talks lots an' gets their money.
The Devil is the bruiser, she eats raw sulfur an' gets their damage done.

They operate less as a team and more as a single organism with mutated limbs- each cog in the proverbial machine knows exactly what to do an' when to do it. The Droid sets up their jobs, talks with their contacts and ensures their strategy is optimal and efficient. The Gand tracks their opponent, sets up traps, scouts the environment and makes sure that they have the information they need not to run into an ambush. The Devil? She keeps their gear in order and other than that she breaks faces. All of them can hold their own in a fight, but the Devil is the first through the door and the last one out.

If she goes alone, might even be the only one getting out, unless the bounty stipulates ALIVE.

Whilst they keep a tight lid on their past, they have shared some of their background with one another over the years. The Droid, an IG-88 model, was the partner of a rodian assassin who needed someone dependable to watch their back during specific operations. One mission went wrong, they died and IG-88 found themselves alone. Without the restraints of an owner they let themselves loose into the galaxy.

The Gand has been a bounty hunter since the day he left Gand. He sends money back to his clan, is widely known (to the point that he could conceivably use the I-pronoun in their society) and hasn't ever returned to Gand, because of that. In truth he gets easily socially awkward and would rather avoid all the fanfare. He did buy a promise from both his partners, that if he ever died on the field, that they would return him to Gand personally.

Oh, dear, and then there is the Devil.

A Devaronian, obviously, she has shed the meekness and pacifism of the female Devaronian culture a long time ago and never looked back. It is said, by her, that her parents tried to marry her off to a rich oil baron.

He was rude.

The Devil woke and nailed him to the wall (literally, if you know her well enough), the Gand and the Droid didn't really want to ask more questions after that.
Hello there I'll be overseeing this submission.

  • Firstly can you link to the three individuals' species/droid model under Links please.
  • Secondly, this doesn't make sense: Born with lungs they need specialized breathing equipment to breathe outside of Gand. (or worlds with similar atmosphere) | Should they not be born with lungs? Did you mean they were born without lungs?
[member="Jackson Singh"]
Asha Hex said:
Firstly can you link to the three individuals' species/droid model under Links please.

Asha Hex said:
Secondly, this doesn't make sense: Born with lungs they need specialized breathing equipment to breathe outside of Gand. (or worlds with similar atmosphere) | Should they not be born with lungs? Did you mean they were born without lungs?
Gands are born roughly in two separate sub-species. Lungborn and Lungless. The ones without lungs do not need to breathe at all and are immune to poisons, vacuum, things like that because they don't need an atmosphere. Lungborn need specialized equipment, because their lungs are tailored to properly function in an atmosphere similar to that of Gand. (Ammonia rich, if I recall correctly)

This Gand is lungborn and needs a specialized breathing apparatus to survive outside of Gand, which means he is at constant risk when the atmosphere isn't compatible with his physiology.

Hopefully that makes more sense now?
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