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The Terror Within

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Sitting in the pilots chair of my ship the Mynock’s Vengeance I took another sip from the Tihaar I had smuggled off Mandalore centuries ago. It was now extremely aged and that only made it taste better. Every sip of the liquor caused a singeing feeling in my mouth and throat. This stuff could possible remove carbon scoring from the side of my ship if I used it. The thought made me chuckle. As much as I hated the culture of warriors they made some great alcohol. I’d be sure to get the recipe before I kill them this time around. They say you aren’t supposed to drink and fly but what was the point of an autopilot if to not fly for you? The Mynock’s Vengeance had needed so many repairs when I had finally booted it that it nearly hadn’t been for saving. However, it had been Dal’s I would never throw away the gift he had so generously gave me. The boy he had barely knew but had decided to train in the ways of hunting.

Staring out at the swirling blue patterns of hyperspace I smiled. Tales spoke of one going insane if they looked into hyperspace for too long, but I had never experienced it. Once I thought it was completely horrifying staring out into the vastness, but now it was comforting. Klaxons went off signaling the exit from hyperspace. “Bout time.” I slurred. In the viewscreen the pattern blurred into strings of light before solidifying into stars. Before me sat Krayiss Two, a planet that had once been held by the sith. Now nothing but a world that many went to in hopes of exploring the massive library that had once been the largest the Sith had ever held. I knew why I was coming, why my fellow Sith had chosen to come was beyond me. Down on that planet the library held secrets that could possibly ascend what any modern day Sith practiced.

Staring at the planet I suddenly felt a scream in the force. Its shrill tone chilled me to my core. It was as though someone on the planet had just met a fate worse than death. It echoed in the force, a plea of help. Hand tightening on the steering yolk my knuckles turned silver. Just what were we all flying into? I was so focused on the scream and the hammering of my heart I didn’t realize we were already within the planets atmosphere. Flicking on the coms I called to my allies. “On the final approach…” Stopping I wondered whether I should mention what else I had felt but didn’t want to seem weak or scared.

“Did any of you just feel a disturbance?”


News They Don't Want Heard
"Oh look. The others are coming to visit."

Leos was still on the planet after his run in with the spirits and the Hssiss. Fortunately, Teynara had already left, so they couldn't catch him in the presence of a Jedi. Not that he'd have let them do anything to her, but it was better that they didn't have the opportunity whatsoever. In fact, he'd just been about to leave himself, which was why he was on the bridge in time to see the radar readouts of the approaching vessel. It made sense that they would end up somewhere he'd decided to go once they'd finished placing their transceivers and research stations as well, though, especially given what was on the planet.

He sighed and turned to walk away.

"Sir, are we not leaving?"

"No, it wouldn't do to leave with them coming down here. I'll go meet them."

"Yes, sir."

No small amount of grumbling would be heard as he made his way down the corridors of the ship. Soon enough he was joined by Arus and Milan, his two Maalraas. He ought to take out the Hssiss, but they weren't ready for that sort of interaction yet. That and they were basically his only ace card at the moment for use against any of them that might try to make a play against a fellow acolyte. No sense in wasting that. Instead, he left the ship wearing only his regular robes rather than his experimental armor. No doubt they'd be going to the temple library, so he started making his way there, though in no hurry. He'd already dealt with the spirits once. Now he was just tempting fate.

Standing behind [member="Nomar"] Nyra made faces. Not normal faces like a human child might make, but rather faces like a shapeshifter may make. Her face turned into a miniature Whiphid, a bird, and others. She gave herself different features. The nose of a pig, the ears of a dog. Finally she started to change back to her fully human form changing the color of her hair and smoothing skin. It wasn't out of place for other humanoids to consider her attractive, after all she spent a lot of time and study making sure her form was pleasing. Subnormal stimuli, evolutionary and cultural psychology helped contribute to her choice. Hip to waist ratio was important, especially when wearing a tight little suit that she preferred. Such would be further emphasized in the way she walked swaying back and forth in a way she'd seen human females practically hypnotize the males of the species. It was all scientific really, stimuli to evolutionary adaptations for finding mates. All species had them, humans were just the most fun.

They approached the planet and Nyra could hear it calling to her. It was the deathly wail of a banshee and the wondrous call of the Siren rolled into a dark cacophony of emotion. "Can you hear it?" she said stretching her arms up. "Can you hear it calling us," she groaned a little stretching as if getting comfortable for a night of sleep. "It is such an inviting melody." Terror raced through her, but there was more. It was madness. A great horror filled rage, sadness, and dark emission. Licking her lips she almost had the gal to demand they land immediately. Damn any plans, damn preparation just go! Nyra's fractured mind desired it almost more than she desired the shiny precious stones, and priceless art and artifacts she stole. She did all of this for the thrill and the planet below was nothing if not thrilling.

[member="Darth Ignus"]

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Behind me the shapeshifter Nyra went about her shifting. It was quite… Well entertaining was one way to describe it. I hadn’t seen shapeshifting up close and personal in such a way. The rate at which she was able to change faces at that made it even more concerning. Someone with that type of ability could be incredibly dangerous, always following without being seen. Able to blend into any crowd, good thing she was on our side. “I’ve heard more enticing melodies come from a rancor, if this is what you call lovely I implore you go to the inner core and expand your horizons.” The comment was harmless; no offense had been meant but one never knew how the Sith would react to anything one said. Some would take it like a champ, others would try to stab you through the back. Considering where Nyra stood a saber in the back was more than possible.

Nyra was an attractive woman, but she was a shapeshifter it was to be expected. Her wiles would be the trap of many males, myself not so much. My head was kept even by the fact I was a widower; my own wife was dead. Doesn’t matter how many decades it had been since I’d seen her face. Her pale skin that glowed beneath the moonlight, her plump lips and scarlet hair. It all still haunted my dreams. All I wanted was her back, she had by far been my better half. No amount of sexual appeal from a shapeshifter or even a zeltron would change that part of me. Pulling the Mynock’s Vengeance in for a landing I turned to look back at Nyra. “Can that outfit be any tighter?”

Outside the viewport the entrance to the Krayiss library waited. Seven stone towers reached high into the air, possibly part of the library at one time. Sand had swallowed the temple leaving nothing but what had once served as the roof as the entrance. How deep the library extended I did not know. What creatures wait in the darkness was even more of a mystery. Grabbing two large canteens each easily bigger than a melon I walked past Nyra. They were filled with water, one for them the other for me. Tapping in my personal code for the control panel the hatch hissed open permitting me to see the Mirialan waiting for us. “Aw Ignus! What a wonderful surprise! Come to join us have you?”

[member="Nyra Mazul"] [member="Darth Ignus"]


News They Don't Want Heard
"I've been here for quite some time, actually. The spirits and I had a lengthy debate on the use of Hssiss against a Beast Master. I won."

He watched as his least favorite person in the galaxy approached him, [member="Nomar"], but didn't make any mention of that fact, or really allude to it except in his offhand remark. They'd traded plenty of those when they'd met on Dxun not overly long ago. Arus and Milan were about, no doubt he'd recognize them, but they weren't making themselves overly present. That was just their nature. In all honesty he'd wanted to leave Krayiss Two, but with them arriving not long after Teynara had left, he didn't really have the opportunity to do so. There was a lot to be said for being overtly rude to people, and he was certainly not going to fall into that pitfall.

Behind Nomar was [member="Nyra Mazul"]. A curious shapeshifter with a propensity for tight clothing which accentuated her ample bosom. He was never really sure whether Nyra was actually a woman, but most curious of all was the fact that, given she was a shapeshifter, he had no idea whether her ample bosom was actually that size, or was just being affected as such. It was rather off-putting.

"Nyra. Good to see you."
Nyra streched out as [member="Nomar"] mentioned her outfit and laughed a little out loud. She wasn't sure what to make of the man yet, except that he was a gloomy gus. "Of course it could be tighter," she replied. "But you have to ask yourself... am I actually wearing these clothes right or am I naked." She quirked her eyebrow. Nyra, like all of her species, had the ability to mimic clothing on her person. Of course that clothing didn't provide armor like actual armor, but it would look the part and be appropriate to the situation should she need to blend in. Actually she often found clothing to be restrictive as it disallowed more of her exotic shape shifting preventing her from taking on a form that doesn't fit the size of said clothing.

Then of course they landed and were quickly off the ship. [member="Darth Ignus"] was waiting for them and Nyra for her part was pleased to see him. She wasn't a traditional broody sith who hated everyone. No Nyra had friends and people she respected and even liked. She counted Ignus among them despite their rather limited encounters to date. Reasonable. That was the best way to describe him. "Ignus, your skin is looking particularly green today. Did we catch you at a bad time? Are you hear to enjoy the sweet melody of madness here? Care for a jaunt through a library?" A smile pursed over her face. "Or perhaps other pursuits have you occupied."

OOC: sorry it took so long to reply guys.
Holding an old walking staff in one hand and balling a fist in another the tall Vaathkree moved roughly toward the entrance dragging a bag of stones. Infront of the library where three others where standing [member="Nyra Mazul"], [member="Darth Ignus"] & [member="Nomar"] had all agreed to meet up according to hearsay and Vilmor had nothing else better to do than give the strangers a hard time. He knew their faces but that was all. Two red eyes peered between slits in the red cloth that covered his dense rock body. The tall Vaathkree had no lightsabers or any trace of being related to sith at all. His entire visage suggested he had been on the planet for quite some time and perhaps he had.

" Graahh. Are you the ones?" he asked with a face of stone. His head slowly turned at them all examining their figures and stances.

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
The infinite quandary left upon my mind by Nyra had completely caught me off guard. It took another swig of Tihaar to shove the thoughts away. Perhaps another of the Sith would spend their time pondering the secrets of the shapeshifter. As a matter of fact, I was a hundred percent certain there would be those more than willing to do it. With Ignus there to meet us I was somewhat surprised to see him acknowledge me I was certain that after our meeting on Dxun he would do everything in his power to avoid any interactions with me. The mirialin was always full of surprises. Looking past him at the two Maalraas I simply smirked at the creatures. I personally despised the species, but Ignis had helped by taking them off my hands. If he hadn’t they would’ve been killed.

“Aw… Kind of foolish to send creatures after someone who can warp their minds and force them to obey.” How far had Ignis’ abilities come since we had last met? Had he been able to tame the Hssiss? Or was murder the only option when facing them? Not yet discounting the other Sith I kept my opinions reserved. Stepping to the side I moved away so Ignis and Nyra could convene as there was a disturbance in the environment.

Not truly the environment but I sensed a large figure crafted from stone and other earthly minerals moving our way. Through the sand I saw a figure with a large walking staff. Its height similar to mine and as I extended my environmental senses I realized this entity had been the figure I had sensed. When it spoke I cast a glance back at the other two Sith eyebrows raising in question. “I assume we are. Who might you be… Friend?”

[member="Vilmor"] [member="Nyra Mazul"] [member="Darth Ignus"]


News They Don't Want Heard
Leos just lifted his brows in response to Nyra. The infernal shapeshifter, to be fair he couldn't actually say she was a she since shapeshifters could change their gender from what he understood, was always saying something to try and rile him up. It was never going to work, especially now. No, he had interest in another, and found that he couldn't find interest in a Sith, regardless of how beautiful they might be able to be. He'd never found one like himself, and he didn't really like the others, he just pretended to for the sake of not being killed and having access to their knowledge and fighting capabilities. It was all about how he benefited from them.

"I actually came to get into the temple, but it's still quite buried and the spirits aren't very receptive. Ended up mostly meditating on my future instead. Minus the encounter with the Hssiss."

They would likely come across the two dead ones near the entrance to the temple. He wouldn't say anything about the two he had, alive, on his ship. They didn't need to know about those. Arus bounded around and sniffed at the newcomers, but all of their attention was soon turned towards Vilmar. Milan bristled and Arus quickly moved off to disappear into the shadows. He was in hunting mode now, just waiting for the order to strike, which didn't come as of yet.

"This is new."

He looked the being over, but he was unfamiliar. He didn't have to ask who this was, since Nomar had, so he went for the next question.

"And what are you?"

@Nomar @Vilmor @Nyra Mazul
Vilmor looked at the three with a glance. Blinking twice he finally groaned out " Graaahh! You will call me Vilmor." Tiltingh is head some the sound of stone moveing become more prominent to the ear. Vilmor was a Vaathkree a Mineral based species composed of Rock, stone and other metals. " I will... Accompany you into the temple. Inside is something I seek to keep." He muttered looked down and gripping his staff tighter. The wood began to crack with strain as he continued.

" I Vaathkree..." He responded to [member="Darth Ignus"] with a unseen frown. " What in the dooms name are you?" He leaned forward with loathing glance at him for asking such a ignorant question. Vilmor was new to being sith and his expectations for them were higher than normal.

[member="Nyra Mazul"]
[member="Darth Ignus"] spoke to the newcomer [member="Vilmor"] and Nyra pulled out her whip. Too much talking and not enough action. Nyra was determined to fix that issue. With a light swing she cracked the whip in the air to get everyones attention. "This isn't a social gathering," Nyra said her voice transforming into that of Velok's. It was often a strategy of her to use imposing voices and in [member="Velok the Younger"] she had found a choice one.

Narrowing eyes she looked about at the various Sith present letting her gaze fall on [member="Nomar"]. "Ignus you've been to the library temple yes? You say it's been buried. Let's go there and start excavating." Narrow eyed she looked around as if waiting for a spirit to come and object. "We can entreat with the spirits for their buried knowledge or else find a way to bend them to our will. I have seen it before." Of course she'd never done it, but that didn't matter. Putting up a brave face mattered when surrounded by Darksiders. "So shall we get going or do we want to gossip in our little sewing circle."


Darth Grimoire

"It seems we are all of the same min when it comes to an interest in this place." Grimoire's voice echoed as the black robe and black cloaked Sith Knight stepped closer to the assembled members of the new Sith Order. Grimoire had always had a particular fascination with the world ever since her time with the Primeval Empire and participating in its various outpost ventures into the ancient Sith home worlds.

Grimoire moved to [member="Nyra Mazul"] and [member="Darth Ignus"]. She bowed to them both and sauntered to their sides. "We meet again. A pleasure as always." she spoke before turning to the two she had not seen before. "I am Grimoire." she said to [member="Nomar"] and @Vilmor. She then pointe with her black gloved finger at the ancient Sith Library ruins.

"So what of your expedition so far?" Grimoire said. "Legends say the Sith Spirits trapped here are particularly gruesome in their response to trespassers."
" Hah! The elements bow to me. I AM THE EXCAVATION!" He exclaimed and ripped off the wind beaten robes on his form. Realesing the grabs from his stone hand, One could see in full that Vilmor was actually composed of a black type of mineral. The cracks in the stone held a red hue as if they were veins and his eyes did the same but in a more Vibrant visual way. The Vaathkree was acting odd and he didnt seem to care. " I eat stone!" he said aloud and marched forward. With each step the earth around him quaked mildly under his excessive weight. The cracks on his body glow began to glow brighter as Vilmor slowly began pumping himself up.

What was he doing? What the heck?!

[member="Nyra Mazul"]
[member="Darth Ignus"]

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