Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Thirteenth Coven: Blood Right

The Thirteenth Coven: Blood Right
Location: Yutan, neutral space, expansion system
Time: 2100

Rain poured down on the capital city of Yutan, not the type of rain to symbolize rebirth or peace. This was violent, unrelenting and thunderous, soaking you down to your bones. You find yourself in a graveyard, called here by a signal promising treasure and power, or even the chance to do the right thing. Standing among you are the people who were called to this spot as well. A grave marked Marcus Iridium lay in front of you as the origin of the signal. You are curious as to why you and these other people are brought here to see a deadman's grave. You begin to grow aggravated as you realize it might be a hoax. But just before you and the others wander away a light emits from the tombstone of the grave shining it into the freshly packed dirt.

Soon an image comes through and you realize that it's a holo projector. It's of an old greying man sitting down at his desk in what appears to be a study. "Hello, and welcome. If you are receiving this message. I Marcus Iridium the fourth am dead and the fate of this planet is at stake. For years my family has kept the plague of energy vampires on this world at bay and have done our best to exterminate their kind from this world." Taking a shallow breath the man stood from behind his desk to sit in front of the camera. "In recent events my family and I have cut down twelve of the thirteen major houses of vampires on this world, we have lost many lives in the process. But it may seem we have a traitor in our midst, we have lost more hunters than ever and I'm afraid our family is at an end. The thirteenth coven has uprooted us from the inside and if we are not successful you must carry on the fight for us." With a slight cough the Marcus stood up and loosened his tie before speaking once more.

"I have gathered you all here, Sith, Jedi, Mercs and soldiers alike to accomplish one goal. Whether you seek money or a just cause my family's fortune is more than substantial for all of you and my contact who is among you will see to it that you are rewarded when the job is done." Coughing fiercely the elder man held up his hand asking for a moment while the fit past. "These people you are after, they will not show you mercy. So show none to them." With a few more coughs Marcus looked dead at the camera to give them their instructions.

"Before I feared there was a traitor among us I came across a piece of information. The House of Black operates a spice house in the club district where I theorize they get most of their victims. In the back of a night club known as Vision Five. Pick up where I left of, finish this before it is too late! May the gods watch over you all." Cutting out the transmission died leaving you and the group of men and women with perhaps some question, but perhaps they would be answered as time went on.

Time: 2200

An hour or so had passed by and you had made it to the first destination outside of the club. Booming speakers and bass rocked the puddles water in the front of the club. You could see a long line of people stretched down the street waiting to get into the club so waiting would be a difficult task. At the doors stood three rather large looking human bouncers with what looked to be shock sticks at their belts. To the right of a club was a dark foreboding ally that screamed don't go inside. This would be a tricky situation, you had to find a way inside and find the spice den to get answers.

A few people walked the sides of the streets in front of you as if they were waiting for something, dressed in black with one concealing a blaster they awaited at the side of the club near the ally. Something was definitely about to go down there. But whether that mattered or not was up to you, your job was to get inside and find the people who would talk. What do you do?

[member="Veino Garn"] [member="Darth Helios"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Ghrom Xenos"] [member="Aynea Savan Xyhn"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Dagos Terrek"]

((OOC this is a fun little D&D style role play I will be playing NPCs and what not so if it's a major NPC character please treat them as a PC however thugs and guards things like that minor characters that don't serve a major purpose you can write their actions or kill them as you please. But doing so might affect the plot. Your actions or lack of actions can drastically change the ending I have planned and that's the fun of it. You can go your own way and I will write separate story arcs for you all in the same story or you can work as a group. The choices are yours, just have fun :) ))

Sherruk Fett

[member="Cable Smith"]

The massive, muscular,black armored, mandalorian zabrak, was armed, and deadly. His wrist blaster, was activated, and his sensors could detect that the men in the cloaks, had hidden blasters. The mandalorian was equipped with his multiple small armed explosives, and his beskar, trench knife. The demolition man, was well aware of the energy vampires, they were a threat to the galaxy if left unchecked. The mandalorian took the job because he had to help the mandode, his family, stay safe from such a horrible threat. Sherruck had made it to the club, it had blaring speakers, to make whatever song known to the planet. An ally had told the group to not go inside at all, obviously answer's were needed in order to stop the threat, but strategy was needed. The warrior, decided to investigate the cloaked figures, he had pulled his trench knife out slowly, and approached them, as silently, and carefully as possible. He needed to see what was going on, their had to be a clue in that ally way. Especially when this suspicious event was taking place so close to the spice club, hopefully the brute would be able to evesdrop on their conversation.
[member="Sherruk Fett"]

The Zabrack went unoticed by the guards somehow, a giant mandalorian in full armor snuck around them to get into war range of their conversation. This meant one of two things, the men standing out front of the club were idiots, or that what they were waiting to pick up was extremely important. Coming into ear range Sherruck got a better listen at what exactly the men were saying. "Patterson, get ready. The truck is inbound. Pick up the package and we head in round back. Kapeesh?" Speaking to his companion the other nodded his head to confirm what he had been told.

Coming down the street in a hurry was a black moving speeder that quickly stopped in front of the night club, wasting no time the back doors swung open and two more men stepped out with concealed weapons on them. "Let's go." Moving up to the truck the men began to unload a large crate of what looked to be expensive alcohol onto a hover pallet. Placing the booze on the pallet the two men looked awfully aware and sharp to just be guarding some booze. The guard known as Patterson pulled the large boxes of booze into the dark ally vanishing out of sight with the other guard quickly following behind.

Cable Smith.

Walking up to the front of the line Cable wore his long black duster and cowboy hat looking like he had just stepped off the set of desperado. The three thugs at the door looked at him ready to act if they he were to try anything. Cable was a padawan, while he couldn't manipulate their minds he could still manipulate their wallets. Gently placing five hundred credits in his right hand he waved at the men flashing the credits to them as he was approaching. "Greg, good to see you buddy." Obviously a fake name he made up on the spot for the thug he reached his hand forward to meet with the bouncers. Slipping the man five hundred credits the other two men opened the doors to him letting the Jedi walk into the building.

Once inside all he could see were bright lights shining him in the face from the dance floor and all he could hear were the booming speakers of the DJ atop a mountain of speakers and lights. "Looking around he couldn't tell where the hell he had to go but hopefully he could get a trace soon.

Sherruk Fett

[member="Cable Smith"]

The brute, threw a force breaker, a grenade that has a highly effect gas used to knock out force users, and the None Force User being's alike. Something was up, and not right, Sherruck had to get a closer loom of what they were guarding. But, the Fett did not want to randomly kill innocents with family, this was against the resolar( codes of the mandalorians), something the crazy zabrak would not break, under any circumstances. Hopefully the guards did not have concealed gas mask's, or the mandalorian would get discovered, this was a fact well known.The brutes helmet, had a filtering system as well, this allowed him to move into the hazy mist, without fear of being effected by harmless toxin like this, or a toxic gas that could kill. With the brute's knife out, he walked closer with his heat-seeking mode, on his T-Visor sensors, activated.If the men were knocked out, he would be able to approach without caution, but if they started shouting, and moving, he would have no choice, but to kill them without remorse. Massive, black armored warrior, walked toward, the ball of mist , no one would spot this unless they were walking toward the alley, or spotted it, making for perfect timing to utilize this explosive.
[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Through the must of all the smoke of the force breaker the unconscious men lay there on the ground. The crate hover pallet near them still filled with the booze from the drop off. Khhrr, the sound of a radio went off on one of the passed out men followed by a voice "Patterson, Maas, where are you? I heard something go off on the comms. We're sending Peterson, Bill and Chet out there. I swear to god if you guys fucked up I'm not getting drained over you asshats. ETA fifty seconds." Cutting off the voice died down and a the sound of a turbo lift elevator coming down the side of the building a fifty yards away could be heard. This left the mando with options.

The team would be here soon and the bodies and pallet were still on the ground. However what was so important about the booze that they needed armed men to guard it? The mandalorian had to decide what the appropriate action to do was. He still had the element of surprise but for not much longer. Fifty seconds was a short time to do something

Cable Smith

"Great, just great. Go through the front door, yeah great idea cable." Speaking to himself underneath the massive booming bass Cable decided the best thing to do was to move through to the other side of the club to see if he could find someone that could sell him some party favors. With the walking staff strapped across his back Cable pushed his way through the sweaty bodies on the dance floor. Bright lights and scantily dressed men and women surrounded the duster entrenched man as he trekked through the storm of music and people. It was quite hard for cable to not stop and look at the women around him but he as a Jedi had a job to do and he wasn't about to fail stopping a coven of energy vampires from retaking this world.

Approaching the end of the dance floor he looked to the corner where he examined a few people, a man dressed in a suit near an elevator a punk rock looking fellow handing out a small bag of what looked to be a controlled substance to a barely dressed blonde woman. Scampering off the woman went back to the dance floor where Cable would have to decide what exactly to do.

Sherruk Fett

[member="Cable Smith"]

Short time was available for Sherruck he had to react quickly, he had decided to hide inside the speeder, and have a look at the booze inside. The doors of the speeder where shut, and the massive brute hid behind the cargo for safe measures, while battle was glorious for the mandode, strategy was just as important. Perhaps the speeder could be taken inside the spice club, and the men on the radio were to lazy to check the vehicle, the misty gas began to wither away. Making the two bodies look like there was no attack at all, but two drunken sods passed out. They would certainly, at least be fired for, the explosives specialist's intervention, but as soon as the zabrak was inside, his Visor, scanned the the area left and right. What was so important, that men, armed no doubt; had to guard it? The elevator was close now, and the warrior had to ready himself, if he had to eliminate enemies,by stabbing their guts out. Obviously this group was not innocent, and the mandalorian would be glad to enjoy more action, in a glorious conflict.
[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Reaching the bottom of the lift three men in dark coats stepped out and began to walk towards the two passed out men. Leading them was a man with a salt and pepper hair color. He was dressed well and looked like a mean son of a queen. Upon stepping forward he could see the two downed men still breathing, "we might have company, make sure the spice is safe." Pointing out to the pallet of liquor the two men besides him moved forward to secure the pallet. Rummaging through it one of the men held up a large kilo of spice "it's here, were good." Placing it back in the box the salt and pepper haired man nodded and looked down at the two passed out thugs.

Looking over nearby he spotted a canister where the gas had come from, picking it up he inspected it a bit and could see this was no beer can. "We have a problem, Chet." He called out the name of the man securing the shipment of spice. "Get on the horn tell them we have a situation. Bill, get the spice inside." Letting the men do their jobs the leader of the three sparked up a cigarette and took a long drag, "freaking idiots think they can come to this club and steal our stuff." They were in the motion of doing and the Mandolorian had the chance to strike while they were occupied

Cable Smith

Inside Cable looked to the man selling spice and walked forward, but rather than buying he decided speaking would have to be the best option here. "I heard your stuff is fresh, hook me up with where you get it and I will make it worth your while." Sounding likes total cop Cable knew he was going to raise suspicion, the guard by the lift was already starting to show signs of distrust by peering over at Cable. "Do I look like a fucking fairy to you? I can't just make your wishes come true, now step off nerf herder ." Responding back to Cable the man quickly turned him down, but this was a part of the hastily made plan he had thought of while walking through the door

Arguably not the best plan but it would have to work. Shoving the dealer like child in school Cable felt two large hands come over his shoulders. It was a bouncer, well not one but three bouncers there to teach him a lesson. But they couldn't do it out in public. It would cause a scene. Escorting himself cable into the lift and closing the door behind him the young Jedi was where he wanted to be.

Sherruk Fett

[member="Cable Smith"]

Peering over, the mandalorian was stunned, it seemed he had found one of the main enforcers of the club, this being was just as large, and muscular as he was. Sherruck knew he had successfully gotten inside, but now people were on the alert, the mercenary, demolition master, was in a tight spot. He could kill the two, and rise more on the watch of the missing bodies, or he could simply let them walk by. The two had now let him come inside of the spice club, but he was in the back side of the club,there was not as much noise here, but huge amounts of spice, and other assortments. Sherruck was in the right place, their was no point for having a passive mindset, the warrior stabbed the individual on the right in the neck, and with his left arm grabbed the other pitiful thug with his left arm by the neck. He was letting this one live,with a sudden roar in the storage room " Who is the leader of the Thirteenth coven?!? What is their goal ?!?" . The warrior began to squeeze harder, with just enough pure force to make it painful, but allow him to live a little longer. If the thug did not answer his question, he would die a painful death, struggling for air.
Veino checked the address, wincing at the pounding music. He tried to avoid these places. Too much emotion and too much sensation. It completely overloaded him, both from his empathy and simple Force sensitivity. But, with the fact that some sort of energy vampire threat made it worthwhile. Were they Anazati or something similar?

He paused at the entrance, and showed his id, indicating he was over minimum age limit, and paused. Something was occurring in the alley. He could sense it. He couldn't tell what though. That might require him to find a side entrance to investigate.

[member="Cable Smith"]
Silara had smirked on her way to the address, wondering if there was a way to eliminate the Vampires at the same time as killing those pesky Jedi. In either case, the Vahlan teen eventually arrived outside of the building, and found herself standing a few meters away from the entrance, off to the side, in a completely different set of clothes than what she had been wearing prior at the grave site. Regarding this clothing, Silara was adorned with a very fashionable choice for those her age, which seemed to be what fit in with the crowd that she saw both within and on their way inside of the club. "Now, on to business." The half-Hapan muttered under her breath as she strut her stuff on her way to the entrance, cutting the entire line as she arrived at the bouncers. "I should be on your V.I.P list, right....there." Silara explained, leaning over the bouncer with quite a display of flexibility to point at a completely different name than her own, while simultaneously probing the masculine male's mind to insert a sort of "deja vu" feeling, giving the impression of a forgotten memory that should have always been there. With a firm smile and a short way, Silara leaned back and placed her hands on her hips as she awaited a response, one which she assumed would be a quick entrance.

[member="Cable Smith"]
[member="Sherruk Fett"]

Flopping to the floor like a dead sack of rats the thug know as Chet was no more, with blood seeping onto the concrete the man laid there still and dead. Bill, or the leader of the three men was in shock. Grabbing at the mandos massive hand to no avail be struggled to try and get himself free. Then he started asking all these crazy questions about covens and leaders. "I don't know what you're talking about I swear to god!!" Coughing more and more the man choked and gagged. "Veronica! She's our boss she's upstairs! I swear that's all I know!" With the light fading from his eyes the Mando's powerful grip was slowly killing he man. However there was one thing left unchecked.

Sneaking behind him the thug known as Peterson raised a blade of eight inches and brought it down aimed at the back of the Mando. He would have to react quickly to keep from getting stabbed by the thug.

[member="Veino Garn"]

Looking at him up and down the bouncer chuckled at the sight of the smaller man, "You're joking right?!" He yelled over the booming speakers of the club behind him. "This is an exclusive night club! And you look like raggedy Andy, how about you change your fucking clothes before you speak to me again twerp." Dismissing the Jedi he looked over to another guest letting a few babes through the door. Veino was going to have to try a different way in besides the front door dressed the way he was.

However a death rang out to him, a sense a Jedi could feel through the force of a life being taken. In the ally the force reached out to the Jedi and told him shit was going down right over here!

[member="Silara Vantai"]

Feeling the force curl around his feeble brain the woman's influence could be felt within the mind of the bouncer while he was all but eye fucking her. Looking down at the list of names the bouncer began to sweat a bit across his brow as he reached a name that he had not seen in a very long time. "Yes Miss.Valentine, your name is right here. Please forgive me." Stepping aside the bouncer opened the doors for the Sith and let her inside immediately.

Upon entrance the sith could see it all, the bodies dancing. The lovely cattle for the vampires. This place oozed the dark side of the force. Running up to her was a cocktail server quickly ushering a drink to the woman. "Please Miss.Valentine, you should not be here with the low lives. Allow us to take you to the VIP room." The barely dressed server bowed in front of the woman as the staff was quickly alerted of the presence of a VIP.

Cable Smith

Now cable was not the most bravado of people but when it came to a fight he knew what he was doing for the most part. But a fight with three large men in a turbo lift, now that is not a situation he was the most confident in. "You got a lot of nerve buddy. Coming in here and demanding things." The larger of the three bouncers said threateningly to Cable. Not wanting to draw this out Cable acted quickly, using the force he shoved his hand out and pushed the first man into the wall of the lift knocking him out cold. Soon the other two quickly reacted throwing a heavy punch at Cables face connecting with a sickening thud. Cocking his head backwards cable stammered backwards before using the force once more to slam thug A into thug B. Putting them both on the ground Cable kicked them whilst down sending them both into sleep mode.

Coughing Cable leaned back against the wall and ran a hand down his hair. That was not fun, with his heart racing he looked over to the turbo lift buttons and was unsure of which one to press. So he decided to go down to the basement level.
Ghrom, The 9'8ft Amani finally reached the destination, bouncing around to the beat the Amani was equipped with a holstered Scatter Blaster of odd design, Ceremonial staff on his back held there by his crossed bandoliers on his torso and a giant grey bag. The bag was slung on his left shoulder and looked like it held sometime of Sniper rifle, which it did... Only a Moron could not see this. Ghrom walked toward the bouncer in a silly walk, a grin on his face and a glow in his small red eyes. Ghrom's smile made people laugh he was comparable to a giant Bantha ready to be pet in a Zoo. Though some laughed at him cause he looked odd the general population in the area slowly grew a smile with Ghrom around.

Ghrom looked at the bouncer then looked inside, putting his hands on his hips Ghrom smiled wide waiting for a response. If Ghrom was denied who know what would happen.
[member="Cable Smith"]

Sherruk Fett

[member="Cable Smith"]

The mandalorian had killed the one on his right, and was about to kill the one on his left, with pure, brute, strength. Until , Sherruck heard about veronica, if anyone knew anything, it would be her. After thinking of what to do, the warrior was left with no choice, another enemy had attacked him. The knife was nothing, to the demolition expert, his armor was made out of pure beskar, a material highly immune to light-sabers, most melee ,and ranged weapons. The massive zabrak broke the neck of the thug he had a hold of, and slammed the corpse into his attacker. After doing so, he again thrusted his knife with pure force, into the foe, the warrior had very few weaknesses in his armor, he was lucky the back of his knee joint was not attacked, as it would demobilize him gravely, or the back of his neck, because this would mean death. After walking away, he decided the mandalorian slowly moved his way upstairs.
Opening Sequence

Silara calmly entered the night club with her rather provocative dress showing off her youthful figure while her bright green and hazel eyes swept across the music-filled room, and found the most delectable connection to the dark side of the force within the club, one which made her shiver with its pleasant embrace. Visibly disheveled from its touch, the blonde turned and looked towards the service staff expectantly while they feebly requested she moved towards their V.I.P lounge, which she confidently approved of. "Yes, why don't you lead the way?" Silara replied as she took the cocktail she was offered, drinking it in a relatively short period of time. Letting a pleased sigh escape her lips, the half-Hapan teen followed the server on the way to the V.I.P room, smiling at each of the deprived individuals that tried to move up onto her, presumably to dance, while she reached out with the force and probed the minds of those around her, her eyes opening and closing silently as she smiled like a fox to the feeling she got from the horde of vulnerable teens and young adults in the main concourse of Vision 5. Eventually she found the presence, or presences, that she was looking for. In the direction of the V.I.P room she could feel someone, an entity or two, whom were very grounded in the dark side of the force, much as herself, and felt to be somewhat different than the rest. Upon entering the room Silara was greeted with the sight of many more well-off beings, and wondered how many of them were the people she was looking for.

[member="Cable Smith"].
[member="Ghrom Xenos"]

Looking up at the towering gun toting alien the three bouncers in front were not about to let some gun crazed alien into their club. "You're joking right? Look buddy if you want to go shoot something up there's a hospital a block away. Now get gone before you get got." With a calm and cold threat the Bouncer signaled to the other two men to act, one to have the local authorities on standby and the other to call all security to the front of the doors to handle this creature. "You have three seconds to disarm before this gets bad for your health." With another threat it had looked like back up had come.

Coming forward behind the bouncer in a orderly fashion a good seven men stood between him and the entrance of the club. Concealing blaster rifles in their coats the situation was not getting any better at all. Hopefully this maniac wouldn't open fire so the others inside wouldn't be compromised

[member="Sherruk Fett"]
Leaving two more dead bodies the Mandolorian found himself in a turbo lift headed to the top floor of the building. A soft melody played in the lift providing a small little moment of peace and clarity. Hopefully that would remind him what exactly was going on at the moment. He was a heavily armored Mandolorian in a night club with armed guards, and possibly energy vampires. This was not a very good time to think with your fist. But he had already killed three men and there would be no going back at this point.

Reaching the top floor the doors of the lift swung open and revealed a room, but not just any room. The main security room, standing there in black coats with rifles in hand. Four well trained guards looked over to the Zabrack. They were on their way to deal with a disturbance at the front door when they saw the giant armor clad killer covered in the blood of their co workers.

"We didn't see anything." Putting their hands up the four men backs away slowly from the mando, they figured he was here for Veronica anyway and they weren't about to die for what was being paid to them. Waking away downstairs the men booked it out of there pronto.

[member="Silara Vantai"]

"Welcome Miss Valentine, please enjoy your stay." Leading the young woman into the plush red satin lounge a few men and women lay scattered across it, well dressed and with drinks in hand they seemed to having a good time. Taking a further grasp of the setting a few people stood around a modern horse shoe style bar. The room was decorated in fancy artwork and was much quieter than the main section of the club. But then something interesting happened inside. The added security in the room began to leave. There was a priority one situation at the front doors. Walking away from the lounge a few people left as well not wanting to stick around for what might be going down out front

"I'm sorry Miss Valentine there seems to be an issue up front please enjoy yourself and I'm sure it will be resolved quickly." At the name of Miss Valentine the ears of two men perked up and looked over at the woman. They were certainly the source of the darkside in this room. Cold and calculating predators. Looking over to the woman they looked her up and down eying her. She was not the woman she said she was. In a smooth manner the two men walked over to the Sith, they wore suits of dull grey that contrasted with their pale skin. "Hello, Miss Valentine." One of them said to the young sith. "Perhaps my friend and I could offer you a drink." With a smile on his face the two pale men were most certain that something was afoot

Sherruk Fett

Fear, it was the best weapon that could be used, it made beings that were once a threat flee, while it made others stronger, and more desperate to fight. It was a weapon well utilized by the mandalorians, in their warrior culture, only the best of the best could rule, fear could not bring the zabrak down. But instead made him stronger, was it smart to kill those three so brutally? The answer would be no, in the demolition man's mind, but he still had the element of surprise, for however much longer was the question. So the men would be running in fear causing suspicion throughout the club, the warrior had to move quickly, or die. His father had taught him this, and it always served him well, immediately he sprinted hard into the security room looking for the controls, he wanted to blow them up, leaving the whole entire building in chaos. Even in his armor, the athlete was fast, but the one thing he wondered was where exactly was the office of veronica? While on the move he spoke into everyone's communication piece, " Alright, whoever is investigating the possible energy vampire connection to the club, beware, I will be messing with the security system, do not be alarmed. I also have a possible energy vampire by the name of veronica, she's running this karking spice club." . [member="Cable Smith"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Ghrom Xenos"] [member="Veino Garn"]
Veino turned the corner and stopped, slowly scanning the scene. There was a killer loose. Not including the energy vampires and the significant Dark Side presence he could sense inside. He hid his own Force signature so as to remain undiscovered and unsensed by other Force sensitives. Then he backed away from the alley and headed around the block to circle around the back, searching for a ledge or window or pipe. Anything really, to get him to the upper floors. The vamps would probably be either in the top floor or the basement.

His comm beeped, and he listened, and then clicked an acknowledgement. There were no need for words for the reply.

[member="Cable Smith"]
She smiled and nodded appreciatively for the warning, knowing that some idiot in the group that she'd been with prior was likely causing this issues with security. A pity, as she was already inside, but she did not dwell on it as her gaze fluttered around and then settled on two very attractive men whom she could literally feel their connection to the dark side through the force, to the point that once they walked over to them she could almost taste the darkness that they must live in. "Why yes, I'd love to have a drink with you." Silara replied, turning up her charm to the umpteenth degree - something of a specialty of hers, really. Following the two back to their table, she made sure to saunter to her seat as seductively as possibly, sliding into it as if she'd done this hundreds of times - she hadn't. In reality, she was a teenager whom had made a living prior to her induction as a Sith apprentice by doing things such as this with rich CEOs and the like. While she was never really happy with making money that way, it was certainly a great skill set to have in situations such as these. While she took a sip from the cocktail that she still held in her hand, smiling at the two, she felt the sudden tug in the force that only death could bring, meaning the security detail dispatched earlier must have been killed, or those encountering one of the intruders had been killed.

Setting the cocktail glass down, she heard the transmission from [member="Sherruk Fett"] and let out a bored sigh, knowing now that the gig was certainly up - or would be if the karking idiot somehow caused a mass panic. Leaning over the tabletop, her low-cut dress exposing a bit of cleavage to bring the attention of the two men back to her in the most quick manner possible, outside of force that is, the Hapan teen smiled again. "Tell me, boys...what do you know of the Sith?" Silara asked, her seductive tone still very evident, though she dropped the farce of being this 'Miss Valentine'. "How about you both show me to Miss Veronica, and we can discuss our situation in private before we are interrupted." The blonde added, through telepathy.

[member="Cable Smith"]
Ghrom smiled at all the bouncers, He was on a mission and didnt have time for this stuff, Though he did think it was cute of them and he did not want to kill anyone.​
Dropping his bagged Rifle on the ground Ghrom threw took out a flower from his pouch on his bandolier and dropped. It was beautiful and smelled wonderful. The Flower was native to his Jungle world and he was immune to the temporary sleep effect that would take place soon, It would last about 15minutes. With another hand Ghrom dropped a bag of credit chips.. 10,000 from a last bounty now on the floor and with any luck the masses would frantically run to it trying to collect it. A riot would break out side the club soon if everything worked, A giant crowd of sleeping people.​
Ghrom slowly stepped to the side letting everyone see the open bag of credits.​
[member="Cable Smith"]​
Arriving in a sleek new speeder that was all black, and extra tinted windows, Romeo stepped out of the speeder dressed in sleek new jacket with furry white lining on the hood. He pants a nice black matte color, and black boots. His hands dug deep in his pockets, and look of almost no care in the world was expressed on his face. The jacket itself was black, and nothing was presented on his body as a weapon. He didnt need them. He wanted a nice night of doing whatever, and heard that it was quite hard to get into this club. He was going to test this rumor. So far he had heard it all about this place, violence, drinks, drugs etc. He cracked his neck as he stood there, watching the line very, very slowly move up. He shrugged, and skipped the line walking up to the bouncer at the entrance.
What no one knew was this man was a king, a young king, but a king.

Slipping a credit chip on the man's datapad without showing care for the people speaking out against him, and his skipping. He looked up at the man with his blood red eyes, and his black hair in the his face. The credit chip held ten thousand credits on it.
All Romeo said was, "I'm on that list, but you dont need to ask for my name. If you do..well theres another ten thousand to keep that question from being asked. So." he held up another ten thousand credits. "Is my name on that list?" he smiled at the bouncer. Hell he would pay the man more if he wanted too, but he also didnt know he would pay the man more if it took that. [member="Cable Smith"]

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