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Approved NPC The Thorne Family

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  • Family Name: The Thorne Family
  • Family Type: Single-Parent
  • Place of Origin: Coruscant, Level 4120
  • Family Size: 2 family members
  • Loyalties: Morrigan Thorne Morrigan Thorne , Coruscant,
  • Description: The only two members of this family are simply put, a mother and son. The mother has built up a trade empire, with her son now joining her in the now family business. When together, they will often have civil talks, keeping to a high standard when around others. When talking business, they both show a high degree of understanding of how their empire works, and operates. When alone, they will often be more caring towards one another, showing a deep care for one another as mother and son. The insignia was created after Morrigan's husband passed from illness. It is designed to appear like a vine with thorns coiling around a spiked ring. The son wants to do well by their family, keeping the business strong and their reputation high. Morrigan has similar goals, but is willing to do anything she has to to keep it that way.

  • Name: Morrigan Thorne Morrigan Thorne , aka, Miss Thorne, Lady Thorne
  • Age: 31 years old
  • Species: Human
  • Role: Mother and head of the family
  • Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, High Galactic, Bocce, Cheunh, Dug, Durese, Huttese, Kaleesh, Kaminoan, Togruti, and Twi'leki.
  • Skills: Morrigan is a skilled business woman, able to run her empire alone for over twenty years. She is able to fight well with her knife, cybernetic enhancements, and the limited force abilities she can use. This includes: Force Push, Pull, Shatterpoint, Force Jump.
  • Notable Possessions: Blaster pistol, hidden knife, brass knuckles, a ring from a past partner, and a locket containing a picture of a 18 year old boy who is her son, a cybernetic arm, and internal cybernetics
  • Holdings: The Thorne family has a large business empire to its name, with trades across multiple systems, sectors, planets, even to the outer rim. This was built up from a small fashion business to interplanetary trade, to others joining it or being taken over by it. The Thorne family homestead has two locations. One on Coruscant at Level 5120, a product of their success. The other is on Naboo in the Gallo Mountains. It is looked after by a collection of staff until the family arrive there for a get away or invited guests.
  • Appearance Often adorned in a multi piece suit of black and purple fabric, Morrigan is a woman of culture and high status. Each public appearance to other has her wearing expensive clothing and being driven in a private car. She can often be seen wearing elaborate or expensive jewellery, such as necklaces, bracelets, or even earrings. Her hair is often in one of two styles. It is ether fashioned to be more sweeping to one side, becoming longer on side side than the other. The other is it cut shorter, to around neck length. Her nails often have a polished and painted look to them, as she takes her appearance rather seriously, even for only minute events or meetings.
  • Description: Morrigan is a kind woman, with especial care towards children. She is often seen being business orientated and committed to keeping her reputation stable, but can also act aggressive at times. Some call this a by product of her work, other say that there is something wrong with her. Behind closed doors, she is an aggressive woman towards competition, any threats, and even going so far as to relish in the suffering of others. If she needs to take someone down, she will use her cybernetic arm's built in brass knuckles or her specially made knife. However, her aggressiveness does not dull her caution and premeditated thinking.
FAMILY MEMBER 2 (Any Extra Slots Can be Removed - Add as many as needed.)
  • Name: Riven Thorne, Son of Thorne, Mr Thorne
  • Age: 18 years old
  • Species: Human
  • Role: Son of Morrigan
  • Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, High Galactic,
  • Skills: Despite his mother's force abilities, it hasn't shown any signs of being passed to him. In compensation for this development, he has taken up blaster training, hand to hand combat, and other forms of fighting skills. Outside of combat, he is a dap hand at business and dealing with the many forms of trade that their empire wide companies utilize. He is skilled with technology and data encryption.
  • Notable Possessions: a pair of WESTAR-35 blaster pistols, a broach from his passed father, a private air speeder
  • Holdings: (Same as the holdings as Morrigan Thorne, as a co-owner)
  • Appearance: Riven Thorne has a slender, yet broad shouldered frame, a pointed chin and a mess of brown hair. When individuals come to him during his time monitoring the business, they can often see him in a black suit and purple tie, mainly to show his wealth, social standing, and to keep the family's professional reputation high. He often can be found with a data pad looking over data from recent trade shipments or from other parts of the enterprise the family has. His weapons are hidden beneath his coat, whilst a broach of silver and gold rests upon his chest. The insignia is the one used by the family, a gift from his father before his death, when he was only eight months old.
  • Description: When around business associates, Riven acts like a polite businessman with an air of pride. Having learnt how to act polite in certain gatherings he is also kind, generous, and willing to do many polite gestures to others to curry favour with them. Behind closed doors he will often express how the business can get overwhelming for him at times. But, he will constantly reinforce that with his strong desire to keep the business up and their family name strong. Given his father's death, him and his mother, Morrigan Thorne, are the only family they have. He as never met his grandparents on either side of the family, a decision made by his mother given the bad blood between her own parents, and the fact that his father's parents never got on with his mother.


The family that led to the Thorne blood line started on Naboo thirty generations ago. It started with the senator Rudric Thorne, an advocate for interplanetary trade and alliances. Despite his repeated attempts to get the monarch to create allies outside of the planet, he was always refused. Despite this constant set back, Rudric Thorne had his hand in many trade businesses across the galaxy, bringing in a consistent supply of credits. Once he met his future wife, Allicia Florona, an envoy for one of the trade companies he was affiliated with, they married and bore multiple children. Since that time, the family has kept up its high class position and smart investment choices till seven generations back. Marurk Thorne, a shrew of a man, had gotten into debt with a cartel group off world, and thus, had to give thousands of credits to keep them off the family's back. However, their arrest was soon to occur three years later. However, the damage was done. Marurk had cut the family's fortune into a quarter of what it was. His wife, Neirah Thorne, formally a member of the Kenter family, divorced him and kicking him out of the family. She kept his name, as did her children, who eventually led down the generations to Harak Thorne, and, Lisarn Thorne, the parents to Morrigan Thorne. Since then, Morrigan had lived on Naboo until she left for the core planet Coruscant. There she met Lukan Drenn and got married three years later. Their marriage was short lived, as was their joy as he developed an incurable illness just after their son, Riven Thorne, was born. When the boy was eight months old, his father passed, leaving all his assets to them. Currently, they are the only remaining Thornes outside of Morrigan's parents who have not contacted her since she left nearly over twenty years ago.
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