Classification: Big Droid
Weight: 15,000 Tons
Length: 2,500m
Movement: Well its a worm...it moves in worm like movements.
Armaments: The Thresher Unlike many other of Omni's droids was actually not designed to be a weapon. It was originally designed and created to use in the creation and building of planets. Because of this The Thresher is only equipped with a massive set of drill's that function as its “mouth”as well as a massive series of mining lasers. These lasers are powerful compact beam lasers that cut through rock, metal, and even certain starship hulls. The Thresher is massively powerful and heavily armored. It was designed to cut and break through any planetary bodies. Also to compensate for its lack of weapons all over the Thresher are several dozen massive blades to slice through anything it passes by.
Misc. Equipment: The Thresher is equipped with a heavy sensor packet as well as other sensors used to penetrate through tons and tons of dirt, rock and miscellaneous metal. Along with this the Thresher is also covered in extremely heavy armor making it fairly difficult to kill.
History: The Thresher was created and originally produced to help the galaxy in forging and re-forging old and forgotten worlds. After these planets were created and there was no more use for them the Threshers were put into a dormant state. Now that Omni has come back to re-invade the dormant Threshers upon dozens of worlds have been re-awakened to fight in these battles. The Thresher also serves a secondary function. Once it has consumed enough matter it will return to one of Omni's factories and deposit the raw materials so that they may be processed into more droids.